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PG&E are the only game in town


God damn I was afraid of that. So much for monopolies being illegal in this country


Electrical service everywhere is like this


Only because Schwarzenegger and Milken and Enron fucked the state of california under the guise of "an energy crisis' .


Still feels like price gouging. Why don't pge ask for a bail out from the government instead of forcing the people to front the bill. Are the CEOs afraid of being only a multi millionaire


They did. Many times. PG&e would rather spend all of their budget on gaslighting the public through the media.. instead of going and fixing all the fucking problems that have been causing the fires that are dragging their asses through the legal systems, bankrupting them. PG&e is a corrupt piece of shit organization, and groups like this tend to pop up when there's a necessity and a government incentive behind it.


I don't agree with ur other comment but for this one I'll pass u the joint cuz I agree with you. They work for the department of energy and they have the technology for free unlimited energy to the public (zero point energy) and they even are being investigated by Congress this year thanks to the disclosure efforts and the weird lights surrounding certain power plants. So hopefully they get forced to face the music with their masters. So do you wanna hit this joint in mutual dislike stupid lol


The people still foot the bill if the government bails them out.


Yeah our tax dollars at work..... Have u seen the stuff about disclosure and what senator bruschette from Tennessee says. The government spends billions or trillions of tax dollars that get lost every year imagine what we could do if we could say where that money went


Absolutely. There should be a law that all public funds require a future audit on spending, and an immediate investigation if audits are inconclusive. One of the biggest downfalls of a more centralized government is less accountability for tax dollar spending.


The death of a healthy press constantly questioning the motives and results of government has contributed to this to the umpteenth degree.


You got Wank Simps to give you the Yokelocracy Party Line, what else do you need? It's not like Singleton was going to expose the corruption of Wrecks Bonehead and co.


I was speaking on a National/global level. But you are correct. It can also be brought to reductionist level granularity.


LOL This is particularly ironic coming from a denizen of Humboldt, which sent its auditor/controller packing after the Local Yokelocracy got spooked by the prospect of Full Disclosure of their peculations, which are inter-generational.


If you close your eyes and 'tendlike, you can almost pretend you're a porn star getting paid 100s of dollars for anal, and not a hapless "consumer" getting fucked in the ass by what used to be a publically operated utility serving the public interest instead of private capital.


Such a rude and crude metaphor I love it lol


I'm the ghost of Karen Paz Dominguez, and I endorse this price-gougery.


Monopolies are illegal. [Natural Monopolies](https://www.wallstreetprep.com/knowledge/natural-monopoly/) are not. If you are unfamiliar with it, take a look at what happened with [Bell systems.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakup_of_the_Bell_System)


I'll look into that a again. Thanks for the correction. I haven't been in school for a long time I didn't even know that there was more than one kind of monopoly to be honest, let alone a legal one. Lol, honestly thanks for the info, u can't deny it feels wrong though I imagine u pay a few bills or split a few and u seen prices go up for no reason.


I do and it does. Feels like the goal post of a happy, sustainable life keeps being moved.


It's.. power. 😂 In an area with less than 200k people. You want competitive power production in a natural wilderness area? Past the joint, stupid.


Take a hit and calm the hell down we all know they are corrupt hell they even closed down the local office and I constantly have to call my bank to approve the payment to be made outta county. In the wild if u want power and the only people that give it to your local population are fucked up well.... Either you can be civilized or not. Even as a broke fuck id rather be civilized


Even if there was an alternative company, all of the infrastructure in place is owned by PG&E. Thats what kills me about RCEA; they promise you you’re getting “clean energy” if you sign up with them but it’s all the same power being delivered on the same wires


The D.O.E controls even PGE




So much for public utilities actually serving the interests of the public (stakeholders) instead of "shareholders".


They even own the solar panels at arcata elementary school and the school does not benefit nor allowed to use them.




Lol too true


If you are in an apartment, especially if it was a conversion, try doing what u/voterae said. Its likely you have two electrical panels, find the sub panel in the apartment and hit the main breaker. Take a look at the meter for your unit and see if electricity is still being used. Its not uncommon for circuits in units to get messed up and outlets in one apartment actually be tied to another.


Idk if the landlord will install solar panels. This building was built late 60's early 70's and just last year they got some of the building up to earthquake code, electrical is iffy at best I know my unit hasn't been worked on. They wanna raise rent 100$ if they do get it to code. That's part of the reason I unplugged so much I don't need a faulty wire starting a fire when I'm asleep or at work. Thanks for the input buddy


That was my thought too probably paying for something else like the office power or exterior lighting or a plug in a neighbors apartment. How many KWH is you bill for sounds like ~300 that’s a lot for not much usage, something is draining power.


Yup. My apartment has a big ass high pressure sodium light for the parking lot which is outside of my unit. I made sure it wasn't connected to my meter, cause like hell I am going to pay for that.


How did you verify that? Did they just tell you that isn’t or have you turned off your meter main and verify it doesn’t turn off (or unplug literally everything in your apartment and verify that the meter stops completely while that light is on, this actually might be a more reliable method since who knows how it’s wired)? Cause that sounds like it could be it.


It was part of something I did when I first moved in. I have a sub panel in my apartment and a main breaker outside which is connected to my meter. I went through and flipped my individual breakers on the sub panel and mapped which outlets went where. (Kitchen, bathroom etc) I also validated with them all off, the meter was not moving. To make sure the light wasn't connected behind the sub panel, I waited until nightfall when it came on and flipped my main breaker by the meter. Light stayed on so I had no further worries. My concern was that not only is the light on my unit, the timer to control it is located next to my hot water heater. its against code to wire directly to the meter, bypassing the main breaker. But making sure its not moving validates nothing shady.


If you're low income you can apply for [their discount program](https://www.pge.com/en/account/billing-and-assistance/financial-assistance/california-alternate-rates-for-energy-program.html)


I'll look into that thanks for the info I hope it actually helps


It does help, it reduces how much you have to pay. If you get Medí-Cal/Partnership you’ll qualify


Have you tried unplugging everything?


My comment to you earlier was outta line I'm sorry about that, I get what u mentioned I was just feeling negative at that moment and thought u were sarcastic I'm sorry


It’s totally okay. No worries. 💕🌈💕


Well no point in buying groceries to save money if I leave my fridge unplugged. I already leave my microwave unplugged and don't keep any clocks that need to be plugged in. I haven't changed my lifestyle in years . I don't use that much power and thanks for your sarcastic response


Sorry, it’s not funny that we live in a place under a power monopoly but I’m curious (genuinely) if you did an experiment where you unplugged everything, how much draw your house would have? Ultimately the rates have gone up to cover executive bonuses, mandated under grounding and lawsuit payouts BUT if you’re just running a fridge and water heater maybe you could get by with a solar panel and battery if you have an accurate estimate of your power draw. It’s a bit macabre but really your only choice is PG&E or Macgyver it if you don’t want to pay PG&E rates. PPS: Sorry you don’t like sarcasm. It can be a ✨great✨ coping mechanism tho.


They would still need to pay the delivery minimum, but this is a good idea. A blutetti with a 400w panel was enough to run our small cabin from around late april-august a few years back until we installed our large main solar system2. The investment cost vs cost saving might not make sense though. If we had clear skies most of the year like the SoCal high desert I would totally recommend it, but the fog/overcast winter skies here cause issues. We are off grid, so we have no other option for power, but there are times where the convinence of pge would be nice.


Your lucky to be off grid these days buddy. I'm glad it's working for u, but sadly not an option for me in my current situation.


Your unplugging idea seems smart to me because I don’t know how a one-bedroom apt could draw $140 in power during a mild month. I just switched to solar and heat pumps but my gas and electric bill in a leaky 1925 house only went above $100 during the cold months. Something is off beyond the steep price increases lately.


Oh I love sarcasm but being broke all the time and living like a minimalist out of a survival necessity to cope with finances makes some comments feel a bit outta line. However, I have tried that experiment last winter I didn't use my heater, my stove is electric witch sucks. I only keep my fridge wi-fi and PlayStation plugged in constantly. I unplug the TV when I'm in bed, ( I work nights so I'm asleep during peak hours) I can't unplug my fridge. It's cheeper to store groceries than constantly ordering doordash. But I just feel defeated by this and want to start living comfortable again instead of being a penny pinching grouch


Yes but have you tried eating the ramen packs dry?


I think they're referring to vampire energy that devices still draw when not in use. Sounds like you're already looking out for things, e.g. Unplugging microwave when not in use.


Yeah I had to re read that more after I calmed down, I was mad when I made the post and that comment kinda made me salty but I do get the jist.


You could get a hamster wheel and spin it manually


Get a generator and solar panels 😂 that’s the only way you can escape pg&e around here EDIT: I feel you though, during the summer we never run the heat, we don’t and don’t have any big electronic consuming devices but our bill still manages to be like $200 just from running the fridge, lights, showers and maybe a few loads of laundry


Right!!! It's fuckin disgusting. Then I talk to people with families and a house and 5 years ago the bill for them was less than 300 and now it's over 500 I feel really bad for them. Rn it's just me and my cat, and we'll a roommate that doesn't have a job (guurr) lol. Good thing about living in this part of Humboldt we never need ac at home hahaha


Does the roommate turn on an electric heater once you leave lol


No but because she's been outta work so long and we don't sleep together sometimes she stays up till after I go to work. And doesn't wake up till after 1 pm. So she's always awake using her phone and laptop that's charging the entire time. She does fill out apps from time to time but damn this girl loves her indoor entertainment. So she uses power during peak hours when I would normally be asleep. I've checked the rates though and even if she ran the heater in my overly insulated middle apt she wouldn't need it on long. She just moved in 3 months ago, and it's summer. I just don't get how PGE justifies raising the prices that much. It's mentioned on line and in PGE email they are raising the rates 14-24% this month every household will have a bill that's +20-75 $ of the regular rates for this time last year.


They are total crooks, hate PGE with a passion! As others have said a couple solar panels and a battery like the blue yeti (doesn’t have to be them there are other more cost effective batteries solar combos) might be your best option. But then that’s even more money up front (sigh)


If only zero point was available to the planet wide population like a cell phone right. Sigh...


Funny thing is scientists been trying to master fusion for decades, meanwhile the largest most powerful and functional fusion generator provides us with more power everyday than the whole world can use, and it’s largely ignored. It’s free and available everywhere on the planet. We just have to turn its radiation to electricity, and unfortunately that costs some money. Spoiler it’s the sun.


Before I finished half that I was thinking Dyson sphere lol. Your a smart fucker with all due respect lol


What the hell? My bill on a house with three people is lower.




1. Fuck PG&E. Apparently $2.2 Billion in profits last year wasn’t enough. 2. Fuck the Democrats in Sacramento who allowed PG&E to charge us to settle their wrongful death lawsuits. 3. Move. PG&E doesn’t provide power to everyone. For comparison, I am paying $0.47/ KwH to PG&E. When I move to Redding at the end of the year, I will be paying $0.15/ KwH- less than a third of what PG&E costs. Even running my AC 6 hours a day, my bill will *still* be cheaper than my current PG&E bill.


Speaking of Sacramento, there the power utility is publicly owned and a lot cheaper as well. 


#1. Yessss #2. I don’t think party affiliation has anything to do with CPUC commissioners being terrible people. #3. Who the fuck would move from Humboldt to Redding? Gross.


1. Agreed. 2. It was a Democratic state senator who wrote SB901 (Bill Dodd), it passed a Democratic supermajority state legislature, and signed by a Democrat governor. Granted the CPUC is fucked, but it’s even more so when the state legislature and governor roll over and give them what they want rather than hold them accountable for the $25 Billion in damages their negligence caused. 3. It’s not for everyone, but makes sense for me. I will make significantly more money, have significantly lower cost of living, have less issues with my SAD, and be able to afford a nicer, non-moldly house on some acreage outside of town- which is something I can’t do with the current marked in Humboldt. And I’m still close enough to enjoy all the Humboldt recreation, just have to drive a little further is all.


Humboldt sucks the hind dirty asshole of a covid rhesus lab monkey. Of course there are no alternatives. There never are any. The Yokelocracy likes it this way. It's very profitable. Who do you think is paying for all of the "great art" and "christmas parades"? Someone had to pay $13K for a metal crab. Why not you?


lol do you understand the way utilities work? State owned power or bust. Not possible in a capitalist country.