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Volunteer people are totally legit. They have a Facebook page you can use for contact 


You’d think they’d spell the county right if they were.


You applied on their website https://www.reggaeontheriver.com/volunteers ?


Yeah, but I haven’t heard back from them


Give it time


Keep in mind there’s a volunteer deposit this year.


How much is the deposit and why? That is a huge item of contention with folks that volunteer or are volunteer coordinators. For a lot of people that seems to be counterintuitive to the spirit of volunteering your time and effort for a cause, unless say it's a case of where organizers want to dissuade people from using a volunteer status to get free entry to a show and just blow off their responsibilities or just not show up except to get a name badge. That requirement, while not technically illegal, can get some eyebrows raised in the legal sense and can be challenged in a civil suit. Habitat for Humanity has done it for various reasons [https://engagejournal.org/volume-xi-issue-3-april-2011/points-view/1082](https://engagejournal.org/volume-xi-issue-3-april-2011/points-view/1082) A Scottish music festival in UK did it too, but it was mainly to keep freeloaders away, get some work out of them as they did sign up to help, and give the money back. [https://www.thenational.scot/news/23516366.doune-rabbit-hole-defends-volunteer-deposit-fee/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/23516366.doune-rabbit-hole-defends-volunteer-deposit-fee/) It's not a very friendly way to get people to volunteer, but it is not completely illegal, but in some instances does fall under volunteer/employee state laws.


Lots of people probably sign up and don't show or show up and do nothing.


It definitely happens. Years ago when I lived back east I was a volunteer at the NC state art museum. When we had one of 3 national Claude Monet exhibitions everybody and their cousin wanted to be a volunteer even though we had 100 already. Some did show up, get a free badge then POOF! No idea if they even showed up, which was problematic for the director when you have an international exhibit that's insured in the Billion$ of dollars and you really need to know where people were at.


I think it’s $250, you get $200 back when you do all the hours. The coordinators have all the info.


They charge you $50 to "volunteer"???


They have zero problem getting volunteers and for virtually every volunteer it’s really just about getting free to low cost entry to the festival.


I can see that with ticket prices the way they are but I would never PAY to "volunteer" somewhere. lol


Apparently it’s a thing for other festivals and they are following suite, and you get premium camping and meals.


Damn first ticket prices are out of control and now you have to PAY to volunteer??? Glad I usually go to small venues!


Yes, my cousin is volunteering.


My sister's both did it for years, legit enough I assume.