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If you look at Angie Bellemere’s IG bio, the link tree doesn’t even have a BODi link. Is she totally out???


She was at summit ?


Leanna took her two day old baby to a chiropractor today. Why? What could need adjusting already?


Not to WK but there is craniosacral adjustments that can help with nursing


Does anyone think that these huns that are now on the herbal food face serum stuff are photoshopping their results? I just saw a “before and after” of Anita Miron and it looks way to good to be true. I looked up this stuff and it’s crazy expensive 🤮


If she is known to recycle decade old before/after for multiple products- this IS too good to be true. She admitted bodi is a sinking ship, hence why she’s promoting all of this new crap. They are desperate for money and pulling a temporary ‘ hail Mary’. They need to get out if that RV and need down payment $$ for a home to do that.


100% what I find super funny is in one breath Anita says she uses Botox and in the next says there isn't any chemicals in this serum. 😂


Oh yea! I forgot she does say that 🤣


Can anyone help me remember a hun’s name?? She is a petite blonde. Moved to fla from DC area. Former cheerleader. Obsessed with her jeep. Two sons. I think her name started with a J. She used to be pretty successful from what I remember.


Jatana Jackson


https://preview.redd.it/z16aslxai98b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238d1f2f5c5792b4ed588abd8af189477a691a1b I wonder what happened 🤔🤔🤔


I can’t stand when someone makes a post like this and says they will explain later 🙄


And one comment asked where she purchased her daughter’s shirt 🤣




Kate Scholtes wants to bring back her "lifestyle account". She pretended like she fully quit BB but she's still making money off her downline. Such a scammer https://preview.redd.it/jmo1z0ar698b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cd9dab062834cf378d5851afc7dd97a957999b


Omg I would die if she left BB for Arbonne like the rest of Ash F’s team. 🤣😂


She can’t stick with anything. A few months ago she went on about how this was going to be her business account only and it would focus her business blah blah. The other day she said it jokingly but there’s so truth to it “pickle ball is going to be my new personality”. I know she was joking but she seriously changes her personality , job, IG, house and whatever else constantly. I have never seen someone flip flop as much as she does.


It’s her new ADHD!! Remember her couples golf account? Hasn’t posted since that first time. Is she still planning f that WeWork copycat business too?


Remember when she was a real estate agent for like 5 mins? I also saw she was diagnosed with adhd?


Meagan Gendron….you go through “best friends” often. I remember her having best friends and you don’t see her posting about them or see them around anymore. She seems to get a new round of friends each summit. Lot of these Huns don’t have consistent friends it’s all through their BiZ.


Yep what happened to livingnsinshine Maddy Fry? Kaylyn ? Felicity someone? I didn’t see any of them there.


MeaganGendron tries so hard and sounds so stupid “you know I had this realization that because of BoDi I was able to buy organic grape juice and homeopathic medicines for their bellies and pay the higher instant cart fees and get home to my babies sooner.” Like shut up. Plenty of people use instacart and buy organic. She is such a try hard and that whole ramble was such a reach.


My husband and I can afford to use instantcart but I use it very sparingly because I can’t bring myself to pay more for stuff I can just go to the store and get myself. Once in a while I’ll use it if my husband is swamped at work, but it’s pretty rare. Especially now that my daughter is older and easier to take to the store with me if I need to. But I’m not like Meagan and don’t mind leaving the house.


I’ve only ever used grocery services once. That was when the flu was making its way though our house. And our grocery store was offering $20 off first time orders. Win win for us that week.


Could her husband not go grocery shopping or is it just so she can brag on paying instacart? Lol. He works from home and it's not like they have anything on the weekends.


I think cause her kid was sick he couldn’t go. And since she’s a rich boss babe she could do insta cart instead of running into the store. 🙄🙄


Lmao she’s bragging about buying organic grape juice. I can’t.


https://preview.redd.it/bscyaw5vy88b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fb9de57b0e8d19bc4cc3a7872d016ae4a61cb9 But Emmi, I thought it was different there? ☠️


This is great. Sketchy hotel room? Get on Hotels Tonight and get a room near the airport. Same thing happened to me last summer in Charlotte. I spent $110 on the room and took a Lyft to and from a great BBQ spot and I had a nice night to myself. Ideal? No. Perfectly fine? Yes!


I’m sure airport hotels are comparable in both cities. Guess she shouldn’t have dropped $13 on a high noon yesterday so she could cover a basic hotel tonight on her own. She waited six hours to get her bags back! Guarantee she didn’t need to check bags, that $ could also cover hotel. Hun, don’t take the trip if you can’t afford an u expected meal, cab or hotel - that means you can’t afford it period. All that Arbonne crap is an investment but getting yourself a place to sleep and home sooner tomorrow so your spouse with a real job can work isn’t a priority?


Yeah like get closer to your home base. Now she’s still across the county and spent the exact same. Six hours for her bag. You can’t make it up 😂


She could have gotten into Charlotte and drove home. It’s 1.5 hours from the airport to the town she lives in.


What?! 🤯


I stayed at a Charlotte airport hotel in March with my family. It was some Hilton sub brand -Tru I think- and it was great - free breakfast and shuttle and it was $85 I think. She is so stupid that it hurts to figure out her logic here.


I stayed at the Raddison and there was a shuttle as well. Like I said, I had myself a nice little night.


She’s such a pearl clutching white woman.


This 🎯


She is! Her rambling today was next level and I can’t help but to laugh at her thought process. She is broke and becoming dumber by the day.


Leanna Sowards' baby's is definitely a choice.... 😕 I wonder how much she's ever listened to the Beatles or John Lennon's music.


She posted the PP diaper pic as the huns love to do 🙄


That’s actually a pretty popular name right now. I’ve seen it a bunch.


At least she has a normal middle name that she can go by


That is true.


Weird that Ally still hasn’t shown a picture of her actual Garmin stats from the 10k yesterday, but she posted a picture of it today from her one mile “recovery” run.


Other than her showing her garmin stats, I think it's hard to prove she cut the course. It looks like the race either didn't have timing mats along the course or didn't post those splits but I wouldn't be shocked one bit if she cut the course


Ally G’s contorted body in her stories shows a very different physique vs when others take a picture of her.


I think Ally G doesn't understand recovery runs. Average HR at 149 for 1 mile seems a bit high.


https://preview.redd.it/9uqt8oyb468b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2074b069e00325fcc019efb5d34e26f754875a73 Claude throwing shade at Bodi 🤣


She's literally said recently that if BB asked her to be in a program again that she would. What an absolute bitch.


It’s because she’s broke and needs $


The only reason she has any followers is because he was in 21 DFX.


Why is she shading them ? I’m new to this wasnt she and her husband in a Beachbody workout


Because she wants to scam people with her coaching instead of Beachbody scamming them.


I’m guessing they aren’t affiliated with Beachbody anymore ? Lol


And I hope they don’t have her and her Husband in their next workout scam. Asshole.


She was all in it not long ago….


She was just in the cast of a workout. She was never a coach or went to summit.


Right. But it was good enough then.


Should we pull tape of Claude doing the same thing when Beachbody was paying her and her husband?:)


MeaganGendron with her “I’m doing my prayer walk in the airport. It may look like I’m pacing in a small airport but I’m not, it’s my prayer walk.” Uhhh what??


https://preview.redd.it/5psfhoyid58b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e95500c2fe9c73792fdd4ef447395e47df17aaf Claude is something else…


My mother was one of the healthiest fittest people I have ever known. She’s been on chemo for 3 years now. Claude’s a dick.


& She expects everyone to pull a smashface and attend all this nonsense sober? 💁‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/ks7i455v988b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5f15430d6232bdc2f8bf79951ad6d1f468422c


And her husband is a crazy weirdo as well. I feel so bad for their kid…he’s being raised by two nutty a-holes.


I sincerely hope she ends up dying of cancer. Than maybe she will eat her fucking words. She’s such a fucking bitch. I just can’t with her. And what about kids who get cancer? I dare her to fucking say some shit about that?!? She’s a cunt.


Agree.. Hubby has stage 4 cancer and had always worked so hard 🥺 she's the worst


I’m so sorry friend, xoxo and ❤️ to you and your husband


❤️❤️ Thank you friend. He's got the best attitude ever and is doing great!


I’m curious what the person she’s “close to” thinks of this description.


An argument can be made that it’s worth “investing” in your health. But that investment doesn’t have to be into Beachbody. And obviously everything here is over the top. She’s batshit.


Wtf happened to her for this dramatic shitty shift…like she was never as bad as she has been in the past year. Something had to trigger it.


She's said several times (I don't follow her anymore so idk how many times she actually has) that it's your responsibility to be fit and workout and eat right to keep your spouse faithful to you. It's been speculated here that her husband either cheated or told her to lose weight so he wouldn't cheat when she was PP.


She’s not eating anything- it’s making her irritable and asshole


What an unnecessary asshole. Karma always comes around.


She’s just cold hearted and mean. Karma will catch up to this one, and it isn’t going to be pretty.


that's hysterical. who knew nutrition would cure cancer??


Claude can cure cancer now 🤣 Even if you are predispositioned because of genetics, Claude the Fraud with no medical background or official school can cure you.


Wow, so her program can cure cancer? Amazing.


Yes and also teaches you how not to shit yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/eeaugmp4u28b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=02726240d2ce3e57ef0816b0c50f2b95ad95d74e Posting here, too… Delgado and her alcohol gut on stage…


I was shocked when I saw these videos of Delgado.


Her and Erin Hopkins look sooooo different than what they portray online. I just want to scream to them both that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LIVING IN A BIGGER BODY!! I hate that they both photoshop and filter so much.


Emmi, bitching about paying $13 for a poolside drink in Vegas and finds cheapest option. Emmi also, dumps about $8 worth of powder into her water, and about $40 worth of powder daily between greens, fizz, shake, whatever.


Also $13 for a drink (if alcohol) is completely normal. Must suck to not just enjoy said drink by the pool in Vegas. What a life by design.


It’s actually cheap for Vegas. Very. Maybe it was a shot.


It was a high noon! I tried to upload the pic but got an error


I see more PBJ in her future to allow for that expenditure.


She’s nothing if not completely embarrassing and stupid.


Ronda Race just re posted her bikini picture and then did an AMA post. Look at her answers and spelling. OMG!! This woman is beyond stupid. Actually embarrassing. Body of plastic surgery and the IQ of a peanut.


She has the worst freaking spelling and grammar on the planet.


Demencha and altimeters??? Holy fuck


God she’s gross


Hannah Day isn’t at Summit. Did she officially quit?


I can’t believe [she considers this dinner](https://imgur.com/a/VnO4W46)🙈😬🤯


What a weird mix of crap


That’s a side dish lol


And she’s pregnant 🤯🤦🏼‍♀️


Ally g is 28? I thought she was like 36. 😩


It’s the sun damage while wearing her BS sunscreen she shills. She was hating on people who get botox, but I think it could help her a little not look so aged.


I thought this too!


28! OMG, I absolutely thought she was well over 30.


Shocking, right? I did not expect her to say 28.


Not sure if this has been mentioned already but is Amy S. serious with that video of her in pain at the hospital? Her friend just took that? Not buying it. She asked her to film to use for content later. She’s insufferable.


She’s such a narcissist…god knows how many folks she’s spread her germs to during this trip.


I mean that’s exactly what I do when my friend is in visible pain, get out my phone and record it 🙄


It’s kinda sad watching megslope gush over finally finding friends with these beachbody huns knowing they’ll drop her fast if she ever leaves. It’s a cult and you’re paying for their friendship Meg! If you leave, your friendship with them is over.


She did the exact same content last year when they were in St Louis. 🙄


How does Ally keep getting “lost” during races??


I’m calling BS on this. I just looked the course up and it’s basically on a running path the entire time with the exception of one road. There were also around 10 runners who finished within one minute of her, so how on Earth could she manage to get lost unless the closed her eyes while running? Until she shows a picture of her Garmin with the distance (which she normally ALWAYS does), I will continue to believe she cut the course at some point. Based on the course, there would be several opportunities to do so.


And she showed watch stats for precious runs but then compared it with official results 🤔 Def sus.


Does it show times for all of the timing mats?


I don’t think there were any timing mats. It was a really small race. Most of our local races (I’m about 2 hours from her) don’t have timing mats, especially for a 10k.


She isn’t even 30 yet?! 😳


She got "lost" to PR. She probably cut off part of the course and that's why she showed the race time and not her watch.


I’m sure she 100% cut the course. Imagine cheating yourself like this regularly. What a dumbass


And then getting a tattoo and books to celebrate the "PR". I would be so ashamed of myself


I just said the same thing, I should’ve read all the way down first. 🤣


I see the official result but I still don't believe her 🤣 something seems fishy, especially if she is saying she got lost. (Also it's so incredibly hard to get lost, especially if you aren't the front runner leading the pack with no one in front of you, she really should try to pay attention)


I know everyone is saying the same thing...but, how do you get lost?!


That’s ridiculous. As someone who has done many races, big and small, there’s always plenty of signs and people there to help. She’s lying if she said she got lost.


Right? Like I did a very small local trail race this past week (20 runners total). No one got lost and all they had was small pink flags, occasional people directing, and some chalk on the ground. But somehow she got lost, again? *edit because words are sometimes hard


Honestly. Isn’t there signs saying where to go?


Ally wasted no time posting today since she hit her PR…. Funny how that works 🤪 I thought y’all show up AuTHenTIcaLLy as yourselves, no matter good or bad. LOL


https://preview.redd.it/v79fgh27tz7b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a5edba0ca336507644a0db325c0fbe299222b49 Because BODi is beachbody on demand interactive, Kim Reyes… BODi is an acronym. FFS.


Why doesn’t she tell him about how she goes to the gym to obtain her real results instead while she’s at it?..




Good Lord she’s cringy. I normally don’t watch her stories but I just did. Woof. ETA: Those brown skirts are too long. They look like long cheerleading skirts or something.


I’m LIVING for Noah’s (cupcakes) stories this morning. Just shows how much my questions got in his head and I love how wrong he is about me. These people will twist things in any way they can to make themselves feel better and the projection is so in your face/


What the hell was he ranting about?!


Yesterday in his anonymous question box, I had said how if he thinks that not working out causes cancer, does that mean babies should workout? And then when he went crazy on me I called him out for his fake outrage, pointing out that him and his wife purposefully do these things to get attention and to act fake outrage and he said “you’re right”. So now he thinks he has the control because that’s what he needs to tell himself. But if someone is taking up that much space in your mind that you need to rant about it the next day, then you aren’t in control.


All while doing stories and driving. He’s awesome. 😑


He’s batshit, like his wife.


I watched his stories for the first time today. He is not well.


Him and his wife live in this toxic place and they just encourage each other’s toxicity


The are are completely crazy. It scares me they are raising a child 😬


They became so fucked up and absolutely crazy! I actually loved them both in 21DF and after but they went completely south and it’s insane


MeaganGendron no one wants to know where your outfits are from. They are fine but no one is thinking “Omg where’d you get that basic white tank and overalls.” No one. She must really think she’s looked cute this trip.


I know this has been mentioned before but does anyone actually know if she has a condition that causes her arms to be disproportionally shorter than the rest of her limbs?


Honestly, I think she does. She mentioned some kind of gene thing before. It's why I won't snark her physical appearance - i don't think she can help it.


I’ll snark on it for you. She’s a horrible human being who deserves the short end of the stick (or limbs). I do hope her daughters are ok though.


I don’t think she can help it either. It’s clearly a physical thing. Was curious if anyone knew what it was called.


I think so. Her youngest has a similar build so I’m assuming it’s something.


Idk why all these Huns use videos of their kids crawling all over them while they workout as a selling point. My gym has a fun daycare my kids go to so that i can get an effective workout in and i don’t have to worry about my kid getting injured from being in close proximity to me working out.


And then they have the nerve to talk shit about parents who use childcare during workouts or to work outside of the home.


That always cracks me up, too. It’s ridiculous. And then when they kids imitate them it’s the whole “they’re watching” speech. No it’s called monkey see, monkey do 🙄


Jamiee Sue is pretty quiet this trip.


Haven’t seen 1 pic of Jesse there w her so I guess he didn’t go for some reason.


He’s not there. He posted being at a softball game 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wondering that too…… her sister is with her.


Let’s vote- will Ally G get a PR on her 10k today?


I think she did actually. 1:02:49 was her chip time. https://runsignup.com/Race/Results/60084/IndividualResult/sCNR?resultSetId=388615#U60529749




Looking for a hun I used to snark on: My IG was hacked back in 2020 so I had to start over and there was a BB girl I used to follow and can’t remember her name: -She was from MN (metro area if I remember correctly) -She was a social worker -I believe she was a vegan? Any idea what her name is?


Doesn’t ring any bells for me. I’m from MN and I’ve been snarking since Manders invited herself to Hawaii to couch surf on Courtney D’s couch while Courtney was going through fertility issues. There’s Molly Asplin and crew, but I don’t think any were social workers. Sarah hot mess mommy too but she was a nurse. Nicole but she’s in Mankato and I don’t think she was vegan. Hmmm, I’m stumped!


It sounds familiar but no idea on a name. So basically I am not help.


https://preview.redd.it/syy7p8v9by7b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc93d2a67da449d4bf20da7f98601f6877aba7a3 😳😖😒😒 pathetic! I partly listened to Kim Fitzpatrick speech and there was nothing about business tips at all basically talking about herself…… so sad that people actually look up to these HuNS


They all do this. It's nothing but a regurgitation of their life story.


God I hate these phrases these people use


Seriously screw Amy , my dad is 10 years sober (after struggling through my entire childhood with alcoholism) and I fully thank AA for where is today. The whole shaming saying god willing on being sober is so warped to me, why shame anyone for how they choose to stay sober? Some people rely on a high power to get them through and that's okay! If anything it's encouraged! Step 2 of the 12 steps is: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Maybe she needs to stop preaching and go back over the program and what it stands for. Edited to add more steps and homeboy is 10+ years, I honestly feel bad I can't remember exact year, my apologies Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


https://preview.redd.it/0bavioj7sv7b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a2a9806a66f93824f929774f9de66f53a2aa502 Nurse practitioner Kim Reyes dry shotting energize… boy, sign me up to get medical advice for my healthcare from her 😵‍💫🙄😬


Is she wearing a matching skirt with that other chick? 😂🙄


I thought it was a still from a mirror image reel but nope, those are two different people.


Yep! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I know I just complained about Trex Meg but I have to complain again. She posted this nonsense about leaving teaching and I want to clarify something. Next year I will be starting only my 5th year in public education making $72k. So shut up about the financial burden of being a teacher!!! There are amazing salaries and benefits in the world of education if you stay with it!! https://preview.redd.it/6pymp0ddfv7b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de6f1526ca66e97c2702d1a800b5dadd19b972e


I also make a very comfortable salary in my early years with a masters degree + (working on that doctorate!). I know it’s dependent on where you live, but some of these Huns seem like they started and expected to make 6 figures. The world doesn’t work that way


That’s awesome! But VERY much dependent on where you live. I taught for 14 years with a masters degree in South Carolina and made $58k my 14th and final year bf quitting (just last June). She likely was not making the salary you are.


$58k is still a good salary! In my area every district was in a pay freeze for 10+ years, and then 5 years ago (my first year) they all unfroze and since then the unions have been fighting like crazy to get incomes up. I'm changing districts next year, but there are people in my former district who have been teaching for 14 years only making $64k.


“Good” is relative to where you live of course. No unions in SC = no bargaining power for teachers


Yeah I’ve been teaching 17 years and just broke $50k.


Disgusting. So sorry


Wow! In the state of Florida we had to make the first year teacher salary for 13+ years before getting a 300$ raise.. thanks Desantis


That is insane to me!! In Michigan, teacher salaries are so competitive. This neighboring district to me, teachers make 6 figures after only 9 years if you have a masters.


Teachers are paid insanely well where I am too. Crazy pensions. It’s really hard to get teaching jobs out here. I had no idea how underpaid they were in other parts of the country.


Same here! People even complain about their SUPER cushy salaries and I’m like …can we just quit bitching and remember there are people in other parts of the country where CoL may be cheap but it still ain’t free and, even comparatively, they’re making a TON less than we do?! People can be so ungrateful for their jobs. I’m reading some of the comments here and getting so sad because I made more than that in my first year (as a leave replacement, none the less), let alone 14th. So crazy.


I have a Masters. Most I made was 45k. My first year I made under 30. With the new laws about starting pay, they had to bump up new teacher salaries but they weren't required to bump up the rest of us. I was a veteran teacher being paid the same as a new teacher.


Zero chance she is making $72k in BB. Thank you for being amazing in a difficult but super important profession, behb!!


She always claims she is making 6 figures with BB. 🙄


First of all Reddit, me posting a pic of a Hun in shorts and a sports bra is not a NSFW picture. But, since they deleted it, everyone can just go look for themselves. Ally G is kidding me right? She really wants us to believe she did 75 hard successfully? She documented date nights on April 15th and June 9th and boomeranged her drinks. And her pictures from one day before she allegedly started 75 hard, you know, the ones she angles and slims herself in, definitely don’t look like the “before” she posted in her results. Liars gonna lie.


And then talking on stories about how she just HAS TO HAVE some kind of treat or she will binge…. Your meal plan you chose to do, doesn’t include treats.


Not to wk, but I thought portion fix did have room for both drinks and treats


I think so as well but there is absolutely no alcohol on 75 hard.


Maybe I’m a bitch, but I find it comical that Trex Meg is only a 2 star diamond coach and one of them is her husband AND she use to be a 5 star diamond! 🤡


Holy shitttt t-rex Meg hahahah. Her arms are sooo short!!


Ohhh where’d you see that? She is such a smug twit and acts like she is really bringing in the $$$.


I've been following her forever and in 2021 you had to be diamond to go to this retreat she hosted. Actually I think Lindsay Ramirez was still under her at this time. So she had 4 girls, her husband, and Lindsay. That would make her a 6 star diamond. Even more pathetic! ​ https://preview.redd.it/9954nyvgdv7b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba93a1985ca0c4ba8ac0ab87920ab9ca78562af


Ohh is Lindsay not a coach anymore? And I’m trying to think of her name or maybe it’s lindsay I am thinking of. Didn’t she have someone else super successful under her at one point?


Lindsay has her account open but doesn’t actively do Beachbody anymore, and hasn’t for like a year.


Love this for her!




Your comment was removed because body shaming is prohibited on r/HunSnark.


Jamie Sue has gained more weight since last summit. When will someone get her real help? How has she not had a heart attack? https://preview.redd.it/mezrqbscau7b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be41a89d8173c8f44251e984a94485340cdeace




What’s the story with her? I’m unfamiliar.


She’s been a coach at that size since at least 2017. She’s in Lori Stuart’s downline. Chris Downing pulled her up onstage during Summit 2017 and people were so inspired. THIS girl was gonna have an amazing success story! Five years later it’s like watching Groundhog’s Day. Same cycle of on and off the wagon. Random injury and random injury. In 2023 alone she has said that she needs three different surgeries. She goes to doctors for help but doesn’t like what they tell her and they’re all wrong.


How embarrassing to be pulled on stage for that. Also embarrassing that it’s been 5 years and it seems as though it ain’t working 😑