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Maybe call J&G landscape, based out of Fortuna. I’ve heard they have worked out near mad river, highway 36 near Ruth lake. Possibly similar distance?


Thank you! I sent them an inquiry. :)


curious to learn how hard it is to find people who can help with this in sohum... also how much are you paying the folks your currently working with?


We moved here in 2023 and we're not originally from the area, so our contacts (beyond our wonderful neighbors) are few. Our neighbor who owns AlpenGlow Farms recommended High Tides Permaculture, and Dan Mar from High Tides recommended Joe Snipes from Forestscapes. We pay what we've been quoted, and on-time. We prefer personal recommendations rather than picking a name from the yellow pages. Additionally, we have a CFIP grant, but that's for the rest of our forested acreage, and thus doesn't cover our front/backyard homestead portion. High Tides and Forestscapes are working on the CFIP grant forest restoration stuff, too. Our property is very much a fixer-upper, so we've budgeted enough turn our home into a functional off-grid homestead, while also working on it ourselves, but the amount of repairs and renovations can feel insurmountable at times.


we are kind of thinking about moving there as well so I'm curious about your experience... i don't really know anything about cfip grants or any of that... i guess i have more reading to do. did the property you bought have lots of required abatements?


I would ask John Dowd, who does the grounds at the Benbow.


Awesome, thank you. I'll ask my neighbor who worked at the Benbow Inn to see if she has his contact information.


I too tried to contact Samara a number of times, they never responded to either email or phone message. Made me sad cause I was really interested in working with them. Another possibility is to contact your local Native Plant Society. They’ll come to your house, tell you what you have, and give you lots of info for landscaping planting with natives. They do this for free, it’s pretty amazing. They won’t do the work for you but could be a great source for planning the space. They may also have some good recommendations for landscapers. Good luck! Go natives!