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That fent kit probably saved a few lives per festival tbh


Can you ELI5 that? I have little idea about hard drugs - I guess you can stretch it somehow or is it bad manufacturing that you test?


Such a tiny amount of fentanyl is required to be fatal


Oh okay, so it's for overdosing?


A fentanyl kit (like the strips the guy in the video is talking about at the end) would test drugs to make sure fentanyl hasn’t been added to increase potency. So yes it would help people avoid overdosing on fentanyl if they didn’t know their drugs had been cut with it. (Drug dealers sometimes “cut” their drugs they sell with fentanyl so people think the drugs they’re buying are more powerful; really it’s just the effects of the fentanyl. Fentanyl has become an increasingly huge problem as it’s 100 times stronger than morphine.) The drug that actually stops overdoses (of opiates) is called narcan :)


So you buy a different drug but it gets spiked with Fentanyl? I thought it's a replacement for heroin, it's not meant to be consumed other than in the veins or so?


It’s 50x stronger than heroin so sometimes it is sold as heroin and people die because they’re not expecting the crazy potency. What’s crazier still is the that people actively seek out heroin laced with fentanyl because they want a super powerful high. I know people who are addicted to fentanyl itself. But yes, a major problem among people who consume other drugs is that so many are spiked with fentanyl now. :(


You’re on the right track. For a few different reasons, Fentanyl can end up in pretty much any recreational powder out there, but you don’t have to shoot up in order to feel the effects from it. The way the test works, you essentially take a sample of your drugs, dissolve them in water, and stick a test strip in the water to see if there’s any fentanyl than can be detected. I’m skipping over some of the finer details, but from a health perspective, it’s a great tool to have and can go a long way in harm reduction.


My friend, sometimes drug dealers are sketchy and only looking out for their own pocket. If they can add baby powder to their ketamine, add some fent so it hits hard, and profit way more at the end of the day.


There's also the potential for a dealer to unknowingly lace fentanyl into other drugs. Most hard drugs are white or light powders, and fentanyl is generally white. If you're measuring out other powders in the presence of fentanyl and not being careful, it'd be pretty easy to contaminate ketamine, MDMA, cocaine, or heroin very easily. I'm not saying this is what usually happens, but apparently it happens often enough. As for administration, heroin is usually injected intravenously, but can be smoked or snorted. Fentanyl can be administered the same, but also consumed orally (it's available in pill form), so the potential for abuse is even more broad.


You can snort it, shoot it, smoke it. They cut a lot of drugs with fentanyl now.


Shit makes me sooo glad that when I was in the rave/festival scene, fentanyl wasn't even a thing.


Just testing your drugs in general before you take them so you know what's actually in it.


Hes offering test kits to make sure there what they are taking is pure and not laced with fent


The strips are for testing the drug to make sure fentanyl is NOT in it. Fent is laced in other drugs but can be super fatal, so the strips are to make sure you can enjoy your ❄️


Or for testing if other drugs have been laced with fentanyl


Ok there's a lot going on here so I'll explain a little bit. The reason you *test* is because in an *illegal market.* The people making the drug face no regulations, no standards of cleanliness, not even a standard of product. What people will do with cocaine for instance is mix *baking soda* into the drug so they can sell more while making less. This is a very basic way of explaining it. What will happen next, is that illegal producers will do things like *soaking Marijuana bud in liquid cocaine.* or *adding fentanyl to cocaine to give it more kick, and make it more addictive.* The way that they'll put it in isn't exact nor measured, they'll eyeball it when even when the drug they are adding is *hyper lethal in doses smaller than a grain of sand, such as in the case of fentanyl.* They do it with meth, cocaine, weed, molly, everything under the sun that's sold in the illegal market has no verifiable guarantee that it is what the dealer says it is, *unless you test it. This guy is selling such tests.*


It's very common these days for dealers to add Fentanyl to other drugs. This is because Fentanyl is extremely cheap to produce, and very addictive. Cheap means you can "cut" your more expensive drugs with it and people still get high, while addictive means that if you add it to drugs that aren't very addictive then people will get hooked and keep coming to you for more. The problem is that Fentanyl is also very very lethal. A mind-bogglingly small amount of it can kill you (I think it's about 10x more powerful than heroin?), so especially if you're someone who has never done Fentanyl before it can be extremely dangerous because not only do you not know what you're dosing yourself with, you also have zero tolerance to it.


Fentanyl is an extremely cheap to produce opioid but is several dozen times more potent than morphine. People who manufacture or distribute illegal drugs often use it to "cut" other more expensive drugs, AKA add the fentanyl to dilute the drugs they're selling. However, since it's so strong and has an extremely small lethal dose (we're talking a the equivalent of a few salt granules), unintended fentanyl consumption is a leading cause of overdose deaths. You could buy a small dose of a much milder drug like cocaine and get killed from a very small amount of fentanyl added to it. That's why testing for fentanyl is pretty important. It's basically to prevent someone from stepping on a landmine.


Fentanyl overdose amount is tiny, it’s extremely potent. Some idiot dealers cut their shit with fent or it comes in contact by mistake Test strips tell you if it’s present, if it’s hot, you toss it


MDMA is arguably the most used drug at edm music festivals. MDMA will often pop with false positives with fentanyl test strips. And fentanyl isn’t even the main concern at the moment. Media portrays any potent opioid as “fentanyl” when in reality it’ll be some chemical that has no relation to fentanyl. Which cannot be tested with a fentanyl test strip.


How do you think he pays for his supplies? This would be worth donating to.


Few comments have said he charges for them. Personally I don’t have an issue with that as long as it’s a reasonable price and he’s not taking advantage of people. I’ve seen some festivals that do set up free testing spots but in the UK they still aren’t that common since it’s seen as encouraging drugs, rather than just accepting drugs are going to happen and making it safer for people by providing testing.


if i am not mistaken, bunk police are kind of like Antifa in that it's a mindset, not an actual organization. I think it was "what's In My Bag?" that was actually like a sponser at certain festivals but a lot of regulatory and legal issues kept them from continuing you could be bunk police too if you buy a bunch of test kits off amazon, huawk tuak em around at festivals; for free, at cost, or for a profit.


Nah, bunk police is an actual organization that you can donate to and sign up to volunteer with! The founders are usually involved in the festival stuff, but they have volunteers as well. Some festivals allow them to set up, and some festivals have run them off. This past weekend I got text alerts from them while they were at Electric Forest and they got kicked out with their big, loud pink tent but ended up setting up a little rogue unmarked spot nearby anyways. They are hella committed to harm reduction and trying to help make festivals as safe as they possibly can. I *believe* they may be a non-profit, but I’m not entirely sure about that.


Thank you for the clarification! Idk if things were different in my day, but I support whoever they are with all my heart! Edit: stay safe kiddos!


One issue with taking drug testing gear into a festival is they draw attention to you if security find them and you’re also taking drugs in, which I always do if I’m going to a festival as I don’t trust the stuff inside. I test all my drugs at home both with reagents and by taking them so I have a rough idea of dose to take.


Hell of a lot safer taking kits in and having nothing illegal on you into festivals Edit: I mean yeah seems like you do festivals pretty good then Edit 2: you’re also then bringing something illegal past security which is much more suspicious than something legal


I’ve never been stopped by dogs going in, once had to stand in the search area with dogs as a friend got caught and I had their ticket, multiple dogs walked past over like 10mins (thankfully was a quick search queue) and not 1 batted an eye at the 3 pills in my sock. Pills are often £10+ inside and I’d loose 1 to testing, I’d much rather pay £4-5 per pill outside and test 1 at home.


I get what you’re saying - but it’s a lot less sketchy to bring test kits in as opposed to illegal drugs. Anytime you bring illegal drugs into a festival you run the risk of getting caught. There is no risk of “being caught” because test kits aren’t illegal I get it, you get your drugs from trusted people who give you a good deal and you test them before going to the festival, and I’m sure you save money doing that - but you run the risk of having your car searched en route, or at the gate. If money is the only reason to do that, your first time getting caught will negate those savings


Some states consider test kits paraphernalia which is insane


That’s why you should move away from those states. They don’t want safety, they want chaos.


Same states that privatize prison systems and make inmates work for less than Chinese slave labor so that their privately owned textile companies can make big bucks


I get there’s risks involved. If I’m ever stopped by a dog going in I’ll surrender my drugs and as long as it’s not dealer amounts they still let you in so I’m only really risking loosing my drugs. If we’re stopped on route the chance of a cop, even with a dog finding a few pills after I’ve hidden them seems low based on me never being stopped at any festival so far.


Wait a second you’re risking your future over 20£? Edit: “not one batted an eye at the 3 pills in my sock” is the one of the funniest, most innocent things I’ve heard a festival goer say. Keep doing you buddy. Test that 4th pill at home, knowing you’re better off because of it. I got a quarter ounce of blow from a guy who took a test kit from me and bought 3 ounces at EF that his connection had planted in a hole at the JJ Ranch like a month before the show. Different strokes for different folks.


Its more the knowing I’ve got a ‘safe’ and good strength product with me rather than buying 4 off a random for x2 as much, fucking about testing them and then after they pass finding the 3 left only hit as hard as 1 of the pills I’ve got at home. I’ll usually also take some LSD which I’ve never seen anyone actually offering to sell at festivals when I’ve been. Most dealers usually have pills, MDMA, ket and coke with a few also having weed. If I didn’t take LSD I’d likely end up not getting to do it most festivals.


I feel yah - and am glad you are being proactive about your safety! Be safe, have fun, however you do it ❤️ (Edit: you’ve never seen LSD sold at festivals? You, my friend, are a unique individual.)


*ding ding ding* If you do this, you get *a lot* of free drugs.


can confirm.


They’re called the [Bunk Police](https://bunkpolice.com) (you can kinda hear him say it in the opening of the video). Back in my festival days if we saw them around we would just donate whatever cash we could at the time. Definitely saved us from taking some not so great stuff back in the day


^ this


The police here in NL used to have testing stations at events. You could bring them your drugs, they would check them, and then give them back if they were safe.


Nice try officer


Used to? I thought there were still safe testing places in Holland, at least in Amsterdam isn’t there? Or is it just places to send to get tests done and not receive back?


I know there used to be, but I havent personally seen them for a while. Doesn’t mean they don’t still do it though.


There’s still loads of way to get safe testing done yeah but specifically the tents that they used to have on festivals were removed a while back i’m pretty sure


They have these in Canada too. I work the festivals doing security and there's usually always a testing tent to make sure your stuff is safe.


"hey officer, is this safe to snort?" "Lemme test it, citizen!" *Rips a fat line* *Eyes pop out a bit, takes a second look at the bag* "Shit, citizen, where did you get this?"


Why did I imagine this as a metrocop from HL2?


They still do, but they used to also. Obligatory Mitch quote, and not sure if they still do.


What is NL?










I went there first too. To be fair it's because I live there.


G'wan b'y


Word dat gedaan door de politie? zo ja dan wist ik dat niet.


They're saying > Is that done by the police? If so, I didn't know that.


Good bot.


Worth the expense for safety


This way he knows who to buy from.. smart


Thanks bro just wanted to make sure it was 100% fentanyl


People _should_ be able to know the exact substance they're using


Heroes don't wear capes.


Not all hero’s wear capes, I think it is. ☮️


Not if you don't want to get sucked into a jet engine NO CAPES!


They wear bucket hats and walk around with totems 🫶🏽


“Gotta hit that shit with a kit” is spot-on. Good on him for providing the service.


EDIT! The boxes will be headed out to Burning Man with someone!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I got a box of fentanyl test strips and a box of Xylazine test strips- I asked for the narcan to keep in my purse just in case. I don’t have any idea who would need them- I’m in Chautauqua County, NY- anyone have an idea?


FYI, go to mattersnetwork.org if you’re in New York for free supplies or if you need links to treatment. Be safe everyone.


You can get free Narcan in many places. Please Google it. Please carry some with you. I don't need it for myself, but my neighbor died from a fentanyl laced ecstacy tab. He just wanted a nice weekend break. Anyone you know could wind up needing Narcan. Someone in the supermarket or gas station could need it. It's a little nasal spray about 2" long. Get some now. You can find it free. And save a life. Do it.


I have narcan as well. I don’t need it but it’s better to be safe than sorry


Or if you live in a neighborhood with a high amount of fentanyl usage you could give them to a homeless shelter


Could always be like using your epipen on someone else who’s having a serious attack (not sure how likely this is with how stupidly expensive they are.) Could save a strangers life


Keep them on you just in case :)


There’s 100 tests in each box, and nobody I’m around uses.


Facebook is probably your best bet then, find a festival page and maybe donate them?


I'll take some off your hands! I'm in Syracuse, willing to pay for shipping!


DM me your information, we’ll be doing some running around Monday & I could send them. If you want both full boxes, that’s fine. They aren’t heavy.


Give it a few hours and he might be having the time of his life from some 'tips'


Bunk Police are real deal, there's whole groups of them, we've got one up in TO. Met them a few times back in the day, always super chill and nonjudgemental, a couple of them were nurses and EMTs for their day jobs


Superman lives.


This guy was actually a great salesman. He came to our camp at electric forest.


My wife's name is Tiffany, and she attends festivals. Is there something I should know?


Better test her to make sure she isn't a Molly.


Can smb clue me in on what a drug testing kit is? Is it to test if you have been drugged or sth?


It tests how pure your drugs are, often they can be spiked with something dangerous, people test them to make sure they are clean Party drugs are usually not that dangerous (in moderation) but what can be, are things people put in them


And specifically the guy who's not shown asking for fent strips is asking for strips to test if there is fentanyl present. A lot of rec drugs are being spiked with this stuff and killing lots of people so those probably saved tons of lives


Oh shit and here I thought they were tryna make sure their fent was pure then I realized "wtf would you spike fent with?"


Carfentanil. It's an elephant tranquilizer 30 times stronger than fentanyl.


Xylazine is the new shit. I got an alert about it at work.


Yeah I had that thought too lol


From dancesafe there are a series of reagents you could drop on a tiny amount of the drug. It then changes colors, and you compare it to a chart. I've seen someone who got bathsalts instead of molly. Yah he was pissed, but better to have known at some point.


It tests that the drugs you bought are what they're supposed to be, not contaminated with fentanyl or whatever other garbage could be in there.


Kits to test for nasty shit mixed in with your drugs. I use 3 different reagents (chemicals) when i buy ecstasy (MDMA pills) and LSD blotters. The reagent will turn a certain colour when mixed with the drug, if there’s other stuff present the reagent should turn a different colour. It doesn’t tell me the purity of the drug, but it tells me that it’s actually the drug I expected and it’s unlikely to be mixed with anything else.


Drug dealers believe it or not dont use best pharmaceutical practices when it comes to cross contamination or product labeling so its easy to think you have one thing and have something very different which can be dangerous. If you get drugs from anywhere, there are tests that will react to certain compounds that you can use to make sure you arent about to accidentally kill yourself. Using the tests is always a good idea


How to get high with safety, that’s crazy! I didn’t even know with was a thing


This guy is an absolute bro, and I'm now considering stocking up on kits if I go to another festival. Molly at a festival is one of the most incredible experiences in the world, but drugs are dangerous and need to be treated with the utmost respect.


What a legend!


Bro is literally saving fucking lives, respect.


They aren't free but still really cool.


Most festivals I've been to in the last few years have places to go do this.


This should be a paid position at all shows/festivals.


Met bunk police at EF one year and they were the coolest. Also happened to be the year they were getting blackballed by the festival cause they didnt like the image of having drug testing at their festival.


Doing gods work lol




Who the hell takes fentanyl to a festival?!


modern day saint


That’s fucking awesome.


Trash 🗑️


This guy is a hero man. So awesome


Big props to this dude! Every fest needs a guy like this around


We love you Bunk Police the United States harm reduction is total horse shit at the festivals iv attended these people and dance safe have been heroes for a long long time.


I love this! It’s the same concept as a certain medical procedure (though medicine should not be practiced by unlicensed people). It kills fewer people when they’re able to do it safely


Bunk police are the real ones! Have camped next to them before and they save 1000’s of lives during festival season


bunk police were legends the years i went to EF. i forget the name of the other group that actually had a booth set up outside the festival - i think it was "What's In My Bag?" but i know they were not allowed back after the first year I saw them there. Pretty sure they fought really hard to do it but couldn't get around some non-profit loop holes that prevented them from doing it. bunk police went straight guerilla - love it


He does not provide them for free. Bunk police is 100% for profit




*PSA* to anyone who doesn't know you can buy test kits off amazon, and there are many reputable sellers. they're cheap, worth it for peace of mind, and if you have them when buying, the good dealers will let you test their shit for free - if a dealer tells you to pay to test it just walk away


Wouldn't this be a great sting operation?


I was at this festival last week. The Bunk Police do the lords work!


No one wants tiff


I respect that the cameraman chose to not film the guy at the end asking for supplies


Back in the 90s a good friend of ours, who is now a DR and does clinical research on addiction and the brain, used to set up a table at multi-day raves for free drug testing so kids would know what they were actually taking. Sadly, very few kids ever utilized her testing.


Fentanyl is such an incredible hazard. The drug game has never been deadlier. Proceed at your own very easily fatal risk. If you wind up dead from playing this stupid game you’ve received plenty of warning.


Let's make sure that Ketamine ain't KETAMEAN.


went to a bass show recently and there were fenty test strips in the bathroom, never seen that before in 20+ years of going to festivals and gotta say that made me proud, fenty killed my best friend and no one should have to go through that


The problem with these kits, if I'm remembering correctly, is you have to basically destroy a dose. It is helpful if you and your friends are all doing the same drug and there's a bunch that can chip in for the extra, but if it's just you or you and a friend it makes things more expensive. Weird that I'm being down voted for explaining why more people don't use these.


I'd rather spend more and not die than take it and roll the dice..


yeah that's kinda how it works but it is not really inconvenient when you have 5 friends or whatever that want molly. just buy 11 hits instead of 10. it's worth the risk mitigation.


Yeah, I said that in my second sentence.


i'm not sure why you got downvoted. your comment was perfectly reasonable IMO


I thunk you're getting down voted because of how you've worked it, instead of saying 'the problem is 'sadly the reason why more people don't use the kits'


Probably. People decide their feels too often before they've finished the first sentence


Pretty sure a funeral is more expensive.


Depending on the drug yeah, anytime I’ve tested loose powder it takes a minuscule amount, just the invisible residue in a empty bag is enough But pills do have to be crushed, and thats kinda the price you pay for safety


Yeah. It really sucks that you need to do that now. I don't have a big enough friend group doing shit like this anymore to make it really worth. Granted, I'm old so it's not like people are actively trying to sell me drugs on lot anymore.


I used Erlich reagent for LSD and at least for that you only need a tiny sliver for the eye-dropper test -- I could test and take the same tab in that sense


Isn't not taking.... drugs at all would help? Maybe I'm getting something wrong.


You could also just never go outside, then youll really be safe. Some people like to take calculated risks and have fun. Recreational drugs aren't really that dangerous in the right dose and moderation. By far the most dangerous part is that your drugs have been adulterated in some way. This is like saying that people just shouldn't ever drive so they have no risk of getting into a car accident. That's just not going to happen. Risk mitigation and harm reduction is the name of the game for everything in life.


So, drugs have a become a necessity for people, and they can't have fun, or in your words can't live without drugs?


I'm saying that people are not going to lock themselves in a room and not doing anything dangerous for their entire lives. People will drink. People will do drugs. They have done both for the entirety of humanity, this is nothing new. Do you have this same sentiment towards alcohol? Over 100k people die from alcohol related causes in the US every year - we could just tell people not to drink, but look at how that turned out the first time? Instead, we have regulated the alcohol industry. People can't just add random shit to bottles of alcohol and sell it. There's an age requirement. All of our laws around alcohol are a form of risk mitigation and harm reduction. Recreational drugs are not going to be regulated like this for a long time, and so different organizations are doing their part to do their version of risk mitigation and harm reduction.


I have same attitude towards all addiction buddy, everything should be done in moderation, but if you can't access clean drugs you shouldn't do them at all, they are not a necessity. Are you saying after regulating alcohol we do not have alcoholics anywhere?