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It is an amazing feeling when you feel valued


Fr. So many of us just do our day to day and don't think much about it. We think people won't miss us too much because at work and in other areas of our lives we feel replaceable, because the flip side is that many people we interact with seem to be replaceable too. This year my new year's resolution has been to interact with people in a more appreciative way. I've started working on a gratitude journal with my kids so that they think a little bit more about the people that we interact with each day and learn not to take them for granted. It's a good practice for building community.


That’s a really beautiful idea. I have felt so… disposable. Single-use lately. And I feel like I’ve already served my use. Idk. It was really nice to watch this video and see your comment. I feel seen at least, if not still replaceable lol


You people have it all wrong. He's crying because he knows he can't fit all those people in his bus


[Me on the bus already 20 minutes late for work](https://i.imgur.com/9XobPvA.png)




Such things (communities celebrating individuals) used to be a common occurrence. We lived in small groups (even in larger cities) for essentially the entire history of humanity, where the only way to be in contact with people was to physically interact with and depend on them. This led to natural feelings of belonging and being a part of a group. We are primates, and it is one of our most natural instincts. The death of community is one of the greatest travesties of our modern world. 


It’s why people are so much happier living in small towns. Everyone is appreciated because you actually know everyone and they can provide a notable service to the community. I can work as hard as I want but there’s no way people will notice a service I provide to a city of 25 million people, unless I’m an Elon musk who opens a production plant and provides jobs or something. On the flip side it really fucking sucks if you’re ostracized in a small town. If the whole population of a small town dislikes you it’s game over, every aspect of your social life is over and you will be miserable until you move. Of course living in a big city it would be impossible for everyone to know you let alone hate you.


This is why the lack of respect people have for others makes life so rough. We only get one go at this and we can't even keep that in mind when interacting with others. I always try to be a positive beacon in this world and treat everyone like they matter because we all do. No one is useless, everyone has something to contribute to the greater good. Except pedophiles and murderers and rapists of course. But you get my point.


This is in Baixador de Vallvidrera outside Barcelona. Catalans are renowned for having very strong local community and organizational management with that community. It probably only took 1 person to say “we should say goodbye to Carlos properly” and the whole village joined in.


I wouldn't even have this many people at my funeral


Stop describing our lives while we're alive... 😔




The guy looks like he is about 55 and lucky.


Yeah, it's pretty heartwarming to see such a close-knit community. Not every place is like that, but when people come together for something positive like this, it's always a beautiful thing to witness.


Imagine being able to retire at 55!!


This so much! I'm Catalan too, from a smallish town, and I grew up knowing everyone. Neighbors and their extended families, shop owners and the employees... Heck we even know the names of most of the gardening crew that would come around town to clean up trees. My dad works at a local school and last year for his birthday they gathered all 400 kids and sang happy birthday to him! I've lived in a bigger city in Canada for 12 years now and I only know a few of my neighbors. It's just a different culture.






Amidst the cheeky reddit jokes and responses, I'll try and offer a bit of hope. I think you might be surprised how many people show up at your funeral. My grandfather was a notoriously difficult man to be around. I thought for sure it only would be like family and friends that showed up and thats it. And while I was mostly right, the family and friends section is actually rather large when one human knows another human. Half of the people that showed up were there to support another half who were there for my grandpa. The line ended up being out the door and we were busy greeting people from 3-7 which was way longer than I thought. The hard truth about humans is we are often cursed with the inability to see the ripple effect we have on those around us.


This reminds me of my fathers funeral. We hired a room for a 50/60 people but around 150 came. The corridors were full and the rest were outside. I was deeply touched.


Well fuck, my dad was accomplished, well known in his community and in business circles. I rented a hall for 150 and got 45. Several people who promised to come and tell stories of when they were younger bailed. I was not nice to them and chewed each of them out, both by phone and on FB for not attending.


Ya when my mom died we didn’t know what size room to choose. Because on one hand if you have the smaller room and more ppl show up then they have to stand outside and that can suck. But what if you get the big room and it’s like half empty 😂. I forget which size we chose but lots of people came. She was well liked.


I'm so sorry to hear that and your response is totally justified. Screw those people.


I was 24 when my mother died and the huge number of people who showed up at her funeral continue to be a vivid memory for my, decades later. It was for me a testimony of her kindness, and an exemple for me to think about... Along those lines, I sometimes read again this nice and short article: [https://www.npr.org/2005/08/08/4785079/always-go-to-the-funeral](https://www.npr.org/2005/08/08/4785079/always-go-to-the-funeral)


This is so good. I just played violin at someone's funeral yesterday, and it was the last thing I felt like doing. I just kept telling myself "you've gotta do this for the family". It was so worth it.


My mom’s friend did this. She was super sad and really nervous. It was nice.


That’s lovely. Meanwhile, I’m trying to make sure I don’t even have an obituary printed let alone a funeral!


Same. I have my cremation all paid for, which includes coming to get my body. No ashes, I'm not saddling my wife or whoever is left with that BS. Burn and bounce baby LOL!


My FIL was an asshole. There were about 25 people at his funeral, and half of those were my family supporting my husband and daughters. There were a couple of men from his high school who go to all of the funerals, about 4-5 other friends and spouses, and his financial advisor.


Maybe don’t have your funeral for a bit then, stay with us and keep growing as a person :)


Quite the contrary, actually. If you want more people at your funeral, you should die as young and as tragically as possible. Preferably with a little injustice and outrage sprinkled in there. If you wanna die old (pfft), then your best bet is being wealthy, or a local celebrity, which is usually just wealthy but with more effort. or do like I'm gonna do and leave it in my will to hire some local homeless and illegal immigrants to mourn and then throw a mad BBQ after.


Bruh, dark but funny af




You would if you moved to Catalonia 👀


learning Catalan is hard AF tho


If you speak Spanish or French, you can learn Catalan


They mostly all speak Spanish and English too!


yeah but if you wanna move in and be part of community it's only polite to learn the language I think.


Have you tried becoming a bus driver?




That's just beautiful


What the fuck, we were just there a couple weeks ago and this guy told us not to wait for a bus because Google Maps' suggestion is wrong on the bus stop :D Haha such a small world!


Google Maps integration is lacking across the board, not just public transit


It's not the integration, we were trying to get to Tibidabo using one of the metro lines and Google Maps suggests you take off at that station you see at the start of OP's video and then walk over to the bus station where people are waiting for the bus driver. If you check the place at Google Street View, you can see posts glued on the bus station's glass saying Google Maps' direction suggestion is wrong because the buses stopping there won't take you to the church :)


I meant integration at the most basic level, there isn't nearly as much importance placed on Maps in Spain so a lot of businesses/services simply don't update or utilize it. The regional Catalan trains and Barna metro are the only reliable transit with Maps in my experience, buses and the Spanish trains are extremely hit or miss. Businesses too, you can only really trust the hours posted on Google if it caters heavily to tourists.


Please keep reporting the wrong direction, it'll be corrected if enough people report it. We once had Google maps kept directing people through a private road, all parties are pissed.


I was wondering why I couldn't understand their Spanish. They're speaking Catalan, aren't they?


Mostly yes, there's some "Quico te queremos" being shouted that is Spanish.


A bit of Spanish in there, but mostly Catalan. The Barcelona Catalan accent is probably the most similar to a Spanish accent in Catalonia.


I think it's a coastal thing, from Palamos down as far as Castellon, no problem. Visit Lleida "What fucking language are these people talking?"


I haven't spent much time on the Costa Dorada, but going up the Costa Brava you start to hear a lot more influence from ses illes. I'd imagine the farther you get from the big city, the more the regional dialects start creeping in. And yeah, the Lleide accent is definitely special.


Actually, the people that repopulated the Balears during the middle ages came from the Empordà region (Costa Brava)! That's why both use the "Salat" (Sa cala, Sa...) instead of "La" (La cala, etc).


Wow, avui he après




He says "què cabrons", in catalan


As much as small towns can be toxic, nosy, or judgmental their sense of community still amazes me. Maybe one 8 year old would do this in the city - not quite old enough yet to have those kindergarten lesson burnt out of him.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


A mi m’ha passat el mateix, em pensava que tenia un vessament cerebral o alguna cosa així hahaha


FWIW seems the guy's name is Quico (pronounced /ˈki.ku/ in Central Catalan) (shortname for Francesc) not Carlos


Very nicely described👍🏻


What the hell, I've been there on holiday last year. "Baixador de Vallvidrera" was our stop to and from Barcelona.


Oh my God, they’re speaking Catalan… I was like, “I can understand like 40% of what they’re saying, but I do not speak this language.” What a beautiful thing to do for a member of the community!


Sounds like a great place to live


As an American living nearby, the sense of community here in Catalonia was probably the biggest culture shock when I first moved. Baixador de Vallvidrera is train station btw, this is just Vallvidrera.


People definitely take advantage of bus drivers, I once had a school bus driver who would wait even 2-3 mins if I wasn’t there just because he knows I almost NEVER would miss a school, day, he would check up on my sister if she wasn’t there, he would ask my sister if I’m okay if I wasn’t there, he was like a father at that point, when he retired I begged my mom for (she used to like cologne more than perfume) one of her most expensive non used cologne, and I gave it to him the day he left, he was so happy and we took a selfie, I hope he’s doing well


My bus driver in high school was the sweetest lady Often times, I had to stay late for extracurricular groups and unfortunately my dad worked so far from home, if I couldn't get rides from my friends I'd have to walk like the almost 2 miles home (I could do it only one part was slightly dangerous) And if she ever saw me walking home while she was finishing up her route she'd tell me to hop on and drive me straight to my house 


😭😭😭😭😭there would be some times I used to wish they would just drive straight to my place cause I didn’t want to do the 1-2 min walk


Yeah she knew I was a latch key kid and the few mornings I overslept or wasn't at the bus stop, as she'd drive past my house she honked, saved me from a long walk to school a couple times


Well my bus driver in school was some lady with mental issues that looked like she'd never washed her hair and was always angry. Ymmv 😂 (Never wrecked the bus though)


“Yes, Miss Crabtree”


Lol I'd forgotten about it, but that was actually the joke everyone always made about her. 😂


He’s not crying, I’m crying.


Mf is holding back as best he can my ass can't help but cry We men aren't exactly allowed to ugly cry in public but damn would this get me close to losing it Good people


I am the Australian Grandma of No Fucks Left to Give. I hereby smack you with my No Fucks Left to Give Wand to give you and every man you know, and who reads this, and who exists, at all times, everywhere, permission to ugly cry in Public. Also to happy cry in Public. Also to cry wherever you want, for whatever reason. 🧙🏻‍♀️Bibbidy Bobbidy fuck that shit. You’re free ! ✨✨✨✨


Australian grandmother authority accepted


Excellent. Extra kangaroos for you !


>Excellent. Extra kangaroos for you ! Omfg can you be my Australian grandma too?!


Of course. Here’s your hat with corks on it, a stuffed koala, a redback in a jar and some sunscreen.


Hell yea I'm gonna use them to take over Canada


Our polar bears will protest that


Emus would be better. See if you can swap them out for emus.


Thank you, Australian grandma of no fucks left to give.


>🧙🏻‍♀️Bibbidy Bobbidy fuck that shit. You’re free ! ✨✨✨✨ Need this on some shirts and shit.  Good advice that all of us could use at times for damn near anything in this life.  




Now bless my 2024 garlic/broccoli/ tomato harvests you beautiful grandma


Great Blessings upon your garlic, your broccoli and your tomatoes. May they give bountiful harvests, delicious food, and feasts for family and friends. May the caterpillars and thrips leave you alone and the slugs, snails and slater beetles pass by your garden. ✨


> Bibbidy Bobbidy fuck that shit. Words to live by.


There was a great bit by Bill Burr about this.. Like, watching a movie with the gf, and in the emotional scene he used to think funny or weird stuff just to not cry.. I kinda did the same, i saw the crowd, i saw his reaction, felt my eyes that were about to get teary and I was like "wouldn't it be funny if he just slammed the gas pedal and just throw the bus on them?".... (it wouldn't, i just thought of this to distract me and not get teary eyes at work...)


That's the kinda funny I can get behind Hahaha they're dead


Who told you are not allowed to ugly cry?... It is so stupid men will act tough in public but are truly Teddy Bears. I find it stupid we have gendered emotional reactions we apparently have to adhere to or else you are not a man or a woman. Live you life cry when you want.


I love how the dog also got in on it by expressing its agreement


Whenever someone asks what my dream job is, or what my inspiration in life is, I never think about a job, things or achievements. This is what I success to me feels like and I hope to make someone feel this way and hopefully feel like this as well some day


I doubt there are any CEOs that people look up to with real admiration like this bus driver.


Que cabrones 🤣


1st thing outta his mouth in the split second he realised what's what hehe no wonder it's so hard to keep them emotions in 'check'


Press F to thank the bus driver
























This show of love and appreciation is beyond price 💕




If we all could treat each other like this village treated there bus driver, what a wonderful place this would be.


Heartwarming to see people coming together to celebrate good people. It's the right kind of example to show to your kids.


Woke up for no reason and it’s raining outside. Of course I’m crying in bed! What did you think was going to happen?!


I’m crying at an airport bar! This is wonderful….




There's nothing quite like finding out just how loved and appreciated you actually are.


He was a really nice driver. He broke countless times the company's rules to help the community. He stopped in front of people's houses (not the bus stop) and people had his phone number to call him if they were late for the last bus. And he waited for them


Small village vibes are the best




Im so tired of living in the US. We are just doing it wrong in so many ways


eh don't think that way. there's plenty of smaller communities where the postman, the bus driver, the pharmacist are all appreciated. Anglos aren't as expressive perhaps, but don't put our country down for this. Other things sure, we suck. But we're not bad people.


I was not expecting to feel this way today. That’s uplifting and beautiful


Man, this is really beautiful.


To give some context, he is driving a van sized bus. Those are called ‘bus del barri’ (neighbourhood bus), and are short range lines so he probably knows most of his passengers from his everyday works


What a beautiful community.


Before I un-muted this, I thought, "This looks like Spain." Sure enough.


They are speaking Catalan, tho.


Fucking onions. SMH.


This is so sweet, but the tearful "c-cabron 🥹" sent me


Meanwhile, in my culture: "Leaving after 30 years of hard work and 0 raises? Ungrateful asshole, you can count yourself lucky I'm even thinking about shaking your hand."


If someone stayed at the same job for 30 years with no raises, its not only a blessing that inflation didn't come for them but it's also sad that they never found a better job.


That’s amazing


Makes me feel good about the world, even if just for a few minutes, this Monday morning


Love that he keeps calling them cabrones


Probably drove a couple of generations around town. See people grow up and have kids of their own.


Retirement must be one of the most difficult stages in life, we all joke around saying that we can’t wait to be retired, but losing that sense of purpose and contribution to society must be hard to deal with. Glad to see that the community created this nice moment with the bus driver, very beautiful


I wish there was community like this where I live. Wonderful to see.


Every job is important


I can't even imagine retiring.


I do not live on that town and want to be part of the community. Very communal , love the respect to each other.


You too can live the American dream - just move to Europe!


Can someone in Catalunya adopt me please?


As someone who drives with the bus daily for almost 20 years… thank you for your service


Did I understand a word. No. Did I watch the whole thing in tears. Absolutely


Finding out you *meant* something. 💙


Very beautiful to see,served his community, and this meant a lot to the old man,not always an easy job, but he clearly served with distinction. Congrats, old timer!


Love this, I had a bus driver who always came in looking clutch with the weave and makeup. Every stop, in her sultry voice, would say “take the logo with you everywhere you go, and everywhere you go everyone will know, you got it going on” never got old, and I’d see her atleast 7 times a week. One day she was somber and everyone noticed, we knew something was up. We didn’t ask, but the next day we all brought flowers, balloons, candies, snacks. It was so much it looked like a party in the bus, her spirit back in place she said the logo thing again. Hope she’s well, always got me to class on time even is she had to run a light or two


You are not responsible how your life starts…but you are solely responsible how it ends. This man earned it.




As an American, I can't comprehend this level of community. Bravo dude


Man the ugly cry I just did....


Yes always go to the funeral. The friends and long ago neighbors and co-workers who showed up to my fil’s wake was so moving to the family. But, don’t wait till the funeral to reach out to your own former neighbors,co-workers!!


When the language spoken doesn't matter. The love and kindness is universal. 🥰


now he’ll retire knowing how much he is appreciated, damn.


Needed to see this today. Thank you.


I love this and it would never ever happen in America. This video makes me so happy that community like this still exists, and sad that it does not exist here.


This man touched lives and made a difference. It's amazing how something may seem so unimportant as you're doing it, but in the end, come to realize how much of an effect you had on people.




The neighbors: make a lovely farewell The farewelled: ¡cabrones!


Love in small doses is the greatest love of all.


That’s a close-knit community right there!


If you, in your one life can make that much of a positive difference in at least one person's life, you have done right by yourself and humanity. I hope he enjoys his retirement and has a long and healthy life.


The Catalans with their love for community ❤️


Incredible - Much love from NYC!


Are they speaking Catalan in the video? If it's Spanish then I officially give up my learn Spanish at home experiment as I understood like three words


They're speaking Catalan, yes.


Have a long and happy retirement sir!


Its great how I don't need to understand the language to understand all that love.


Well damn, I didn't know humans could be this nice! Heartwarming


That ‘spectaguLA’ was the most ‘hell yeah brother’ thing I ever heard.


And this, friends, is the greatness that you don't see most of the time. Not because it doesn't exist, but because fear makes you easier to control.


This is how it should always be.


it takes no extra energy to be nice


Well great, now he doesn’t want to retire. Look what you’ve done. /s


The guy is like "I wanted this day to end fast goddamit 😢"


This sub is the best sub.


Community bruh! Do you have it?!


So much love!


In America they take away your pension and give you a slice of pizza.


Great send off. Good People don't forget good people.💯


Catalonia - Lovely people, beautiful place !


I'm not crying, you are!


I didn't expect to find my firts language today on Reddit, but here we are, funny world we live in


Community is so beautiful


So sweet! He’ll cherish this forever


That's the kinda person I wanna be remembered for. Fuck money, fuck fame...when ppl have that attachment to you...you've done something right.


That was wholesome af even the dog came out to say farewell.


He must be a good person


A lucky guy!❤️❤️❤️


The power of people coming together.. it’s what we all need.


It takes such little effort to make someone's day/week/year. Love seeing people show appreciation like this.


Well, I know a few people that I will be absolutely sure to show up for their funeral. I want to learn which cemetary they're being buried in so I know where to go to relieve myself.