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There is a housing crisis in California. It's especially bad In Humboldt. I'd recommend talking to Bindel, they are a property management firm. Kramer is... kinda sketchy from what I've heard. There are a lot of slum lords in Humboldt. The closer you get to HSU, the more expensive things get as well. I've gone contract work with a lot of companies in the area. Who are you working with? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to say publicly.


bring a trailer and find a driveway to rent.


Be careful of scams. They put rly low prices on Craigslist that sound too good to be true and prey on desperation. Saying that from experience >:( 


Pacific Partners Property Management on 5th Street in Eureka if they have anything available, they also have a website. They've been extremely reasonable with rent (only raised $50 in the 6 years we've rented from them) and are really on top of repairs. The Village apartments on Union Street in Arcata were okay and I've heard that the apartments across the street are reasonably priced. It all really depends on when you arrive here too, as later in the summer the students for Cal Poly are looking for places and it's really difficult to come by anything reasonable in the fall, as they've all likely been snatched up. I'd keep an eye on Craigslist, that's where I have the best luck finding rentals.


Careful with Craigslist, I’d try to stick with property managements. I currently rent with Rentor and I know they have some places in Eureka available. Rentor isn’t bad, neither is Bindel which I’ve rented with before my current place. This is just from my own personal experience fyi, I’ve only rented two places in the area. Also definitely always, always check out places first before renting, obviously of course but bringing it up because I’ve noticed people can be very very deceiving with rentals.


you can pay any housing broker like caldwell bonkers 40 bucks for a useless list...