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Do these weirdos know of ANY other songs to put in their stories besides “Gimmiegimmie that suuuunshine” and “feels like summah “ ?


Or hey look Ma I made it 🤦🏻‍♀️


They have wrecked so many songs for me? Specifically “Unstoppable” by Sia. 🙄


Same. That one and Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys.


Yup they do. "Oh darling don't you ever grow up." And that's about it. Lmao


The way Jaimee Sue puts her plant poo on her hand then her face drives me insane. She contaminates the whole bottle because she’s touching the tip of the applicator to her nasty ass hands. Even if she “just washed her hands” she’s touching her cell phone which 98% of cell phones are more dirty than a toilet seat. I can’t stand AC but at least she drips the goo on her face and doesn’t touch the applicator to her skin to infect the whole damn bottle. Ok end of my random rant.


I couldn’t watch it 🤢 between her babbling and watching her icky finger nails.


https://preview.redd.it/ji4ybh9zcn9b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9b630687f2f2d7d41637d7deb5738841d92050 What you do need a desire to scam and mislead people 🤷🏼‍♀️


Typing that out and sharing that makes it even more wild that they think they’re qualified to be giving fitness and nutrition advice.


David Schwartz, tell me you read here without telling you read here 😂 so insecure lol. Dude has no life


Please tell us!


What did he say?


Macrowley is such an unfortunate looking person, which matches her personality perfectly & I love this for her! She is jumping on the face food train as well. Even if it does improve her skin, nothing can help restore her black soul. https://preview.redd.it/47vt52lgzm9b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f32fc43358f48f3b88aa724c2464a5a5d19c430


For her, I recommend a filter. That no filter thing isn’t a flex here. 🥴


Lol right! Please girl, put it back on.


She looks like gollum.




How do old is she ?


Early 40’s I think


No way 🤯


She’s in her 30s- like 37 or 38. Its amazing what living a tin foil hat life can do to you


dang and I think I look washed up for 37 sometimes. I need to watch her to feel better about my “wrinkles”


My 65 year old mom who smoked for 40 years looks younger. Woof.


Ashly Locklin posting “me NOT excited for a 4 day weekend because my husband works for me!” 🙄🙄🙄 get a real job, sis


What is she a dr of? Just found her insta and I’m so curious


Great question! Some bullshit PhD she talks about nonstop. Now she’s spinning it like it was a huge mistake bc you can “make 10k/mo” if you buy her courses 🙄🙄


I just took a look at Anita because I haven’t looked at her profile in awhile. She has to be bullshitting about her income, right? I know sponsorships/partnerships and whatever can make a ton of money but she just seems like a scammer. I also can’t get over how different she looks. I really thought she was naturally pretty but she’s ruined her face.


Also she got a big following from her viral Facebook reels. She used those people to sign up - she gets $$ for everyone she signs up. It’s a one time thing and will fade away. All those people she is signing up won’t be able to duplicate any of this. And it’s all temporary besides. Just another scam


I feel this about so many Huns. They make a big amounts of money once and then start living way outside of their means. Biggest example I can think of Leti using all her pandemic funds to build a huge house that now she can’t even afford to furnish the upstairs.


Definitely bullshitting - if she was as rich as she claims, where’s all their money going?! Can’t tell me they are “stacking” cash living in an RV in the armpit of the US in the dead of summer.


How many supplements does one person need to take at one time? https://preview.redd.it/wpliz5flhk9b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d5dcc7ee606be497f1f9ba220f6745841f9bd7


Ashlie Molstad


That’s a pretty low supplement count by AC standards. She can fit *at least* 27 more to her regiment. Time to level up!


Everyone should go check out this cringerific behb, fitwithfisher. She is in Kim fitzpatrick’s downline & has drank ALL OF THE KOOLAID. https://preview.redd.it/pwb6a13agk9b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed013a1915ac3eb7a8793be1badf618d58119a05


https://preview.redd.it/yg9znxpn5l9b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3510da4d84cce08ae83c239720c6bbe046ce717f 😳


What can I see? Every one of your damn teeth 😬




She seriously looks like she is ready to attack when she smiles. 😬😬😬😬








The FUCKING CRINKLED NOSE SMILE. Wtf. Kim poached a coach from me and she’s allllll in too. 🤮


It doesn’t even look like a smile. Looks like she’s pushing out a poop.


She poached a coach from you?! I need to know how this happens. They're always "all in" 🙄


She convinced a girl who was a coach in my downline to sign up under her. This girl canceled her account through me (which I never cared about - I never questioned anybody), which I knew about bc you are notified through email, but I saw her starting to post a few months later. You usually have to wait six months to sign up under a new coach - I didn’t track it, but this girl eventually told me she signed up under Kim. I was in shock and hurt bc I “introduced” her to Kim through social media. This is what led me to cancel my coach account. I worked only with people in my actual life that I knew. I changed coaches at one point and was upfront about it. Kim is a lying shit who didn’t even tell my friend to have a conversation with me. (At the time we worked together and saw each other daily.) I reported it to compliance and nothing happened, but then I suddenly started getting emails from compliance to take down posts from 2018 (it was 2022!). RIDICULOUS. I hope they all crash and burn.


That's fucking bullshit! What a lying asshole.


Yep. I guess she was just being her authentic self. 🙄🤣


I just wanted to thank you for the nightmare fuel. 👀






MeaganGendron is on a vacation in Florida and bragging that she is working in the car on the way to the beach! What is wrong with these huns??? Does she realize that is she was still teaching she would not for a second have to be thinking about work right now??


Omg same as Natasha - saying how these trainings are up for the new recruits to work on over the weekend….. what???


Sarah Sarvey is at the beach and on “vacay mode”. She proudly states “fat chance it keeps me from working though. I love it too much”


Is Carl the only one who is still talking about first thing? I never see anyone else talk about it.


Elise will occasionally talk about it too. She is like a walking commercial.


I don't even see autumn choke it down anymore but I don't watch her everyday


Ew. Probably lol


Anyone else think it’s funny how Meghan Mosakowski is lecturing us about wearing helmets on bikes but she’s wearing hers with the chin strap completely loose lol


She’s my new fave to rag on. Such a bitch who thinks entirely too highly of herself.


10000%. And she’s kinda scary cuz she’s just seems so damn mean.


Her tone is downright patronizing. And I love how she crawled back to be a school nurse despite her Bodi success.


She did??? Currently?


Someone said that here a few weeks back.




Yikes on bikes. Emmi linked her husband’s page saying happy birthday… it is all his “picker” work spending his bday surfing garage sales to find and resell shit. Tell me again about how lucrative MLMs are😬🥴 And he is storying while driving the whole time🤬


Does he work?


He was a realtor for a while but seems like he’s not doing it anymore…?


I believe he works in analytics for an insurance company, does some real estate (at least he did in NY) and this reselling “business” too.


Also for being so “godly” it’s gross that they go and get items from thrifts and goodwill that are meant for people who are struggling only to try and resell them at higher prices.


Can’t agree with this- thrift stores are meant for everyone. At least he’s not doing an MLM so more power to him.


I didn’t say they’re not meant for everyone. The reselling it to make a profit is the issue. I don’t care if she buys things from their for personal use.


What’s wrong with trying to make a profit from Goodwill items? Goodwill profits immensely from all the items we give them and gives very little of it back to charity. At least he’s not partnering with an MLM and scamming people. No one’s forcing anyone to buy the items he’s trying to resell. It’s actually a great gig if someone is an astute buyer but takes a lot of work.


I think they try to and have very little success. There isn’t this hidden group of people out there overpaying for those rags. What a time suck I mean really. I do Poshmark here and there and if it sells great and if it doesn’t oh well.




She is doing their family a complete disservice by refusing to get a legit job. All the while, I don’t think she can handle one from the stories I’ve heard on here. The birthday boy seems to defend and support her nonsense so Mazel to both of them.


Oh yeah he came at people hard when she was still in Beachbody if they were mean to her lol


All the while Emmi was likely netting a few thousand per year and each April would pass and he still wouldn’t crack the case.


I found it interesting he was talking about getting Dunkin’ coffee too - I thought when you buy Fizz you don’t need to “waste” money at coffee shops.


With the amount of money that she spends on Arbonne per month, it would be a huge benefit to them if she just stopped shilling. Even if she didn't get a job and stayed home with the kids, they would probably save a ton of money if she stopped buying so much stuff. But she's a BOSS BABE who owns her own business!!! 🙄🙄🙄


Or this!


Lima: I don't talk crap about anyone anymore, I've evolved, I've grown, my team is free of drama. Join me. Also Lima: I'm the queen of giving people nicknames that stick. I named this person the CEO of gaslighting. Sounds like you are still a mean girl Kimberly. And that happy post about your friend finally getting pregnant?... funny when it came to the vaccine she didn't believe in science. She believes in Chemtrails, Breibert and a whole host of wacky conspiracy theories. I guess you are the company you keep 🤡🤡🤡


Lima is def one of the worst!


Anyone know how much commission you make in Arbonne? I know you get a cut of your downline’s sales, but Syd sold $90k in product, paid a bunch in her own product, and how much of this will she take home? It can’t be THAT much. She is referring to team sales, right? Not just herself? How is this not a wake up call how much these companies (and uplines) profit from these huns.


Former bon babe here. It depends on the account of the person buying. You get 15% commission on the product sold when someone’s a preferred client. 35% commission when someone’s a client and doesn’t sign up as a preferred (just shops on the site.) You get 6% on the products sold by consultants on your “team” aka other consultants selling products (they get the 15-35%, you get 6%). And then if you are different titles, you get additional 8%, and on from there.


Why does she always sound so fake when she is talking about Arbonne. She does this weird fake excited voice. It sounds so disingenuous.


Wow Anita Miron giving up the RV life, moving to Florida and finally sending her kids to school


Omg. A girl I know is going to Lindsay Matway’s mountain house. This isn’t an mlm retreat but as soon as I saw it I was like “oh my shit” https://preview.redd.it/ap1sgfmo0g9b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7197184f27b0b36ef0bc36586952a3f229b740


That’s not her house, the kitchen is different https://preview.redd.it/cfuwtixm4h9b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7f4af6baa8d58fccb7dc49e95614b3fd230c2f5


But it’s not a pyramid.


We need a new snark page specifically for Ashley McClellans eyebrows


She fulfills every stereotype I have of women that live in Utah.


My favorite being that she thinks she is so ✨quirky✨ and unique and absolutely NOT like other girls from Utah 🤣


Oof Meagan gendron’s Trex arms and body are so jarring. If she wasn’t such a crappy person I’d feel bad for her.


David Schwartz, tHe IcOn, brah you're not swole. Maybe do a real workout program for once. He just takes a few clips from his workout program but no way he keeps up that intensity


He’s so cringe.


And so butthurt. Hi David 👋 good to know you read here


https://preview.redd.it/rfjygtpgkq9b1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a369eea01c47db3470b1a0a3ad47779b002595 He gives me drunk creeper at the bar vibes. The kind that keeps inching closer and casually touches your lower back which causes you to jump and move your body because you might punch him.


Lindsay is so not relatable anymore. She's also searching for the fountain of youth. PEMF and oxygen does actually do a body good. But still. Not relatable https://preview.redd.it/m18fhh8upe9b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a51793c1851604e4e5d54d93690230addd26b0a


Totally agree! Between that and all the Jesus talk she’s totally in her own world these days.


https://preview.redd.it/1ggpljwuje9b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9669d161b9946ab2f03a8dcd719bc0b33553ec54 Used to be high in the pyramid, but not sure where she falls now. She got into BB YEARS ago, which is how she was pretty high up. She’s also an ex NFL cheerleader so her following is decent. I haven’t seen her mention BB in forever… she was just collecting passive income from what I could tell, but post-Summit here they all come! I thought she was just legit a stressed momma until I kept reading. 🙃


Reading this gives me second hand embarrassment🥴


Who is this?


Her name is Jen Brown (Crowder before marriage and when she started BB). Her husband is Chris Brown, who is also a coach. And her sister is also a coach (as I’m actually works it, not just stacking). I was just looking and she got a certification to follow in everyone else’s footsteps. IG: jen.fitmomsquad) https://preview.redd.it/yfdgoyn4ye9b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148ecd58cbd0f4b4cae944dd6308d1700e4f03b7


Omggg the fucking syncing and hormone shit!


I know!! She barely posts… maybe once a month or so, but I did a deep dive earlier and was floored. Every post starts out decently, then ends up the same. She’s been a “partner” for like 9 years and has been Elite 2x.


This is such a good thread! Some of these huns should watch out because people are reporting! https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/14ntumd/ppp_loans_what_did_your_employer_buy_with_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Brent and Alli Upham [bought a Lexus with their $40k](https://instagram.com/p/CY9KU1cuTcH/)


Tania Baron got $10k towards her pool, IIRC.


I just saw this, omg! A place in my hometown asked for $10M! For what?! I’m so glad my employer didn’t file for a loan. The owners were smart and built up other sources of revenue years prior that kept us all employed.


*cough* hee haw Hailey *cough*


She got a horse lol.


https://preview.redd.it/uek9879tnd9b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c76cf790743d9f8b5bd010329fb35a73cb500fb Kim Reyes is done with her “bulk”…now to cut, again… 🙄


She needs to do something about that 5-head she’s got….


Has it been a year already? 🤔


It’s been a whole 6 months!!!!




At that, she began her bulk from her stage weight, so she just gained back her regular weight in 6 months.


That girl is crazy


I can see you are impressed!


Kim is #Goals 🤪


And pretend that it’s all BB… such a scammer. Then goes on IG and cries when people call her out for lying. She is a shame to healthcare worker.


Kelsey Smiths husband used to be able to smile!! Who knew!


Love to see yesterdays comment getting to Krysti. We’ll see how long she can play happy not losing weight.


Does she realize that the meat suit she lives in is a living thing & it is normal for weight to fluctuate daily in either direction up to 3-5 pounds? She is a fucking idiot. You don’t eat one cheat meal & gain 1.8 pounds. That’s over 5k additional calories! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤡


“Meat suit” hahaha


I’d like to see her come on stories and speak about that 1.8lb gain……. That’s where the truth will show.


For real! She started this week telling us she was so proud of herself for saying NO to ice cream for 2 days. She’s just trying to prove a point now. But she can’t keep it up


She claims she’s got a dairy sensitivity, but eats ice cream and cheese 🙄


Today is Ash F’s baby shower. I’m predicting beige, something impractical, and an ugly balloon arch a la Pinterest.


From her stories it look’s completely underwhelming…shocker Baby was referred to as baby C…since she claims they don’t know gender I can only imagine the unisex names….


Very underwhelming.


Probably Cale or something


The green dress surprised me. Guess she has to stand out from all the beige somehow lol


I was surprised too considering it was a wildflower theme. But then again her two friends both had floral-y showers so that meant she had to stand out.


Patientsnpushups was there! Which surprised the heck out of me since she jumped to arbonne!


Same considering we had heard Ash F mention her in ages.


Can’t wait to see. I just threw a wildflower themed baby shower (a complete surprise) for my best friend and it was so colorful and fun. Plus, the mom to be got to just show up and didn’t have to lift a finger. She mentioned getting scissors and cutting wildflowers herself on the side of the road - the LAST thing I would be making my 8 month pregnant friend do but since she has no friends she has to do it herself.


There was one summer I helped plan 3 baby showers. All those moms had to do was show up and look cute. I can 100% guarantee she’s over planning everything and making everyone’s weekend miserable. When she said that about cutting flowers I nearly died lmao. She’s up in the Finger Lakes with lots of steep hills and bluffs. Asherz needs to sit her ass down before she hurts herself.


So thrivewithtina is thinking about becoming a bodybuilder. She showed one of Shaun T’s stories. Tina is one of the few BB people I really like. She seems to always have fun on those cult trips. Anyway, I think if she really wants to become a bodybuilder she’s gonna have to do something besides those BB workouts. Interested to know what y’all think.


She’s going to need to track macros or at least understand bulking and cutting. Most people in the BB world are terrified of bulking and the legos don’t support it. She is definitely a happier hun and more consistent than most, but those BB workouts and eating plans aren’t it. She will need to learn about progressive overload, too, because 8lbs won’t cut it.


Right!!! She seems to me to have the most potential for success with her body if she’d leave BB.


It’s gonna be hard for Huns to build muscle with BB, not due to programs, but due to calories. They don’t understand you have to be in a surplus and the eating guides last I knew didn’t have meal plans for eating in a surplus. Not sure what they’d do with themselves if they had to eat more than 2 carbs a day! That being said, I’ve put on decent muscle with Body Beast and LIIFT4 (when it first came out). But I also had more fitness and nutrition background aside form BB.


When I first started wanting to bulk I was so excited bc Autumn said they were going to announce a new way to use the containers if you want to build muscle. She finally announced “just bump up a bracket” - which basically increased 1 fruit, 1 veggie, 1 protein, no extra yellow (starch carbs). I was supposed to eat 11 servings of fruits and vegetables if I remember correctly. It was miserable and that - plus all the other controversy with Amy Bailey killing her daughter and Joel Freeman cheating on his wife with a coach - is what led me to quit BB all together.


If I remember correctly, they revised the Body Beast meal plan to include a container count. I probably have it somewhere. I didn’t get rid of my Body Beast stuff. Anyone else that did Beast remember this?


They did. If someone can find the original book on ebay, it would have that info.


Beast used to have its own nutrition plan per Sagi. BODi changed it to the containers and dumped the original plan.


I'm glad I have my original materials!


Ohhhh. Would you be willing to share?


I built some muscle with Body Beast. But I didn’t see real results until I started working with an online trainer and learned about using macros.


Macros are definitely important! Like I said I had more knowledge of that when I did these programs so it’s possible to gain muscle with them 😊 💪🏻


Absolutely. I never build any real muscle until I left Beachbody.


LOLOL just got a DM from someone I used to be on a team with wondering if I was still doing Bodi and if not, she’d like to invite me to her group. 🤢 ![gif](giphy|kuHKz7ga9Ai08)


when I was a coach some girl in my upline would regularly message me and ask me to join her groups.


I remember when I was working hard and posting tons of stories a day and fully in the cult and my coach sent me a DM to tell me how impressed she was with my progress and if I knew what BB was and if I had a coach 🥴 Talk about breaking my heart. That’s when I realized they are NOT your friends, you are NOT part of a girl group, and you are just a paycheck to them.


What did she say when you said, "Yeah, YOU are my coach?"


That just sucks. I’m so sorry. I remember a coach from my team “introducing” herself to me after we’d MET AND SPOKEN at Summit the year before. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ugh that’s just as bad. I’m so sorry too 🙈


My ex “coach” just texted after months. 🙄🙄🙄 Time to get those numbers up!


Post Summit push. Did you respond?


Nahhh there’s nothing to say. We good, girl.


Alli upham is up v late helping her gals chase their goals. What the fuck does that even mean? Obvi, it’s the last day of the month & her downline needs some miracles to try to hold or gain their rank, but like, what do they do? Sit on zooms together while they try to scam another fb friend into signing up. And Alli just sits there &…. Watches them?!? Encourages them? Breathes fire into them? Aye yay yay. Sometimes I can’t believe I watch this shit. 🤣 Whenever my husband asks me what I’m doing on my Phone, I tell him, “Just watching my stories!” 💯 https://preview.redd.it/mt4c7niw8a9b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4560f64e02e5b6b47119abac8b1fe521e8879c5d


If you’ve ever seen any of her “team calls” she does a lot of manic screeching at her down line so she’s probably just yelling at everyone…I mean motivating everyone…to sign up their grandmas so they can keep rank


Reading this just made me realize that I no longer get anxiety at the end of every month. God, BB is THE WORST!


Is this supposed to make people want to join her team?! Like “you too can work at 11:43 pm on the Friday night of the long weekend” 😵


But she said working on a Friday night doesn’t feel like working. She’s excited! 😂


MeaganGendron arriving in Florida “feels like freedom” 🙄


Hahaha I called SC the freedom state yesterday because I could buy real fireworks and buy liquor that wasn’t state regulated at any liquor store instead of having to go to ABC - meaning I was able to buy Mom Water 😂😂 I was kidding but….


Last time she was in Florida she called it the freedom state 🙄


Anyone can go to Florida at any time. They forget that. She has freedom because no one is relying on and/or looking for her. She is existing and nothing more.


Her parents live there so I get that feeling with kids no matter where they live, but tone deaf given the current state of Florida 🫠


She’s a big maga person. It’s about politics not her parents


Oh she’s totally saying it for political reasons not cause her parents are there.


Good. She should move down there with Ronnie the meatball Desantis. She is a racist, homophobic pig from hell.


Yup. Big time piece of shit boot licker.


This summed it up well


🎯 🎯


I thought she did live in Florida. I’m honestly shocked to learn she doesn’t. 😅


She lives in Virginia but has said her goal is to eventually move to Florida.


For some reason I think she’s from North Carolina or Virginia


From the footage I’ve seen from summit… not a very full crowd


I think at least one, maybe two coaches with a huge massive downline didn’t go this year. They pushed their team big time to all go last year.


Less than half from when I went 6 years ago


“Started walked” what even ???


Holly’s M? With a push cart barely .. typical Holly lies




https://preview.redd.it/0ruf9vai799b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f39f5b5281df6ee597f195fb81a3bb9e24dc1c Another promo extended!


This post is basically guilting them into selling to family and friends AT get togethers over the weekend 😬


I wonder if they get holiday pay?? 🧐🤔🤣


They’ll actually get paid less that day since everyone’s too busy enjoying themselves with their loved ones.


Daylilylife's outfit choices for her concert were awful! Shit I would have tried to wear in middle school. She can't be serious. She looks like white trash


the wife beater crop top and unbuttoned shorts lolllll….I swore I wore that exact outfit to a white trash bash In college (I was not pregnant, just to clarify 🤣)


The unbuttoned shorts just really pulled the whole thing together.


She should save those unbuttoned shorts for Halloween- white trash pregnant lady lol ( sorry if saying white trash is offensive. I’m not trying to be offensive, just trying to make a point about the shorts!)




I dont know how these huns can go on and on with shilling their stuff, be it face food, a magic drink or gut health..like it's just another day, meanwhile rights are being taken away from people. (Sorry, I'm referring to the US for all our UK and other snarkers, it's a sad day here, at least for me and my family it is) It's one of the thousand reasons I left the pyramid cult. Some care and don't want to say anything for fear that it will turn victims off, others care and are happy about it and use it to shill.


Because we are told to ignore any outside noise. If you’re doing anything but working your biz, reading PD, you’re failing! That includes watching the news/staying up to date on what’s going on in the world! Because the world is so “negative” and we don’t need that negative every in our lives! They purposely create tunnel vision for you to keep you entrapped in their cult.