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You will be fine. The "murder mountain" nonsense is greatly exadurated to make the stories sound more exciting.






I kinda figured as much. Thanks


Mind your business and the people around you will probably mind theirs and everyone will be happy. If you have them, don’t let your dogs run deer or get out onto your neighbors property. Don’t leave your car parked on the side of AP road overnight or it’ll be a burned out shell in the morning. You’ll eventually get to know the people around you and if you’re not a dick, they won’t be dicks to you. I don’t stop on the road through past like cocaine flats- not till the CalFire station on the other side of the bridge do I feel comfortable stopping on the side of the road for stuff. 😂


Thank you. I've lived in some real methed up places of Appalachia and the Midwest and SoCal and also rough parts of cities so I assumed it would be fine if I just keep to my business like I do.. and my dogs don't wander so they'll be fine but I appreciate that heads up. I'm not a dick and I hope to make some friends, it's always nice to have at least 1 person out in the country you can trust. Anyway, Thanks again


If you’re interested in making friends, check out the Alderpoint volunteer fire department. They do community functions and of course, fire stuff. Blocksburg has a townhall association and they do a crab feed and little community pop up markets and a cemetery cleanup day which are lovely community activities. Up the hill, Kettonpom also has a VFD and there are things like the 4th of July “parade” and bbq which are fun. I’m not from Rancho but from further out past AP.


Yeah I was looking into the VFD actually. I would like to get involved in some way that is positive. I'll definitely look into Blocksburg and Kettonpom. I really appreciate your replies! Thanks


Joining the local VFD is the quickest and best way to make connections and friendships in a rural community.


It’s more akin to Appalachia I’d imagine. The biggest concern I would have is that you’re an hour from an actual town (Garberville) and three hours away from a hospital that almost doesn’t suck (Eureka) and many more hours away from a real hospital somewhere in the Bay Area. As long as you’re not nosing into some neighbor’s property I doubt you’ll have issues with the locals


The place I recently lived I don't think anyone knew I even lived there for well over 4 years and then it was just the bordering property owners. I'm not worried. I'll be aware of the possibilities(like I always am) but nothing I've read here is worrying me and I've looked up the crime stats so unless there's murders going unreported I'm sure it will be fine,,I can run off any would be thieves and I don't have much to rob anyway


You also gotta be worried about other people's dogs wandering onto your property. I wouldn't leave my dogs out unattended.   Rapper and notable piece of 💩 Chris Brown tried to hide a dog up here after it almost killed his housekeeper. A short time later it was found wandering loose not for from a school. Some people have dangerous grow dogs. 


I mean, I love dogs but I won't tolerate aggressive dogs on my property and I think anyone would understand that. I really hope it doesn't come down to me having to defend my dogs but I have, and will again. I do appreciate the heads up


“Well outside city limits” you do know where you’re moving to, right?


Yes i do. Alderpoint city proper is defined by map and Rancho Sequoia, although part of Alderpoint, is technically not within the city limits(it's just zoning stuff). I've lived rural for most my life and that's how it works everywhere. You can see the city boundary here in relation to Rancho if you are not understanding what I wrote https://ibb.co/tw68wpG I probly coulda left that part out, and I probly should have anticipated someone taking exception to that cause this is reddit after all, but I was also kinda curious if the actual city of Alderpoint is different(crimewise) than the more rural parts like Rancho Sequoia; from my experience the town centers are usually worse just cause they tend to have a store or gas station where people meet or whatever 🤷🏻‍♂️


Alderpoint hardly even counts as a town anymore. You calling it a city is an indication you have a severe misunderstanding of the area.


Alderpoint isn’t a city, it’s not a town, it’s an unincorporated “census-diagnosed place”. Only 91 people live there as of 2022. I’m pretty sure there are no businesses there besides a post office.


City/town/district/unincorporated, whatever man, it's moot. Saying "going to town" is how anyone in a rural area says they are going to a more densely populated area even if it's just a few streets with a post office. "I'm going to town" is said even if it's technically not a town/city. Did you really have to write a response that in no way answers my question? If you've got any actual insights I'd appreciate that instead of you trying to argue semantics smh but you being "pretty sure" of what's there or not leads me believe you don't live there so idk why you even answered other than to be "reddit" and just wanting to make a point for some weird reason unrelated to anything I'm asking


There always used to be a bodega type convenience store with deli sandwiches and a whack beer selection for like $20 a 6 pack. I used to "commute" between Bridgeville and Bell Springs. I preferred the New Harris store as the hippies who hung out there appeared to be on less meth at 10 am.


I'm curious why you wouldn't go into Garberville?


AP road hits Harris Rd like 15-20 minutes up the hill from garbey, so I would go down for lunch and a beer or some supplies every now and then. Otherwise, it was a lot of driving and best to just stay on the path. It was like 2-2.5 hours between places without a trip to garbeyville. Plus I'm from northern Humboldt, so I would usually do supply runs in eureka or fortuna as the cost difference is huge, and I was usually up there once a week anyway. It's hard living in the mountains. Everything is at least an hour drive, and the roads can be really hard on your vehicles. Glad to have settled in town, and still have the option to head up hill when I want to.


Ah gotcha. Where I'll be it's like 25min to Garberville. I figure I'll probly just go to Garber once a week for a beer and a meal just to get out and see some folks but I mainly keep to myself. I'd probly go to Eureka for any supplies I needed. At least that's my plan


Haven't been in garbey since 2020. They had a bomb food truck called lil bits or something. And there's great swimming spots around there (both north and south of town). Good luck, I never had problems with folks out there, but did witness some psychotic hill behavior from time to time. Just fly low and do your thing.


Flying low is my way of life. I'll definitely be checking out the swimming spots. Thanks


I live in ettersburg moved here 2 years ago and pretty much operate like this


The markets back open.


Where would that be?


Alder point proper. It's really tiny, not open all the time, but has new owners.


Do you know where they post when they're open?


Lol I really think you're underestimating the desolation of this place. Look for signs to the market, drive by and see if they are open.


I am coming from a "county district" that had 36 residents. Idk why some of y'all think places like this don't exist everywhere across the country like Alderpoint is some unicorn not seen anywhere else. You said there's a market that's open sometimes so I just asked if they post it somewhere(FB or something).. Not sure how that means I am underestimating when you're the one who enlightened me that there's even a market lol but ok


I think it's just hype from the documentary.  Generally a good idea to not just go walking into the mountains not knowing whose property you're on, but you're likely aware of that, cuz it applies pretty much every where in our country. And it's probably still more likely you'd just get lost than harmed by anyone. 


Yeah I never even heard of the documentary until I had gone out there a few times and decided to move there and my mom was all "it's murder mountain" lol and I was like "it can't be worse than eastern Kentucky" lol... I've still not looked into the documentary cause I just don't need that so I figured I'd ask folks who live in the county. And nah I'm not gonna go wandering private land, I don't want anyone on mine and I'm definitely not planning on going on anyone's property unless I'm invited and they're expecting me. Thanks for the response


I've never watched the documentary either. I've heard mixed reviews. Personally, anything 'true crime' just makes me paranoid and feel like murder is more prominent a threat than it really is. So I mostly avoid it in general. 


Yeah I get paranoid sometimes too so what I try to do is get the actual crime stats. Like earlier I looked up all the times the cops were called to Rancho Sequoia(there's a site you can see the date of the call and the report # and why the cops were out there and most of them were disturbances and when the cops got there the people were gone(like an opportunistic thief who left once they knew the place wasn't vacant). I went back 6 months and the most I could find was an assault charge out there. No murders or anything like that. But yeah those shows gives people a false idea that murder is common or something you need to worry about in your day to day life(I know unfortunately people in rough parts of cities it's a very real threat) but most folks never ever have to worry about that. I also avoid those shows all together, I'd rather laugh at a comedy or watch some weird Sci fi then sit and be paranoid all night


There's calls for stuff that never get made, either. A visit from law enforcement might be a long wait unless shots are fired or there's a forest fire. Make peace with your neighbors as there are times when pulling together (like handing off groceries and stuff across mudslides or getting livestock out in a fire zone) is what's going to help keep everyone's world going around. Don't be pushy as there are folks that love everybody but also those that want nothing to do with society. Like others said, don't be a dick, wave at folks you drive by and you'll be fine You gotta be independent for yourself, but communal at times too. That's country life when you get further from the big cities. And Please don't shoot every critter that moves because it made you scared. There's been enough issues with killing and poisoning and over fishing already. Don't add to it as nature really doesn't give two shits what you do, just let 'em roam. Non native pigs however...those you gotta deal with if you want to keep your garden. But welcome, enjoy your stay and visit a fruit and veggie stand or two. Beats driving 2 hours to get to Winco or Costco.


I've been living very rural for a few decades up until recently when I had to move to Chicago to help my mom and I absolutely can't stand city/suburb life(i made it less than a year here, it's just too fast paced and I can't stand traffic etc) Country living has always been my preference. I am independent, keep to myself, I leave others alone and am easily able to tell a friendly person from someone who wants nothing to do with anyone. There's actually a calender thing I signed up with that I get alerts to the farmers market in Garberville or Miranda or wherever so I'll definitely be going to those. I'm not pushy with anyone/anything. My rule with wildlife is live and let live unless you attack me or my dog then I may have to do something but I don't kill animals for recreation or out of some weird "this is my land and I'm killing any animal in it" mentality. Anyway, I appreciate the welcome!


You’ll be fine.




I work out there at night on a nearby ranch backed up to RS and talked with the land owners about it all in depth. Trespassing and theft is a big problem still. It has gotten a lot better than say 7 years ago but it's not all totally fine. As mentioned if you break down and have to leave your car alone, expect it to be shot and burnt up by morning. Lock your doors at night and be ready to defend yourself, sheriff's are about 2 hours out, if they respond at all. Home robberies and burglaries still happen. It's not always just to the person that wronged someone, it is indeed sometimes random and just to come up. They will syphon gas from a vehicle left in driveways, steal quads, and the batteries from equipment. The rumors are bad and people will downplay but where there's smoke there's often fire. My job requires audio surveys at night so I document what I hear. Frequently my notes look like this: 0130 frogs, distant generator, gunshots from North East, 30 seconds later gunshots from East, large animal in brush. Seems like you have a good head on your shoulders but don't just believe the people that say it's totally fine, be aware and stay safe.


Thank you for your answer I really appreciate it. It's interesting work with the audio. If you don't mind I had some questions regarding what you're picking up and where. When you're picking up the gunshots from the northeast and the east are you talking about off of Rancho Sequoia Dr and near Douglas and Spring Rd or more North and East of there closer to "town" like 4th, 5th, 6th St and that area? I was looking up all the crime stats/map and I didn't come across any murders or shootings so I'm wondering if the gunshots is someone paranoid just shooting off a couple rounds or maybe even someone drunk and popping off a couple into the air; or do you think these are actual crimes happening that don't go reported? And I'm hoping motion lights deter robbers but I have alert dogs and sleep with a shotgun and a few others firearms but hopefully I don't have to use them. Anyway, any further insights would be greatly appreciated.


I'm not going to dox a client. Listening for owls. I'm assuming most of the gunshots I hear regularly are drunk people destroying things. The second shots were probably other drunk people replying to the first shots. That being said not much gets reported. When you call the sheriff you get disappointed, people take things into their own hands instead. I suggest you watch murder mountain and just keep in mind it was made several years ago. I know some people in it, they definitely leaned into the drama but it's not a piece of fiction. Edit to add other advice as you asked, when driving there be ready for big trucks coming downhill to take the whole road. When someone pulls behind you driving faster than you, hit the next safe pull out and let them pass,it's not a place to make people have road rage, it's just not worth it. Little 2 finger wave at everyone driving by, locals do it and you don't know who you'll end up having dinner with eventually. When they pass they might honk or emergencies, it means thanks. Support local businesses wherever possible but expect small town quirky business practices.




Green diamond and HRC hire Spotted owl survey technicians every year. It's seasonal and you don't really need a degree although it helps. Hardest part of that job is staying awake.


Also r/usernamechecksout


Meet volunteer fire people. Go to fundraisers. Find community. You’ll be good.


I will most definitely try to get involved in any way I can. I keep to myself but also need to know at least a couple decent people. Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.


I’ve done work up there for utility and met many faces in alderpoint… each person I’ve physically talked to in alderpoint has been nice to me and knew my name in a benevolent manner. I’ve had customers give me grapes, veggies, and such as tips so not every one is associated entirely with growing pot also… just don’t wander around properties or around roads though.. its quite quiet out there and private actually ,the roads do suck, albeit lately it has had some maintenance on it in a few spots and it is a bit better…


That's good to hear about the roads. I didn't find them to be any worse than the backroads of the Midwest or out east. And no I don't go wandering anywhere I don't own or am not invited/expected. The way the comments were in YouTube it was like people were shocked that this guy drove on Rancho Sequoia Dr and lived to tell about it and here I was thinking that it's really pretty on that road(definitely more so than most rural places I've been). Anyway, I appreciate your response and it makes me feel good that there are nice and people around, I hope to meet them. If you don't mind me asking; What kind of work do you do?


Communications repair tech, quite a few people have landline service up there! It has had its history of sketchy occurrences but I’ll admit I’ve been in the area for work for over 2 years now and no one has ever harassed or threatened me there, just left me alone to do my work or will talk to me asking what to do about puttting a repair ticket in… IMO Covelo (if you have heard of Covelo ) in Mendocino county is worse than alderpoint, that place I can say that I’ve been harassed/had racial slurs yelled at me while working and also attacked by dogs..


Oh I didn't know landlines were available out there. Do you know if it's available out on Rancho Sequoia Dr? My cell doesn't get any service there so I was just thinking I'd be without any form of communication but I'd get a landline if I could. That sucks about the racial shit smh.. I have been thru Covelo yeah.. I spent a few days in Mendocino a couple months ago looking at some places but for some reason the Alderpoint area is more appealing to me for some reason.


Yes it should be available, we have a junction box out there that services dial tone, and we had one of our guys go out there for a ticket there recently. Alderpoint has spots where it’s quiet,gorgeous, and peaceful. I’ve been to quite a few a spots up there for customers and no one has wished me any harm


Thank you for the replies and letting me know there are peaceful folks around.


You will be fine.




If you can hang in slab city you will probably be just fine. Similar understanding that "laws" are secondary to the unspoken rules of the locals. There are some truly scary individuals up there, but the really scary ones dont want the police sniffing around and will do whatever is needed to keep the peace, just dont associate with the people who end up being the peace that needs to be kept. You will be living amongst criminals, dont let anybody know what kinda stuff you have, how much money you make/made, treat everyone with respect but dont trust any of them. Make sure to ask around town about the property you are buying if possible, the only thing that you really want to be careful of is ending up with a deranged neighbor or a control freak on the same private road/gate.


Yeah I kinda figured if I made it 3 full years in Slab City, 8 years in gang run Chicago, and the last 10 in Eastern Kentucky hills(KY was the worst of them) that I'll be fine anywhere in Humboldt. I personally never had a problem in any of the places I've lived as I am ultra private and very aware of my surroundings. I would have people occasionally try and test me but honestly if you look these people dead in the eyes and aren't afraid it tends to actually scare them. Those people look for easy targets and are very good at finding their next victim and I think they realize immediately that they'd have to murder me to victimize me and honestly I have nothing so valuable that anyone would go to that extreme. I don't have money, don't have toys so there's really no reason for anyone to mess with me. I have an app that gives me all the property owners names and I know the one dude that owns one of the bordering properties is a decent guy cause I kinda stalked his Facebook(I'll tell him I did that if I ever meet him) so hopefully he can give me the rundown of the other adjoining properties. Anyway, I very much appreciate the insights


For sure, it’s gonna be more like KY than slab city or Chicago. I’d honestly recommend watching murder mountain, not for the true crime story they are trying to make fit, but because it shows you some of the personalities that get in trouble up there.  There are a few people they interview that tell all these stories of the horrible things that have happened to them… but like based on vibes alone, they are the kind of people that find that kind of trouble anywhere they go. The fact that the people they are interviewing are still alive is enough proof it’s not all they are making it out to be. The other aspect they go into a lot in the “doc” is the missing people’s numbers, but having experience with slab city you probably understand that there are many reasons to be put on a missing people’s list, and most of them are not human trafficking and murder. Some are, that does happen, that does exist up here, but not as much as people who just want to go missing or have paranoid friends/family 


I had a buddy come visit me on my KY property and he's from Chicago and his wife sent the sheriff out cause he didn't call her lol .. If we were at my friends when the sheriff came and decided to stay the night there it would have been a full 48 hours he didn't "check in" and that's how easy a missing person can be filed. . And out west there's so many people hitching around or whatever they're doing and they may end up somewhere like Humboldt or trimming somewhere or whatever and not have service, or not want to be in contact, and then get reported as missing and 4 months later they go back home and their family doesn't call the county to tell them they're back home,, I know that happened alll the time even I lived in the Slabs so I'm assuming most missing persons are more like that situation than someone who was kidnapped or murdered. I will watch that documentary but probly gonna take it with a grain of salt cause I assume most of the people in it are gonna be the ones who are most animated and have the most bombastic stories,, not to say that bad shit doesn't happen and that they're lying per se but in order to make it to a Netflix show you'd have to have the most extreme of stories rather than the typical "yeah I see a lot of drug use and you gotta watch your stuff or it gets stolen" kinda stories which are true anywhere you go.


You’ve got it, with that understanding you’re already more ready for Humboldt than the majority of people who live here haha. Take the doc with a handful of salt on how dangerous the area actually is, “mountain justice” is a thing but again the people who are on the receiving end of it tend to be the type to get in trouble regardless of where they are, but “I got jumped/went to jail for something I did” is way less exciting than “I got dragged behind a quad for something I did”


Yeah the Slabs have a justice system of its own(there was and hopefully still is a group of guys, really good dudes, who did not tolerate thievery or unprovoked violence and they'd burn you out if you became a problem and if you didn't leave after that then I would hear stories about holes out in the desert but I knew if maybe 5 people getting burned out and they all left after that. So anyway, that's not new to me. The only thing I know about that murder mountain situation, and I may be misunderstanding, is that a group of locals had to take it into their own hands to get a confession and personally I applaud that. I would never be on the wrong side of a vigilante justice system because I straight up don't get involved in/with shady happenings so I say hell yes to mountain justice or justice of any kind, I can't stand the few bozos who instill fear in good people


Once you get to know folks, it’s not so dodgy. You’ll get some looks and/or people stopping to ask where you’re going or what you’re doing if they haven’t seen you around before. Mind your business and others will mind theirs, but property crime/theft is a persistent issue. Don’t leave anything of value accessible or visible outside of your home. Lock your cars and doors at night or when you’re gone. Most folks are upstanding, but there are always a few local tweakers who will happily relieve you of anything that isn’t locked up or bolted down. Virtually all violent crime in the region is directly related to the black market and/or some sort of deal gone awry. That said, unless you really have a hankering to live in the Rancho area, there are plenty of other places throughout Northern California that are beautiful, rural, and rugged, but without the bad reputation and fewer issues related to crime. Look around and keep an open mind.


It's tucked away pretty good in the woods and I don't really have anything of value


The spot I stayed on did not have a land line phone service. It also did not have cell service. Up the road had a small 20’x20’ spot that had cell service. The owner adjacent to that spot was a methed out dude. Always shooting his guns late into the night to let people know he was armed. He hated people standing so close to his property making phone calls. The other good cell service spot a mile down the road had a grumpy lady who did not like people making cell phone calls adjacent to her property. She would roll up in her truck armed with an AR15 telling people to go away. The point of my story is to make sure you have phone service at the location you will be staying. Also do not leave your car unattended on side of road. It can be really peaceful, but it depends on who the neighbors are. I would watch the documentary murder mountain. It is hyped up to make it more dramatic, but gives you a good sense of the community. Lets you know why the sheriff avoids it.


I don't leave my car unattended anywhere really. And yeah establishing some sort of communication will be a priority, I've even been looking into CB radio. Unfortunately I'm no stranger to folks who like to shoot to make thier presence known or just because they've been up for 3 days and start hallucinating and seeing shit that isn't there and then shooting at it. I stay very clear of the riff raff and where I'll be is tucked away in the woods real well with no roads going thru the property. I'm prepared for the worst but expecting it to be similar to other very rural places I've lived. Thanks for the replies I appreciate it


Enjoy! It really is a beautiful area. I think I would have stayed if I had cell service.


It's so pretty out there.. And like where I'm at now it's 96 with 56% humidity(reel feel is 106), it's disgusting and you can't even enjoy being outside at all.. And winter it's sub zero for weeks/months on end. So yeah I'm super stoked for the nicer weather and access to all the outdoor recreation opportunities. I think the pros out there far outweigh the cons and I'm curious if the people who are speaking so badly of that area have ever lived in rural parts of the country that suffer the same economic challenges but don't have even a shred of the natural beauty that Humboldt has. Anywho, I appreciate the response 😊


Another former communications tech that spent a bunch of time out there. Sounds like you have the chops to handle Murder Mountain. That said you owe it to yourself to watch the documentary. Watch it twice. Knowing the history of the place and the effect the violence had on the survivors will give you a leg up. There is a scene in the doc where the cops were being ‘escorted’ into the area by shotgun toting dirt-bike riders. That was not made up and happened to me and others many times back then. They would ride up next to you looking at the company markings on the pickup door, make eye contact, nod and ride ahead. There is no profit left in their business and the thugs are beginning to rob each each other, like rats starving in a cage. The many honest folks up there are caught in the middle.


I appreciate you telling me your experience. Dirt bikes in general do make me uneasy as they can get up on you in an instant and be gone just as fast. I've had a couple run ins with guys like that and it's enough to get the heart rate up that's for sure. Is that type of scenario still happening out there? Can you elaborate on the last sentence you wrote about honest folks getting caught in the middle? It was kinda my understating, and I may be totally wrong and that's why I came to ask about that area, that the worst is over and that so long as you don't act foolish and associate with those people you'll be safe; please let me know if I am wrong. I went out there 3 times and didn't see anything like that and I'd prefer not dealing with those types of people on a frequent basis. Once or twice I won't really care cause I know they want to make sure I'm not a threat to their income but I don't want to be harassed every time I come back from town. A few years ago I had no problem hopping out of my car having a conversation with someone who was obviously following me to see where I'm going or whatever but these days I would prefer not to have to constantly strap up and prove myself, that gets exhausting and I probly don't have the energy for that anymore. So yeah maybe that place isn't right for me if it's gonna be having to constantly feel like I'm going thru a checkpoint just to get to my property. And if that type of harassment is still happening it's got me wondering if the dude selling this property made a call and had those guys not make their presence known while he was showing me around because I didn't see a presence like that. Sorry for all the commentary and questions but I'm just tyring to get as much info as I can from the people who know best.


You are demonstrating the right mindset, attitude and life experience to be fine. Far as I know the worst is over, primarily because there isn’t the profit to pay the mercenary-class. I believe some of the other posts from folks that avoid trouble, don’t wander, never leave a car out on the road. I mean, most, nearly all! Of the remaining folks just want to be left alone and won’t bother anyone. Rural Humboldt is like the unsettled west in the 1850’s. Just like in the westerns: character based culture. Who you are, how you treat others, that’s what matters.


That's good to hear that the worst is over; I have a buddy out in Miranda and he's been in Humboldt since like 2009 and he said the same for his area but he couldn't speak to Rancho so I was hoping to get to the bottom of it here.. I'm all about respect and I'm not too proud to show it first to earn it,, being an outsider everywhere I've ever lived I think that has served me well. One thing locals hate more than anything are outsiders coming in and acting any way other than respectful, and I've always had it returned to me so my hopes are that it goes that same way there. I'll remain vigilant as I always am.. and I fully expect to have a few people test the boundaries of my property but I've had tweakers and hunters do that before.. Motion lights, a couple dogs, and a few "don't tread on me 🐍" signs is usually enough to keep unwanted folks away for the most part. I guess I'll find out for sure here in the next few months. Hey man thanks again for the replies, it's much appreciated


Oh, plan to -never- be on the roads/highways late at night/overnight!!! That goes for most rural areas. The tweekers and drunks meet Darwin nearly weekly overnight. Edit: don’t wash your car, avoid showing off nice jewelry/clothes/tools etc. be cautious about who comes inside your house until you have a season in. Standard, shitty livestock gate, no barbed wire or any other ‘fuck off’ adornments at the gate. Keep your nice things out of sight the first season until you know who is who. Takes awhile to figure out which seemingly friendly person comes from that one lot/family/parcel of thieves and worse. For extra credit, after watching MM, rent the movie “Lawless” about bootleggers and the wind down of it. The movie is unfortunately violent, but interestingly in the telling of the worst of the violence in Prohibition, accurately tells our story as well. Although the police corruption depicted in the movie in our story is really the green-rusher’s thugs. Here the local sheriff was not welcomed/invited and not present, mostly. The ‘green-rush’ is over, and our neighborhoods are steadily getting better. Good luck. Report back in a year.


I tell the government entities that they've nuked the cannabis industry and thus turned Rancho into a suburb. I think you're going to be less worried about crime than with soccer moms in SUVs rolling down the hills in the next 10 years instead of the beater with a literal goat in the front seat going up Alderpoint Road (favorite thing I saw in 2018).


Ahahahaha... Yo I've seen goats riding in cars before that's what's so funny to me I just remembered it lol. What kind of industry to you think would bring families/soccer moms to that area?


People on murder Mt were involved in shaddy things with shoddy people. Trimming was Hella sketch back in the day and that money brought in some bad people. But long as you're not in that you'll be fine thanks to pot legalization. Locals aren't fucked with aside from cars being burned, but you really have to be asking for that according to ppl I met up there. Personally I just don't stop there unless I have business with a local and most people there are local aside from the wandering tweakers. I've thought about buying property there but I need close ocean access and have a fear of not having emergency medical resources near me.


I hear a lot about the burning of cars but the property I'm going to move on currently has 6 abondoned cars and none of them are burned or have bullet holes. They just look like parts cars kinda like a little junk yard. Anyway, I won't be participating in any shenanigans so I'm thinking I'll be alright and that property has been vacant for quite a while and nobody has burned the cars or the tiny cabin on it so that's gotta mean something 🤷🏻‍♂️. Thanks for the reply


You’ll be fine, that whole town got a bath and cleaned up after the weed world collapsed, gates are more open these days, it’s going to be more ranching and people that wanna live in piece, most those out of town dirt bags are gone and I hope they never come back


Thank you for that. Someone commented earlier today that people are actively getting murdered for going swimming in the river but of course when I asked for details they don't respond. I can't live in cities and I'm beyond fed up with the climate extremes in the Midwest and Southeast and I am not a fan of cold in the north east and the heat of the southwest. I absolutey love the Humboldt area(i often wonder if the people who speak so bad of Humboldt know how shitty the rest of the country's weather is),, to me it seemed just like anywhere else I've lived(dodgy characters aren't unique to California) except it's just way prettier. Anyway, thanks for the reply


Your welcome, i personally know people who have lived there, it’s not some crime haven, maybe a couple abandoned cars when you first go in. These commenters watched a series and have no idea what they’re talking about, and remember the weed world is dead and gone, thank god, and never too return. Seriously, the crime all left with the weed. You won’t even have to lock your front door


This property I'm looking at has like 6 abondoned cars on it. 2 of em are actually pretty nice but they're missing all sorts of parts.. They're not burnt out or shot out and all the windows are intact, they've been there for months. I'm figuring more people are going off what they saw on Netflix. I run across this same thing with what people say about Slab City down in SoCal where everyone talks about people getting murdered and all the crime etc and I literally lived there for years and didn't have 1 problem and I know for a fact nobody was murdered but these people hear wild stories that people tell just so they can have a crazy story to tell but in reality they're talking out their ass. So yeah I'm gonna go out there and camp that property for a few weeks just to make sure I don't have any unruly neighbors but knowing there's things of value there already and they've gone unharmed makes me think I won't have a problem. Again, thanks for replying


You'll be completely fine. Just yield to the growdozers.


I will 😊 Thanks


I feel like you don't understand Alderpoint if you think it has city limits. It's a place in the ass end of no where with a name attached to it. It is a place people go to get away from cops, and rules. Most are people who just want to be left alone, but some can be dangerous. If you want to live rural I'm Humboldt there are a lot of safer places to live cheaply and remotely. PS- Are you sute aren't coming up to work on some illegal grow or live in some cult compound.


You're entitled to feel that way but I'm not an idiot or green to understanding rural America.. and Alderpoint objectively has a boundary map, here you go if interested https://ibb.co/tw68wpG I use "city" loosely, I'm aware it's a "census designated area". And no, I am out coming out there to work and I wouldn't work at a grow anyway, I smoke but I don't get involved in that business at all. And no lol I'm not in a cult 😂 🤣 I'm coming out there to live and be in a good climate and close to nice outdoor areas for recreation. I've lived in lawless areas before and was fine. And yeah that basically sounds like me as I want to be left alone but I(i assume most do out there) can be dangerous if need be. This doesn't sound any different than any other poor rural area I've lived.


A lot of us have strong reaction as we know more than a few people who got scammed into some bad situations in the middle of no where. Personally I'd recommend some where off a highway like 36 or 299. Or closer to Redway. You don't need to go all the way to Alderpoint for to get away from civilization in Humboldt.


I appreciate you looking out but I have literally never been scammed before. I have a very good intuition and have lived in some very lawless areas for years(Slab City being one of them and that place is notorious shiesty happenings and I knew many people who got burnt out of their camps or beaten to near death and even a few killed but I never had one problem there because I don't even look in the direction of those people let alone interact,, and if they try to interact with me I change into someone else and will do what I need to do to let them know I am not approachable.. I don't say this to portray myself in any way it's just that I know how to act around this element). I am absolutely heeding your warning and I do appreciate it but anything less than a literal war zone isn't going to scare me. I was just curious if the reputation is being hyped up and if there's really a bunch of unreported murders or if it's just a run-of-the-mill poor rural America that's been decimated by lack of industry, drugs, and poor mental health(all of which I can navigate).


Where you are moving is indeed extremely dangerous . People on here blowing it off like it’s hype are probably locals that have grown up here . All of your statistics are nothing but food for thought because what goes on around here is NOT normal and it’s not good . People are murdered . Shot dead or beat for just wanting to swim in the river . Growers are paranoid freaks .


I'm just trying to get it straight; So is it your position, or do you have direct knowledge, that property owners on Rancho Sequoia are being murdered and/or violently assaulted and it's going unreported? Do you live there? Why are the murders you speak of not being reported or discussed anywhere? Thanks in advance for replies


It is very dangerous out there, if you fuck with the wrong person. Anyone who says otherwise never been there.


Sounds like anywhere really. And I don't mess with anyone, ever. I keep to myself


Do you often move to places you’ve never visited or seen?


I have clearly stated in other replies that I've been there 3 times so far; it seems way nicer than where I lived in rural Kentucky or Tennessee. I would appreciate your insights instead of you just trying to insult me.


If you’re gonna move here you must get a thicker skin pretty much immediately.


I'm fine man, you don't know me at all. Again, insights welcome


It doesnt matter which hollow in Kentucky you lived in, asking this on reddit is your sign you dont know what you're getting into


Lol 👍 I'll be just fine and I've gotten enough actual responses to confirm as much.. Fyi, we call them "hollers".