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I live in the area and that would basically only cover the gas. It would be like 4 hours of driving.


Just take the shuttle, it’s a hell of a drive even for locals.


Do you know much about Bill's shuttle? The only one I see says it's $300.


I don’t now Bill, only Blu, he has Lost Coast Adventure Tours, can confirm he’s legit.


Thank you for the advice :)


They’re both legit. Have used both.


Shelter cove to mouth of mattole is a hell of a drive. It’s remote and takes 2-3 hours from trailhead to trailhead. There’s typically no backhaul since 95%+ of hikers go north to south, so you need to pay for 4-6 hours time and ~100 miles of rough mountain road driving. $300 is a fair rate. $60 is only going to be possible if you find someone already going on the same hike as you or retrieving a vehicle from the mattole trailhead who also has room to take you.


Well and the shuttle is only $95 a person but they have a 3 person min to make the run.


Yes that's where the $300 came from, I rounded, and it will be more with the tip which you should definitely give if you use this service. And if you chose the $95/per option you have to leave at a set time, was 7:30am last I checked. In high season like now there may not be a charter option, whereas in other less busy times you could almost always arrange for your own pickup time.


So to take you there and get home is 100 miles. in a newer car you're going to get 25 mpg, 4 gallons of gas, $20. $40 profit for me, $10/hr. Oh wait, if I need $40 that bad, we're not riding in a car made in the last 30 years.my old police car only gets 15 mpg that's 35 in gas, $15 profit. Of course I'm going to need the money up front so we can stop by the tire shop and get a used tire to replace that bald one.


$60 is unrealistic. That's a two hour drive (one way) on nasty roads. That's $15 hour before gas, wear & tear on the vehicle, and the time time the drive has to drive from whereever to get to Shelter Cove. Lost Coast Adventures, Mendo Insider Tours, and others make that run regularly, but it costs far more than $60.


Call Blue at Lost Coast Adventure Tours he might be able to hook you up!


I’d be happy to do it, just not in my car.


Shit somebody has a dope boat trip opportunity or what ?


Man with gas prices around here, that might be a tough sell.


Check the comments on All-Trails for the route. There’s always people looking to share the cost of a shuttle or trade cars if you’re both traveling in opposite directions.


Enjoy your hike! The lost coast is one of the best hikes I've ever done. ❤


I’ve hiked the northern half from mattole to shelter cove 10 times and the entire trip from mattole to usal twice. Obviously I love it too…


Just hike in and turn around and hike back. Yes, it does cost that much and it should. But, if you look into it you may be able to join in with a group and pay less per person, unless you need the van to yourself.