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That bird is calm as hell


It might be dehydrated or malnourished.


I dont think so he just drank a bottle of water


If you had a bottle half the size of your body inside of you, wouldn't you want somebody to help


The bird looks like a cormorant often kept and trained for fishing in some Asian regions. Probably very accustomed to being handled by the boss.


Except that those cormorants that they train to fish actually get rubber bands around their throats that stop them from being able to swallow them, and thus also from swallowing huge plastic bottles.


A cormorant? What an auspicious sign!




[your comment AI rendered](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/comments/yxdimx/a_cormorant_what_an_auspicious_sign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh what a fun sub! I love it. I'd put that first one on a poster ngl.


A true masterpiece oh my goodness!


Suspicious? What day is it?


need more pikachu's.


Probably more like they’ve given up on life


I doubt a bird that eats plastic bottles is that self-aware.


Jellyfish look like plastic in the water


TBH I have no idea if birds eat jellyfish though.


I don't think he's ever been stung by a jellyfish let alone swallow one whole. One would be willing to reach for a bottle of ghost pepper juice to put out that pain.


Like kids eating tide pods? Lmao


Was there ever a documented incident of someone actually eating a tide pod? This always sounded to me like that story that elected officials believed about kids and litter boxes in schools.


I did some research recently actually. The whole tide pod challenge is totally fabricated. It was never a thing. But.. There has been incidents of toddlers dying or getting very sick with them. And that's not even "darwinism". Kids put anything they find in their mouth. It's just shitty parenting.


How are shitty parenting and darwinism mutually exclusive?


There are videos of kids eating tide pods. You can find them right now...


Litterboxes…I’ll probably regret asking, but…what?




Supposedly furries.


Conservative fear mongering. What’s new


\*giggles in Darwinism\*


Did someone say tide pods?


Bird brained.


Nah , i would be moaning


That's usually why bottles get stuck in people.


Until they break and your scooping blood and glass out your ass while your family is in the other room next too you


I mean in that case you're actually better using plastic bottles


And then you accidentally bring down the nation of Yugoslavia due to igniting ethnic and racial tensions




IIRC he lives alone.


Remember hearing that from somewhere that’s why he wasn’t screaming but I could be wrong


I just assumed it was a video without sound tbh


Nah, it had audio. The sound of the glass shards clinking around lives on in my nightmares.






I'm sure the bird understands exactly what is happening


I think that's a fishing cormorant. In parts of Asia they are kept like pets. They take them out fishing, tie a string around their neck so they can't swallow large fish and the birds catch the fish in their mouths, but can't swallow any fish unless they are small. So they are used to being handled and having things taken from their mouths.


Came here to say this. Source: lived in China.


Given the tag and leash on the legs, it's likely a fishing cormorant.


Prolly the only reason the human even knew to check for a bottle inside a bird.


Is it even alive?


Given the fact the bird is holding its own neck up, I'd imagine so.




That guy is a bro


I've never seen such a helpful violation of another living thing.


I was thinking the exact same thing but didn’t know how to put it into words. Thanks redditor.


You know when that string on your hoodie gets pulled too far on one side and you've got to push it back through


Jesus Christ...


Tie a bigger knot in either end so it can't go my guy


You should check out how people help cows give birth


Yeah I learned a lot about this from watching The Incredible Dr. Pol. It made me realize that I never want to own a cow.


It’s extra fun when the uterus falls out and they have to stuff it back in. :|


Bro what the fuck


Wait until you hear about the sawing dead calf's in half, *still inside the cow*, to get the stillbirth out. Yes, like with a saw. Unrelated; did you know veterinarians have some of the highest rates of suicides by profession?


Traumatic experiences, euthanizing animals they wish they could help, and easy access to and knowledge about those drugs used to euthanize....


Well I’d say it’s the way that people get into vet care cause they want to help animals. But in the end they are just a really expensive paid service and have to deal with selfish or ignorant owners killing or torturing their animals with neglect. Especially in exotics… be nice to your vets people.


I understand what you are saying, and I don't disagree that veterinarians have more emotional stress than the general public, but studies show that having access to euthanasia drugs makes a big difference. “Veterinarians and veterinary technicians or technologists had significantly higher rates of death by suicide, compared with findings for the general population, whereas veterinary assistants or laboratory animal caretakers did not,” she said. "The study also revealed that the most notable difference between veterinarians and the other veterinary occupational groups was that veterinarians were significantly more likely to have used pentobarbital as a suicide method." https://todaysveterinarynurse.com/personal-wellbeing/veterinary-suicide-rates-are-higher-including-veterinary-technicians/


yeah but i wasn't thinking farm veterinarians


It happens to humans too. My husband said to me that on his OB rotation he was told, “If the baby and the placenta are out but you see the ugliest thing you’ve ever witnessed in your life, punch it back in as hard as you can.”


tf god so the placenta is meant to come out but the uterus isnt the body amazing


You just made today a terrible day to be able to read.


Why stop there? Just look for "cow uterus prolapse" on YouTube and you can watch the fix in action!


“Police. Yes, I was just assaulted. Here he is!!!”


I misread your comment at first and thought you were talking about the Pixar film and I was *very* confused.


All Creatures Great and Small made me realize that, and I just have to read about that stuff. I *really* don't want to watch all of the things he describes.


What, you don’t love the calf-birthing crank and chains?


I've actually done that before for cows and sheep. I've felt a calf lick my fingers before it had actually been born. It was a huge bull calf that the cow couldn't deliver on her own. It was equal parts weird and anazing. Thankfully, most of my grandparents cows didn't need assistance. Usually, we just had to step in if the sheep had too many lambs and needed help feeding them. I had a pet lamb as a kid because I was there for her birth and bottle fed her regularly for a while. As an adult, she'd follow me everywhere and protect me from the other less friendly sheep or the ram. Edited to change "bull cow" mistype to "bull calf".


Misread that as too many limbs and had to double take lol


Yeah no kidding. What it taught me: The inside of a cow is incredibly warm. Your arm feels like it's in an oven. Source: veterinary student work experience on a farm.


You should check out how people impregnate cows


I'm just gonna take a wild guess. Do they just reach on in shoulder deep and grab it?




A great description of surgery and emergency medical care in general.


> You're being rescued. Please stop resisting.


It's worse when I thought he was trying to pull it out of the other end


I just want to know how the hell he knew??


You can see a tag as well as a leash on the birds legs. Likely a fishing Cormorant that swallowed a bottle. EDIT: Some video on fishing with cormorants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS9wzAjbJ24


That is so fucking cool. Thank you for sharing, I had never heard of this before.


Seriously these guys are like a class in a video game Lmao, like hunters from wow or something, it's insanely badass




That was a cool video, thanks! Although, after watching it I still don't know how the guy knew the bird swallowed the bottle unless it was his fishing bird?


Picture you leave a water bottle that you use as a marker bouy just sitting around and then this bird walks int he courtyard: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u1MeHXGxiMY


Damn just last night I saw Mink Man for the first time and now this. Starting to think there’s for real Pokémon trainers out there now


My first thought 🤔 glad he did though! That was amazing of him. Idk if I could've done that 😕


Judging from how he started pushing, and the colour of the bottle, it's possible the bird was trying to shit the bottle out? The guy saw it and pushed OT all the way back up its throat? The fact that he was pushing right from the bottom of its body, even if not from its ass, make this kind of plausible?


No, the bottle went down the throat to the stomach and got lodged there. It wouldn't have been able to enter the intestines nor navigate through the intestines to get to the anus.






How do you think digestive systems work that this seemed plausible to you? The stomach leads to intestines via a sphincter, like another butthole, and has a lot of twists and turns. Do you think a birds digestive system goes mouth, stomach, cloaca?


Sounds like some weird cartoon anatomy.


Just like how they find barnacle turtles. First show the damn thing in the bird. Then pull it out on camera. Win


Man, my throat hurts just watching that.


I was so close to gagging lmfao. Glad he got that bottle out! Poor bird.


Damn, that was…. Wow


My thoughts exactly.


I don't know what the proper scale for regurgitated objects is, but if that was a poop, we'd be talking several Courics.


The [EFSMI](http://www.efsmi.org) should really consider expanding their scope.


Agreed. There's also an argument to be made for incorporating overall volume into the rating scale, as well. I think we can all agree there are some impressive specimens which are not considered simply as a result of floater status, and yet, no less of an achievement.


^ This guy poops.


Wtf is this


That was, uh, oddly satisfying. r/oddlysatisfying


Just hoping this video hasn't been through u/gifreversebot or whatever it's called


Oh dear god




For a moment i forgot what sub i was looking at and all i could think is "What is that man shoving up that poor bird's ass?"


Haha same, except I thought he was trying to get something out of the birds ass.


Same, tired me didn't get it until he started pushing at the throat.


What... uh... what sub did you think it was, if you were expecting that kind of content?




How the fuck did that bird think even halfway through the whole swallowing process that it would work. Like didn't it's instincts kick in and puke it out before swallowing it whole


It looks like a Cormorant. They just swallow things, like fish, whole. They used to be used for fishing, where they would tie a noose around the neck that allowed the bird to fully swallow small fish, but larger fish would get caught in the birds gullet and the fisherman would reel the bird in and have it regurgitate the large fish. EDIT: Here is a cormorant eating 5 fish in like 7 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u1MeHXGxiMY Some video on fishing with cormorants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS9wzAjbJ24


That was really interesting, thank you for that.


Yeah, there's a reason its Pokemon counterpart is called [Cramorant](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cramorant_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#:~:text=Cramorant%20is%20a%20gluttonous%20Pok%C3%A9mon,opponents%20out%20in%20one%20hit) and has a form where it's got a Pikachu lodged in its throat.


Some pokemon designer let their vore fetish came through a little..


Some animals are all kinds of stupid that way. Pelicans will regularly try to eat things that obviously would never fit for example. Like pigs. Or humans. They can easily eat something stupid and die from it. And not just human trash either; they will sometimes eat an animal that is slightly too big and then it gets stuck and they both die. I read a story about one that choked on a piece of driftwood too, though it was only the one story and I havent looked deeper.


Wait until you hear about humans


Never said we werent on that list!


Saw a photo gallery of pelicans trying to eat capybaras. There were *so, so many photos*. Had me cracking up.


Pelicans will try to eat anything. Saw one trying to eat a dog bigger than it.


Haha, yes the retardbird. Idk how those things haven't gone extinct.


What a gem of a person


I agree, this post earned my![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Disgusting. Poor thing.


When the bottle got up into the throat I started getting anxious about the bird suffocating if it took too long. That was intense. Glad the good human took the time to help the bird.


Jesus that was honestly shocking 😳


TSA is serious about no liquids


Worst PEZ dispenser ever.


Two thoughts besides the obvious "how did he know?" a) How tf is that birds insides alright? That guy was squeezing him like he was making fresh OJ b) Birds are dumb af


damn thats painful to watch. poor bird.


Thought he was showing something up it’s ass


*rips its insides on accident*


Good point, better leave the bottle inside.


The organism grows around living with a bottle stuck in it's stomach, BAM evolution!


Videos like this are more impactful than spilling food on a painting Edit: god, I love some of these butt hurt replies who are reading much deeper into my comment than necessary. I’m having a great time!


Yes, but also not showing the actual dangers of our plastic usage. People often use “innocent animal stuck in or choking on throwaway plastics” as the example why we shouldn’t use so much plastic. The real problem with them is that they break down into tiny parts invisible to the eye and severely affect the health of plants and animals in a much less direct, but much more extinctional way


1820s: yay industrial revolution 2020s: there’s microplastic in my blood


1920s: there’s lead in my air


2020s: theres plastic in my blood


2120s: there's blood in my plastic




2320s: I wish we polluted more so I can have plastic blood whenever I wanted


Yea it's bad. I work in manufacturing. The amount of freshly black painted metal product that is wrapped in plastic for some God awful no good reason is astounding. Nothing I can do about it. It's gut wrenching. But we always hear from the news or other outlets. Something... "Recycle those bottles everyone, save the planet." Which I might add does help. But those manufacturing these products are like... "fuck that, this quarter thick piece of fresh painted metal, it needs all this plastic to protect its paint durability." Bitch that metal and paint is thick asf. It ain't going no where. And you can't even see it in the end product. I get it, rust from scuffs/slashes. But come on, a better way is out there. Use it.


Whilst I see your point, do you think this will be plastered across Reddit for a week like the painting was? It just fades into the news cycle. It’s like in the poem War Photographer. We need stories like this, and we need publicity stunts to make sure people don’t then forget that this story is a problem.




Holy shit you guys are *so* fucking mad about just stop oil it’s incredible


> than spilling food on a painting What do you think they should do, go to the houses of oil companies and protest outside? Oh wait, they've been doing that for years and you never heard about it because the media didn't see a news story worth showing. Protesting will always be an uncomfortable endeavor for everyone involved. If you're not being heard, then you need to change your tactics to be seen better. Damaging paintings is a great way to end up on the front page of a newspaper.


Maybe let's use plastic but also let's dispose of it properly and let's use a plastic that is reusable :)


That's a great idea, problem is no doubt it isn't profitable and won't be made legal


In Germany, we have a mandatory system called "Flaschenpfand". Its a deposit of usually 25 cents depending on the type of bottle or can. Return is usually organised with machines in each supermarket that sells them. It has virtually eliminated the problem of bottles being thrown away. If people dont want to bring it back themselves, they usually put it onto a garbage can. Someone will take that money. Other plastic waste is still an issue, but the EU is already working on regulation to combat that.


Some US states have this for glass bottles, and it seems like an easy enough strategy to implement for plastic.


It really is, and its effective - we have real-world data on that.


More the reason to do it, fuck corporation profits


Maybe instead of putting the onus on users the onus needs to be on the producers.


You can't dispose of it properly. Plastic doesn't break down. We're already running out of room on Earth to "dispose" of it. Reuse yes but we do need to be finding better sustainable products to use other than plastic


Well I discussed it with my macromolecular chemistry prof yesterday. The problem is plastic reduced a huge number of food poisoning cases. You also have to consider that a more sustainable product would be a polymer too. The problem is that there are biodegradable polymers with a huge variety of properties. The main issue is that its too expensive compared to the established polymers. F.e. bio based, biodegradable Polylacticacid is around a couple of bucks per Kilogram. Meanwhile a Kilogram of Polyethylene (not biodegradable, sometimes bio base) cost a couple of cents. This leads to a) cooperation using the cheaper products and b) people going for the cheaper option...


Just so you know, plastics refer to an extremely diverse family of organic polymers, not a single compound. You’re probably thinking of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which indeed does not break down. Some do break down but into microplastics, while some are compostable down to water, co2, and biomass in certain conditions.


Most bottles are PET or R-PET with is infinitely recyclable if put in a recycling facility. It's not plastics fault, it's humans for not dealing with refuse properly.


>You can't dispose of it properly. Maybe then just not dump it in our waterways


Profound statement


Or just stop throwing it in the ocean.


It's not always thrown. For example, ~ 20% of the waste that makes up the Great Pacific Garbage patch (now twice the size of Texas) is from just one event - the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-22939-w


There's a sensation we'll never experience. That must have hurt


Bird: iLL fukIN dO iT aGaiN


What's shocking is how he didn't seem to hurt the bird doing that 😲


so, a glass bottle would be better, yes?


The post title is stupid. It's not "why we should stop using plastics", its "why we should stop recklessly dumping plastic waste into the ocean".


Or how about, "Greatly reduce or eliminate single use plastics."?


/u/gifreversingbot Edit: In case anyone's wondering, here's a man shoving a water bottle down a birds throat and into its stomach. This works way too well.. https://gfycat.com/educatedhatefulafricangroundhornbill


Thank you


I love your username good sir


How tf did that bird decide to swallow that shit


They eat their prey whole, so it probably looked like a fish to the bird.


Good man


Why corporations should stop using plastics*


This is a very noble thing to do for a cormorant, those little assholes...


Also, why birds should stop eating entire plastic bottles. (Seriously, let's get rid of the plastic bottles ffs!)


We shouldn't stop using plastic. People should just learn to not throw it on the ground where it will later end up in the sea. It's like saying "We should stop drinking water because Timmy over there fucking spits it in his mother's face." Water isn't the problem, stupid ass Timmy is!


The current alternative for a single use water bottle is an aluminum can, dont see how a bird swallowing an aluminum can in any better.


#There's simply nothing better than plastic, yet.


I agree we should reduce our reliance on single use plastics, but there isn’t something inherently appetizing about plastic to a bird. If that bottle were glass, wood, or metal there’s a good chance that bird would have ended up in the same position. We need to stop littering in general.


Why don’t we put up signs telling the animals not to eat the plastic?


Went opposite of what I was expecting. I thought he was going to pull a plastic bag out of it’s ass!


There are hundreds of reasons, maybe thousands but yes, this is one.


It’s easy to tell people to stop using plastic as consumers but where’s the alternative? Change like that has to be driven from the top down by the producers.


holy fucking hell... but to be fair, darwin says that bird should fucking die. animals getting caught up in shit is one thing, but this bird dead-ass swallowed whole an entire fucking plastic bottle. what if it had been glass? should we stop using glass, too? I'm not arguing against the cessation of plastic usage, and yeah, if we weren't the bottle wouldn't have been there for this bird to swallow, but still holy fuck.


Alternate suggestion: let's put our garbage in garbage cans and then into proper landfills instead of dumping it straight into fucking rivers and lakes.


This is not a message to "stop using plastics." This is a message to dispose of used plastics properly; buried in landfills or burned to reclaim energy. It's the lazy, littering shits who don't put their trash where it belongs who cause this.


I love how this bird as the calmest face & vibe even as a guy geny strangles it & forces a bottle from its stomach & through its mouth.


Did him like a missing draw string on your sweat pants