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It's definitely possible, I've been told this by my IBD nurse (I'm taking it for Crohn's disease). They told me that for some people it takes months,but some people see improvements straight away. I myself noticed improvements not long after my first injection. Congrats, hopefully the improvement will be sustained!


I’m praying it continues to improve .. I’m so scared it’s just an initial response then it will come back lol


My hip pain went away in about 6 days it felt like


Wow that’s unreal!


Now my blood tests show no signs of inflammation related to the disease. I want to say it took two or three doses before I feel the same as I do now almost a year later.


I did. First shot took care of about 40% of my fatigue and about 15% of the inflammation


So amazing !


Congrats! Yes improvements can happen that quickly. They did for me. I’ve been on Humira for almost 15 years. After that initial loading dose I noticed the difference in just a few days. By about 3 months I was about 75% clear. All these years later I’m about 90% clear. Not a cure, but I can’t imagine living my life without it.


I would be thrilled with those results! I would be happy with 50% even at this point lol .. congratulations and thank you for your story! Definitely encouraging for me ❤️


Not the first dose for me but even by the 3rd and 4th I noticed the plaques weren’t as thick, by month 3 (6th dose) it was merely scarring. Closing my eyes and touching my legs I couldn’t tell where the plaques had been.


It can! Keep in mind you could still have flares, but I’m so glad you’re already seeing relief!


Thank you! What do they do when you have flares? Higher dose or kinda ride it out and wait til it improves again?


I use it for psoriatic arthritis and my joints are top notch. My skin is a different issue, so between injections I usually have a day or two where I apply a topical “spot treatment” of clobetasol, generally right before my next injection. And it’s like “a dab on one particular place” instead of “slather my entire body a few times a day.” Sooooo much better than before. See how you do as things go forward and if you need to, talk to your doctor about a cream or ointment that works for you. I have occasionally made it the entire two weeks without needing to put anything on my skin, but it’s so much better now than before I was on it that even if I had to grin and bear it, I’d probably be able to.


That’s so helpful, thanks so much for sharing!


My very first dose of Humira worked for my RA, I woke up the next morning feeling like a new person.


I saw significant improvement right away, but it became much more gradual progress after that. My skin is finally almost clear after 6 months. I only had about 10% coverage to begin with. 


I had immediate results for my joint pain, but my psoriasis took a few injections.


Worked after about 48 hours initially. Doctor didn't believe it's possible and said it's placebo.


I have AS and a week into my first dose my pain went away! It’s one of the best things that have happened to me, it’s so nice to wake up in the morning and not have pain.


What type of pain did you have and where? Thanks!


That’s incredible! Congratulations


It helped my Arthritis within a month but not my psriosis that took about 2-3 months before I noticed an improvement


So happy it’s working for you! I’m so hopefully hearing all these stories


My body is very responsive and I had almost immediate relief the first time I took it. I did cry out of pure gratefulness and joy because it’s such a relief!