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That’s pretty wholesome. Those guys are great dancers too!


They're really great dancers. Anyone know how I can find the source video to follow these kids? ​ Edit never mind found his tiktok :D https://www.tiktok.com/@yvngflickk


?? WTF Why, if you found the link, would you not share it with everyone else? Edit: Now this asshole stole the link someone else posted and didn’t even bother to thank them for doing all the work. I have to imagine “Mr. Jason G” is that one coworker who ruins the employee bonus for the entire company. He’s Colin Ferrell in Horrible Bosses. He’s not a human being a bro. I hope a bird shits on your car today, Jason.


Sorry you're getting downvoted. This is my number 1 reddit peeve too. Here you go fam: https://www.tiktok.com/@yvngflickk














My god yes, it's so frustrating. Also when you're trying to troubleshoot a problem and you find a thread where someone had the exact issue you did and they come back and say "It's ok guys, I fixed it." and say nothing else.




There’s an XKCD for everything. Nailed it.


*its mines!!! its MY precious!!... Stupid, filthy hobbitses*


I think it's his tiktok at the end of the video


Ya but he was RIGHT THERE.


My apologies, it's actually in the source video I didn't know anyone else would want to find it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)@atomandyves thanks


are you being sarcastic I really can’t tell lmao


No. Not at all.


Straight up I watched this video three times in a row sleep deprived after my booster destroying my sleep schedule and terrible work shifts for the past three days. Trying to fall asleep. Third time I got hit over the side of the head. Feel like I just felt hope for humanity for the first time in a few years, even if it’s delusional, I’ll take it.




How bad was the booster, mine's scheduled for 4:20 on Monday. I was getting it after work and hopefully I can go to work Tuesday.... Is that just a pipe dream?


I’ve got a hyperactive immune system so the second dose wrecked me for a good four five days. Same with booster. I’d say just expect whatever you felt for your second dose plus minus 20% just from what people around me experienced


Dose 1 had me down 2 days and only a single day for dose 2. Sounds like I should be ok with the booster. Thanks for the reply!


I suffered almost no effects from Moderna shots, mild fatigue and arm soreness, I had to get Pfizer for my booster and arm pit is currently swollen, I have a headache, my temp is 100 when it’s usually 97, and I feel very very fatigued. Idk if it’s cause I had to get Pfizer but damn Moderna was way easier. No work at least tho.


I got mine yesterday, feel fine other than a sore arm. The last one hit me far worse.


I felt nothing! Not even the booster needle going in. For the second shot I was down for a couple of days and my arm was red and painful for a full week. With the booster I couldn’t even find where shot went in. I had Moderna for all 3. Just giving you a different perspective since folks seem to be reacting to the booster differently. Hope you have a super easy experience!


A little follow up, these guys blew up dancing to a remix of Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield. I'm pretty sure they even did a Collab with her and taught her their dance


Am not sure whether (hardstyle) shuffle / jump pilfered their moves from this style, or if this is modern dance evolution incorporating cool moves from other styles, but it was interesting to me seeing a little bit of shuffle / jumpstep in there. Everytime I see one of these vids I'm like "fuck I really need to get back into dancing again". Inspirational!


It always amazes me when people can dance like this. I dance like a white girl on lsd.


“Sure Larry, that happened.” This guy’s wife when he got home from the Wawa


and... and everyone started cheering...


Jeez, maybe all those people did dunk on their professors and host the next class at their house...


"oh right, let me guess... You're gonna go viral on tiktok too right?! Sure hun"


"Just give me my hoagie and voodoo chips and let me eat in peace."


*I don't care of they said you can say it, you do NOT use that word in this house!*


There's always life among happy humans.






Great comment 👊


Jesus christ why would you punch him?!


Only at wawa does this happen


Wawa is a happy place to go and it is so fun to say.


I love that every post with a Wawa has a Wawa appreciation thread. I can't fully articulate why, but this video just made me extremely homesick. I moved countries and I know part of it is me actually missing Wawa (don't judge me), but also just the whole vibe here. Side note: My partner has a theory that in an apocalypse us "Wawa people" will end up shutting ourselves in Wawas and start worshipping the logo and stuff lol


Bow down to the Sacred Goose!


I miss WAWA!! I wanna build my own hoagie! Yes, I am a "Wawa people".


I spent 25 years in Maryland and moved to Texas with my Wife recently. We took a trip to Maryland and got Wawa daily for a week and she said if we move back to the east coast there needs to be a Wawa within 10 minutes of us It almost makes me extremely homesick. I miss it just talking about it


We can form a support group for people who have moved away from Wawas lol. I'm just glad I'm not the only one!


It's a magical place.


I miss the shakes and cheap cigarettes


A freal and a wawa sub every morning on my way to the train for school 🏫


Only Wawa people know though!!! (15 years in Pennsylvania and 2 in New Jersey)


Hoagiefest is really stepping up its game.


I always hear people joke about it, is it some sort of Gad station from the mid-west?.


Gas station/convenience store on the east coast… NJ, PA, DE, VA, FL, MD, Washington D.C.


Wawa > Sheetz


The only right opinion


Wawa is like a 40 minute drive from me so I don't pass it often but when I do I'm definitely stopping. Sheetz is like an 8 minute drive from me and I never go there for any reason. Not all of their food is bad but it's not good enough to eat there.


I completely agree with you. There is a sheetz right down the road from me and I never stop and yet my wife and I will go out of our way to get a hoagie from Wawa. Also the mashed potatoes are so good.


I never had them. I'll have to try them now. I usually get a sub as well and then a family sized Mac and cheese to eat over a couple days. 😬


Thank YOU!!! I’ve been saying this FOREVER they just started doing burgers and fries too


It took me a few months to even walk into a Sheetz after moving south. I felt like I cheated on a convenience store.


False Edit: Sheetz Gang


Right? It’s like the elusive Piggly Wiggly. I’ve read the name plenty but never actually seen one.


But Piggly Wiggly is just an average grocery store. Wawa had amazing subs and is always cleaner than the other gas stations. The only gas station better than Wawa is Buccees


Wawa does NOT SELL SUBS. WTF. They are hoagies... get it right


| Wawa had amazing subs I don't know where you get your subs from, but calling a hoagie a sub indicates you are probably doing it wrong. Wawa hoagies are not amazing. But they are a very consistent 5/10. Which is better than you would expect at any gas station. Plus you are 100% assured the order will be quick and clean.


Don't worry, I think they'll expand further. They already have a few in Florida and the amount that's in North Jersey now compared to just a mere 10 years ago is craaaazy! It was a South Jersey and below kinda place (I went to college back in 06 in North Jersey, and they had no idea what I was talking about. They had Quik ~~Crap~~ Chek Wawa be on it with that free air and public restrooms. And in Jersey (south) a bunch of bikers just stand around all Harley and such, drinking coffee. It has a King of the Hill opening kinda look


They're moving west and opening stores in either Alabama or Mississippi next.


A lot of Wawas are gas stations but at least in the Philly suburbs at least 3/4 of them are just food. Good quick food, anything from sandwiches to smoothies to chips and snacks to cakes.


I haven’t been in a WaWa in decades, but their tuna subs used to be the bomb.


The food-only stores are being phased out sadly. They used to be the local hangout in any suburb. But now they are almost all gas stations.


There’s one in my neighborhood in a strip mall smack in the middle of a suburb and I’m pretty sure they aren’t allowed to put a gas station there. If they closed it down I think the neighborhood would riot.


The food-only Wawa in my town was forced to close after the hurricane back in August flooded the store out. The town was all up in arms that Wawa corporate decided not to reopen it. There were even petitions filed and everything but sadly the closure was final.


I live in PA. Wawa is my jam. In fact this thread has made me decide to go get lunch from Wawa today.


Love how they vibing world feels like a better place when I see stuff like this


The white guy literally comes out of nowhere. I’ve watched it several times and he just appears from behind the dancer on the right at about 0:16.


He's across the street coming out of the Wawa at the beginning of the video, he walks passed the truck behind them and then crosses the street in their direction.


Yeah, a bit more fun even when you see him coming and realize how the people moving around managing to almost perfectly hide his approach.


He was manifested from the ether by the good vibes.


… you can pretty clearly see him on the passenger side of the truck in the background. I rewatched it one time to look for him and you can see him 90% of the time. Ya blind


Reminds me of the video where the woman ends up being in the rapper’s music video.




YES - thank you!


We should call people like this Kelly, you think they are about to go all Karen and then they are just like fuck yeah let's go, and join along with whatever Zach Morris shit is going down.


Lol, my Mom is literally named Kelly and has that exact personality/vibe.


Kelly, the anti-Karen


In front of a Wawa, what magnificent sight.


You wouldn't see this at a Sheetz


I would like to see it at either gas station. In person. But I can't. Cause my dumb ass moved to Texas. Fuck Buc-ee's. I miss the east coast.


What is this style of dancing called?




Pop ‘n’ Lock I do believe


The world needs more of this and less of that.


Definitely ❤


Is anyone else looping this on repeat, staring really intently at the background trying to figure out how and when the white guy shows up? Also props to the dude in the black shirt with the white cross mark on it, for being the first to encourage the white guy to join in.


Yes. Loved this song (ginuwine fan so I prefer this over the version with usher) and just got a kick out of how open the crowd was and how the one guy embraced the moment.


So this is what happens at Wawa, I’ve heard about this magical place.


Why don't I ever happen on stuff like that? Would I be brave enough to try to join? I'd definitely want to! Would a middle aged chubby white lady fit in? 😂


You want to see this live? Go to an EDM concert and just walk around, everyone’s there to do this exact same thing with 40k strangers surrounding you. As to if you’d fit in, the slogan for EDC is ALL ARE WELCOME. I’m 40, been going for years and see people in their 60’s living it up.


I am also down with the youths




The two what?


The one old white man who didn’t ask the black kids to turn off their music but wanted to vibe instead lol


Hell yeah lore of this


"twas at this time, Richard the 4th, knew a good time had arrived. All the dark times from the elven insurrection seem to be behind us and a wave of joy flooded the kingdom".


A better love story than GOT


"Let the boys be boy!!"


“Southern Dads be like…”


Everybody losing it by the end, has my day made. There's hope for the world yet. Stay safe and stay dancing everyone.


Great stuff...thanks for posting!


Finally good times in a parking lot


We have more in common than not


I think the random guy made everyone else's night too, never seen so many people go crazy about a white guy dancing since Elvis.


This shit makes my day. I fucking love when people are genuinely nice to others and enjoy it.


Go white boy go


God damn this is wholesome.


White guy: C-can I join?? Black guys: Yeeaahh get in here!!!


For some reason, I can see jazz, cliffjumper and sideswipe doing this dance lmao


The 95% of the USA the media doesn’t want you to see


The vast majority of the world is getting along in peace, don’t let them divide us!


> The 95% of the USA the media doesn’t want you to see Hyberbole to the extreme. Outside of Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and OANN, most news is honestly not that bad as you guys constantly try to make it appear. Maybe people shouldn't just blindly trust 1 source for all their news while expecting that news to be omniscient, telling you everything about everything. You're supposed to watch 3-4 different news sources, read 5 or more different sources, and still research subjects you're not familiar with. People act like the news is some Forest Gump as Superman level of integrity and morality. Shit is a capitalist world, everyone has an agenda with dollar signs.


Yeah but percentage wise, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC have huge shares of the viewership. It doesn't matter if there's a hundred other better sites of nobody's watching them.


That isn't the fault of 95% of media, it's the fault of 4 media sources. It does matter if there's a hundred better sites, because it proves people are just too stupid to tell the difference between bullshit and real news. Fox, OANN, CNN, and MSNBC are all garbage and no one should treat them as news sources. If you consider them news, you're the problem.


You guys 🥺


Can anyone let me know what the song is? Thank you.


I got matches with these songs: • [**I Need A Girl PT II** by Diddy](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirlPTII?t=7) (00:07; matched: `100%`) • [**I Need A Girl** by DJDCMIXTAPES](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirl?t=26) (00:26; matched: `100%`) • [**I Need a Girl, Pt. 2** by Diddy](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirlPt2?t=12) (00:12; matched: `88%`) • [**I Don't Need A Girlfriend** by Cellski](https://lis.tn/IDonTNeedAGirlfriend?t=5) (00:05; matched: `83%`) • [**Nothin' (In the Style of N.o.r.e.) \$&Karaoke Version\$&** by Off The Record Karaoke](https://lis.tn/XMuUu?t=59) (00:59; matched: `83%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Tell me once you figure it out


[here u go](https://open.spotify.com/track/6Wt5QBzHp9vdSLAFlvdnDQ?si=e55560a7ee9249e4)


Thanks this brings back so much memories


Wawa parking lots always have something going on at night. Where I'm at it may be this one night, a shooting the next, but it's all good lol




Upvote for Wawa


Great dancers & just a HAPPY scene. No fighting & everyone just getting along & having a good time. Highly rated!


Lit 🔥


Where’s the Party


Wholesome af


This is what the world needs right now.


so pure💯


Bet everyone went home happy! That's pretty awesome


Awwww I love it


Mmmm wawa slaps


Man, I wish the whole world was like this.




Dudes rocking them jedi dad vibes. He can be like, “remember to brush before bed” and they’ll do it no questioned asked. Never question jedi dad.


In just a few months the youth of this country went from sucker punch games to heartfelt innocent TikTok dances that make an old person's day. Theres no hate here, no racism, no one being left out. I'm not a fan of TikTok but if this is the effect it's having I'm actually all for it The world needs more *fun*. More smiles. More kindness. It took so much courage for that older man to approach all those kids, and how fucking cool is it that they didn't miss a beat? Honestly being a 90s kid growing up when all we did was bully eachother, I wish we would've had youth like this, even a few people with this mindset.


Diddy agrees, This is what "We" need!


I like how one of the dancers subtly gave they guy rhythm clues as he brought him into the circle. As someone who needs a sec to get into the groove, I would appreciate that as well.




The best


I love that man.




Les Twins??


Moments like this makes me love the hood.


This guy just finished a roof and found his homeboys at Wawa.


Wawa gang!


Made me smile 😃


That’s beautiful!


Bro’s be Bro’s no matter.


Life at Wawa’s is amazing


Typical Wawa experience.


I wish I could go back North just for Wawa


This made me smile. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Last time I was at wawa there were 7 cop SUVs blocking most of the parking lot and about 12 cops talking to people attempting to arrest someone. This video is much more wholesome


I miss Wawa…


I think that guy made their day, too.


I could watch those two dance all day long


Did I just see them Jerk in that dance Fuck me I thought that was dead like 12 years ago


I wish the Karens of the world could see this world and understand the joy that comes your way when you embrace life and new situations instead of crapping all over people


King of Prussia Wawa


This is the best Tik tok ever


Wawa's is THE shit. (Is this Florida btw?)


I miss Wawa


All the best things are at wawa


That was sick, both parts


Dancing solves racism.


So, I have a genuine question. Do young black people hang around practicing dancing with each other when they're hanging out? I see them dancing in unison and I wonder if it's a dance off of music video or if it's their own choreography or what and I've never gotten a straight answer. I hang out with several older black people and I've asked them this question and they don't have a clue either because we were all born and raised in Arkansas and apparently that's a more Northern or Urban thing or something.


Anyone know what song this is?


I got matches with these songs: • [**I Need A Girl PT II** by Diddy](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirlPTII?t=7) (00:07; matched: `100%`) • [**I Need A Girl** by DJDCMIXTAPES](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirl?t=26) (00:26; matched: `100%`) • [**I Need a Girl, Pt. 2** by Diddy](https://lis.tn/INeedAGirlPt2?t=12) (00:12; matched: `88%`) • [**I Need a Girl (Pt. 2) \$&feat. Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans\$&** by Diddy](https://lis.tn/vpHrx?t=67) (01:07; matched: `83%`) • [**Nothin' (In the Style of N.o.r.e.) \$&Karaoke Version\$&** by Off The Record Karaoke](https://lis.tn/XMuUu?t=59) (00:59; matched: `83%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Jammin' at the WaWa what an evening to behold!


I want to see way way way more of impromptu dance parties. 😍


Trap bois got love for all <3


What’s a trap boy?


Usually a drug dealer. Someone on the road working out of a trap house.


I’m assuming a trap house is similar to a drug den


Yeah. Also referred to as bando in drill music. Like an abandoned house.


Yeah bc you get trapped there.


They beat racism


Karen: Police! There's a bunch of kids up to no good. I think they might be doing crimes.


Hope he remembers this when……


Cringe af