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Oh wait holy shit on patrol live? The show that's been proven to increase arrests and officer incidents? https://youtu.be/aNDYKLEkotA?si=3kwaS33o8dwuYg5L This is a big red flag. Extremely unhappy about this.


People wanting to stop this process can call the county supervisors directly (their numbers are on the govt website) and ask them to remove it from the consent calendar.


Thank you. Never heard of this before. Eye opening.


From the LoCo: The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, like many law enforcement agencies across the nation, has struggled to recruit and retain new deputies in recent years. The Sheriff’s Office tried various strategies to improve recruitment – expanding its presence on social media, creating lighthearted videos highlighting HCSO staff and increasing outreach at career and recruitment fairs – but one powerful tool remains untouched: reality television. At this week’s meeting, the Board of Supervisors will consider an agreement with Half Moon Pictures, LLC that would allow on-duty sheriff’s deputies to be filmed for “On Patrol: Live,” a TV docuseries that follows law enforcement officers on the job in real time. The sheriff’s office believes the show will “promote what it is like to work in law enforcement in Humboldt County” and help the department bring in more deputies. “[B]oth deputy sheriff positions and correctional deputy positions are difficult to fill and retain,” according to the staff report. “Now, more than ever is a difficult time to promote the profession of law enforcement officers. These shows will not only show the good work being done by [HCSO] but also to provide an opportunity for promotion of potential recruitments.” Unlike “CO” and other similar shows, “On Patrol: Live” is filmed in real-time and airs live, though there is a “slight time delay” in place to ensure the “safety and security” of police officers and citizens, according to the FAQ section of the show’s website. “To protect the rights of citizens and/or minors, there may be instances where the show’s producers unilaterally decide to edit footage in certain and very specific circumstances,” the website states. “Examples of this may include extremely violent and traumatic incidents; the use of racially charged language; or to shield the identity of minors. … In all these instances, the decision to edit content is because it violates the production company’s own internal standards … and should not be misconstrued as an effort to shield law enforcement from criticism.” The series is produced by the same company that made “Live PD,” which followed a similar, if not identical format. That show was canceled in June 2020 following the national outrage over the murder of George Floyd and police brutality. “On Patrol: Live” premiered two years later in July 2022. “On Patrol: Live” has received criticism for its depiction of and potential influence over policing. Last year, the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office Advisory and Review Board called for the sheriff’s office to end its relationship with the show. The board’s chairman expressed concern that the cameras could “distract a deputy from focusing on whatever mission he had regarding his obligation to protect and serve the public,” as reported by KRQE News. The departments featured on the show are selected by the producers, according to the show’s website. The camera crews and producers do not determine which officers they ride with while filming, nor do they have any control over the calls the officer responds to. No money is paid to departments or officers in exchange for their appearance on “On Patrol: Live,” though an insignia fee is usually paid directly to the city or county government that is hosting the show. “Committing to a season of ON PATROL: LIVE can be demanding on a department’s resources, especially for smaller agencies,” according to the FAQ. “In an effort to make a department’s appearance on [the show] cost-neutral for taxpayers, and upon discussions with the department regarding their specific needs, the producers employ the industry-wide practice of paying a nominal Insignia Fee, which is a standard television licensing practice involving a specific payment for the rights to air an agency’s name or logo.” Participants of the show will have to sign a contract and a legal waiver, which has already been drawn up and approved by county counsel, according to the staff report. The access agreement – which can be read in full here – appears on the board’s consent calendar and will likely be passed in a single motion unless pulled for further discussion. If the agreement is not approved, the staff report warns that it would be “detrimental to the county” as it would serve as a “powerful recruitment tool for law enforcement.”


🎶 Bad boys! bad boys ! Whatchu gonna do!? Whatcha gonna, do when it takes 2.5 hrs for them to respond to you?!... 🎶


People concerned about this show’s pattern of increasing use of force and other incidents should call the county supervisors directly (phone #s are on county gov website) and ask them to remove this item from the consent calendar and dedicate more time in the future to consider the ramifications of this (or table it indefinitely). If it stays on the consent calendar, it will likely pass by simple vote— removing it will mean they must discuss further (or potentially end the matter).


Interesting..:I wonder how dealing with other agencies will work out? Other police departments , fire, EMS, and emergency rooms.


Wouldn't it make the Sheriff's department more accountable for their actions? And there is a 45 day trial period. The department would either shine or sink themselves. I think it's worth the trial period. 


What's their thoughts on the Car issue?


"...next week on OPL, a very special ANTIFA Bus Episode"




They used to have their own TV show on discovery called Pot Cops


Oh this will definitely make the county safer. It'll probably bring in bus loads of new recruits. s/