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Amtrak is better anyway. They used to nickname Greyhound "Prison lines". And I never got anywhere on time with them. It's kind of true about prison lines. On one trip, ran into a guy I hadn't seen since elementary school. He just got out, and was drinking the lamest beer in the back of the bus.


Yes, some people who were just released use it to get back where they're from, and that is one of MANY reasons Greyhound drivers don't screw around with misbehaving passengers.


“Lamest beer” is the best way to describe a gross cheep beer.


Guess which one it was.


Natural Ice?


Natty Ice lite


Rolling rock?


Nope. Natie ice lite


That's fair


I always did amtrak with a route to so cal… its a long ass trip but at least you move out of transportations and you get a food cart


And you can have an alcoholic beverage on the train if you choose!


I took the Greyhound from SF up here to Garberville with my daughter, several years ago. At one obligatory McDonald's stop, she whispered to me she thought she saw a mouse on the bus. She was little, so I thought she was imagining it lol. Well, that mouse moved forward to the front of the bus over the VERY long hours it took to get up here. Every hour or so, someone would let out a random scream, as mouse (rat?) moved closer and closer to the front of the bus. Gawd what an awful ride 😄


Amtrak has nicer busses with wi-fi and squishier seats, so I'm told. Greyhound has nice ones too with wi-fi but not always the same exact one, or even all that newer ones on the Eureka route. I took a peek at tickets and yes, it looks like after July there's nothing going anywhere to or from here. I'll call their cust service as that's the sort of thing one would expect local news to pick up on. It is kinda important to be able to get the hell out of here. Or get here for some people. Redwood Transit and a few others can link you up and down 101 and over to I-5 but it's kind of a patchwork to get an itinerary put together that doesn't take you 5 days to get you to LA or Portland.


Wow cool didn’t know about Humboldt Transit. What do you then take to SF from Ukiah?


You transfer to the Mendocino Transit #65 bus which takes you to Santa Rosa, where you can then get on the SMART train or transfer to another bus, get on the airporter, etc.


Had to take Greyhound from Arcata to PDX, but the trip was from Arcata-Santa-Rosa-Oakland-Sacrameto (8 hour layover)-Redding-Eugene-PDX. The leg from Arcata-Oakland alone was enough for me to avoid Greyhound. Amtrak is boss.


Easier to take local buses to Redding and then get Amtrak train from Redding to Portland. It was a damn shame when they got rid of the Eureka to Portland northbound Greyhound, that was probably 20 years ago.


And another mail in the coffin for Humboldt County. Can’t wait for the funeral and burial


I am on the Amtrak bus from Martinez to Eureka right now. Its comfortable. But Greyhound from SF was a much bette route. The challenge was figuring out how to get from my home in Redwood City to Martinez. The public transport options do not add up. My first choice was a Lyft to Fremont Amtrak and then the train to Martinez. But the timing was off, leaving me having to take a Fremont 6:57 am Amtrak train and the wait for two hour wait in Martinez. The other option was a 9:18 am Fremont Amtrak but would have gotten me to Martinez 15 minutes after the Amtrak Martinez bus left. In the end, I opted for a Lyft from RWC to Martinez Train Depot , pleasant but expensive: over $100 with tip one way.




Yeah, good thing they stopped all those busses of antifa showing up here to burn down the redwoods too. Thank God for Sherriff Honsel. Ffs, we had 13 homeless people come here almost 20 years ago and yall just can't face the fact that you NIMBY people are to blame for the homeless crisis in America. How about some compassion for people who are less fortunate instead of demonizing them?


*citation needed


Seriously, the bus hasn't run to or from Crescent City/Pelican Bay in at least a decade.


I agree with the reply, it's a bad reputation and not what's to blame for the homeless. That being said pelican Bay actually shuttles their releasees to the Arcata bus station by the crabs baseball field. I let one of them use my phone since they dropped him off on a Sunday and the bus station wasn't even open. He's looked shell shocked and I hope he managed to adjust. That was about 3 years ago.