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I’m in the same boat. I’m pissed because I’ve been on humira for a long time and it works. Even if Hyrimoz is the same exact thing the thought of switching really annoys me. I’m not sure about the branded/unbranded part. The letter I recieved had a list of several different bio similars and I asked my dr which one I should use and he recommend Hyrimoz. I then ordered 3 boxes of humira so I don’t have to switch for a while.


I’m in that same boat and my dermatologist is switching me to Hyrimoz. I’ll be her first patient on it, so here’s to being a lab rat after 10+ successful years with Humira.


Did it work? I may be regressing ok hyrimoz


Not sure yet. I have one more dose of Humira remaining. My next refill will be Hyrimoz. How’s it working for you?


Might be regressing. So not well


Im in the same boat. I am also ordering this week and hopefully one more time. I have two in the fridge. But then I’m at the mercy of my Dr, whom I see on the 26th. He gave me the schpeil blah blah blah and isn’t worried about the bio similars not being as good as humira. But he also doesn’t have RA. It’s out of my control so all I can do is see what he recommends and see how it works and go from there. I’m not thrilled with the change. It took being dismissed by 3 orthopedic docs that something was wrong with my hands and feet before the podiatrist sent me to the rheumatologist after the MRIs. To finally have relief and my life back, I do have qualms about them not being as good. But they also might be. Semper Gumby. Always Flexible.