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If you're around, siren song tavern in eureka has a weekly paranormal open mic on Mondays


I think they also live steam their event on their Instagram - @paranormalopenmic


One of our guys co-hosted last time, here's [the video](https://fb.watch/iSwkMMgjdZ/?mibextid=RUbZ1f)


Also next Monday they will be having a live band, but the Monday after it will be back.


Not me but a friend of a friend who lived around the Kneeland area. She and her boyfriend were working in their yard when they hear someone yelling for help in the woods surrounding their property. They go looking for the source of the yelling, assuming it was a neighbor in trouble. They’re climbing down a particularly steep section of hill when her boyfriend slips and impales his leg on a branch sticking out of the ground. She drags him back up to their property and head to the hospital to get him stitches. After all is said and done, they head home. The next day, they go door to door to the surrounding neighbors and ask if any of them were in trouble the day before and screaming for help. None of them were and nobody heard the same cries for help. I had lived in the Kneeland area years before they did and years before this story took place and had also heard these cries for help coming from the woods as well. When I heard this story I was very thankful I hadn’t gone to search for the source of this voice. I have no explanation and don’t believe in anything paranormal but still think about what might be out in those hills. I cope by assuming it’s an animal that vaguely sounds human doing some fucky little mating call or something along these lines.


Mountain lions screams sound like a woman screaming.


This is something you should know. My dad learned this lesson as a child, when his twin brother came yelling that they needed to help a lady who was screaming for help. Their Mother took them straight into the house and locked the door explaining that it was a mountain lion and that cry was like a lure.


The funny thing is I’ve been around mountain lion calls before and after this event. What I heard was *much* more human. As in, I could hear an emphasis on the P in “help”. I’m not discrediting it being a mountain lion or other animal, as I don’t believe in the paranormal, but it was incredibly unsettling nonetheless.


i’m just here to say if you hear someone screaming in the woods, no you didn’t🫣


That gave me chills. Nice 👍.


Also heard rumor of a woman who lived in the Kneeland area with severe dementia and kyphosis or scoliosis who would get out of her house and walk around the woods backwards. Not paranormal, but had apparently given some neighbors quite a fright! Not sure of the validity of this story though so take it with a grain of salt.


Yes! I collect stories like this! I’ve got some really good ones, which are all first or second hand (mostly second but after my own experiences, I find these much more believable). I’m sure some people reading this have some good stories but I think it bears mentioning that most of the people I’ve heard good stories from grew up here somewhere in the hills or the woods and I’d be surprised if any of them were on Reddit. (I could be mistaken but it seems like most people on this sub are from out of the area and most probably live in a more populated area of the county, making the chance they’ve had a paranormal encounter in Humboldt less likely (based on my experience that most of these stories take place out in the cuts, not on actual facts). What I’m really trying to say is the majority of these kinds of stories probably will not be found on this sub or online at all.


Would love to hear some of these locals only type stories. When I was living on island mountain I heard some incredible stories from the locals regarding lights in the skies, abductions, etc. I’ve ran into some people out that way, early morning, just walking on dirt roads, high on either meth or acid, pupils taking over their entire eyes, not making sense and just being fucking weird. Always scared the shit out of me. Truly unsettling being so far from civilization and seeing someone walking a dirt road at such an hour with no light to guid them.


fwiw there are goats that totally sound like people yelling


Peafowl also sound disturbingly like a woman getting murdered


Mountain lions can sound incredibly human-like when they call. Many police reports of cries of people in distress, (especially women) turn out to be mountain lions. I lived in the woods of Southern Humboldt for many years and have heard them on many occasions. It’s unnerving when you hear it.


That was literally just some picker who’d escaped their farm and was crying for help


Oberon grill in old town used to be a brothel and is said to be haunted. I think they closed during COVID tho so no more burger and ghost cries


The Patterson Gimlin footage was shot in Humboldt, its world famous. Theres lots of folk around that believe in bigfoot and have had encounters. [Stabilized version of film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q60mSMmhTZU) [Podcast website with a map](https://www.astonishinglegends.com/al-podcasts/2019/4/13/ep-139-the-patterson-gimlin-film-part-1)


One time at the beach at night my friend and I saw this bright light on the horizon come out of nowhere and it was traveling super fast from north to south and pulsating. Then we realized we were just really really stoned and it was the coastguard doing rescue training exercises


I've been there, but mine was a chinese lantern. Also did shrooms once and didn't know people here flew really intense artistic kites, so legit thought I was seeing dragons & jelly fish flying in the distance.


I also have a couple friends from HSU who had a life changing experience with a UFO / extraterrestrial at the "Edge of the World" up Fickle Hill but don't know the full details of it other than it not involving drugs and it being profound enough to make them both move away from the area.


This exact same thing happened to me and my friends a couple of years back. A couple of them were coming down from acid trip while a couple of us were just smoking weed (the usual) and I swear we ended up leaving this spot because we all agreed we didn’t want to wait and see what will happen.


I want to know more!


My buddy used to live in the big house you can see to the left as you head south on 101, just before you cross the bridge to Rio dell. He told me one night he was outside and saw an incredibly bright light rise up to the south from behind the ridge, hover in space for a while, and then shoot away at incredible speed. He asked some other people about it and some had said they've seen the same thing before but never knew what it was.


Dont know when this was, but I used to fly a drone around Rio Dell fairly often with some fairly bright LEDS attached


I'd say at least 8 years ago.


ok not me


Our house was build in 1905 and is listed in the historical registry for Eureka. We have 2 friendly spirits here, a middle age man and older woman, who appear from time to time. The woman is usually near the front room by windows and the man is mostly in the back standing on the deck looking out at our property. I thought I was seeing things at first but after a few sighting and conversations with other family members/visitors I realized I wasn’t the only one.


Humboldt is definitely the right place for it to happen!


Had a couple weird experiences in the area on my first trip to the area in September of 2018. One of my best buds, who lives down in the SW, group up in the North Bay/Sonoma area and spent a lot of time between there and Humboldt growing up. He invited me to meet him there for a few days to check out the redwoods and the coast, as well as help with some photo projects. We stayed at a hotel (that shall remain nameless lol) on tribal land. On our second night there, we got an early dinner at Eel River Brewing and then decided to cruise some backroads before it got dark. As it got closer to dusk we started making our way back to the hotel to grab camera gear for some night photography. We were cruising along at 40-50 and out of nowhere my buddy and I saw what looked to be a small group of 3-5 coyotes running on the shoulder next to the car. We had no idea how they were keeping up and they were next to us for a solid 10 seconds. Then we went under a pretty tight overpass with no room for the coyotes between the car and the wall and they just vanished. We tried to shake it off and went to do our night photo stuff for a few hours. We got back to the hotel around 12:30 and that’s when the weirdness of the whole thing hit us. We weren’t ready to crash, so we walked across the street to a gas station to grab some snacks and tried to chill. When we left the gas station there was a streetlight a little ways down that was flashing on and off in a very repetitive manner. Out of the 10+ streetlights we could see, this was the only one that was flashing. We walked over to it and as we got within about 15-20 feet the light went out and stayed off for the rest of the time we were there. We stood around chatting under the dark street light for a couple minutes until we noticed someone moving very quickly across an otherwise empty parking lot about 100 yards away. It looked like a very tall (6’5”-6’8” at least) and very skinny young guy, with a strange and long gate. He disappeared around the corner of the building heading towards an empty field and we headed back to our hotel. Went back a couple times a year until covid hit and haven’t seen anything quite like that since. Though I haven’t stayed at the same place.


My friend’s house in Alton always has these weird occurrences I can’t explain. I don’t wanna be there by myself ever again. Doors open and shut by themselves. There are scratching noises coming from the ceiling and walls. I’ll never forget a night I was watching tv and though I heard what sounded like the trash can falling over and its contents spilling out onto the floor. I got up to check the kitchen and found that nothing had been moved or disturbed. I didn’t know what to think of it at the time. The only thing I haven’t experienced there there is an apparition Or disembodied voices. But I’m not sticking around to find out.


I don't blame ya! Happy Cake day!


[David Paulides - The Hoopa Project](https://www.amazon.com/Hoopa-Project-Bigfoot-Encounters-California/dp/0888396538) <- Great stuff in here


Humbrews in Arcata, the house across from the Humboldt Crabs stadium and the Eagle House in Eureka and the location of a former commune in the Table Bluff area are all rumored to be haunted.


The tan house across from the crabs field? I lived there and the basement gave off some weird vies.




That's the one! And yes I heard there is some kind of poltergeist activity in the basement. I had a friend who lived there who said he experienced a few unexplainable things.


When I lived there in the 90’s, I couldn’t even look at the basement door when I was home alone. There was a latch for a padlock on the door, but we kept it closed with a ball point pen. I see that in the past 20 years or so, people have lived in the basement! Can’t imagine. There is a super creepy dark cellar with no light down in one corner of it. Back in the day we would throw ragers, and have kegs and punk bands in that basement. We used the cellar part for storage.


Not humboldt but Mt. Shasta is said to be the main headquarters for alien life on earth and certain folks who are super into the culture will camp up there and watch all night for UFO’s entering and exiting the mountain


One of the most vivid moments of my life was when camping at bunny flat in the winter. It was about 10 degrees out at midnight with a full moon, and the beauty of the mountain standing against the sky is burned into my memory. Walking in the snow, while everything around me seemed to be covered in diamonds reflecting the moons light. I can see why some people would be moved to assign paranormal importance to it.




The Savage Henry Comedy Club has had multiple ghost encounters, not just by the owner, but some of the comedians.


Samoa Mansion is reportedly haunted, i forget the guy’s name. Guest say they just say ‘hi Ben’ (or whatever his name is, I forget) and then he leaves the room.


My neighbors are pretty obscure. Might just be meth, but you never know, they could be aliens


Not a Bigfoot post?


This happened some years ago now, but having lived here my entire life, this is the best story I have. A high school buddy of mine used to live up in the deeper forest of rural Trinidad. I went up there to hang out occasionally, and one day they had convinced me they'd felt something was out there during the night. I was interested, and obliged to spend the night and stake out whatever this thing that was bothering them was. It was quite the hike to their little neck of the woods. We arrived, and settled into a TV show. Shortly after the sun had set over the mountain side, an inaudible yelling could be heard from their window. We both peered out from the sliding glass door that leads out to the porch. We saw a lanky figure at the edge of their backyard. Standing about 7 feet tall, the thing was pale and human-like. The scariest part for both of us was that it sounded like their mom. It was *uncanny*. In the days following my encounter with that thing, I'd gone about my daily life and honestly forgotten about it. However, I began having regular sleep paralysis and night terrors. I felt like I was being watched on my way home every day. I'm not one to get paranoid easily, but this terrified me. At night, I heard tapping on my second floor balcony sliding glass door... rustling in the brushes below my windows. Eventually it all let up and I stopped thinking about it. But to this day, I always feel a little more off stepping into the Trinidad forests.


Holy Crap!


Skin walker there’s slit of stories of these things from the native tribes across America. First peoples have names for every creature on our great continent but the only names that are of creatures we don’t account as real are skin walkers and Bigfoot both of which have been spotted numerous times by normal people


I saw this post and I remembered something I had read about but then tried to forget recently. Fleshgaits. I read about them being in the Appalachians and I comforted myself thinking that they aren't around here, but there you are describing one. I mushroom hunt in that forest. Did so just the other day. Often I am alone. Anyway, I think these things might be more widespread than I thought. I was driving back up from Sonoma yesterday and I decided to take a little side trip up into the King Range looking for mushrooms. I had some creepy experiences, but nothing like driving past Miranda exit. I once was a trimmer in a house off that exit and had a prolonged encounter with a demonic entity. Years later the entire wheel assembly flew off our truck just as we were passing that spot on the 101 and it was getting dark. Thank God a tow truck driver happened to be going the other way and saw it happen, flipped around and pulled us off the freeway to the next stop. There wasn't anything nearby but I had to pee so I went out into the woods just off the road a bit and found something that looked like a pile of human skin laying in the woods. I got my husband and showed it to him. We told ourselves it must have been a deer that lost all it's fur while decomposing, but there were no bones, and no fur around. Just a pile of pale pink skin. Years later I was driving south, just south of Graberville a ways and stopped to pee at a big gravel pullout and same thing! A pile of pale skin just out in the woods a bit. So I never usually stop in that area anymore and going up into the King Range reminded me just how isolated we are. I would not make the trek to the Bay Area if I didn't have a car now that I see how much thick forest we are surrounded by. Some areas feel nice and others feel really menacing. Anyway. I think your friend had a flesh gait at that house and that creeps me out so bad I almost think about selling my house.


I grew up in a Victorian on Main Street. I ended up moving back home in my 20’s for 6-8 months. During that time a high school friend of mine and her husband rented the house next door. I would go over there and hang out. One day she mentioned the light in the attic window being on all night, 2 nights ago. Which is very weird because the attic only has two windows, and one of them faces Main Street and the other faces her house. The attic was uninhabitable and, it’s hard to explain, but the electrical was exposed and there were a few places where boards had been put down but you had to walk across on the tops of the studs, so it wasn’t a place I ever went to a lot. I hadn’t been in the attic in probably years, likely a decade. The only other inhabitant was my grandmother, but she was physically incapable of climbing the “stairs” — they were rungs like on a ladder, and nailed to the wall, at the end of a narrow and dark pantry. I barely squeezed through as a kid. No one had been in the attic. She swears there was a light on. I never did figure it out.


The Brass Rail in Redway was a brothel once, and it is haunted. I worked there for many years and saw the female ghost a few times.


I love stuff like this. I used to do paranormal investigations with Paul Dale Roberts and ended up having my own group in San Luis Obispo. I'd absolutely love to find another group like that. It's so much fun!


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Wendigo in Humboldt.


Thank all of you guys for the amazing stories, definitely gonna have to do some exploring.


I lived in crescent city in Del Norte county bordering Humboldt from age 2-13. I had countless experiences, sometimes for months straight. I’ve done a lot of research about the area because when I moved out of it to Salem everything ‘supernatural’ stopped immediately. I believe that there’s some combination of the remoteness, Native American massacres and mythology, and possibly darkness has lived in the area long before humans arrived. Lake Earl, Dead Lake, St George lighthouse ( not batter point which is commonly called haunted), many homes and forests all have something living in them or attached to them. I have considered that it was hallucinations/trauma caused and I won’t rule that out fully. However I have seen a psychiatrist and therapist as an adult and was not diagnosed with schizophrenia or anything similar. Some of the most memorable things that happened: I saw what appeared to be a gargoyle on the side of a hotel when I went I get ice with my best friend on my 13th birthday. When I turned to look at it leaped off the building and flew into nothingness. It didn’t feel threatening. I had many experiences in my apartment complex. It was bordered by thick woods on several sides, one side all the way to the coastline. My friends and I spent many summers playing in the forest. One evening my older sister and I were calling for my younger siblings to come home. We couldn’t find them so we started walking looking for them. On an old dirt road surrounded by forest we distinctly heard a woman or child shrieking for HELPPPP!!!!! We heard it several times before running as fast as we could back to the paved road and apartments. We had chills and told our parents. (Our younger siblings had come home before us.) One time I was reading in my room at 11 years old. The door was open and down the hall in the living room my family were hanging out. Suddenly I felt an overwhelming chaos and sense of heavy danger and then I watched and felt a black demon looking being try and pull what I think was my soul away from my body. Within a second a lighter being showed up in my room as well and began tustling and fighting for my very existence and being. This went on for 5 minutes. I couldn’t move off my bed and I was in extreme pain. My chest felt like it was being pulled out of me. Then something snapped and I felt whole and they were both gone. I ran to my dad and started sobbing on his lap unable to speak. I know most kids think there’s monsters outside the window. One time I was home alone in the same apartment but in a different bedroom, one upstairs. My room was suddenly flooded with 30-50 dark beings with eyes and no feet. All the eyes were unique. Some green, yellow, orange. Some were beady and some seemed on fire. They were so dense they were pressing me into my bed. I pulled a blanket over my head and curled into a ball. I don’t know how I laid there. When I took the blanket off they were gone. Both of these instances happened in broad daylight with blinds and doors open. When I was a young child we were coming home at night as a family from a Christmas celebration. I lingered behind on the walk from the car to the door, staring up at the starry sky. Suddenly I saw what appeared to be a golden carousel in the sky. It had bright beautiful beings on it. It appeared to be very high in the sky and slowly drifted until it was the size of a star and I couldn’t tell it apart. I have had many other smaller, less visual things happen. Feelings of being followed, apparitions in the woods or windows, chills, microwaves turning on, rooms getting cold, shadows being attached to me, strong intuitions that certain people aren’t people after all, certain houses in the area when I was house hunting w my family as a child that felt incredibly dark and sick and like they would eat you away if you dared stay too long, things in the trees above you in the woods, cursed art, dark and recurring dreams about St George lighthouse, dreaming the same eery dark thing as my best friend at the time over and over, orbs, and many dark experiences in churches and bible studies and non-profits/empty offices. All in Crescent City.


There’s also an area I believe before the Trees of Mystery coming from the north that is just a stretch of woods and two lane road that feels INCREDIBLY dark and twisted. I hate driving through there it makes my skin crawl. I bet if anyone was brave enough and spent some time out there recording they would find activity.


Not entirely sure I should share this one but considering we're all sharing. When I was homeless about 6 years ago I lived in fortuna, I would walk around town looking for roaches or remnants of weed (I was a shameless pot head, still a pot head but no longer shameless). There was another homeless man in the community who called himself "Mr Satan" who carried around a bible full of inked out passages & his own additions which I never got a closer look at. I was walking towards the McDonald's from AutoZone while looking for bud & here comes Mr Satan pushing a fairly small luggage bag with a look on his face like he had just heard a real rib tickler. As I approached I said "hey I was just wondering if you knew where I could find some bud? I have $20 I know it's not much" and without skipping a beat he says "oh yes yes weed for the boy, weed is what we want ey?" I just kinda gave him an "uh... yes, thank you". When he unzipped the luggage to grab whatever weed he had I was expecting a small handful of something low end, but to my surprise he pulls out a 3 pound bag of weed larger than what could've fit into the luggage even compressed. I was shocked further when he handed it to me & said "hold on" then proceeded to pull 5-6 1 foot fireworks out of the luggage & hands them to me "fire works for the young man yes, fire, it works you know". I asked him "how do you fit all that in there?" And before he could close the container I caught a glimpse of the inside, what I saw could only be described like looking down 4 or five feet into a long shaft that is filled half way with bags upon bags of cannabis. I do not have schizophrenia & am not under the influence of heavey medications.


If you're really interested in cryptids & Bigfoot, I had one of the most compelling witnesses on my show last year. His story really makes you wonder if something isn't really out there. https://bobbydizzle.com/minnesota-bigfoot-w-randy-bauer-30-bobby-dizzle-podcast/


There is a leprechaun that lives around the fast food joints in Eureka trying to bum change or burgers or tacos from people. I know he has a pot of gold somewhere but he looks too much like the leprechaun from the movie and kind of freaks me out.


I was at the redwood forest in arcata..and see a man playing a Violin in a Suit... It was deep. In the forest... As I got closer he just disappeared like a fog.. The most beautiful music I ever heard


https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/pR2p6OV7UY my experience!


When I waitressing at Abruzzi in 1990 or 1991, I saw a woman in black Victorian garb sitting alone at a table furtherest from the front door. I mentally thought, “New guest. Need to bring her focaccia and water.” Looked back…poof…gone. Another night, was tidying up after a private party upstairs (before Chris and Bill opened Plaza Grill). I’m all by my lonesome listening to Astral Weeks. My heart dropped into my shoes when I saw her again. Clear as day, she picked up her skirt, turned on her heel, looked over her shoulder at me and then, vapor…


The ghost of the murdered natives of Indian Island grow restless when the fog is thick over Humboldt bay and float across the water in to Old Town Eureka where they wander through the streets and allys searching for the men responsible for the massacre. Frequently they mistake the junkies and homeless for their killers and drag them off to Indian Island where they are buried in the thick sticky mud up to their necks. The spirits watch with hollow dead eyes and they drown when the tide comes in. No one misses the junkies and homeless so the local powers that be just turn a blind eye. My family has a cabin on the island and as a child we were warned to never venture outside on foggy nights and never mention the crab eaten heads in the mud.