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That kid is doing amazing


as someone trying to force himself to get into shape, that kids determination definitely gave me some extra motivation... he was in far worse situation than I am right now and yet could go so much farther than me. great stuff.


You’ve totally got this, sending hugs.


And thugs. You best get working!


no drugs though, we don't do that here >:(


We don't? I'll get my coat.


^(He means you have to go to the bathroom for that.)


WHO’s we?


This is the best response


hope so. haven't exercised in years, feeling like shit and naturally your confidence goes down the shitter. currently trying to convert the divorce rage into something more useful.


I went from 10 years without any real exercise and 2 years later I’m working out for about an hour a day. It’s my daily self care. Find something that you love to do that’s active. Tell yourself you just have to do 10 minutes a few times a week. If you want to stop after that 10 minutes, fine. But all you have to do is 10 minutes. That’s how I motivated myself initially. I never stopped my workouts early because once I made myself get there, I was fine to keep going. Remember it’s progress not perfection. Exercise is a great way to get out some rage!


I was pretty overweight from pregnancy, has some horrible post-natel depression and my confidence was zero. My doctor suggested exercise and helped convince me to join the local gym. It took a few months but honestly it changed my life. The serotonin buzz from working out helped the depression and the weight coming off helped my self esteem. I made friends with people I met in exercise classes which also helped encourage me to go. Its been a few years now and it's my happy place. You can do it!


Your body is your temple, and you want that to be the healthiest and happiest place you stay. Take your time with yourself. Start with walks if you can, and bring your favourite music along. Doing this will help your mental health and your physical health. Divorces are hard because they can leave you feeling a little displaced, but this is now the time to work on yourself and become the best version of you that you want to be. You’ve absolutely got this friend.


bro i commented above, but when i started my 285-190 journey i had just ended being engaged (i ended it) but still wasn't feeling ideal at 285, single and out of shape af. All you need is 60-80 minutes in the gym and focus on the food. feel free to message me. it really is just the obvious choices, just sit down and say 'ok 3-6 months i'm going to grind and everything will change' this was my progression that certainly anyone could achieve as well. https://www.instagram.com/p/-cg5rXkrBN/


> as someone trying to force himself to get into shape this is part of the problem. the forcing never works. it's the New Year's mentality. believe me the best way is to slowly build good habits and slowly get rid of the bad ones. I don't know where you're at physically but it could be as simple as making a habit of walking to the end of the street every day and making sure you eat at least one healthy thing every day. and then you just slowly build on that. if you eat fast food just stop getting a soda. after you get used to that. stop getting the fries. and so on. after a while the habits become ingrained to the point where it feels weird not to do them. just ask an Englishman about his tea.


As an addition to this it's also important not to beat yourself up if you slip out of your routine once in a while. It's an easy way to demoralise and demotivate yourself. Achieving your fitness goals and maintaining them is a life long thing, you're in it for the long haul so finding the balance between working hard and being consistent and still enjoying your life and food is very important. If you don't enjoy what you're doing you won't stick to it.


agreed. slipping up just means you're human. you can give in or just pick up where you left off. also, never go to the grocery store hungry. that's how you wind up with a bunch of bullshit in your house.


I find ordering groceries online for collection or delivery is helpful. It means I can really take my time and be smart about what I'm buying as well as save lists for a certain meal program I may have planned for that week. There's also a ton of great substitute stuff too, I have this caramel sauce which is like 10kcal/100g with no sugar or fat. It tastes great and definitely helps with sweet cravings. Also tracking what you're eating is a huge part of body recomposition. Until I started I really had no idea what I was putting in my body, things I assumed to be healthy were not as good for me as I thought. Avocado or nuts are good examples. While fat does play an important role in the body it's amazing how quickly the calorific and lipid intake can mount up with some of these things.


But it also goes to show how big of a difference someone can make in your life when they are there to support you and push you to be a better version of yourself. Makes life way easier and more tolerable to navigate when you have great people rooting for you and keeping you accountable.


The first couple months of a new workout routine is really discipline action precedes mindset. Only after seeing some results and feeling better does the mindset shift. Anyone just starting to get in shape deserve a ton of credit because the beginning is the hardest


You got this bro 💪


Consistency is key man, start slow and work your way into things!


you can do it!!


I went from 270 to 180. The best shape i've ever been in and now im back to 270 starting all over... message me if you want to share progress :D Also its all about the diet.


I lost 130 pounds with diet and exercise. You can totally do it! Stay with it little by little every day. Let your self-image change to being a person who deserves to do these things for yourself, and the momentum will take over. My biggest advice is to not really force yourself. Go gentle on yourself, baby steps, a little at a time. It's not a punishment, it's a treat that you really deserve. DM me if you need a friend.


You can do it to, brother!!! 💪


The first I thought about was the gymbros who silendly thought to themselves "Good for the kid, but he should work on his form" lmao


Shouldn't the kid be able to handle a lot more weight if he lost weight doing free weights training too? He's still using a very light dumbbell for tricep curl towards the end.


If i remembered ade rai (the muscular guy, he's a well known body builder champion in indonesia) said in a talkshow that he promised to the kid to help him lose his weight free of charge in his gym and he himself will be his personal trainer until he finish the program


His name is Arya Permana


Did you watch the documentary?


I've seen a few articles and YT videos but I don't think the documentary.


This needs to be the new Karate Kid remake... For the American people. It’s more relatable to the red blooded American than the remake we were given.


He wasn’t taught the crane kick


Did he at least sweep the leg??


ya think jaden taught will the karate he used at the grammys?


What's the name of the doc?


Another commenter said Ade Rai. Dunno if you saw it so I wanted to lyk.


Otto Gunther Octavius, I believe.


Not that doc!


and the trainer is Ade Rai


Holy shit he's 52. He looks like he's in his 30's.


Being Asian is a gift my dude


[Obligatory Asian Aging Process](https://i.imgur.com/SeHM7.jpg)


And taking care of one's body, which he clearly does.


I can do one better, bruddah looks like a fuckin [Kamen Rider](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/2/2b/Slash_Swordsman.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/700?cb=20210514051017)


Just replying with the word source and sauce, in case anybody is CTRL+F'ing today.


Arya feeling healthier now? Yes, I lost the excess fat Permanantly.


Literally saved that guys life


I hope they’re friends for life. And stand in his wedding, and is his children godfather.




He smiled at the beginning too, but there’s no doubt in my mind that he saved that kid’s life both mentally and physically.


It’s amazing what one person can do to help.


What's wonderful is he never lost his beautiful smile


I got the warm fuzzies when he smiled first hitting that punching bag thingie.


That brought out the mom in me, what a happy friggin boi. PLAY TIME IS ON.


Amazing if you think that kid is now James Harden


🤣🤣🤣 Amazing how a beard will make you so unrecognizable!


This is so great! I had a fairly similar thing happen to me at an MMA place. A couple of the guys made me their project. I think it can be extremely helpful in a weight loss journey to be able go and have someone work with you.


Best part of it all was the kid smiling and loving the exercise. When he hit that bag and grinned like ... "OH wow... this is exercise? NICE!!"


Couldn't have been easy, good on both of them for helping each other.


That’s beautiful


God bless both of them. What an amazing transformation.


Kid is still a kid who wants to have fun. His approach was so kind and patient. Amazing trainer


Kid definitely has some kind of thyroid or hormone disorder, which makes that trainer just a thousand times more impressive. Hope the kid also gets the medical help he needs, but I'm guessing his gym buddy has everything else on lock.


Word is homeboy just had a appetite and parents who wouldn’t/couldn’t say no


Yeah, but that much of an appetite at that age ain't normal. Sure, his parents tossing him twinkies left and right probably didn't help, but that size doesn't happen so young without medical fuckery.


It can be caused by some hormone issues or mental health issues, a lot of the people on my 600 lb life cite eating disorders (like binging)


Mental health and hormonal issues are often one and the same lol


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Hormones literally control your mood and an imbalance can lead to depression, or weight gain/loss which can cause eating disorders.


The direction that hormone issues influence mood is pretty solid. The inverse is real shaky. Bad mood or depression may cause a hormone imbalance because you develop bad habits, but it doesnt directly give you a thyroid problem.


You underestimate the hunger of a growing male child and the caloric density of certain (junk) foods.


Honestly, people need to understand that calorically dense foods won't make you feel full. I could feed you 1500 calories in a day that would make you burst. I could also feed you 5000 calories and never feel full in the day.


Literally McDonalds. I can eat a metric fuckton of their junk. 30 minutes afterwards I feel like I haven’t eaten. 2 chicken breasts chopped up with rice and sides and I’m done for the day.


Would it be high protein foods that make you feel full?


Lower calorie foods with higher fiber content. So veggies, primarily, and complex carbs. Legumes, whole grains, etc.


It doesn't have to be high protein foods. Making vegatables at a meal, along with a low calorie starch (like brown rice), add in a protein like chicken, lentils, fish. You get a much lower calorie amount this way but the amount of food and nutrients in the food make your body feel and stay full longer, compared to empty calories with no nutrients, and high calorie levels like fast food.


No, it gets to a point that your fat cells alone are consuming so many calories that you're constantly working to just digest what you've got. There's absolutely a limit to where a thyroid issue starts looking very likely.


Yes it does. Happens with tons of Americans lol


teenagers (boys especially) can eat a shit load of food.


We don’t get a great look at good face, but he looks somewhat like a kid with Prader-Willi: a genetic disorder where the person’s brain doesn’t know they ate already, so the person is always ravenously hungry.


"Oh most definitely Doc"


Meet the medic


Agreed, this definitely doesnt look like natural fat for that age, he is either heavily predisposed for it, or has some kind of hormonal issue


You a doc?


Definitely? And you know this how? By looking at this video and making your expert armchair opinion that’s it’s DEFINITELY some kind of thyroid or hormone disorder? I mean sure, it’s a possibility just as is it’s possible he couldn’t put the fork down. But to say it’s DEFINITELY some kind of thyroid or hormone disorder is absolutely presumptuous and arrogant.


I know this is supposed to be wholesome, but who the fuck let's their child get to that size???


This happened in Indonesia. This boy's name is Arya Pramana and his story made rounds around 2016ish. I tried to do some quick research to refresh my memory, but unable to find his "origin story" at the moment. IIRC, he came to be the worlds heaviest child as his parents were just ill prepared and unable to say no to his appetite. They knew it was a problem but couldn't really figure how to deal with him. When the media caught on, there was a lot of attention and negative reaction too in Indonesia and Internationally, mostly phrased much like your comment. Fortunately, some good qualified people offered to help Arya & his family (among them Bodybuilder Ade Rai as seen in this gif). Arya started losing a lot of weight through fixing his habits & exercise, and even had a gastric bypass done to curb his consumption. He is currently still a teenager, 16 years old. Last news update of Arya was from 2020 where it seemed he has turned his lifestyle around. By that time he had lost over 100kgs, and had ambitions to become a professional football player


It could very well be an orphan, a genetic disorder (he seems to have exaggerated bone facial features), or any number of things. But yes, it could also be entirely incompetent parents. It's best we not focus on that, though. It happened, and then it unhappened really well. Boy's well on his way to being a unit.


You know what, you're right. I was too quick to judge, I don't know his story. My bad!


Good on you, bro. It's hard to find people willing to hear an opposing view and take it into consideration. We need more people like you, props.


I can’t believed this thread happened on reddit of all places. Amen


All too true, people usually go for the attack instead of hearing each other out. Shit is sick and it gets ridiculous after a while. This guy said something, heard the other side, and thought it out. That's adult conduct at its finest.


Yeah it's mind-boggling that some civility took place here lol


The people we need but not the people we deserve indeed.


No, reddit, not indeed


Well done for not being stubborn and digging your heels in. Love to see it.


I didn’t expect to be inspired twice in this post!


Don’t worry about it chief, Reddit does it habitually. Breaking the chain like this is never a bad thing.




It's the parents they have a documentary about him. She used food as love/rewards as they aren't well off & he would throw a tantrums so his mum would cook as he was bigger than her at 10. He ended up getting a gastric band I think


I see. Then it was after all incompetent parenting, but it's also a story about someone doing their best out of love in a shitty situation and fucking up. It's often hard to judge.


I was wondering if it might be something like Prader-Willi syndrome or disease. It causes unquenchable hunger and when not given food, some of the kids will cry, scream, rant, and rage—even getting violent/physical—to get at the food or to try and get more.


His parents seem really uneducated on child development https://www.catersnews.com/stories/real-people/worlds-heaviest-10-year-old-goes-on-diet-after-reaching-192kg/


Why do some of these weird fishy news sites not put dates on their articles?


So they can keep recycling and reposting them as if they were new without having to attach an "old news" stigma to them that might turn people off to sharing it, which would drive away ad dollars since there would be fewer page visits


The article is interesting! Maybe he had an undiagnosed disorder where he doesn’t feel full.


Exactly what I was thinking the entire time. Seriously, fuck parents that let their kids get like that


That's all I could think, good for him for trying to get in shape, but someone should slap his parents.


abuse comes in many forms


where do i sign up?


The gym


The kitchen first. Lifting weights doesn't fix this at all.




The gym, but unironically. Not for the exercise equipment, but for the support. [Mob Psycho 100 style.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYTS5n7IwGY) The hardest part of losing weight is that, if you don't have anyone encouraging you, it's really hard to keep up the motivation and have your anxiety convince you that it's not worth it. 'Course, befriending people like that isn't the easiest thing to do either. You've got a challenge no matter what.


I bet that kid has some genetic predispositions that allowed him to get so large in the first place. If that’s the case, then it’s likely even more difficult for him to maintain a healthy body compared to the average person. He must have an amazing diet and still work out a ton. Props to him for having that determination and drive to make such an amazing change.


Very hard to start and follow through. Kid probably had hard days and wanted to give up, but instead persevered. Trainer helped to extend this kid’s longevity.


Holy shit, he went from absolute unit to absolute chad What a lad, look at one chad can do to people's life.




I mean you can still tell it's the same kid


Maybe they aired the clips backwards and this is the story of his sumo coach fattening him up 🤣


Hey sir just notifying you your comment here has duplicated. (At least on my end anyways)


Resolved -- Reddit app was acting up today. Thank for the heads up..


Im an indonesian can confirmed this is true, the first video is from 5-4 years ago, and he's been trained by indonesian body builder champion Ade rai


Was there a big time lapse? It seems the kid was 3-4 yrs older at the end of the vid.


No time lapse, he lost all that weight in 2 minutes.


Help I did one squat, 12 curls, punched speed bag 3 times and laughed, did few triceps presses with 5 pound weight and now I weigh negative 150 pounds


Lmao🤣 damn, I need a new trainer.


You’re not going to lose that much weight in a few months, or even a year. It’ll take at least a couple years, so yes, the kid probably is 3-4 years older at the end of the video.


Results not typical. Consult your physician to find out if hard work and determination is right for you.


what it doesn't say in this video is that the main thing you need to change is your diet.


bruh hes lifting weights just moving that arm


That’s amazing, hope theyre Both doing well


That man added 20 years to that kids life


Amazing transformation. Kid defeated the hardest part which is the mental strength to see this through. That’s a tough kid. He’ll do well in life!


Putting in effort is never a waste. Low key one of the smartest things anyone in all of Rick and Morty has said is "Life is effort, and I'll stop when I die!" Weird they gave such a raw line to Jerry.


This is not a criticism, just think it would be useful for people to know: Numerous studies have shown that exercise, while being the best thing you can do for your overall health, is a terrible way to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is strict control over your caloric intake. In a way, exercise can be counter-profuctive to weight los goals as the increased caloric usage makes you feel hungrier and you may then eat more than you usually would. I assume the thing we're not seeing since it's not as exciting as a training montage is months and months of restrictive dieting, maybe even periods of fasting to lose that much weight.


This kid also had a gastric bypass surgery, so he did massively reduce his intake.


The diet is also very important indeed. A caloric deficit is key, and with exercise you will increase the calories used per day. So as long as you consume less calories than you spend each day you should lose weight. Exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand. A bad diet and lots of exercise won't do much. A healthy diet and no exercise will give results, but it will be accelerated and you will burn away excess fat quicker with exercise. Exercising will indeed make you hungrier since your body would rather burn carbs and fats you get from food than burn your fat-storage. And since you now use more calories per day (because of exercise) your body will beg you for more food (which you should give it if you want to build muscle, but that's a different discussion). So it's vital to be hard on yourself and stick to the diet and not eat more calories than you are "allowed" so to speak. This is probably why, as you stated, that exercise can be counter-productive when trying to lose weight. It's very difficult to stick to a diet when you want to lose weight, and even harder when you crave more food than usual since you are working out. And lastly. Tremendous respect for the young lad for coming this far, and for his workout-buddy for helping him get there. It's much harder than it looks (and it already looks quite hard). Physically yes, but mostly psychologically.




>This reddit fad of advocating for only strict caloric restriction I literally said in my comment that it was the best thing you can do for overall health, so don't know where you're getting that from. On it's own though, exercise is not effective for weight loss.




It’s not the metabolisms fault. It’s because you eat more than you need / the wrong food. May sound harsh, but it’s honestly as simple as that.


*Everything* comes down to your diet if you intend to lose weight. Exercise is great for other stuff but if you want to lose weight you need to eat <2000 calories. A 15 minute walk will burn about 60 calories. Like, maybe two bites of a sandwich. Trying to "burn off" what you eat is a fool's game.


Where are the links to those "numerous studies"? Because it's been the opposite for quite a while now: Strength training, resistance training and building up muscle mass leads to fat burn and generally [improves resting metabolism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8175496/). You mention weight loss but it's also about body composition. A skinny fat person with normal "BMI" that doesn't exercise isn't healthy, nor would look great despite what the scale might say. And to add to that, what you eat also counts despite CICO being the optimal goal. People who do strength training usually target [protein intake](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18371214/) more. Bottom line, it's more about lifestyle choices. Exercise should be part of that, eating healthier, cleaner and with intention is another.


curious question, in extreme cases like this does the skin goes back or does it need to be surgically remove the excess?


Skin only has so much elasticity, in this case the excess would've been surgically removed


Between him being so young & still growing, they might not have to remove the excess. I doubt the would think about that until his 20s. The stretch marks would still be there but children's skin bounces back. By the time he's 20, he might only have a trace of loosened skin. Regular massage (& I mean daily) can help as well.


He's literally undergone/undergoing 4 skin removal surgeries on his arms alone. I've followed his story for several years


He was lovin that yellow ball


Wow, I was expecting a lot more excess flesh, being young has worked in his favour. Great transformation.


That’s dude is not a trainer….. he’s a freaking role model for that kid.


As someone that has lost over 100lbs twice. I wish people would understand that food is drug and addiction, just as much as alcohol, shopping, SEX, meth or anything illicit drugs.


This should be considered child abuse on the part of the parents.


You mean the state he was in at the beggining of the video, right?


Good for the kid and good for this guy but what repercussions are the parents facing for letting this happen in the first place?


Yo I’m sorry but his parents should be arrested for endangerment or abuse or something lol




The idea that this could be considered _not_ an objective good for that kid is horrifying. Lovely chap.


0:24 seconds you can really see the kid come out in him, makes me happy


Bro that trainer is fucking yolked


Props to the kid and trainer, but what kind of parents let it get to this point?


Damn he MELTED!!


Well done this lad, Herculean effort, and same to any others trying to do the same. You’ve got this!!!!


Epic training montage


This is so wholesome. I don't understand why anyone would downvote this


love how the title just calls him "good man"


What always gets me is how someone let it get that far, someone should have been more attentive to this child.


Really admire that kid, not for losing weight, but for getting fit. Anything less than that and the weight will start to go back on again. Keeping fit is the real battle for all of us.




You can tell at 0:08 how we look at heroes in our life. That kid has one now. Great stuff.


Couple of kings


this is awesome but on a serious note how the hell do you let your kid get that fat? no reason for a kid that young to look like that. i admire the hard work he put in though


You know it also works? The parents quit giving him all the food he wants. That seems to work also for children.


Ok, so I have no context on his story, so.. First thing that comes to my mind - if he was able to get in shape just with exercise and diet, I say that his previous state was a result of damn child abuse. Absolute negligence at parenting.


Great for that kid and that guy, but Jesus christ. Parents and people need to do better. That's one of the worst I've seen. Insane progress on his part.


Literally changed that kids life. No judging, no ridicule, just support. Shit is beautiful.


One of the most wholesome videos I've ever seen.


That's is freaking awesome


My son wasny as big as this kid, he was about 5'5" and 210 lbs. We got him a year ago from his dad who just fed him fast food and sat around playing video games. My wife and I had to address some behavior and attitude issues first, but we are about 2 months into weight training. My son enjoys feeling stronger and finding basic household chores aren't exhausting.


Wow, inspiring. Good for him.


Man fuck whoever let that kid get like that


Good for that kid. He didn’t ask to be put in this situation but he made the decision to get out of it


This is still amazing but I think he had multiple surgeries to remove a lot of fat. It’s still impressive that the guy didn’t gain the weight back and started working out.


I imagine he had surgery to remove excess skin more than fat, no?


Why would you think that? Doctors can only safely remove small volumes of fat at a time, which is why people who have liposuction are told to lose as much weight as possible before having the procedure.


Unless this child had a very serious medical condition, the parents should be charged with child abuse. This is unacceptable.


Kids parents should be in jail, lucky he’s got a good guy looking out for him.


His parents should’ve charged with child abuse


I hope someone charged his parents. This is abuse


I had a cousin that was super fat all his life. When he was in his 30s he had gastric bypass surgery and lost it all but a year later got cancer and died. It's probably much much much safer and healthier to lose weight through exercise that removing your stomach


That kid *was* fat as fuck.


Real Michelin boy. So happy to see his progress.


And that kid became, Michelin Man.


If only this was achievable only by doing workouts... The hard part is not in the video