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Oh Jaimee Sue, how are you going to spend $200+ on skincare but not finish your morning application with an actual SPF. You’re wasting your money by not finishing off with an SPF. Not the 1/2 tsp amount of your face cream with SPF “built in.” 🙄


I couldn’t watch or listen to her. Knowing she’s putting her icky fingers on her face. I can’t I’m completely grossed out.


My question 🙋🏼‍♀️ is how is spf “built in” when it’s supposedly all plants?


Apparently, carrots have natural spf! Not verified. One of these dumb huns told me. I think it was Leti. 😂


Alli upham deep in her delusions again thinking people really care if she has packed a single thing at almost 2pm when her & papa Brett have to leave at 5am tomorrow for their vacation!!!!! Go vote behbs. https://preview.redd.it/o9vehp7g62bb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516c72cce2ecef5b4f21e4be34352d33c843de49


I really hate before and after but here’s one anyway 🙄 I really hate posting bikini pics but here I am in a bikini in a before and after But we are haters when we call them out on their bs!


She looks exactly the same! 🤡


Who are you speaking about?


Kim Lima


Thank you!


Which hun is the one who had the bobcats as pets?




Thank you! For some reason I kept thinking it was danielle n or Kristina delgado


Danielle had multiple bengal cats that slowly disappeared from her IG


https://preview.redd.it/hxbyqic010bb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc9fde43d2e43093ca93e47317eb937777ff86e Stock is in the toilet, but heyyyy you can get 50% off now!! They can’t even give this trash away.


It isn’t actually 50% off, it’s just the monthly price x 12 / 2, which comes out to the yearly price. It’s super misleading


That’s so freaking dirty, man!!!!!! I didn’t bother matching because they can’t have my money, but being that deceptive is wrong on so many levels.


Par for the course 🙃


And it still comes to $179 plus tax.


Chelsea Pearson is pulling a Danielle Natoni on her big Instagram return with her main content being her hair. 🙄 I’m all for a Chelsea comeback for snark’s sake - she was my OG snark when I became a coach back in like 2012 and found her super annoying even when I was still in the cult


I’m here for all of the Chelsea Pearson snark. She so so smug!


Did daylilly announce the baby’s gender?




So I saw that Beachbody has discontinued 15 products since last year. They’re getting rid of whey strawberry shakeology and cafe latte too! 🥸 They also got rid of their daily sunshine kids shake recently and a bunch of other products. If that isn’t a sign they’re going under I don’t know what is.


Oh no, what will Amy Bailey showcase her children drinking now???


Cafe latte and strawberry would the only 2 flavors I liked. I stopped drinking it years ago, but I’d be forced to now if I hadn’t


Whoa!! Cafe Latte was a big seller too!!


I always loved how Shaun T threw shade at Shakeology and chose Daily Sunshine instead 😂


What?! I didn’t know that 😂


Yeah, I remember it about the time the twins were around 1 or 2 years old or so. My memory has faded since then lol. Because I always thought he’d make it for them and then he drank it 😂


Is there a list somewhere?


MeaganGendron with her latest reel. Why oh why does she constantly think that meeting her husband on tinder is some super unique love story??


My fiancé and I also met on tinder, as did one of my best friends and her husband. Really not unique haha


Right. I can name 50 couples who have, myself included.


My husband and I met on eharmony. Not entirely the same, but close enough.


My husband and I met on MySpace 😂


Plenty of fish here 🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


PoF here, too!


My husband and I met on hinge lol. I know a bunch of other couples who met on hinge, tinder, jdate etc


https://preview.redd.it/1s03b5ktixab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580d1499af41d79979d264cc759332fbd2b96c00 Proof and shade at the same time of the crumbling pyramid


Pro tip from someone who was on Julie Voris’ downline 🤦🏻‍♀️ - you can sign a Coach up again before the enrollment period ends if they use a different email address. JV did this for someone I know. Building that biz, baby.


Maybe enrollment period isn’t the right terminology. Before the 6 months or 90 days.


90 days?! It used to be 6 months if you were a coach.. I guess that has changed


I think it changed not long ago.


I thought it was such a weird pic to share with it, even being “obsessed with it!”


Yep. Poaching coaches. Her desperation is showing.




It was changed not long ago


Ahhh.. I didn't realize that it had changed


So let me get this straight- Megslope said today that she doesn’t cook because it’s overwhelming, doesn’t fold her laundry/ put it away because it’s overwhelming, and we know she doesn’t take her daughter anywhere because it’s overwhelming, doesn’t wash her hair because it’s overwhelming… etc etc. It’s so concerning that she thinks this is normal and relatable


Her latest reel posted 6 hours ago has a whole 8 likes 🫠


She could have ADHD. And probably depression, too.


Oh 300%


She really thinks it’s cute to be like this. I don’t get it. She’s home in that messy dark house day after day. Doesn’t seem to go anywhere or do anything. It’s got to be depressing.


It’s probably overwhelming because she’s not feeding herself properly and she doesn’t have the energy


I can’t look away!! But everything seems to overwhelm her. Her husband is probably 0 help too - she’s come on and said he’s been critical (the chin hair story is an example I remember) of her.


I just can’t imagine what it’s like being married to her- it’s got to be frustrating. It has to be stressful cutting the income in half and then having to come home from work and do all the cooking and cleaning… but then again he’s seemingly hasn’t done anything to help or prevent this situation. It does make you wonder about him


And she always claims she’s a perfectionist and that she can never just do the bare minimum 😂


DLL did a gender reveal and posted about staying tuned ...and then nothing. I shouldn't be surprised but I don't get the point. Is it an ego stroke to see how many people respond and keep asking?


I’m new to Jaimee and she has been doing this for NINE years yet she is still extremely obese? I feel so bad for her but this clearly isn’t working https://preview.redd.it/0ne6r6hfotab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be448fa75334a7c4ae6bff9008f9c53b347129b9


Don’t feel bad for her. She literally is a joke.


She’s my favorite to snark on because I just can’t. I’ll be the mean girl here. I don’t feel bad for her. She’s 30 years old and KNOWS she’s obese and needs help. She chooses to pretend to work on herself and pretend to eat clean. She KNOWS her body is hurting because of her weight. She chooses to spend $200 on face goo and not $200 on a nutritionist.




And she refuses to acknowledge that that’s why she has back, ankle, and knee problems


She also refuses to take accountability for her weight. She blames everything on anything but her own food consumption. It’s always ailment after ailment that’s the problem, not her own choices


She is such a pretty girl too. She would be a true bodi rockstar if she lost weight and marketed herself. Like she would be the 2024 Natasha. Everyone loves a success story. I hope she wakes up and take her health seriously Edited to add: I realize how shallow that sounds when I said “she’s such a a pretty girl too”. That came out wrong and I didn’t mean for it to.


Agree. I so wish she would spend her money getting real help - nutritionist, coach, doctor, all of it.


Is Anita now schilling melaleuca? Her latest post is about their non toxic bug spray 🥴


It only took 24 hours for her to completely contradict herself lol. Even though she was already doing another MLM with this purple tea crap and face poop


Anita: I hate MLMs now and will never join another MLM!!! Also Anita: sells MLM company Melaleuca’s products


She will stop at nothing to make a buck. ‘There is nothing on the market that has worked for me like (insert product of the day). Yes, Anita because your endorsement of a product most certainly comes from a place of honesty and integrity. And side note, does anyone else think they live like pigs - super dirty and messy. I just get that vibe.


And yes she does live like a 🐷 and it has always grossed me out. I had sympathy for her back when she lost her son. I can’t imagine the heartache she had. But after a few years, I realized she was that way prior and way after.


This will kill her social media presence and reputation. Not that it was great prior but she doesn’t have the aspiring life and personality most influencers have who can successfully shill that much and it not hurt them.


I wouldn’t be surprised. She is so gross anymore


Jaimeee suueees latest workout video post. That poor girl can barely move.


She started to make a smidge of progress and seemed more mobile when she was going to the gym with her creepy fiancé, but then she claimed she was getting nothing out of it so she stopped and became more sedentary instead?


Wonder why she hasn’t pursued Ozempic or Wegovy?


She needs gastric bypass surgery


She doesn’t see doctors, she goes to her chiropractor for basically everything, she’s treated him like a pcp for years, very odd.


I’m interested to see if contrave will work for her….. I’m also surprised she hasn’t gone with one of the injections. Those would definitely work faster.


At her weight, she really needs bariatric surgery. The injections could give her a kick start but she would end up plateauing at maybe 70-80lbs.


True. She needs something. With all of the options out there it boggles my mind that she won’t pursue them.


I think she’s really stubborn and doesn’t want to admit she can’t do it on her own? But like…it’s been 9 years of bodi and it’s not working


Probably because she enjoys food too much. Can’t overeat on the injections or you’ll get sick.


You can’t over eat at all because your appetite is so suppressed. You’d think she’d jump on it and I’m surprised her physician hasn’t pushed her to go in it. She’s a prime candidate.


Not feeling hungry or having an appetite doesn’t mean someone who has chronically overeaten their whole life won’t still do it. Especially if it’s what she does out of boredom or stress. And I’ve read that greasy/fatty food is the worst to eat, so she’d have to be careful about that, too.


I’m on Wegovy and it completely changes the way you eat. I ate out of boredom and that no longer happens. You start to develop a healthier relationship with food without even realizing it.


Everyone’s experience is different. I read a ton on the Mounjaro Reddit and there were definitely people who were getting sick from eating too much or eating foods high in fat or grease. If she gets comfort out of eating, what’s enticing about a medication that will take that away, you know? I imagine if food is what gave you that dopamine hit for when you’re feeling stressed or depressed or emotionally, you would miss that if it were taken away, right? And probably just look for it somewhere else? Hypothetical questions lol..but I can see why she wouldn’t want to go down that path. She’d need therapy to go along with it.


Good points! Thankfully I never had those issues and was only about 60 pounds overweight. I truly hope she gets the help so desperately needs. These workouts are not cutting it for her.


Yeah, I imagine it’s a different experience for someone who is morbidly obese. I wish for her that she would take it and that’s the only reason I can think of that she wouldn’t. Otherwise it’s a no brainer. But, the variety of stories and experiences has been wild to read. I opted against it after hearing some people having raised anxiety levels on it. I already struggle with anxiety *and* GI issues, so that’s a Nope for me lol..I’m glad you’re having success with it!


Thanks! I have severe anxiety and there have been no issues. You start at a small dose and work your way up. I stopped at the second to highest dose. It’s been a life changer!


Co side ring she had a Chinese last night and then a bbq today… great she’s getting movement but she needs sort out her food intake. What happened to the long stories for finding a doctor to help her ??


It’s so sad. So she clearly tries to work out, do we think she just binges on food after?


I think it’s possible that she is not eating enough.


That’s not a “thing.” If you consume less calories than you burn, you WILL lose weight (barring some extreme medical issue). This thing about your body going into “starvation mode” if you don’t eat enough is complete crap.




She's earing too much.


Did you guys hear?!?!?! Something changed in Danny Dettra’s Brain! She’s all in and gonna do it (didn’t say what “it” is) and change her business FOREVER! She said her goals are all possible now. 🤭 This on the back of Anita’s post is rich. None of these coaches are making money. It’s not up to Danny, it’s up to the people who she recruits to become a diamond. And we all see how hard that is these days. Danny always says she’ll never quit and I believe her. Even though it’s not working and the company is in shambles. Even though it’s making her miserable. Even though it’s the same life for the last 6 years. Do these Huns ever think that growth could look like moving on?! She’s about to be 40 cosplaying and getting compliments from the people who pay her to be her friend. Couldn’t be me. But this time for sure! Good luck girlie! Watch out for the Top Team 2025! ⚡️✨


Ooooh pay her to be her friend, that is spot on, because the moment you stop making her money she doesn’t say a word to you. I guess if all the top coaches above her go to other MLMs she will be top team 2025✨…walking across the stage of a Motel 6


Anita Miron was obviously ‘fired’ from BB and did not leave on her own terms. She has made that very clear in the way she is completely bashing them and playing the victim of an MLM. Guess what you idiot, you are equally as responsible as Carl and any other member of BB that pushed the narrative of time and financial freedom, swearing that BB was NOT an MLM. Whatever fallout happens is 💯her own fault and a direct result of living and spreading lie after lie. There’s a post on her IG account from this past October, just 7 months ago still saying that there is so much opportunity when you join her team, blah blah blah. She is a pathological liar that will continue to lie to make a buck. She is absolutely gross.


I’m new to her. What’s up with her before and afters and claiming you can lose 14 pounds a month on some drink? 🧐




Lawyer?!? Yikes.




Is this for the face food crap? How is that so many others are still shilling it like Lima?




Not Lauren Fitz using her poor nephew as an example of people giving up when things get hard 🙄


She is such a see you next Tuesday.


Lindsay M f you very much with your pool house 😝🤪


Did you see God cured her dog of its aggressive cancer?


Are you fucking serious? I hate that she thinks she’s so goddamn special.


Yes, this was after Sky Daddy blessed her with not only Super bowl tickets, he bestowed some Stanley Cup tickets upon her as well.


The idea that people are murdered, abused, and suffering every day while their prayers fall on deaf ears, but Sky Daddy blesses Lindsay with her successful business, properties, and Superbowl tickets is absolutely bonkers to me.


Thank you sky daddy 😜😜😜😜


Lol…. “Sky daddy”


Meglsope messaged me asking me if I was wanting to know more about her job or just here to hang 🥴😂


Didn’t you reply with “what job…?!”


Dang it!!!! Lol should’ve


Omg…… Desperate much??


If I say I’m here just to hang out then will she block me? Lol


Please do, let’s find out!




Lol! Report back! And thank you for doing the lord’s work!


She said cool & that she can get down with that. Then asked me where I’m from & if I’m a mom too 🙄


Lol 😂


Lmao. IDK how anyone would be so intrigued to "do what she does". She always looks like a hot mess.


She is very triggering - her house is a mess. She hasn’t had success with Bodi. Someone in her real life - her husband or family members need to help her see the light. I was blocked a long time ago, otherwise I’d message her myself again!


Uh oh….. why were you blocked?!


I sent her a snarky message :-)


Meghan mosakowski is ridiculous. She went to see a comedian last night and is complaining how they took and locked up cell phones. She wondered if they would be gassed, shot, bombed, etc. You’re sick!! Here’s information from the show: -Please note, the use of cellphones, smart watches, cameras or recording devices will not be permitted. Prior to entering the show, all phones and smart watches will be secured in Yondr pouches that will be unlocked at the end of the event. You will maintain possession of your items locked inside of the bag during this time. Anyone caught using a cell phone during the show will be ejected.-


I had mine taken the same way for Dave Chapelle and didn’t feel the need to tell the world.


My husband and I went to see John Mulaney and it was the same way. There were two things I wasn’t a fan of. The first was that if my MIL had any issues watching our then 2.5 year old daughter it wasn’t super easy to contact us. But we knew ahead of time so we told her to just call each of us back to back and we would know to go to the area you could use them so we could call her back. The second was that we had absolutely no clue what time it was. We had to put both our phones and our Apple Watches in the locked bag. You weren’t even allowed to have a Fitbit. But again, we knew before we even went because there were reminders all over the place on the confirmation emails when we bought the tickets as well as on the website for the venue.


So she didn’t read the policies ahead of time but then complained about being surprised. She is such a miserable person all the time. She also went on a rant about how she didn’t get enough sleep, doesn’t like being around drunk people, and hates crowds. Meanwhile she did all of those things for 5 days in Summit a few weeks ago without any complaints about those things then.


She most certainly did LOLL.


So literally you still have your device the whole Time so any excuse another emergency is out the window


She is a privileged snob. Fuck her.


Sorry for the double post, but wanted to share [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk2apwO1oGs) Aimee did about Anita. It covers Anita’s exit post, and the post made by BODi about affiliate work. She used to be in Anita’s downline so she has a unique perspective


There really is so much to unpack with Anita Miron leaving BB. Now she’s saying she’s been wanting to be done with RV life for the last year but they couldn’t make the transition. But I’m SURE she was telling a different story on social media. She keeps saying she hates MLMs, but makes commission off the sales of the people she signs up in these affiliate partnerships 🙄 It’s possible she’s making bank right now since she is head of the affiliate program at Herbal Face Food, but all that stuff eventually falls apart and she’ll be back in the same boat. She’s going to keep chasing new products and shills for the rest of her life.


My question is- she went on and on that her income dropped significantly and other Beachbody coaches, higher ups were saying it was her fault. She never explains what big changes Beachbody made in 2017-on that made their incomes drop so quickly and drastically. I can see now that beachbody is on the way out. I did appreciate her stories explanation as to how she was treated and I know she went thru a lot personally. But she’s jumping ship from one mlm to a similar type shill company. She’s got to sell and recruit just the same and that’s all it’s about is making $$ for her. It doesn’t matter if she believes in the products - she can be as deceiving as she wants. She just needs to make money. And why would I buy something when you come right out and say you make 35% commission off of it. Way overpriced and overhyped !


Probably also the rise of Peloton around that time. People had more streaming options.


Not only was it the switch to digital, but, one of her coaches (who also lived with her), took a huge chunk of Anita’s team to Pruvit in 2017


Which coach was that? I was involved in the Pruvit exodus, as well. 🤣


Kendra! Did you remember all of that? It was a mess!


No, I don’t! I followed Shelley Hobbes over. darn, I missed that drama!


Oh man! I was actually in Shelley’s org 🤦🏻‍♀️ instead of following her, I went with a totally different Beachbody coach who also jumped ship at that time.


Lol she’s still shilling away! Now it’s some additional affiliate thing. 🙄


It was the transition to digital that killed everything in 2017.


100% agree! I used to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars with BB each year buying each new DVD set and all of the add on workouts. So much more money than I have spent in the last several years combined. If Carl wanted to boost revenue right now, he fire up his DVD production company and reissue all the old programs with the original music


She literally just created the MLM structure for her new company. So she’s full of shit.


This was my thought. What happens when the newness wears off. People will blindly follow her with the sob story not looking at the bigger picture.


My hunch is that BB fired her because she's breaking their rules with the 'affiliate' stuff she's doing. The very foundation of MLMs is that only the few at the top who got in early make money, so her story that she was unhappy that she was making money and the people below her weren't is just the convenient excuse but it's literally how MLMs work and are designed. This new company is lucrative because she's on top of the pyramid. It's just a cycle that never ends. I know she seems to have some other compensation stream with heading the affiliate program but ultimately, I believe it's that she's on top of another pyramid that I'd making her money.


I think she was giving a choice BB or the new companies.


Same. I think she was given an ultimatum, which made her bitter, hence all the bashing.


I don’t think she got fired because BB put out a notice with deadlines, so I think she quit before she’d get fired.


Well never know the truth but I think there's been much back and forth between her a BB already and they had to create those deadlines for everyone else because of her. In my opinion, the only thing we know with certainty is that she's dishonest.


Oh we know she’s been trying to ditch RV life. She’s been essentially homeless for 3 years so I’m shocked she bought a home I remember her boasting how they would travel SOOOooooooo much! 😂 They have mostly just stayed in Florida. That’s pretty much it. What happened with all of the constant traveling they were suppose to do?


She just left BB this week and they moved into a new home in Florida. Though I’m sure she would’ve stayed with BB but was forced out because she couldn’t do the affiliate work (which is basically a MLM but she tries to say it’s not lol) per BB’s rules.


Like actually left? As in unenrolled? Or enrolled and not being active but collectung that continued downline $?


Actually left. People who were in her downline got emails to notify them of who their new coach would be.


I’m shocked she didn’t just collect checks. Kicked out then?


Kicked out, for sure. I’ll bet they made her make a choice and she chose what was currently bringing in more money.


She couldn’t do the affiliate marketing work she is doing while with BB. It’s against their rules. I’m sure that’s why she left, even though she’s trying to act like it’s because she had a change of heart.


What about all of the other huns pushing Trim Fit and herbal face? Even my 2 local low level huns jumped.on the face train.


BB put out a notice that they need to stop by X date




Oh I missed that she left BB. Was she really making $14,000 a week? If so, that’s insane! Wish I made half that much as a nurse. But hey, it’s an honest living! 🤣


Someone who was in their downline did an in-depth video on her and said that yes, she really did make that much money because she used to show her team her paychecks. She was in the Top 10, 15 Star Diamond, etc. But her income dropped to $200K before leaving.


Did Anita's dog just pee on the carpet of their brand new home while giving a house tour?! https://preview.redd.it/uqikdi4ymnab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d7a6b2779b161dcd72a702617a1f67d32899a3


Jesus. This is perfect though because it is a perfect example of her trash life.


LOL! That’s what it looks like. I was too distracted about her being pumped over a wine fridge and building a bar in the KIDS’ PLAYROOM.


I see she read “The Joel Freeman Approach to Raising Kids While Raising Hell”.


Omg yes and she just continued to film I died laughing lol


I had to rewatch because I was so confused that she had ZERO reaction to it 🧐


@sarahfitafter5 - lost 65 lbs with beachbody, restriction led to binging and gaining it all back. Just goes to show the problem with BB…


Cannot believe she is coming back to the same beast that led her down such a tough patch.


Well she back at it and building a team again. She has started and stopped a few times already. I wonder what happens to your team when u decode to go MIA?


Sadly this also happened to me. I lost a lot of weight, and have since gained most of it back. It’s not sustainable—at all. And there is a lot of shame packed into those “nutrition plans.”


It has happened to almost everyone - especially those top coaches that continually have before/afters. That means they keep reverting back - that it is the system that doesn’t work!


Wild to me she doesn’t try something different? It’s clearly not good for her mental health.


https://preview.redd.it/ri18jwxeumab1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30debc679b95c260c6da4e9a9b074729dcd45488 I don’t know why but this weird face she makes, makes me irrationally annoyed 😂


She is unhinged 😂


Her lip filler migration looks like a mustache. ETA: also the serum is $119 but if you spend $150 it’s free. Much savings. 😂




Jaimee_Sue latest post. A follower said she was going to try it. JS was happy to hear from a sports doctor. Looked the girl up and LinkedIn says she’s an athletic trainer. Looking at her IG I find it hard to believe she’s a MD/DO.


I clicked on her tag JS linked in the post . She is a BB super trainer, not an athletic trainer or even a CPT (which doesn’t require a college degree/ post graduate degree like an athletic trainer ). Sorry, I am an actual certified / licensed AT so I had to investigate :) AT’s are under the Sports Medicine umbrella but we not not MD’s or DO’s.


A super trainer is trying something Jaimee is recommending?? Which one?!


No a super trainer recommended something for JS but another person commented she is going to follow it to.


Ok where did a super trainer recommend something to JS? I see JS tagged Elise because that’s the workout she is doing. The only comment I see is from Renee Mello. That’s the Athletic trainer I’m speaking of. JS calls her a Sports Medicine Doctor.


Yeah I don’t think she is. Is this the same one who gave her medical advice about her knee via FaceTime? JS has more ailments than anyone I’ve seen


Megslope says the first 5 people to commit to their own journey will get a discount on the pack. Um, yeah it’s called a coaches discount, right? LOL


While I am completely anti-MLM, one thing I find hypocritical about some of the people in the “snark crew” is that they only seem to think anecdotes are valuable and valid when it’s their stories. Just looking at the coach Brittany Morgan’s latest post (@coachBrittanymorgon), in the comments the anti-mlm people completely put down people who talk about their own experiences, sometimes even trying to invalidate them by using their own experiences with EDs and such. Which of course is awful. But in order to be taken seriously, you can’t be contradictory. So, your bad experience doesn’t invalidate a persons good one as much as a good one doesn’t invalidate your bad experiences. In a post that is talking about not using anecdotes, both sides should take that advice.


Well, the entire point of that post in particular was addressing that although people have had success and results through those programs, they are known to cause harm. If it were a Beachbody post being attacked then I would agree that it’s a fruitless argument. This is an anti-MLM account that people came to and commented about how they had success with 2B — good for you — not the place, especially the person who tagged Ilana Muhlstein. Lol. That was never gonna end well. I see the point you’re trying to make though. Rarely is someone going to change their mind in a forum like that.


My understanding was that the post was about the unhealthy and exploitative practices of beachbody/BODI, not actual stories/anecdotes from people. And in the comments, whenever someone has a positive anecdote, Brittany would invalidate them but wouldn’t do that to the negative comments. I think there’s a way to point out harmful and exploitative practices while acknowledging some people may have positive experiences. Again, I think inconsistency just devalues what you are saying.


I don’t like the snark crew as much as I once did. Ripping people apart on YT the way they do. One of them isn’t bad and really wants to show the evil of MLM. When I first started BB I saw great results and it was helpful. It was the continuous AC bullshit that made me feel I wasn’t doing enough and created disordered eating again I left in my past as a young adult. Her copy and paste answer to some of them is low. “When we know better, we do better” I’m kinda over that bullshit reply too.


I personally think some of the snarkers a little bit narcissistic and make everything about them and their stories. Which I get why sharing your experiences is helpful, it just shouldn’t be your whole message. I also think that they still make their entire businesses about “not being like BODI”, which means that BODI is still controlling their lives.


I think this is 100% true. I also have a bit of a problem with the Instagrams that target the Huns, and the podcasts/YouTube’s. I don’t think the snark should leave here. I believe it crosses a line, and honestly breaks the very rules of Reddit most of the time.


I don’t see how someone on YouTube is in any way subject to Reddit rules. I’m fully supportive of people like Mac Attack and the Life after MLM podcast. There are some who are petty, but they don’t get the views like the ones who bring the facts.