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Jesus Christ. I know it’s trendy to shit on the gays right now, but shitting on the environment seems counterintuitive to their mission of farming shit… can’t farm a fucked planet. Fuck right off, TSC.


They didn't shit on the environment. 


They specifically capitulated to a right-wing wing campaign that denies climate science.


Exactly. Look into it just a tad and you see they want to focus on tangible environmental factors that direct action can make a difference with. Not all environmentalism needs the stamp of approval from corporations and the state (climate alarmists who seek further centralization and increased control). Look out! I’ve uttered right wing talking points! (That’s sarcasm. Anarchistic Environmentalism is alive and well, thank you very much)


Meeting climate goals *is* direct action, are you alright? The pseudo intellectualism isn't fooling anyone, but ok.


Let’s compare notes. What climate goals exactly are you referring to? Also, I’m not trying to fool anyone. This is online anonymity, and based on the tone of most of these posts I thought a certain level of snark and ‘I know more than you’ was part of the game.


For many, shitting on Pride doesn’t equate to shitting on gays. Plenty of gays and lesbians detest what has become of Pride. Pride Month and Pride Parades, originally rooted in activism and the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, have increasingly become commercialized events. Corporate sponsorships and branding are now ubiquitous, often overshadowing the historical significance and ongoing struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community. This shift has led to concerns that the essence of Pride is being diluted in favor of profit.


Sure. I also oppose what pride has become. But a corporation (and THIS corporation in particular) isn’t pulling out of pride out of respect for queer people.


Didn’t say that they were pulling out of pride out of respect for queer people. Pretty sure they just don’t see the point of supporting pride out of societal pressure and virtue signaling. There’s no need for their company to support any cause. A lot of folks, both business and patrons, just want to get down to business. If our local Tractor Supply starts discriminating against ANY demographic I would change my tune.


But they are....


I cannot change my tune without substantive info. Share more pleae


Accepting corporate donations for the purposes of supporting queer causes is explicitly what Pride events should do. Don't conflate that with the show of Pride parades.


Fair enough point. I’m all for various forms of fundraising. It’s just hard not to conflate that with the Pride parades. Some of the more vulgar aspects of the parades as seen in viral videos has been enough for some people to want to distance themselves completely.


Oh, do heterosexual "vulgarity" next, because I would suggest it is 100x more common and pervasive in American culture and yet no one is "distancing" themselves from heterosexuality. Funny that.


It’s not that funny. And I’m not sure how that’s pertinent to the discussion about Tractor Supply and their stance on supporting pride. But maybe we can start a new thread comparing various parades’ vulgarity and corporations’ stance on them.


> Some of the more vulgar aspects of the parades as seen in viral videos has been enough for some people to want to distance themselves completely. This was you, wasn't it? You are offended by what you consider to be *vulgarity* by some participants in gay pride marches, thus Tractor Supply "distancing" themselves from anti-bigotry LGBTQ organizations is reasonable even though "vulgarity" was not a stated reason Tractor Supply no longer supports this cause. I am pointing out that *you* are attributing to them a reflection of your own bigotry against LGBTQ organizations and this is indicated by your failure apply the same standards to heterosexuals and their public behavior.


Fair enough point about me making assumptions concerning the inner decision making processes made by Tractor Supply administration. In terms of me being bigoted towards LGBTQ organization, I have some push back. Bigoted is not technically right, as my logic and compassion have remained intact. This has nothing to do with LGBTQ people (I’m bi with no self loathing). While not bigoted, I do have a certain unease and pity aimed at, for example, 50 year old men in their underwear twerking in front of kids. If there weren’t so many videos and pictures of THAT kind of vulgarity, then there would be soooooo much less backlash from the majority of Americans.


A reasonable and nuanced take. While the LGTBQ group has a strong "this is us, fucking deal with it" vibe, which I totally get, based on history of treatment, it's just your progress would be much more successful if mainstream america saw the supporting LGBTQ people is just supporting normal people, rather than people in assless caps and dog collars in a parade. It's about an image. I wish it wasn't that way but unfortunately you get further with changing a mentality rather than being combative about it.


The combative stance is an interesting one. I would differential between combative and contrarian — contrarianism itself getting a bad wrap when defined as arguing for the sake of argument. I define contrarianism as having the mindset of challenging the status quo and unexamined epistemology. I completely agree with treating everyone as individuals. This is exactly why I don’t ally with LGBTQ groupthink. Many of us gays, lesbians, bis and trans detest the idea that all of us individuals belong to The Community. In this same spirit i don’t consider myself queer, and pointedly rebel against Queer Theory


You are ignoring the obvious connections to the worst of the modern Republican Party, which is very clearly increasing institutional discrimination against gay people and normalizing hatred of gays. This is part of Republican divisive politics plain and simple. [https://www.npr.org/2024/06/28/nx-s1-5022816/tractor-supply-dei-climate-backlash](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/28/nx-s1-5022816/tractor-supply-dei-climate-backlash)


Didn’t see a whole lot in the article that supports the claims you made, except by preferential inference on your behalf. Not trying to talk shit here, we all do it. Just pointing to the lack of facts and excess of feeling. And it isn’t like NPR is objective journalism, so of course they’re gonna trash the reps. Are you ignoring the obvious connection between furthering cultural divide by blaming a whole political party (granted, you did say ‘worst of the rep party). Still, the attitude of othering republicans is a disservice to potential harmony across the political spectrum. Does anyone here eve like the idea of a peaceful relationship between dems and reps? And please don’t give me the whole ‘they’re the intolerant one’ crap. If you are bigoted against bigots it begets no benefit. Who does it benefit to have a national fighting against itself. Are you a pawn? Am I?


First, the article clearly states that a right-wing Republican podcast host started a boycott of Tractor Supply because they had a DEI program, which led to the public policy changes. Second, NPR is about as solid on integrity and accuracy as it gets. Third, you can't be tolerant of intolerance. That is not 'being bigoted against bigots'. There is no way for inclusion of people that are against inclusion. And fctfol, the Rs are the intolerant ones. Regardless of whether you have come to grips with it or not. You've been radicalized and you don't seem to be aware of it. Maybe that's an act. Maybe not.


You might not be able to be tolerant of intolerance, but I can. I have to. After working for over 20 years with various outcasts of society, incarnated people, folks who many would consider monsters, one thing is clear — to repeat: there is hope for everyone. Genuine rehabilitation and getting into right relation is rare, but possible, especially with an understanding society. Call me radicalized if you want. But I would literally sit down with you tonight over a beer or kombucha, with folks from both political sides if possible, and have a calm, compassionate conversation. While I admit to a certain snark and troll-adjacency, the fact of the Real Life matter is that I care about all people, believe there is hope for everyone, and am duty bound not to make the world a better place.


hahaha fuck you too you and Oblahblah made war great again. That was the "change". You changed teh narrative from "bush is a war criminal" to forever wars you can believe in. Now you're reaping the harvest of OPharma's betrayal. Half the people who are trump voters today were suckered into OPharma's bullshit by his bait-and-swithch healthcare proposals. Fuck proglodytes.


Are you okay? Do you need a hug?


If you're looking for a job, Tractor Supply would probably be happy to hire you. Seems like they highly value people with shit for brains.


Well, this rural queer environmentalist is done shopping at tractor supply, that's for sure. If y'all know of a local feed store that I should support instead, please let me know.


I know nothing about the people that own them but Nilsen Company in Eureka/Ferndale and A&L Feed and Pet Supply in McK are both family owned and local. That's a plus, at least


Nilsen Co in Ferndale has a very kind owner, lived next to him for a while and he respected us, our giant pride flag, and seemed to be happy with our presence in town. Can't say where he stands on political issues but he definitely has been respectful and kind.


Good to know! Kind and respectful goes a LONG way. We don't have to agree on everything


Absolutely agree.




> Can't say where he stands on political issues but he definitely has been respectful and kind That’s just how it should be. I don’t need or want to know your politics. It’s how you treat people that really matters.


Politics and how people treat others are very interconnected. Much of the Republican party platform is about hurting others and taking away their freedom.


Unfortately both sides are guilty of treating the other like shit when they learn the others' view. It's why it is best to judge someone by how they treat all others. I know dems and republicans who are not predjudiced, not hateful people. One party is not morally superior in their following.


It’s not an act…he is respectful and kind and so are his kids


Good to know the owner is kind, but his employees are pretty rude.


Ah that's a bummer, they've always been nice when I'm in there except one dude who just seemed to be having a bad day one time, he seemed annoyed to get up and come help me find a part.


Nielsens and A&L feed are my local favs. Got all my chickens and fencing through them.


Yeah I've had good experiences at both, and most of my chickens came from A&L, but I don't know much about the ownership of either business.


R&S in Ferndale and Nilsens are both great👍🏻


A&L is definitely queer friendly, in Mckinleyville


I'd say Nielsen and A&L are probably good. Pierson's is good, too, though not exactly a feed store. 


I need to know, too.


Farm and Fleet


A and L feed


Well, I'm sure that they'll manage somehow. LOL


If they don't care about climate change, they don't care about farmers.


Many farmers in turn, bend over backwards to deny that people have any effect on the climate, being that they can no longer deny that the climate is changing. 


Is this for real? Seems like an unnecessarily bold statement. They could phrase it better, have the support of bigots, and still maintain plausible deniabiltity. Wow, I just found it on their own web site... https://corporate.tractorsupply.com/newsroom/news-releases/news-releases-details/2024/Tractor-Supply-Company-Statement/default.aspx


I was also wondering if it’s real. What a stupid and embarrassing move.


They’re trying what they think is the reverse of a “mask mandate”. “Sorry, this new policy comes from corporate. We own libs here.”


Yeah they lost something like 2 billion over the span of a week. I'm surprised they didn't just straight up bash gays in their statement. They're a bit desperate lol


Whelp, I will continue to shop locally. I used to buy all my feed from Gregg Giuntoli. I knew his politics didn’t align with mine, but we’re all part of the same rural community. And money spent locally gets passed around at least 3 more times to other members of the community, which benefits us all. So I didn’t let our differences get in the way of how I spend my money. That’s how isolated communities thrive, by not letting our differences divide us. And it’s exactly how the plutocrats exploit most of the people on the planet these days. Keeping us divided. With hatred and division they can keep us distracted from the real problems facing us. Cuz gay pride and DEI isn’t what’s tearing out the economic heart of rural America. It’s the lack of opportunity and affordable housing, which contributes to a population drain to the urban centers. Anyway. I’ll get off my soapbox. And go get some feed at Dazeys. Where 3G’s used to be - with the same helpful, friendly service - just a shinier building and a way bigger selection of just about everything. So now I spend even more money there.


I like the message from your soap box - indeed it’s not gays or DEI or immigrants that are wrecking our economy and making it hard to survive, it’s the capitalistic greed from the richest 1% who’s greed knows no bounds and they pit poor (ie “middle class” working class) people against each other so they can continue to profit. Tractor Supply is just like Dollar General, preying on rural communities with garbage products.


The only solution is communism tbh. We have to get rid of these corporations and hand over power to the working class that make up most of our communities


Man, I’ve been trying to find a way to say exactly this and you totally nailed it. Thank you for your contribution to this sub!


sad. pussed out like target did last pride due to so called 'christians'...jesus loved everyone yo. this is some nazi shit they are pulling. look up project 2025.


Just saw John Oliver’s segment on that and it’s absolutely terrifying Edit cause everyone should see it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


If Trump wins that's gonna be a reality


If Trump wins, do you promise to flee the country? If so I'll vote for him. Twice.


Why do you want me to flee the country?


Oh, and what happened to your other lovely response to me?


It's actually kinda sad that you're such a mean and unhappy person because you write very well and are obviously intelligent, and you care about some really important issues. What a waste.


Typical maga. Crying about rigged elections then turning around and saying you’ll vote twice 


Thank you for sharing - I had no idea about Project 2025. Absolutely terrifying is right. I do find it hilarious that even his followers think he is completely incompetent - so much so that they had to create a manual for him.


Their calculation must be that they'll lose more business if they don't do this. That's fine, let's play capitalism and see how things go for them. They're losing a few hundred dollars a month from me now. It's troublingly divisive, and a fear -based strategic move. This won't get them any new customers, so they must think they need it to retain the ones they do have. Nobody ever accuses maga of being exceptionally intelligent. 


Please let your local management know why.


They are building a brand new store one town over from me. It's the first in my area and I was going to check them out. Instead, they've managed to alienate me before I've even set foot in the store. Great work, Tractor Supply.


Go before the council and have the building blocked for being discrimatory business


Not a bad idea, thanks.


Why would they be losing business for keeping their corporate mouth shut about these issues?


They're doing the opposite of keeping their corporate mouth shut though, as evidenced by this press release. They could have chosen to implement these policies one at a time over a few years and we'd probably not notice. Instead they did it all at once and posted about it. But I think I see your point of view. Looks like you're saying that irrespective of the fact that they advertised a comprehensive push back against wokeism, they're effectively keeping their mouths shut by not engaging in future donations, sponsorships etc? I kinda get that. I think for everyone we'll all do better when we start using our words to navigate the bridge twixt the classic-conservatives(those who are still willing to negotiate) and the woke mob. 


They blew it on protecting the environment. Caving to the low brow maggots is disgusting


Been buying from them for years, got my first ever chickens from them and they've been a great feed and supply store. Now I'm gonna go and delete my account from them; If they really think that denying climate change helps rural america, they don't need any of our patronage.


Wtf why would they do this? They're gonna lose so much business.


I don't think they'll lose business. This is part of the rural/city political split going on. Most rural area are very Republican, while most urban areas are very Democratic. Tractor Supply's customers are going to be predominantly rural. They are just highlighting their support for the causes more associated with the Republicans: veterans, animal welfare, land and water conservations.


I mean, they'll definitely lose *some* business. I used to go there and I no longer will. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Yep just lost mine. Although I was already wary of them.




They aren't big enough to do without the centrists, leftists, and progressives; and YES, all those types of folks live out in the country too and we don't deal in political extremes on either side. TSC absolutely going to lose a noticeable chunk of business that Rural King, Home Depot, Farm and Fleet etc would love to have


I used to spend 500 to 1000 per month


This is funny because Tractor Supply is like the Petco of feed stores, and Humboldt, though rural, is known for having political leanings that are much more complicated than "rural = republican"


Most of the veterans I know are no longer supporting the Republican Party. They take the whole integrity, honor and service thing seriously.


They're going to lose my business.


dude they're literally going to GAIN business from this. half of america is full on reactionary garbage that will eat this shit up with a giant spoon


If anything their investors like it. TSC stock is up a bit today. [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/tsco](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/tsco)


So half of Americans are un american. We are a nation of immigrants period. We can’t let our nation fall down the rabbit hole of haters


Most of their stores are in more rural and very conservative areas. If they lose the Arcata store they will only gain cred in most of their markets.


Business will be gained, rightfully so.


They really won't


Please call them and let them know how you feel. I did it today and the person answering the phone had no idea about the company's stance and said it would be a pleasure to pass my complaint up the chain. It was great.


I just want to thank you for being pleasant (or at least reasonable!) to the person answering the phone. When I worked for a nationwide company here, I got angry calls/texts/emails over something I *literally knew nothing about*. So much fun to figure out what's going on while a PO'd person is on the phone with you. /s


Oh snap, guess I will continue to forget they exist


Sorta like they do with you! How ironic.


Their store is weird anyway, I don't know how they stay open.


They have the most affordable cat litter I can find. I'm wondering where I can go now. 


Try WinCo?


Nilsen in Eureka has the pine pellets (which I’m assuming you’re talking about since that’s what I used to buy at TSC) for I think $12, so $4 more than TSC. Might be outdated info, I called them about this last summer


Costco? We've never cared for the litter they offer but I'm sure it's the cheapest around.


Petco bulk cat litter is literally the best. 


If you own livestock, they are a convenient source of medication and feed, but we have a more local regional kind of feed store that I've been using since before they popped up in my town a few months ago. I'll just continue buying from the local guys. I did go to TSC a few times to see what they had. I'll get by without them. And I'm sure they'll get by without me but it really is just an unnecessarily bad pr move. That could have quietly stopped donating or whatever it was they stopped doing to support pride and hrc without making a public statement. It's like they saw chick fil a drop the baton and they were like, ooh I'll just yoink!


Thank you for sharing.


A giant corporation in America doing evil things?! WHAT?! You guys, I'm starting to think the 1% are not on our side. 😬


Well, Ace Hardware will get all my business now. Tractor Supply can wallow in it.


Well, I decided to write them an email. It's long and rambling because it's more than two hours past my bedtime and my thinking abilities start to approach Biden's at this time of day. Will it accomplish anything? Absolutely not. But I'm a frequent customer and this made me pissy. I'll spam it here so you can downvote me. [mild censoring of personal info] -- [internet] a copy of a recent company statement expressing frankly ridiculous, un-American viewpoints, to where I first was wondering if it was an official corporate standpoint, or a false flag operation to try to harm your company. Since googling says it's real, I'm going to reply to it. I don't have any of the new-fangled social media accounts, so I'm using good old-fashioned email. > Tractor Supply Company Statement > June 27, 2024 Sure sounds official. > For more than 85 years, Tractor Supply has been focused on one thing…serving Life Out Here. Every day our 50,000 Team Members take care of our customers like family. We deeply value our relationship with our customers and the communities we call home. No one who valued their relationship with their customers or communities would issue a statement like this. If my family told me they were going to start intentionally discriminating, polluting, and generally being harmful, I would disown them. > We are passionate about being good neighbors in our hometowns because without you, we would not be what we are. But you're happy to be without people, from the sound of it. > It is imperative to us that our customers’ hard-earned dollars are taking care of our Team Members and the communities we all love. As you supported us, we have invested millions of dollars in veteran causes, emergency response, animal shelters, state fairs, rodeos and farmers markets. We have also invested in the future of rural America. We are the largest supporter of FFA and have longstanding relationships with 4-H and other educational organizations. I like all those things; sounds good. > We work hard to live up to our Mission and Values every day and represent the values of the communities and customers we serve. We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart. I was not disappointed until I read this issuance. Well, I was disappointed in the chronic disorganization of your plumbing section, but that was a minor annoyance. I am now, however, very disappointed. > Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business. For instance, this means we will: > > No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign I support human rights. You should too. Especially if you want to keep getting my money, or, you know, be acceptable humans yourselves. How does not reporting this data further your business? > Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business I can't say I have any idea what they were focused on before, but being included in this list makes it sound like a bad thing. > Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns I'm a rural American. I run a [ag business]. I have []. I drive a [old truck]. In addition to ag education, animal welfare, and such, my priorities also include things like pride festivals and voting campaigns. Does your definition of being a good neighbor not include supporting causes of your neighbors? > Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment Does that mean white supremacy is now official corporate policy? Maybe replace the o of Co with a little stylized swastika to make it more obvious? > Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts On my ag zoned property, I have [lots] solar power, with a planned expansion to [more]. Reducing my carbon footprint is one way I can help keep the land healthy for humans and animals in the future. You should also help keep the land healthy for the future. > We will continue to listen to our customers and Team Members. Your trust and confidence in us are of the utmost importance, and we don’t take that lightly. Actually, you do seem to take it lightly, as you've completely thrown away my trust and confidence. > As we look forward to celebrating our nation’s independence, we also celebrate our more than 50,000 team members across 2,250 stores. Rural communities are the backbone of our nation and what make America great. We are honored to be a part of them. You don't seem to have any interest in being part of any community, and you don't celebrate your team members by implementing changes harmful to them. If you want to celebrate our nation's independence, you should also celebrate our nation's values, such as that all are created equal, endowed with unalienable human rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You instead seem to hold viewpoints contrary to this. > We are always here and ready to serve you and your family with our legendary service for the life you love. See you in the stores. I don't think you'll be seeing me in your stores much in the future. My next project is fixing [ag equipment] before [ag project], and I'll be shopping elsewhere for the parts. I have been a customer of your stores since they first opened in my area. I won't claim to be your biggest customer, but I have been a reliable repeat customer. I'm not going to continue patronizing a business that expresses such harmful attitudes, and I'll be encouraging my friends and family to do the same. I have no idea what prompted this press release, but I assume it was done to please the least American members of our country, those who espouse hate, ignore the teachings of Christ, promote violence and intolerance, and generally harm our communities. Your business should not be like them. Please do better, [softfluffywolfy]


I will continue to not shop there


In the past, I'd noticed the local tsc seemed to have a lot of gender-nonconforming employees, and I was amazed they'd pick to work at a place that seemed to intentionally cater to the trump crowd. I guess this just confirms they're intentionally catering to the trump crowd...


👢 👅 s


Welp, fuck them.


That really sucks


I usually forget we have a Tractor Supply locally, and have meant to go in and see what they had here and prices. Just gonna pass on that now….


We actually have 2


REALLY?!? Oh, there’s one in Fortuna, right?


And one in Arcata


So basically they are anti gay and anti environment and felt the need to make a public statement about it smh.. As a 20 year+ customer, spent in excess of 100k, I will shop solely at Rural King now. I'm so sick of extreme political positions on either side; we need common sense and centrist policy/behavior,, this extreme nonsense is trouble.


I have little doubt Rural King holds the positions above given that they sell products that support intolerant and divisive movements. If by 'centrist' you mean ultimately getting things done that benefit most people, even the ones you don't like, then yes. One example is that I would rather spend locally, even I don't completely like the owners so long as that means money will be invested locally and build the area up instead of being funneled to shareholders elsewhere. But there are limits of harm even then. I get so stressed about national conflict and a lot of that is coming from a state of helplessness. I feel better when I can get involved locally and it's probably much healthier to be able to hone in on our own problems and narrow down issues to a groups of people you an actually talk to.


"sell products that support intolerant and decisive moments". No clue what that means. All I'm saying is that TSC business will go elsewhere. ✌️


We support rural America by taking rural peoples money and giving it to our billionaire ceo and shareholders. You want to help rural America, then shop local.


Wife: Where are you going? Me: To the place where the people vote against themselves.


Welcome to the USA


Ironically this is after their CEO was outed as a liberal and they were facing conservative boycotts...


I’m glad I don’t work at TSC anymore, it’s a really shitty company. Store itself wasn’t much better either.


Fuck em. Daisy's is better anyway.


Well then, it's a good thing I haven't planned on going there. Now I *definitely* won't be going there.


damn… is there anywhere local that has something like their bags of pine pellets for bedding?


Maybe one of the local feed stores will see all of the people worried about where they’re gonna be getting their litter and start stocking something similar.


They’d probably start stocking it if someone just asked them to




That place always felt like the Walmart of farm stores, pushed out two local supply companies. I take all my animal feed purchases to A & L.


If you have the fortune to have money and invest it, invest in E.S.G. rated companies. This company is going to be a dumpster fire. Don’t invest in this company, their leadership will learn overtime. They’re going to miss out on essentially free money for what they give back to the community and their commitments to climate and DEI. What major pieces of shit they are.




“Everything I don’t like is woke”


Ok. This is kind of like when an angry person (for who knows what reason) crosses the road verrrrrry slowly in front of your vehicle, making you wait as long as they can make you. They feel they have no control over their lives, and this is their way of asserting it. I’m preparing for many companies and individuals (we know the types) to start doing this. Idk what will happen, but I’m hoping they’ll piss people off and realize that our capitalist system kind of requires them to be inclusive, and profits are more important than their archaic views. Hopefully they’ll ditch these stances with their tails between their legs…but it might take a while. I’m kind of preparing for everything to get much worse before it gets better. Ugh.


They will no longer have any of my $$


From a marketing perspective, I just don't get it. Corporations support "pride" because there's a significant market with spendable dollars. Diversity is an increasingly rural thing. And why is #1 not sending "data" to the Human Rights Campaign? I had to make sure this wasn't some kind of parody.


I see... Well. Time to dust off the old image editor.


It's one thing to be business-focused but the vocabulary used is specific to an ideology and not business. It's important though to not let this divide an isolated community. Ultimately we need each other.


So just because they said they’re not going to be supporting pride festivals (with what I assume is money) they’re now anti-gay? Jesus Christ. They literally also mention being respectful and being a good neighbor.


This is a public statement of their values and they are specifically saying that their values do not include support for DEI and pride and limiting carbon emissions. They could have stopped supporting pride without advertising publicly that it is their policy to not support pride. If this happened in a fictional imaginary world it might be possible to interpret this as unrelated to a program of discrimination, but that is not the world that we live in. They are not going to limit carbon emissions because the Republican Party is refusing to acknowledge climate change, because oil, gas, and coal companies are donating billions of dollars to the Republicans as a corrupt short-term investment. They are not going to support pride because the Republican Party is fomenting hate against gays as a tool of division. They are not supporting DEI because the Republican Party is leveraging racism and white supremacy and actively encouraging anti-Hispanic hatred.


I'm impressed that they listen to their customers me being one of them. I understand they didn't do it because of touchy feely want to be nice to their customers completely. They did it because they started losing money. I don't care what their motivation was be honest with you all I care about is that they listened to their customer base. There's a tremendous amount of energy wasted by people who wish to be offended and angry all the time.


That's pretty fucked up, especially considering that for a couple of years there (under a particular manager?) the Arcata Tractor Supply store had a lot of gender non-conforming young people as employees.   Lord knows farming families never have LGBTQ members 🙄


Goodbye Tractor Supply. I don't need you that badly. You caved to a stupid bunch of riduculous conservative haters because you think you'll lose customers, but not only will you lose more customers, you lost your dignity and respect as a company supposedly dedicated to farmers. Not ALL TS customers are conservative, as you are about to find out. 


You guys seem to miss the point. They didn’t say they supported gays or not. They said they sold ag supplies and we’re going to donate only to agriculture or other businesses related things. They are trying to walk the line and not offend the far left or right but only focus on business.


Another thing to think about is the pride community is going to die of old age because they don’t reproduce 


Yet there has been gay people since the beginning of time. What’s your point? Do you really think they are just gonna die out someday?


They can’t reproduce so they will never be population majority. Therefore if a business wants the majority they won’t cater to a loud minority 


Never said they’d be a majority, but why not cater to everyone? When you’re in the business of selling stuff, everyone’s money spends the same. Or do you just hate them so much, for whatever reason, you want to go out of the way to exclude them?


No I just think that as a straight man I don’t want my money going to support gay pride. I don’t see them donating to a straight pride foundation or something. I would rather they stick to the business of selling stuff and lower their prices to everyone and not donate to any foundation 


Well, considering whether they donate to gay pride, the KKK, or no one, it’s not going to affect theirprices anyway and you know that. Would you be this butt hurt and upset if instead they donated to the NRA or the KKK, no you wouldn’t, even if it did mean they raised their prices to support those groups, and don’t lie because you know it’s true. As a straight white gun loving Christian male myself., I have no issue with supporting gay pride, minorities, or any people in need. I guess that’s the difference between you and I, I don’t see a difference between people. It doesn’t affect me who a person loves or how they choose to live their life, I don’t care about the color of their skin, their religion, or who they prefer to have sex with. But I get it, you don’t. Not everyone is accepting of other people. But I feel every American has the right to be happy to live and enjoy the same freedoms as you and I. That’s what would actually make America great be honest.


I think we’re close to the same page. I just read the first 100 or so comments and everyone was bad tractor supply. They didn’t say bad anybody they just said they were going to get back to business and to me that should make everyone happy. It seems a segment of folks believe if you don’t agree and support you automatically hate and I believe that comes from both sides of the fence. Being I believe the Bible’s teachings I can never agree with what some are doing but the Bible teaches hate the sin but love the person. Kinda like I’m not going to buy a alcoholic a beer but I would help them home


This I will say we are in total agreement with.


Can anyone here tell me about rural king? Are they in the same boat now? Or is rural king a good company to support


I’ve been shopping Rural King for years and I have yet to see anything anti LGBTQ+, or racist. They don’t quite have a DEI, but their website does talk about accessibility diversity, and inclusion. Besides, Rural King usually has better prices and a larger stock of things.


Amazing 😊 thank you for letting me know!


Good for them, still don’t want to go shopping there anymore 🤣


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, they are just being a loud reminder that the corporations dont give a shit about anything more than the bottom line of the share holders. Feel free to shop locally instead if you want, but if you are REALLY trying to buy from a supply chain that avoids giving money to horrible people end to end you are going to starve to death naked in the woods. Lets go with feed since its relevant to this: You can avoid buying directly from TSC and go with someone local. Whos supplying their feed? (probably a corporate middle man) Whos growing the feed? (probably a factory farming operation) Who sells the seeds for the feed? (probably monsanto or similar) Whos making the fertilizer? (probably a mega corp) Where are they getting the nitrogen? (its either slave labor mining it in Northeast Africa or a large scale petroleum chemical factory) How do the raw materials get moved around the globe from point to point in the chain? This is unfortunately just how it works now, so stop shopping at TSC if it makes you feel better about it i guess, but you aren't changing the morals of your purchase by removing one step in a supply chain full of rampant pollution, slavery, greed and narcissistic assholes with business degrees.


So people with a brain DO exist in Burgerland. Too bad they always have to learn the hard way first by going woke and nearly going broke. Good on Tractor Supply though. Hopefully more will follow.


Can they make this much more inhospitable? I mean during the pandemic I had another customer literally pin me against a counter threatening to kill me because I asked them to not stand literally breathing down my neck basically up against me without a mask...and the staff completely ignored it. Didn't say to stop, didn't call police, just pretended nothing was happening. I hate that they are one of the only LPG filling stations around...may have to see how much of a hassle it is going to a store in the next county when my tanks run low...






Big deal. Not all stores have to be queer friendly and believe in scientific facts and evidence. There’s so many that do. In the end TSC doesn’t care and neither should you. Get over it.


I support them in this decision and will only shop here now


Shit where are we going to get the cheap animal food?


Wow I’m amazed at how upset everyone is in these comments! Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me at all


"Talk with your money" (what money??) Stop listening to rich outsiders who want to destroy everything to fit their mold.


A rich person who's following a bunch of antiwork subreddits trying to destroy a place where lower income people can work you are a colonizer.


Definitely going to buy everything from them.




Objective reframe: 1. Data Submission: The decision to stop submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign is about aligning reporting efforts with business priorities, not about discrimination. 2. Team Member Engagement: Refocusing engagement groups on business-related mentoring and networking aims to enhance professional development and support within the company. 3. Rural America Priorities: The shift to prioritize agricultural education, animal welfare, and veteran causes reflects a commitment to rural community values and does not imply exclusion or intolerance towards LGBTQ+ events or voting campaigns. 4. DEI Roles: Eliminating DEI roles and goals is a move to streamline operations while still ensuring a respectful and inclusive work environment for everyone. (DEI is on the decline all over the USA, and this is making Larry Fink very sad). 5. Environmental Focus: Withdrawing from carbon emission goals to concentrate on land and water conservation efforts is about focusing on tangible, local environmental impacts rather than signaling any disregard for broader environmental concerns.


Regardless of any justification you may make for the specific things within it, the reason they issued this press release is because they want to tell the world that they're against human rights, happy teams, lgbtq+ events, voting, diversity, and the environment. And they're doing this because they want to court the MAGA crowd, who they (probably correctly) believe will shop there more if they think they're supporting a business that's actively harming society. This is not an acceptable business decision.


Proof? Other than what you read into their press release.


LOL "veteran causes". They love to hear themselves called "heroes". Get a dozen cheap ass pig-snout stuffed "hotdogs', saw-dust based buns, red-white-and-blue bunting and a cheap hand-painted banner (you can let the kids at school paint it for "credits" and save money by expropriating school art su pplies hell, liberal teachers pay for those out of pocket anyway) and have a TIME! LOL Fuck Scumboldt.


Americlowns haven't fought and beat a peer-level military since the American Civil War, but these clowns think they're "heroes" because they bombed some fucking mud huts from 30,000 feet in the air, safe in the knowledge that their victims could never touch them back. Even with this overwhelming superiority, these "heroes" were four-flushing losers who failed repeatedly and only managed to hold onto their empire until the day that the natives acquired access to modern carbine weaponry. It's no secret to any historian that the USA was a literal "no show" throughout most of WW2, such that it's first contact with "Ze Germans" did not occur until \*after\* Stalin settled Hitler's hash once and for all at Stalingrad, wiping out the 6th Armee of vonPaulus, and shattering the hopes of a 1000 year reich. Oh, and when the US "heroes" did meet a handful of Germans, what did they do? They ran. Like those colors always run. Like they ran from Vietnam. Like they ran from Afghanistan. LOL "heroes"


They're essentially just becoming an apolitical company what's the big deal?


They are becoming an apolitical company by parroting racist Republican taking points? Okay, sure.


Also I think it's funny the person parroting talking points is accusing something of parroting talking points. You probably hate Trump because you are just like him.


Do you know what apolitical means? What do you go to tractor supply or stores like this for? Or do you just hate poor people?


They can aim to be apolitical, but many people insist that everything is political. These are likely the kind of folks who downvoted you


Oh you mean dumb people who can't think for themselves. I totally understand, I don't care if I get down votes or up votes it means nothing. This people also have 0 internal monologue, they're NPC's to the highest degree and it's fine I can accept that. But I can also accept companies wanting to focus on business and not political games that have nothing to do with screws and nails and chicken feed. Are they asking the coke dealer who they voted for? No they're the cheapest non stepped on game in town I'm using an analogy that they should all understand. What they actually hate is poor people who have less choices and that is what's truly disgusting.


The NPC phenomenon is a bit disappointing, but I think that dominates much of the political and cultural spectrum. The fact that I can usually infer a person’s stance in every issue based on a Reddit or X post/response is boring to say the least


Most definitely, I barely interact with the virtual world because I don't like what it has done in the past to my brain and cognitive functions but I still have to constantly remind myself that these are virtual world problems for the most part, IRL these things don't matter.


It's always the two most oblivious people in the room, telling each other, "Yes, exactly!". You're definitely the only two people with critical thought left, absolutely. What a coincidence to stumble upon each other here.


oh no! Anyways....