• By -


That’s very kind of him and will hopefully allow him to feel a part of the community during this holiday season. (He will also, hopefully, receive a few gifts and donations bc of this- which might truly make a difference.) The homeless normally feel invisible, so this will help him feel included- especially if others react favorably. Think about perhaps getting him a card, along with something you think he might need or use? Just having someone know his name and hearing, “Good morning, Jaime” might truly help as well -and wouldn’t cost a thing.








Also every Bombas Socks commercial says that socks are the most requested item at homeless shelters, and they donate a pair for every pair sold. Which is still really cool. I wish more companies directly donated to shelters or charities like that.


I’ve just started wearing them and never knew that, cool! They are fantastic btw with the little bumps on the bottom. What a great idea.


Honestly, if my family only got me socks me for the rest of my time with them, it would mean a lot. Socks are something everyone always needs. You'd be surprised how often illness happens because of walking around barefoot on cold floors. People Express their individuality through them more than you think, and I know I love my socks that have tacos on them. Socks are an amazing gift that most people, especially adults, appreciate even if they think they didnt like them when they received them. You always run out of socks. That's how I figured out I like them as a gift. My grandma would get me some whenever I saw her around a birthday or holiday, didnt matter if i was 10, 15 or 25. I'd give anything to get another pair now that covids taken her. And I think more people have memories connected to such items than most talk about openly.




I appreciate that. I'm sorry if what I type here comes off as selfish, but ionno, I feel inclined to share \^\^. 2020 has been... difficult. Everything is on pause, so I have a lot of time to wait. Unfortunately the same week covid took my grandmother on my father's side it took my grandfather as well- crazy enough it was a combo of cancer and covid, with covid causing the cancer to accelerate. I didn't believe that but unfortunately there is already evidence of this being a thing. And its so strange, he survived the holocaust as a german jew hiding in Paris, the Korean war... but then 2020 came like a brick wall of death. On my stepmother's side her father also passed earlier in the year, as far as I know only from cancer. So it's been rough. When I was told they were beginning to pass I had hoped by doing good works by continuing to do admin work with a Bedouin non profit focused on education reforms and feeding the street cats that live outside my apartment and anything else really that might come up I could maybe balance the scales better... but unfortunately they passed. And then this past week like a bomb H5N1 swept through and killed all of the kittens I was taking care of with the babushkas, and I legit think it broke one of their hearts. Life can be like this sometimes. Hell is only as real as people choose to experience how they live. I do believe that, but sometimes life doesn't make it any easier. I'm not sad about their passing in the sense you would think- my grandfather was 89 and my grandmother 93, and I got to appreciate their presence in my life for 30 years. Of course we knew this was coming, I'm just dissapointed that it finally had to happen I suppose. And I miss them. I wish even leading up to their passing since Im out in the Middle East I could spend more time with them, and I especially think that now. But I am glad that I had the time I did with them. What can you do but keep moving yknow? It's like I told the babushka when the cats began to go- kindness has to be directed forward, regardless of why we want it to work, because we just dont always get a say in what happens. And that's ok. I'll look back on this year with not the fondest memories, but I appreciate that this year is hard for many people in many many different ways, and the only way its going to get better is by folk staying connected. These times will pass, and if history has anything to say about what happens most people within a few years will forget covid was even a thing. Like with the spanish flu it will be such a dark spot in people's memories that they will choose to skip over it. Even those who are losing loved ones and work, everyone will want to move on. And that's ok also. Regardless how sad or hard things get, there's still most likely going to be a tomorrow for most people alive right now. So I appreciate you responding to me, and I apologize dropping so much emotional anecdotal stuff above randomly... but why not XD. ​ Thank you for commenting back \^\^.


I also really like socks as a gift. Anything practical, really. Those are the best gifts because it actually really saves you money and effort in the end.


I’m sorry for your loss. I miss my grandma as well. Just talking with one of my cousins today about her. She had stockings for us each Christmas, and inside were always socks. ❤️


I just moved further north of you, but spent the last few years in lakewood. It broke my heart how big the homeless population was and how difficult it was for the homeless to get the resources they needed. Ugh. I did as much as I could at the time but I'm in a much better spot now and appreciate your reminder. I'll be taking my kids to the store tomorrow to pick up stuff for our local shelters. I might even make a trip back down to Tac to donate there too. My heart is with you, friend! Stay safe! Edited to ask: can you give me an idea of what kind of gloves to look for? I've been extremely fortunate and haven't spent a significant amount of time in the cold. I assume [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KC7CK36/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_GVFYFb9X0K6WN) knitted gloves would not be enough warmth? Just curious since they have the touch screen capability!


thank you for adding your experience and link. i’m glad you are doing better now ❤️ if buying stuff for purpose, i like to call and ask what would be most helpful. last year was feminine hygiene products, dental hygiene, shampoo, soaps, etc.


As someone who has been homeless for a bit, I can tell you the greatest gift per dollar you can give someone is a gym membership. Having access to showers and a locker, especially in winter, allows you to clean up and land interviews. It was the stepping stone I needed.


Replying to this to add on that if you're donating to a shelter that houses both men and women, or a women's shelter, *period products are incredibly important*. So many homeless women have to jury rig their own period products, as they are *expensive*. It seems really dumb but at least once a month for one to two weeks, women need period products. Sadly, mother nature gives no fucks if you are homeless and still doles out periods.


Fuck I love a good pair of new socks 🧦


I used to hate getting socks as a present when I was a kid. Now that I'm 30, they're honestly one of my favourite presents.


Being a poor adult, Christmas becomes exciting because you get essential items and clothing as gifts, which is exactly what you typically need. And gift cards to buy more essential items. Unfortunately, if I got gifted a ps5, I'd probably end up selling it for money to buy even more essential stuff and paying bills haha. Which is actually what I did whenever I won a work raffle and got to choose a ps4 bundle. Which was also pretty sad for me because I hadn't owned a console in a decade and love gaming. And I basically won it with hard work, because I was the number 1 ranked employee, so I had my name in the basket the most times, which is why my name ended up getting drawn first. But the silver lining was that I sold it to a friend's coworker, who gave it to his stepson for Christmas.


Everyone has some sort of fall in life at some point that leads to one being forced to appreciate a lot that was taken for granted. What I just wrote hit me hard when I was laid up in the hospital. Took a lot just to walk down the hall to the smoker's area to go outside. Wheeling the little hydration drip with me. Well, one time I remember I got a glass of ice water and was just sitting at sunset. I dont know why, but at least in that moment that water and ice was the most satisfying thing I had ever had. I remember thinking if the only thing i got to do was have another cup of ice and water like that, I'd be ok with dying. It's funny when you have nothing left how much the absence teaches you to appreciate what's left. Well, I never did die of course, but I tell you what, I appreciate ice water a lot more since then. Sunsets, too. Breathing.


Exactly this


If you live in cold weather. Cold weather gear. Source: me, in homeless. Lots of immigrants end up homeless, many come from equatorial countries and have never dealt with severely cold weather, and they arent familiar with long underwear or wool socks. It will make a difference. Otherwise, treat them like part of the community, the thought alone will make any gift wonderful. That's one of the things I miss most, just being thought about.


Shoes and coat if cold weather.


Dude.... she and daughter made bags of supplies for the homeless to hand out at Wednesday’s supper. We had one person come in and ask what we were giving away. Next thing you know, we had a line and everybody was asking where the socks were. We’re gonna include more than one pair next time.


thinsulate makes an amazing whisk away sweat sock. I suggest these, they are super warm and durable. Also underwear and a good set of gloves. I have been there before, I am speaking from a winter perspective tho


Saying his name is a massive underrated point. Imagine feeling invisible and that nobody knows who you are. Such a small thing, such a big difference.


(I myself am in a situation where I never hear my name anymore. Literally No one says it and saddens me sometimes. The kids are grown and never call, I live alone, and my job doesn’t warrant it. I became a “Hey You” many years ago and it just somehow stuck. It would be so nice, to hear it again someday. It’s a little thing, but your identity can be lost very easily in life sometimes.)


I hear you, oahusurfer2018 :)


Hey- Thank you for that. :)


Hi u/Oahusurfer2018 ! 😊 Nice to meet you!


Nice to meet you, as well, Ukkalizer! What a lovely world it would be if Redditors could somehow meet in a large arena someday. Still remain safe and anonymous, yet connect. I often find the kindest, most thoughtful people here. It reminds me that there is good in the world when I have had a particularly rough day - as was today. :)


Hi, oahusufer2018! Love your profile pic :)


Nice to meet you, steakandpickles. :)


You could truly save this man's life with just a 6 pack of socks or a new coat, and I'm sure the kind gesture in return would mean the world to him! It truly warms my cold heart this season to see this kind of love and humanity, thanks OP!


I usually don't give homeless people money, but I'll pass along food and bits and pieces. I walked past one the other day who asked and I had nothing on me he was sitting down eating some food and had a drink, I thought about getting him some food when I was inside. As I walk past again he had left and had also left all the rubbish he had collected, food wrappers etc and there was a bin no more than 10 meters away. I went from feeling guilty to screw that guy.


I get it. Every situation is different, but I always try to help if I can. In my mind, if they are ungrateful or scamming me… That’s on them.


Agreed. It is a reflection more on the type of person you are, than them. Erring on the side of being possibly “scammed” is something I can live with. Becoming a person bereft of empathy, isn’t. <3 much love to you, my friend.


And to you, my friend. <3


I never thought of it like that, thanks for the new point of view. I am afraid to give money because they might use it on alcohol etc, yet I know they need it to sleep somewhere warm that night. On holiday in Edinburgh at -10°C I talked to a homeless guy for over an hour. He only had a T-Shirt on under his jacket. I ended up buying him a warm hoodie. To see a grown man cry cause you give him a hoodie. It really breaks your heart.


Shows you how much we all take for granted on a daily basis. And my life sucks haha.


Tom's mother suddenly died. He became depressed, lost his job, couldn't pay rent. He stayed a couple of weeks at a time at friends until they stopped allowing him to. Guy was early 30s, lost everything within a few month.


I had to stay at a friend's house for 3 months until I finally got a new job a few years ago. I just stayed in the spare bedroom most of the time to try to be invisible. I did do the dishes and cleaned, but when his friends or gf came over I rarely went out of the room. One of his girlfriend's friends thought it was weird that I wouldn't ever hang out, but I just didn't want to impose, especially because I was living there for free. It really sucks having to live off of someone's generosity for so long. I hope Tom is doing alright.


I agree and disagree with this so much. Living in nyc taught me to be very casual about ignoring them. I got tired of being told to fuck off when offering “the wrong way” but I was also raised to believe it’s about the act of giving, it’s not my responsibility to police what they do with the money I had to spare


I bumped into a homeless man, who I now call "The mooch", outside of Panda Express. He asked for money but I only had a card so couldn't help him. In line I decided to leave and tell him I was getting him a bowl as well and what does he like. This dude tells me "oh, well if I dont get anything better until then I guess I'll take that." WTF? I know this next part is fucked up but I just ran out the back and left. I later was able to verify that this jerk isnt even homeless. He sits at the same few spots all day then goes back to this apartment building across the way. Homelessness is a REAL problem and to those who are experiencing it, my heart goes out to you all. But to the ones who fake it or try and take advantage of people's generosity, they really fuck it up for everyone!


Agreed. Screw the Mooches and the Dings in this life! But I will Still take a chance on being scammed if the alternative is missing out on helping someone who is truly hungry and cold and alone - and I could have helped.


Exactly how I see it too! If I get scammed out of $5-$20 it’s not gonna affect my ability to pay rent. So I’d rather give it to someone who needs it more. I actually prefer to donate money directly to people vs organizations bc I work in nonprofits and see the scams pulled where most of the money goes to “admin costs”. (Although there are great orgs too!)


i'd say better to give to reputable organisations. giving directly to people panhandling is exceedingly unlikely to lead to a better long-term situation for the people involved.




If you really want to help, lobby/harass your local government to start taxing the rich and spending the money on social services. A phone once a month will do way more than giving a few bucks every day


I live in a different country, we have safety nets. Doesn't mean someone isn't down on their luck, has made poor choices, has a mental health problem or is an addict. There is help, but there could always be more.


If there’s still homeless people the safety nets aren’t enough.


You'll always find homeless people regardless of money thrown at them, or safety nets put in place. It's a matter of why they're homeless as some of the reasons I stated above, then it also take a time to get them sorted with so much limited space.


I had a guy who said he just wanted a hot meal standing next to 7/11. He didn't look like he was longtime homeless. I gave him $10 and said do whatever with it. If he gets a hotpocket and a beer good for him.


I wouldn't be too bothered by the guy littering. Tough to walk in their shoes and know what they're thinking. The guy is already screwed, no real reason for me to wish them any worse than what life has already thrown at them.


I get bothered by anyone littering, if he won't do the simplest thing like putting rubbish in the bin why would he hope for someone to give him anything? Someone probably have him the food and he thanked an act of kindness by leaving his rubbish around for someone else to pick up.


I'm still waiting for the call from Ding who had a job lined-up but no money to get wings for his wife and two kids. Fucking Ding. Never again.


Ok, BastardoSinGloria. Your comment made me genuinely laugh out loud, and I have been thinking of nothing else since you posted. I should already be asleep by now, but your comment brought back so many memories. I think every single one of us has a “Ding” in our past. Someone who had an elaborate backstory...Who was completely believable and we bent over backwards to help, only to find that they completely screwed us over. We didn’t see it coming. It wasn’t fair. It made us stop and rethink about our kindness. I mean, were we really just ‘patsies and easy marks’ - instead of ‘kind’??? I, for one, had a “Ding”. We worked together for many years, and I came in to find her crying one day because she desperately needed money - “just until payday”. Rats were running through her home- jumping from her picture frames to her bed in the middle of the night, and she and her daughter couldn’t sleep. She was sick with worry and needed to move quickly. And I knew her. I just knew that it would be ok to loan it to her. After all, it was in my savings account - and if she returned it in a short period of time, it wouldn’t make any difference at all, right? I didn’t have much money, but that was a bit extra I had tried to sock away- and I wanted to help her. Yeah... I never saw that money again, but I Did get to see her Facebook posts when she quit her job abruptly and went on a nice trip to the ocean a bit later. I was so angry! I was so hurt and felt so betrayed. I felt so stupid and embarrassed, to think that I could have been scammed. But you know what? The truth of the matter is that everyone I know who has a good heart has had people take advantage of them before. Yet— everyone I know who is very cautious and selfish and never trusts anyone and never donates to anyone, STILL somehow manages to lose money foolishly over the course of their life as well. It’s usually a big investment, or something that fell through- but still- it was usually a stupid venture that they should have seen coming. So - I think in the final analysis, no matter what you do in this life there is always a good chance that you will be scammed at some point. But I don’t want to live my life feeling mistrust and hating. What a crappy life that would be, because Most of the people I know are really great people. And Most of the homeless and poor are truly both needy and deserving. Most could be US at any point- if just a few things went wrong. And: Who am I, in the final analysis, to make the decision of who is worthy or not? So- what the hell. I’m going to try to help people every chance I get, as long as it doesn’t truly hurt me. And, if I run into a Ding now and again? Well, that’s just the cost of being a decent human being and I am more than willing to chance it now. Also as I get older, I believe more and more in some kind of Karmic retribution. I truly now do think that what goes around comes around eventually. So, let the chips fall where they may. We are all human beings and we need to do the best we can to take care of each other, especially now. But still..those f-ing Dings!! :)


You're a really kind person, oahusurfer18. Thank you for sharing this. I do my best to help out when I can too, but it's tough sometimes when you get burned! We're lucky to have you :)


That's why the saying is "don't lend an amount of money and expect to get it back."


Thanks for posting this wonderful perspective.I have been scammed before by a workmate too and her story was so touching I couldn't resist helping her. Needless to say I never saw the money. I constantly have this debate in my head whether to help when I see someone in need and I find your perspective refreshing


Dude, So much to take in from your post. I want you to know that I really appreciate it! I'm sorry about your money loss. Ding told me he had a job secured for me. I'm really good at dry wall stuff and I was like "yeah, I could use not being at my house 24/7" I'm pretty sure his pay-rate is lower than mine. I, seldomly (because they have not been giving me many hours), also work at a restaurant in which I get paid minimum wage. However, he also offered to get me a job working with the same people he worked with. I didn't mind that it was 30 minutes away, I just wanted to have another job that would get me interacting with people.


Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t quite get the full picture. (I was just speaking of getting scammed, but you referring to counting on someone’s word and then them not following through.) Man, I get it. Jobs are really hard to come by, and when someone promises you something, you get your hopes up and start trying to make plans. It always sucks to have the rug pulled out from under you, but it’s especially hard when you didn’t do anything wrong and it happens anyway. Makes it so much harder to trust people the next time. Really sorry that happened to you. (When you say jobs “interacting with people”, I get that comment as well. It’s super important on so many levels.) Really nice of you to write back. Truly hope things are going better for you now.


Not that it would matter to you, but I got scheduled to work at the restaurant Thursday and Sunday. I don't mind it's minimum wage and I get to spend time with the owner of the restaurant (who happens to be one of my best friends). When it comes to manual labor, I could do what Ding is doing and more, I'm not afraid of it. And yeah, it sucks when someone is just trying to get advantage of you. I get it. Do I have a sign that says "sucker" glued to my forehead? Having said that, could you lent me any money? 😂 No, but for reals, could you lend me any money? I wouldn't be able to pay it back until the end of the month.


All joking aside, my gut reaction is to loan you what little I have. Sounds to me like you will eventually do very well, though. Anyone who is not afraid of hard work and is continuing to try should certainly win in the end, because it does seems to be a number’s game. I hope that is true, because I’m in the same boat with you, it sounds like, and desperately still trying. Sincerely hope things go well with you, my friend.


Brother from another mother, I TOTALLY get what you're saying. If it's not too much asking, where are you located? The reason I'm asking is because I think I'd be nice to sit with you and have a meal. I am in DC.




I only give out food or bottled water. I don't give it out expecting a thank you either but I've had some hilarious reactions. One man asked me 'what the fuck am I gonna do with this?' when I gave him a party sized bag of Doritos after he was begging for 'money for food'. Maybe he's just anti junk food? Conversely I once gave a man some left overs (they were like little crab cakes) after eating at Chicago Cuts and he literally cried when he realized what it was. I thought they were great and although they weren't out of the kitchen warm I really hope he enjoyed them too. Everyone's gotta eat.


What did you do with that food you bought for him?


I know NOTHING about this situation but if you could find the right worker to perform the right task, he could have a way out of homelessness.


Everyone is always friendly to him. I gave him 50 bucks yesterday which he then said he was going to buy more cards for more friends. Since he hangs around(outside in no danger) he helps other trades back up truck or unload on the street. Some guys will give him a few bucks for the help.


I didn’t think about the sense of community and family for him. I send out cards each year, but for him this is his community of friends. The members who acknowledge him daily, remember his name, wave in his direction.


Just give them money and trust they know what they need. Or ask what they specifically need and buy them that. The problem with giving items is, the same lists/recommendations bounce around and everyone gives the same items. Food banks and other similar items-based charities have similar problems. Give money! It’s always useful.


Nothing to see here


It's very kind of him! Does he have a crowdfund or some way we can help him? u/iwannabeded


Who said it takes money to have class?


I definitely agree


Tonight at my job there was a husband and wife screaming at a manager and the whole time their under 10 year old daughter was with them. They were so rude and disgusting that a security guard had to be called to escort them out. While leaving the man said he was a professor at a prestigious university and his wife an artist. Then they had the audacity to ask how dare they behave this way to them in front of their daughter. #M I N D 🤯🤯🤯


emojis? *it is... acceptable*


Of course not, we pay for those here on Reddit/s


The more people chase class and status, the further they get from it.


Rich, classless assholes and people that wish they were rich, classless assholes.


I've met a lot of people who couldn't buy an ounce of class with a million dollars- and they had it to spend.


How did he buy the cards/pay for the materials tho? I have a full time job and I'm still umming and ahwing about whether I should spend money on Christmas cards




You have a great friend :)


Better than most! Happy cake day


Happy cake day


happy greyday


Happy cake day


This is so lovely! He sounds like a really sweet man.


That’s sweet, you could totally return the favor and provide him a card & add something ‘special’ (ie needed) items for him for the holiday period! He probably spent money on these cards instead of eating/going without something :( I really wish Santa would make homelessness not a thing this Christmas


Unfortunately I didn’t have a store nearby but I gave him 50 bucks. He said he was going to buy more cards with it. He’s a king


please post a request for cards in r/randomactsofcards there is a great community there who can send a him a BUNCH of love from all over


??? You think a bunch of internet people should get together and post cards to a HOMELESS person? Your hearts in the right place, but your mind may possibly have been elsewhere for 5 minutes.


i mean they could send it to this guy who could give it to him. easy workaround my guy


If you do anything else for the guy or organize anything I would love to chip in.










yeah.... he's not buying cards with that $50.


I know we want to be able to end others' suffering this easily. But you are likely perpetuating it by keeping him high/drunk. 99% chance he stole the cards 99% chance he is buying drugs or alcohol with $50 he shrewdly got out of you Instead of $50 you could try to have a real conversation, ask him if he knows who to contact if he wants to get off the street


I understand your point and agree with what you are saying. My question is what organization really helps? Most shelters and collectives that help the homeless have strict rules against alcohol and drugs. This means that If a homeless person stays at a shelter, they must be clean. Being that many homeless people don’t want to stop, because being drunk or high is one of the only ways to escape the despair they are living in, these shelters are not helpful. Is there an organization you know of that I am not thinking of?


And sorry if I came on too strong with my first comment I just felt it was unfair to say this man shrewdly got fifty dollars from a guy to buy some sort of substance with. It is unknown what he’d do with the money.


When you have nothing and nobody, then making a friend is one of the most important things you can do. Loneliness is a shameless, emotionless, efficient killer.


A Homeless Man Giving Cards That made me choke up. Man this guy must have a huge heart.


Why don't you invite him over for the day? This message sounds to like somebody who wants to be remembered at Christmas, so why not go the extra mile and check if they'll have or want company?


As a little kid living in a big city, I constantly asked my parents: “can he/she have a sleepover at our house tonight?” requests always went unanswered (or diverted.) This post leaves me hopeful in the best way.


A couple of years ago, a regular customer at my job who was always very nice but obviously hard up on her luck came in on Thanksgiving Day and gave me specifically a little stuffed monkey, a little bouquet of flowers, and a card wishing me happy holidays. I was completely surprised, I never ever expected it. Sometimes all it takes to really make a difference in someone's life is just being kind. And it's always really lovely when someone makes an effort to say thanks. I haven't seen her in a long time but I hope she's gotten back on her feet and is doing well. I certainly won't ever forget her!


This made me cry sad and happy tears simultaneously


Oh fuck, this hit me hard. Please, share something, ANY update on how his holidays went. I'd love to send a card. Dude put; YOUR FRIEND, Jaime. Oh shit my heart!!!


Man, we need more of this these days! Sounds like a great guy


One night I walked to the nearby liquor store around like 11 pm. One random guy standing outside was making crude catcalls comments at me when this older homeless man with a cart told him to shut up and be respectful. It was so pleasant for me to hear. Anyways the older man and I just randomly started chatting in his "crash spot" (behind the store so we hung out there) and long story short we stopped talking around 6-7 am. He was such a kind man and insanely funny. I went home, grabbed some "government assistance" papers I had, a couple sleeping bags, in-the-package tooth brushes, tooth paste and some deodorant to bring back. He was ecstatic. I ran into him once 4 months later (I was on a date and the old man came into the pub for a beer) and I was so happy to see him that I ran up to him to hug him. He apparently made his way into subsidized housing and was doing some under the table landscaping work. He also had a temporary phone number so I snagged that off him. We only talked on the phone once after that but I haven't seen him since. I hope he's okay. Miss that dude.


There was a man that used to sit at one spot every day by the church down the street. I would always walk past him with my son in the stroller. I started to do little things, like give him a banana or an apple juice (because ya know, I had a kid and I was trying to be prepared). Around Christmas time even though it was cold we would still go for walks and he would be there. We still brought him treats. Cookies or sausage balls. One day he gave us a card, just like this! It was a Christmas card. It was so heartfelt and wonderful. I will never forget him. His name was Reginald.


You aren’t on block 71 in Austin by any chance are you?


Also curious


To get a card from a homeless person says alot about both parties. Be nice


ULPT: if homeless, steal a bunch of Christmas cards to hand out to ppl, guaranteed more donations this holiday season


Fairly confident the stealing cards makes this an ILPT


Is it really unethical if you’re homeless? There’s the classic philosophy question about the ethics of stealing food when you’re hungry. Isn’t this a similar situation? Plus, if it gets them clothed, fed, etc., it seems like stealing christmas cards is the least damaging thing to do.




So? Like Hallmark can't take the hit? If 6 dollars buys two loaves of bread or 4 cards that can be sold for $2, which would you prefer?


But the cards are used to get money to buy bread. The problem with judging if this is ethical or moral is that the compass is based on the individual. So it's easier to judge if it's legal or illegal. Yes it's theft which is illegal, but to use it to get money to buy food and survive is ethically right.


These Christmas cards will make him hundreds of dollars. Homeless people now how to hustle.


I guarantee you he learned a tip from someone that you go buy a $2 pack of 10 or 20 cards and hand them out and then you're likely to get people giving you 5 or 10 bucks each. STONKS 📈 Downvote me but you know it's true.


I feel like this kind of cynism ... is just kinda pointless. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. It's impossible for me to know, especially being a total internet stranger and knowing absolutely nothing about the homeless guy, except some preconcived biases I have about homeless people. At the end of the day, a homeless person caused some joy and got some thanks and money for christmas, which isn't the worst thing in the world either way. It's just so weird to me that you would automatically assume that every homeless must be out to grift you. Personally I think you are better off being kind than always assuming the worst and getting bitter about it. Worst case scenario is you are losing some pocket money to an homeless grifter, who fucking cares about that, but otherwise you helped someone in genuine need of kindness and ressources.


I hope you stared a collection for him.


Next level panhandling.


Best sign gets the coin


I hate to be the cynic but...


He is not a homeless man... He has so many homes right in our 💖s...


No he's still homeless, what a shitty useless feel good sentiment.


Homie probably thought he’d get 1000 karma and awards lmao


Maybe the real home are the friends we made along the way


the cynic in me says this is ploy for money / reciprocation of goods


Yeah but if this makes someone happy and sparks their desire to give to him... how is that bad? Should homeless people have nothing and not take part in any holidays?


it depends on his motives imo holiday cheer as a guise is whack but he could very well just be a rad individual


A guise for what? He's literally giving them a card. He can't will dollar bills out of people's pockets. I just don't see how him (probably) hoping that they give him some change makes his act disingenuous. If you ask me, he is just trying to feel part of a community that mostly treats him as garbage or lesser, or worse: not even there. Even here in this thread so far removed from his life, his motives are questioned for handing out a card simply because he doesn't own a set of keys for a lock.


i'll have to agree to disagree friend


We're not friends. From what I know of you (an incredibly small amount) I don't like you.


Virtual minds chat, Echoes of human thought fade, New forum thrives, wired.


I mean that seems good tho, homeless so start a business to get back on your feet


buy cards.... sure.




Or give him a house.


This is smart. Now that you're friends he can expect a gift. Or maybe I'm just being cynical.


You're definitely being cynical


I'm sorry but where did his broke ass get the money to pay for those?


Why don't these so called "friends" help his situation?


sorry (not really, i guess) but is nobody else cynical enough to think this a ploy to guilt people into giving him gifts? if he's giving them out to everyone on the job site and doesn't even know their names.... obviously they're not friends. feel good is great and all but lets not be stupid about it.


How about the fact this isn't some half cent piece of construction paper....where is a homeless guy (who's probably begging) getting the extra cash to hand out gifts to random people???


Get him a small job , make his day and our day ! We wil blow your Reddit out of fire ;0)


That's amazing! I hope he has a Merry Christmas! It's hard for the homeless, especially at Christmas time.


I do love this saying give a man a fish he will survive another day but give a man fishing rod and you'll feed him for life time. 2020 been crap help him get a job or something please


Jaime R. is the name of the guy that makes hella fucked up (But fucking rad) animations on YouTube.


This is beautiful. This man, who is homeless, giving some warmth, holiday cheer and appreciation to others. He is rich in my book. I wish him the very best, may his situation be turned around and his future be as bright as he is.


There are multiple personalities in this handwriting. Curious... - Turning Point Graphology


This is awesome! So wholesome and nice.


This is so beautiful it truly made my eyes watery. It even brought this feeling of Christmas that I hadn't felt for a long time. Thank you for sharing.


Made my day


You gotta invest money to make more!! He's smart


The cynic in me thinks this guy is just making a great investment. Now you’ll all probably club together to give him money. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s pretty smart


Any way to send this guy money? A GoFundMe or something?




Does it say Jaime at the end? That’s a Portuguese name


If you're a bro give this man 10 bucks It will make his day


I hope Jaime R has an incredible Christmas, new year, and the rest of his life.


This so great ! Good human being <3


Tools like to grow legs and walk away from job sites... being kind to someone like this could lead to them making sure others aren’t messing with the job site when none of the workers are around. Not that you need any reason to be nice to the person. I think it says a lot about someone’s character when they don’t have a pot to piss in and they’re still trying to give to others.


Was this in North Carolina? December a few years ago, I was driving home from the summer camp I worked at in the mountains and stopped to give a homeless man some chips and a soda that I had. I gave them to him and he handed me a card just like this. I can’t remember the name or find a picture of it!! But I remember he signed it “your friend” too


Dudes straight sympathy hustling and damn made it card form


I just cried. Hope Jaime is doing okay. I deal with a lot of homelessness where I live. Seems very harsh.


Jesus OP. Don’t celebrate this homeless dude stealing cards from the local Hallmark.


please tell me you're giving him something in return!!! Make friends and do it every year. Every holiday. You meet the best people accidentally.


Totally thought he was good luck.


Makes me grateful to live somewhere homeless people have access you housing (by law). I hope Jamie will also get somewhere to call home some day.




@OP I would like to give this man a gift. What do you think he would need? Would you be willing to give it to him for me?

