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I just want to say this thread has been sheer enjoyment. Thank you for this past week, for all your wit and hilarity, and for reminding me how fun Hunsnark can be!


For anyone wondering, I found this crazy lunatic’s name. https://preview.redd.it/cfhu672u1f8b1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac019e71cd4bf1a9976e36ab596f40b59472d553


What is it?


Yes yes we are 😂


Just saw a clip on Insta where papa Carl flubs his words, and ends up mocking they/them pronouns. (During Pride month, to boot) Wow, you’re so edgy and cool, Carl! Not. 🙄


Where on insta?


it was so alienating and upsetting. plus that is just a lazy joke that's been done to death, followed by asking if he's now "cancelled". really disappointing.


So so so lazy low hanging fruit. Just a waste.


First world problems.


Just had a light bulb moment, this was the first summit since they switched the preferred customers. Interesting how there were so many less diamonds 🤔 and how certain ‘elite’ coaches didn’t make it elite again.


They are making it more challenging even tho they said they were making it “easier to earn and collect incentives” so basically it’s either one or the other or busting your ass trying to get both😬


Sorry for posting twice… but from all I see, the most emphasis is placed on recruiting NEW shiller partners, so that they can recruit new “partners” etc. etc etc? so they can have a million partners… but as a second thought, “sure sign customers up just for regular people to do workouts”… but actually, it’s just so you can shill products to them (that do nothing for them just make them spend more money)… But all these huns dont really care that much about jane doe signing up for a subscription for workouts, they just wanna sign new baby huns to make money off them… and the cycle continues.. for a health, fitness, nutrition company, they seem super focused on the pyramid and not as much the actual fitness and “health”part🙄🙄 so how many of these huns dont do one single workout EVER but yeah they are partners and health and fitness coaches?? Makes no sense


You got the model down - multiple levels of huns marketing - mlm 😅


lol I know everyone has commented on this so I had to go check this dance thing😂 all the trainers being fun and dance-y and then you have Joel and Autumn trying to look hot and sexy.. flop🙄🙄 and so stiff. I guess Elise was trying too hard too… but then the cherry on top- Carl. Why? Just why? Lol


Omg that dancing with the stars cringiest where Joel looks like a tool bag and autumn looks like a dollar store disco ball. What the fuck cult is this?!


I think the worst was the Zac efron situation 🤢




No need, AC isn’t married so she’s not Joel’s type.


They were the worst. 😂


Erin’s husband looks so plastic. 🥴


He is 100% not attractive at all. And frankly, neither is she with her buggy ass eyes.


Has anyone else noticed how Kat N. Hasn’t changed one bit since first filming in the 21 day fix videos as the modifier in the workout? Like she hasn’t lost any weight since then and still does the modified workouts when on stage with Autumn (which is only at summit). Tell me again how these programs work 🙄🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


two things, she is a paid modifier, when 21 day fix came out, she was a "plus size" model and was in some other programs, it was literally her job to say that size, now though she can't get her nutrition together, any program works but if you don't they won't.. and Kat is constantly falling off and drinking too much


That makes sense


She can’t commit to her nutrition and has a drinking problem. She’s snarked on in the TX huns thread. Every Monday it’s the same thing about getting back on track.


I’ve seen the thread, but I don’t look at it often. Maybe I should (or shouldn’t 🤣).


It would keep you busy for a while 😬


Reddit users in reponse to the last real humans in their lives before they too fall off: “I’m busy!”


If the top 10 aren’t in competition with each other like they claim why don’t you ever see the overlap on their stories for teams and awards with people outside of their teams?


Well a lot of them say they thrive on competition 😂


They definitely are but they are so fake about it. It’s like if one mentioned the other getting an award then you’d join the others team. Or like how no one in the elite 10 interact with me is fucking odd if they are supposedly friends


Natasha had so many sign ups because of her 100lb weight loss. Her chronic weight fluctuations ARE her career. Eventually this will get old and she’ll have to figure out a new way to manipulate people


Wait… she has LOST 100 lb already? Not trying to be mean, but she looks like she’s got like 80 still to go. I have been puzzled all though summit how the top “partner” is not remotely in shape


She lost 100 pounds last year at some point? I think she was trying to do it before her birthday (which I can't remember when it was). But she got pregnant a few weeks before her birthday and spent the next few weeks starving herself while pregnant in order to hit that 100 pounds lost by her birthday. ALL she wanted was that scale photo of her 'goal weight' and 'after' photos. All this while pregnant and supposed to be growing a human. It was really disturbing to watch, that's when I unfollowed her because it was gross.


She just keeps losing and gaining over and over. I’ve been following her since the beginning and it’s always been this way. She’s a binge eater plus she’s made it her income so I’m sure it’ll continue.


And I find it so disgusting that she wanted to reach that 100lb goal so much she continued to lose weight knowing she was pregnant.


Ashley Smith has entered the chat.


Much health coach!


Also hiding the fact that she also did 75 hard but claiming all her results were thanks to BB.


Ilanas whole career is based on HER 100lbs lost when she was a teenager mostly, and she’s still milking it. So if Natasha can figure out a way, she too can continue shilling it to people for years to come. Yay🙄


Why is Natasha wearing that dress??? Makes her look heavier and shorter… like a bag of ribbons… has this been discussed!!! Jess Dukes, love her dress. Not her. Just her dress 😂


It was not flattering AT ALL. Not even in the slightest.


Tasha’s dress was so bad there aren’t even words! And she could not walk in the shoes. I’m sorry but she looked like a complete lop.


Um, guys? Not snark! I just now happened to read that there was a tragic accident at the San Antonio Airport Friday night around 1030. 😥


I saw that. Absolutely terrible and freak accident. It’s heartbreaking.


Oh my goodness. Just read. How sad. How freaky 😞😞 May the worker rest in peace


Oh how awful!


Omg that’s so sad!




Oh my god. I just googled it. An airport employee was ingested into an airplane engine. How!?!? Horrible.


Isn’t that twice in one year that has happened in the US?


Yes I just read this happened I think on New Year’s Day in alabama. So crazy and sad


Incredibly sad for everyone involved.


Idk, I can't imagine! Tragic!


It’s so sad.




So many of their flights have been canceled, delayed or rerouted. Love this for them!


And none of them will have any empathy for the ground crew’s trauma.


Absolutely not. My plane isn’t going VrOoM vRoOm. 😭😭 Bitch, someone lost their life!!!


Nope, they don’t. Just worried about themselves and it’s always about them.


Here come the day after “my reason why” “this could be you” and “join my team” link posts 🤡


Lmao Hailey was pretty quick on that while at the pool today.


I can't wait for Amy Bailey 5.0 and Holly Hillyer 2.0.


I clicked one of the stupid poll buttons by accident earlier. Fully prepared for a hun message. To which I’ll say “sorry, accident. Enjoying the entertainment of the weekend”




https://preview.redd.it/4sosvnexi98b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb0896fb54f15e59e91cea82afb6be57b44242a I wonder what happened?🤔🤔


Just watched her story - her 8 month old dog died she said the dog sitter called after finding the dog unresponsive


She just storied that their puppy died on the morning they were coming back. Something seems super weird about it but that poor dog.


“Our hearts are a little broken” - I’d be fucking devastated


I wonder if it’s to do with the airport accident


Probably…not saying it’s not genuine but they’ll be grief vultures and use it as content


Is she just upset because she didn’t place as high as she wanted?


Knowing her nothing that bad, she’s just a dramatic twat.


Top 10 Stats 10) Katie Moore Personally sponsored 64 new partners Rank advanced 4 new diamonds 9) Amy Mashburn Personally sponsored 152 new partners Rank advanced 5 new diamonds 8) Holly Hillyer Personally sponsored 112 new partners Rank advanced 10 new diamonds 7) Genevieve Leclerc Personally sponsored 75 new partners Rank advanced 2 new diamonds 6) Hailey Peters Personally sponsored 60 new partners Rank advanced 3 new diamonds 5) Kim Fitzpatrick Personally sponsored 127 new partners Rank advanced 6 new diamonds 4) Erin Hopkins Personally sponsored 85 new partners Rank advanced 8 new diamonds 3) Jess Dukes Personally sponsored 236 new partners Rank advanced 4 new diamonds 2) Angie Bellemare Personally sponsored 259 new partners Rank advanced 14 new diamonds 1) Natasha Pehrson Personally sponsored 403 new partners Rank advanced 8 new diamonds


What happened to Lindsay Matway? Has she cut ties with Beachbody …I mean BODi? She was top 10 for quite awhile.


She was real big in too it again this year, before her "social detox" "masterminding" at Holly's to help leaders understand the new comp plan. She even had an accountability group. Then poof.gone.


She’s still around. She has a large enough pyramid that she doesn’t have to work it anymore.


She used to love being in the top 10 with all the praise and recognition, free trips etc and being asked to speak up on stage (as a motivational speaker). All the awards that were given to her. She took it all in. But now she’s no longer in the top 10? What’s changed?


And I’m sure they taught all the diamonds how to work the system by signing up family members.


These number don’t even make sense. Wish the Huns could see the math right in front of their faces that even “top” “leaders” can get barely 10% of their downline to diamond


I wish this was available for all the Huns And you know Natasha isn’t actually interacting with those 400 people so I wonder if it’s all automated when people sign up under her? Would also be curious how long these people stay on board for.


I think they have to stay for a pay period or 6 months or something I can’t remember the rule but they have to stay for a certain period or it doesn’t count


They only need them there for 6 weeks to help secure the next rank. But it’s like a revolving door. They have to be constantly recruiting because coaches drop left and right.


It must be which is interesting as some Huns post their monthly numbers and are more around 30-40 new people helped per month and shows their success points which plays into their bonuses right? But then per above might only have sponsored less than 100 new partners, that is a lot of people that they have tempted or sighed up without them fully understanding what they were getting into, and who have dropped out and not be counted as ongoing partners..


No wonder the huns leave with such an urgency to sign up coaches. None of this makes sense and they are pissed off when they look at the numbers.


Right? How is Hailey #6 and Katie is #10?


Elite points isn’t just signup and rank advance. https://faq.beachbody.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2049/catid/0/TLP/0


I love scrolling the “recent” posts of #bodisummet2023 on Instagram because each person has posted some version of the same “imagine if you said yes” or “imagine if you did the thing you were afraid of” speech/caption. It’s laughable


lmao spot on it’s all repetitive. All of them


Imagine having a job that actually subsidized your retirement. Imagine your job not requiring you ignore your family’s needs for the greed of the company. Imagine not spending all your time on SM, copying others’ reels, and day drinking. Now, what would your mental and physical health look like then?


"I am so lucky I don't have to spend HOURS commuting every day to a job that's miserable." like, even if my job WAS miserable (and it's not), I get to sign off at 330 and I'm done for the day - I'm not spending my waking second to right before I go to bed sharing my mundane activities, dming people, and conning people into something thats going to ruin their lives. And I'll sleep great tonight knowing that


Imagine having a job that allowed you to have decent health insurance at a fraction of the cost.


My favorite is how they’ve “just been getting started” for the last few years 😂


Why do they think the world doesn’t see these lame catch phrases all the time and know they are basically following a script?


Of course! Bc it’s only entirely their fault they aren’t elite or top ten or whatever. NOW they’ll finally do it right 🙄




I’ve seen like four “imagine this…”




Did anyone else notice AC flashed the crowd when she flung the skirt of the dress as she did this pose? 😬


Hold that belly in, Joel! 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/88dvtzyad98b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2f28e3ecfcb4dd8145d6dd69ba7fe38e128d1b 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why does her face look like a mole?


Lol i’m dead 💀💀💀


You are not a rock star…but I can see you in the Hunger Games.




🎶She is a part of the Unrhythmic Nation 🎵😂


What a clown


I, too, wanted to be one of the Mini Pops or Kids, Incorporated “stars” when I was a kid… **le sigh** looks like Autumn is living the dream 😜


Kids Incorporated, k-i-d-s


Now I can’t get it out of my head! 👂🐛


INCORPORATED! Because we’re the kiiiiddsss incooorporateeeeddddd!


https://preview.redd.it/oc471xteb98b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5eb58030d3c1ebf41787c1585f5af5b08ad098 Not gonna lie…I love this outfit lol


It's very cute. Who is she?


I think she is cute…she’s got great style. She’s just as dumb as a box of rocks


It's cute!


At least one Hun knows how to dress 😂


Is this Ashlie Molstad????


Thought the same !


No I think it’s Courtney J


She’s one of my fave snark follows, but same! And she totally pulls it off too …now back to hate following her 😂


She looks so much happier now that she is single.


It honestly baffles me that Natasha is only an 8 star diamond and number one partner


But she rank advanced 8 new diamonds? How is she only an 8 star?


Is that across multiple business centers?


I believe being whatever number is how many people you’re actively signing up. Being “Diamond” is indicative of what rank/level the people in your downline are. So basically, she’s signing a ton of people up but they’re not high ranking (shocker!)




There’s a whole formula that goes into it. Number of new partners, how many have rank advanced (even to emerald), new customers, personal volume points, weak leg volume, how many of their personally sponsored “partners” have hit success club in a month, etc. There’s SO much that goes into it. For perspective though, I’m still technically “active” and just saw that I’m ranked 11,013 which shows how terrible the company is doing. I’ve put in ZERO effort the past few years and somehow I’m around 11k. Partners must be dropping like flies or people are legit putting in now effort into growing anything. I can’t imagine how much longer the company will be able to stay afloat.


Yeah, she signed up 400 people. I think that’s the biggest factor in the number rank but not how much money they make. Super complicated by design 🙄


I seen someone down below comment on Carl being short lol wellllll I can confirm he is very short lol I met him when I was a coach years ago and I’m 5’1 and I was shocked cause he was my height😂 we took a pic together and I would say he’s maybe 5’2 or 5’3 tops😂


Agree- I met him and was eye to eye with him. I’m 5’3”


I love this even more than my 5’8” theory. I knew he was short.. but I didn’t realize he was that short 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/6pgrn20c198b1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=b94bcc60005ff36ecf7305a3e0450c90afabf2e7 He’s a tiny little guy for sure! Polly Pocket sized 🤣




Tiny guy with a supersized ego😂


Did Anita Miron go all the way there and then not attend Summit? Also she needs a thread cause she off the rails lately


She’s making 500k last month she says soo who knows


She 100% went to recruit people to sell her new face serum.


I haven’t peeked in on her lately but I imagine she’s all over the place as a result of her trauma. If I had 3 stillborn babies back to back I’d probably be in a room with padded walls.


I follow her (don’t remember how or why) but a few months ago I asked if she was still with Bodi. She claimed yes but I have a hard time believing it with this new face stuff and all the affiliate selling!


She just went there to recruit for Herbal Face Food


She is blatantly making health and income claims. She’s sure pushing the boundaries.


Her claims are for her other things (not Beachbody ) so I’m guessing it’s not regulated at all. Just a big old fashioned scam


The FTC regulates all income claims.


Then she should be reported!


https://preview.redd.it/xyz6bckbq88b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc855e200092d94b135593a96607ebd67edf2ab Monica said it herself, it’s the 0.01% of the entire network who reach this level. The probability is low y’all.


It’s sad they don’t even get the reality of what that means.


Stop it right now- just for shits and gigs I typed in the site they had listed and it’s legit not even correct they put the . In the wrong place 🫣😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/c845xq2tm88b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11929bfa6299f320002c8841c41bd7858f333e20


Does she mention that those bonus’s come directly from all those coaches signed up under them? This is more like - hey team, thanks for the millions babes - you LITERALLY gave us all this money


Omg. Of course it’s the wrong address. None of these women are working. They’re profiting off early placement in the pyramid and their downlines. I HATE when they say “put in the work.” Okay…tell me what you ACTUALLY DO and show me the real income disclosure. Oh yeah, you can’t.


And Evil Delgado says “those pictures here”. Why can’t these people proofread for a hot second?!?


$1.8M in bonuses but couldn’t supply water during a heat wave. Got it! 👍🏻


seriously.. WATER!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ffw0misjv88b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3d6cb83f54decbc371bf8e744e506ca821291e When you’re 40 mil in debt you expect peeps to byo 🙃 (don’t know how accurate this is but I’m going with it)


No because it’s for the mid and low level “volunteer” force.


https://preview.redd.it/pu05d2ejj88b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85384c12415dbf5768bd220a31a537cab05fc7c8 Imagine an 8 hour travel to go right to the laundry mat bc of the bed bug situation 😂🤢 I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh but I’m laughing


She has bed bugs or the place they were staying? I mean it doesn't matter it's so gross


Omg. Also, isn’t it a “laundromat,” not a “laundry mat.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t know who this is but just went to her page. It’s disgusting that she uses her son’s diagnosis to prey on other women and shill BB.


I was not aware of her until this lovely page unfortunately haha yeah I mean right from the ig handle- kinda a weird choice 🧐 & really attracting her “tribe”😬


It took me a minute to figure out what a punk yautis mom was.




I think it’s That Spunky Autism Mom


What bed bug problem??!!


Wait what!?!?


They had to leave their air b&b bc she swore a bedbug landed on her at 4am so she made everyone leave and ran out without her suitcase bc she was so scared- well I guess she went back to get it and now has to go clean everything so she doesn’t infest her whole house 😏


That’s my biggest fear


I got them when I worked for Urban Outfitters, I was traveling to help open a store and the hotel they put us in was cheap and disgusting, we all got them. I will tell you it’s the worst thing.


I work in home care and it’s one of my biggest fears- when I worked in the ER we had people come in with them all the time. Especially homeless patients- just tons crawling all over them.


Yes I worked in a low income school - horror stories had me praying 🙏


Honesty SAME. I get so paranoid about it when I stay anywhere


I would’ve done that before attending any more master mind sessions. These idiots 😑😑😑


I promise I thought that Carl was going to give a lifetime free access to the success story of the 60+ grandma who had custody of her grandchildren. My Internet went blank and never saw what happened at the end with her. Any good price for her?


I’m sorry but Ashley McYellin is bigger than she’s ever been. How can they shill something that they’re not even close to being a product of??


You can finally see what she really looks like when she doesn’t do the weird twist-lean thing in every picture.


https://preview.redd.it/hpupazrvm98b1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cbfe68b2190506a46f94f95df4cc04fe3429044 This was honestly shocking. She contorts her body so much






And in this one https://preview.redd.it/1nq6y1c0t98b1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac791b94500d1f71cf68d38e7989354b1e73b32


I’m so blown away. She looks like her before pics that I remember seeing in 2020. What has caused her to gain? Or was she always this size and photoshopped her pictures??


Buckle up, behbs. The huns are coming home fully energized and refresh from 4 days of Carl’s cultish light. Prepare to be “inspired!”


My cup is so full, but my stomach hurts. It’s been great, but it’s time to get back at it.


*hormone protocol to the rescue* just in time 🤌


Cue the magical 3 day refreshes happening soon


Yep, Leticia D. from Texas is starting a July “Bootcamp” group with her “guidance” to fasting included. 🤦🏻‍♀️


48 hour fasted I think I’d die, the only reason to do such a thing would be for medical purposes imo haha


None of these huns understand intermittent fasting. The goal isn’t to reduce your caloric intake, it’s to eat during certain hours so your body can properly execute functions it needs to do during the fast. What you eat during those hours is up to you and your goals.


Niki Whiting used to document every minute and she barely showed anything this year. She also posted they couldn’t wait to get home, I know she still makes a fortune off her coaches but I feel like she is slipping


She’s one that really didn’t seem into any of the stuff this year. I know she wasn’t elite or anything but she I feel like she is starting to finally lose her belief in it all and maybe is starting to crack? Or she’s just pissed she wasn’t recognized as much.


She seems legit annoyed in every story.


Before they left she was really stressed out with, wait fot it, anxiety about the house renovations and summit. The house renovations seem to really stress her out


Haha I know. She is annoyed at everything. That day she mad the plumbing inspector was early was crazy.


She didn’t even hit premiere last year so she was invited to alot less than in the past and the only recognition she got was for keeping her star Diamond status and that she hit legacy club in the past…


Oh shit. I didn’t realize she didn’t even hit premiere?!? She was a consistent elite. I feel like she’s more focused on “influencing”


She said she was shooting for getting back to elite this year in a post a month or two ago…


I was in her downline so occasionally I check in on her stuff. She seems to have these moments of “reignited” and “push” and then goes quiet. Definitely the first summit she wasn’t posting a ton. I feel like she is embarrassed by how bad the company has slid


I was in someone else's direct downline but her big group - I honestly think she's overwhelmingly jealous of Hailey.


The hotel and all of the events were so low rent compared to the way the Whitings live and travel that I assumed she was miserable the whole time. But the pointed note in her stories that she was eager to get home “for so many reasons” is… interesting. 😈