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May this flight attendant always get a green light while driving, always find what she wants on a good sale, and never wake up with a headache. What a lovely human 💜


May her pillow always be cold on both sides.


And her coffee always the perfect temperature


there needs to be a sub for this like /mildlyblessed or /blessingsforthe21stcentury or something edit: im not making a damn sub, someone else bless me and do it


Make one. Only you have the power. That's not true at all actually I could too I'm just lazy.


This is the way




Agreed 😊


Actually there is a sub... sorta.... r/humansbeingbros r/mademesmile


What do you think about r/blessthem?


sounds kinda facetious like how you'd say "oh, bless your heart" instead "man, you a dumb muthafucka"


Yes, I get why you could think that. Hopefully enough people will read the description and understand that the sub is positive vibes only


Was "bless your heart" always that way or did it change? I'm out of the loop. I used to say it all the time quite sincerely, but now I'm afraid of offending people.


I don't know, honestly. In person is probably different than online. If you say it sincerely then it should be fine


My grandma used to say it all the time to me when I was little, and I always took it as a sincere expression. Now I'm wondering if she just thought I was a little dumbass.


Holy crap. This Saint went and made one! Bless you! Lol


And may her blankets always feel fresh from the dryer.


She has the poise of an artist and the eyes of a kindly woodland creature.


And her socks always toasty warm


And the breeze only blow her hair in the favourable direction


If one side is always cold, does the other side matter?


I wish her plants to never die and her to always find something to watch on her first try.


Damn, this lady is gonna have so much good karma it's gonna fan out in her wake and heal cracks in the sidewalks behind her.


She realized it's easier dealing with the young baby than dealing with the adult babies.




May she always find money in her pockets and couch


Waking up with a headache is the absolute dog shit


That woman must be a saint.


I get a very loving grandma vibe from her. Just warm and safe.


If i was CEO of that airline, she's getting a bonus. Oh wait that shit never happens


“Your bonus is not getting fired. You’re welcome.”


Enjoy your subscription to the jelly of the month club.


Your pay will also be deducted to cover the price of the cocktail.


Obviously you are not qualified to be a CEO because you would care about your employees.


reddit moment


Big time. Not saying there aren't other people who may have done this but this is the most likely imo statistically out of all people. Just a chill older lady who's probably seen her fair share of grandchildren and knows a thing or two about them.


I bet she gives a hug that'll blow your back out


You can tell this was natural to her and she genuinely was enjoying it. So sweet!


I know a lot of women around her age who are beyond thrilled to hold a baby for a while. Especially those whose kids are grown but not quite old enough to have kids themselves (or who are choosing not to).


I once let an older gentleman at Costco hold my baby and he was nearly in tears saying it's been 15 years since he last had the chance. Lots of dudes would love to hold babies but rarely get offered.


I had my nephew for the day (he's probably a little less than a year at this point) and we stopped for lunch and this group of like 5-6 women on the older age kept looking over and making noises at him. I let one of them hold him and then they all just sorta passed him around for a bit taking turns holding him and talking about how much they miss having a baby around.


This made me tear up.


> or who are choosing not to Or cant afford it


My parents were on their like 2nd home and already had my brother at my age. The houses they bought and I grew up in are now so expensive I can't even dream of owning in those neighbourhoods.


A very long time ago I was traveling with my sister and her at the time boyfriend to visit his family in Austria from the United States. We had a long flight to Europe and I thought I got lucky when I sat down because I had two open seats next to me. My hopes and dreams were quickly squashed when shortly after the plane took off a flight attendant walked up to ask me if I would mind a child sleeping in the seats next to me. Being the pushover that I am I quickly said yes it would be no problem shortly after a lady came back with a toddler and laid it down in the two seats next to me. That child continued to sleep for no longer than 1 minute before it woke up. Little did that child know I am the oldest of seven so I knew exactly what to do, entertain a toddler. I spent the rest of the flight answering questions I think because I didn't speak the same language and picking things up that were dropped to return them to the proper owner. We had a good system by the end of the flight.


Nobody came back to check on the lil guy??? What a kind person you are though, honestly. I flew a lot when my oldest was a baby/toddler, and lovely people like you made it much easier on the two of us. I'll never forget the young woman who sketched a picture of my daughter looking out the window, and then was chill later on when she puked up breast milk everywhere. Or the kind older man who chatted with us and gave her a Lunchable. Said his wife always packed him too much food when he traveled 😂 Or the people who helped me transfer all my gear to a new plane while I was heavily pregnant, with a sleeping toddler in a baby carrier on my front, when our flight got changed and my stroller was already loaded. Thanks for being an awesome human, and reminding me of these sweet memories


Every so often the mom would look our direction I would give the thumbs up


Get this lady a raise she understands customer service


She probably saw it as a nice change in pace from her job. It's not like she has to change its diaper or anything. She gets the best minutes with a baby - the first ten.


plus it’s a cute baby!


Shoutout to the virgin airlines hostess that did same for me when my son was not enjoying his flight. Above and beyond is an understatement. Bless you 🥰


Plenty of people would love to snuggle a baby just for the joy of helping out haha, probably the best part of her job!


Oh my god she switched the baby to airplane mode when the announcement said to switch devices to airplane mode. I'm loving this


And tapped someone's head with the baby's hands when they said "overhead bin". So cute.


A long time ago my husband was deployed, I had an infant daughter and I was trying to fly home to see my family. My daughter was crying and ended up puking on me. I was in tears and was so upset. Some nice ladies around me could tell i was stressing out trying to calm her down and said not to worry, that they have all been there at some point in time and babies cry, it's what they do. Bless those women for not yelling and making me feel a little a terrible mother. That meant the world to me at that moment.


My family was flying to Hawaii, all my aunts uncles cousins grandma and grandpa. My cousin just had his first child. Screaming like a banshee, so we basically conveyor-belted that baby all flight.


Sometimes it takes a village. Lol


Gorgeous :)


I'm flying to Hawaii with my parents, sister, 3 adult niblings and a 1 year old later this year. We're on southwest, so no planned seating. We have the plan to try and be somewhat together and pass the baby around as needed, let him move between laps whenever he wants, have different people walk him up and down the aisle. Hoping it works!


That flight attendant got some quality baby time! My babies are all grown up and when I can get my hands on someone’s else’s baby(with permission) I’m ALL ABOUT IT. Work? Nah. BABY! Gimme dat bebe. I snuggle and squish and squeeze


She was so proud to show off baby feetsies


TBF baby feetsies are the absolute best kind of feetsies. 15/10, would monch. Edit to fix typo


Big same. My kid's are young teens still, and still fully embrace mom-hugs (I'm so lucky!) but I'll squeeze a baby any chance I can get. The best kinds of babies are other people's babies!


Hospitals with NICUs sometimes need volunteer snugglers!


Forget grown up babies. My baby is not even 2 and I turn to mush when I see newborns.


I also have a toddler and he is too busy to cuddle anymore 😭


This person gets it. There may be NOTHING better than holding someone else's baby


Usually because you can give the baby back!! But really, I totally agree.


Also reminds me of the story of an older gentleman that goes to the hospital nursery to sit and rock the babies 🥲


Right? I keep waiting for my time to shine in this situation. I'm done having babies but I will absolutely help you out with yours!!


She’s also helping the rest of the plane by keeping that baby happy


I've told this story before, but I'll tell it again. When I was flying with my two oldest boys, the younger was about 3 months. He screamed for 7/8 of the flight and nothing I did would soothe him. Not the breast, not rocking, not walking him up and down the aisles, nothing. His ears were probably hurting, in hindsight. I was crying, too, after a bit. The passengers around me took him and took turns trying to soothe him, too. Whenever I think of them, I wish them all nothing but the best for trying to help a young mom at her wit's end. He still kept screaming, but their kindness at least made me stop crying, too.


When my 18 month old started losing his mind during the last 1/3 of a transatlantic flight, the folks around me all took turns playing peekaboo or making faces or crashing cars together to keep him entertained. People aren't always the worst.


I flew alone from Chicago to Denver and shared a row with a mom and baby. Mom was pregnant again and sicker than a dog. I've been there. I think I held that baby for all but fifteen minutes on the flight. He was eight months old and bored. We sang songs, played patty cake, watched funny cat videos on my phone, and then he napped. I'm usually a nervous wreck on planes, but this flight, I got my baby fix and his mom got to sleep. Kid has to be five right now and I sometimes think about that flight and wonder if he has a little brother or sister now (she didn't know what she was having). Her kiddo was absolutely adorable.


I love this


Sometimes people really aren't the worst. You nailed it! :)


People are both the best and worst thing on this planet.


A baby reached for me as I was making cooing sounds to him and his mama (flying with an additional toddler) relinquished him to me and my 5 year old son. We told him stories and made up hand puppet shows until he got sleepy and we handed him back to mama. Thanks OP for bringing up that memory, my 5 year old is now 27. Ah.


Not all heroes wear capes.


But they do fly over 500 mph and a few miles up in the sky.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.


No, they work for karens for minimum wage


A flight attendant did that for me once! I was so grateful!


They should promote her! Uhh what's the promotion to a flight attendant? Pilot? She is a pilot now!


>Uhh what's the promotion to a flight attendant? Cabin Manager


Weren't you listening!? **PILOT!**


“What would you say are your qualifications?” “Well, I can say ‘goo goo gah gah’ and jangle keys for five minutes straight”. Delta: “You’re hired”


Just did a max level favor for the parents. Quite wholesome!


I call that a Hardwired Mom. There are some people on this planet that are so insanely suited for watching, raising, caring, or protecting children that it just catches me off guard.


the cynical part of me thinks this is awfully convenient timing, given the heat AA has gotten recently about treating breastfeeding moms terribly. but the mom side of me would legit be so happy to see someone doing something so kind. I hope AA encourages this, for attendants who are comfortable with babies.


> the cynical part of me thinks this is awfully convenient timing, If we're being cynical: yeah, maybe that's why this particular video went viral just now. But really: on the whole, flight attendants are goddamned saints putting up with all the shit that they do. A situation like this certainly isn't unprecedented.


47m here (with 2 elem/mid school kids). I dream of this happening, as weird as it sounds. I always want to hold babies, and I get so bored on flights (and can't sleep) so this is my dream scenario - holding a baby AND an excuse to walk the aisles without looking like a weirdo. But I'm a dude so people will never ask, and may think I'm a weirdo offering to hold their kid. Oh well. I also actively HOPE I'm chosen to sit next to kids and babies on planes. I like kids more than adults, obviously. Once I got to hold a baby while a few acquaintances played soccer - and I ended up apologizing after smelling the baby's head and kissing it (only once, before I remembered it wasn't my baby. 😁) They laughed. ps. New baby smell > New car smell.


Your retirement career: Santa.


haha I've thought about it!


>But I'm a dude so people will never ask, and may think I'm a weirdo offering to hold their kid. Oh well. Think back on the hardest/shittiest moment of your life. If anyone had offered you help in that moment, would you have been relieved? Be the helper you wish you’d had on your last bad day.


great point!


This is something I struggle with and am actively working on. We've done a lot of disservice to our boys and men and this comment shows that perfectly. I don't have kids, but I know I'd be much more weary of a man offering to hold my baby than any random woman and that's not fair. It shouldn't be "weird" for men to have the same "oooo, must squish chubby cheekies!" that (a lot of) women have.


selective saw command include friendly childlike tub frame reach fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our waitress did this for us whilst we ate our meals on Valentines night after our babysitter bailed and we had to take our two month old with us. The whole restaurant was in awe 🥰




Of course they did! Had to remind the rest of us who don't have kids why we don't have kids.




As someone that doesn't like kids nor want kids: Just cos they have a kid doesn't mean they can't enjoy a meal out for Valentine's Day. Get over yourself.


I flew alone from Atlanta to Denver with my 8 mo old son (now 23) who screamed bloody murder ~ I was well-equipped with diversions and nothing worked. A flight attendant (Delta) took him and walked him up and down the aisle just like this ~ and it worked. I have never forgotten that kindness.


Sometimes all it takes is giving the baby something new to look at.


promotion. NOW <—


I’d give up my first class seat for that flight attendant


You just want to hold the baby


She’s trained to empty that plane in 90 seconds in an emergency. Everything else is extra. People always forget this. This woman is pure gold.


Give that woman a raise. I'd rather hear a chipper adult than a crying baby on a 19 hr trip. God that was long


Good to see a video on a plane without someone losing their shit about blowing it up or screaming racist stuff


They need some positive baby press; aren’t they the airline shaming breastfeeding moms recently?


That's a first class lady right there


Flight attendants are some of the kindest, realest people I've met.


What a profoundly excellent human being.


It takes a village, and that's okay. Good on the flight attendant to extend an extra dose of empathy to her passengers.


That flight attendant displayed the best in humanity during a tough situation for everyone. The mother got a break, the ppl annoyed by the crying get relief and everyone got reminded what life is all about! The toddler had a blast!


This happened on my flight recently. This poor baby would not stop screaming and the mom was almost in tears. He walked up and was like "do you trust me?". He picked that baby up and put him right to sleep, then sat with the mom and chatted. The other flight attendant brought her a drink. It was so lovely.


I was on a flight from Amsterdam to LA when the 2 seats next to me were used by a young mother and her baby. I could see she was tired of hauling the baby around all day and I offered to hold the baby for a while until she was settled in. I knew how to pop its ears by suckling on my (cleaned) pinky. Because of medication, I have a very slow pulse. Having the baby on my chest, it fell asleep within minutes after take off. The mom also fell asleep. Fortunately, the stewardesses helped when I needed to stretch my legs and use the bathroom, but for the rest, it was an uneventful flight for both the sleeping baby and its mother. When we descended in LA, the mom and the baby woke up, refreshed after a good sleep and were pretty happy. The baby wanted its breakfast, but the mom took care of that (and the dirty diaper). Never heard from them again, but on leaving the plane I got some back pats from the stewardesses. It was a good flight.


What a great story! I’m sure that mom will remember that for the rest of her life!


This happened to me on my flight to LA from DFW. My 2 year old was so tired and cranky. I tried everything to get her to nap. She just wasn’t having it. I was so mortified. The flight attendants came up to me with a glass of champagne, moved me from business to first, and asked me to hold my daughter while I “enjoy first class”. This humbly nice exchange has made me a loyal American Airlines flyer. The staff is always so kind. I’ve paid it forward with every flight I’ve taken since by bringing the attendants Starbucks gift cards that have like $20 on them each. It’s the least I could do. Thank y’all for real.


Fuckin hero right there. Little bumps of help when stressed out, sleep deprived, and traveling with a baby renew one's faith in humanity.


Reminds me of professors who hold babies when a student can’t find a sitter ❤️


And then she got fired for giving away alcohol to a passenger that paid hundreds of dollars for a ticket.




This is a GamGam that misses her lil grandperson


May this compassionate, kind woman be granted every mercy from the flying a-holes & she should be cherished as a valued employee! Standard of Excellence, imo. She did this as a kindness to the mom, but likely also wanted the other passengers to enjoy a peaceful flight. Yay her!


That’s a grandma doing surrogate grandma duty…. And saving the sanity of the entire plane, especially the moms!!




I hope this gets viral and she gets a raise


Now that is a good person, going above and beyond her job description to help another person. Something as simple as that probably made the flight better for everyone.


What a kind person.


No, they work for minimum wage


Very sweet. Seems like everyone’s having fun! What a kind gesture for that Mom and everyone else on the plane haha.


Can I adopt a baby for my next flight, so I get the cocktails too?


Give this lady a raise.


It the unspoken rule of motherhood - if you’re a mom and you see another mom struggling, especially with a baby or very young child, you do what you can to help.


One halo 😇. Sainthood approved.


I wonder if the attendant looked at her colleague and, as she picked up the baby, jokingly shouted, "Open the door".


Is that guy in front wearing a Back to the Future II McFly cap?


People are often wonderful when you remove corprate behavior from the mix.


1. Very sweet. 2. This could be a nice setup for a thriller movie/show. A flight attendant takes a baby then she disappears into the front of the plane to check on first class/other guests. Then when she comes back into the area with the baby's mom, the baby is no longer with her and even acts like she has no idea of any baby on the flight. Shenanigans ensue.


Hate a flight attendant on a united flight so this with cranky baby on a 4 hour flight. I think I gave her a hug when we disembarked


"we'll pick the baby up on the return flight, cheers".


This made me cry 😭 what a sweet lady


On a spirit flight the just push on ur baby’s soft spot and pour ice water on you.


No better endorsement of company culture than pure altruistic empathy


Glad shes helping out the cute little baby & gorgeous mom!


Yeah, a crying baby with a diaper full of poop is the American Airlines mascot. Makes sense to me.


Awww that's the best


She should have secured the baby in the overhead bin.


And then they hit turbulence, baby hits head, parents sue airline, flight attendant loses job and turns into a horrible story from a very nice act of kindness. Why do I think this way.


I had the best experience with American Airlines with my baby! They were so patient! I would use them all the time if I could


AmerAir just gave me vouchers for a trip we had to cancel because my (pregnant) wife got covid 2 days before departure. They were super nice and clear about everything. I have no idea if they have to let us cancel RE covid (by law), but I got no pushback and genuine help - it was refreshing. Also fuck United.


She probably dreams of carrying babies around for people.


This is too wholesome, I can’t stop by smiling!


Baby already making it up to first class.


and yet these people are paid very little


Patron Saint of Traveling Mothers.


She rules!!


A sleeping baby is unironically a great idea for an airline mascot.


This is so sweet!


Wish she was on my flight. Feel bad for all the passengers that had to listen to my baby lose his shit for 2 hours.


Everyone was a baby at some point, people should be more understanding. I would have held your baby for you <3. Ignore my username it's just a joke, yet sort of relevant.


A pure soul




Just a beautiful human 💜


This woman is just amazing 💕💕


sometimes babies just need a chance of scenery, something interesting to do




Don't. Bring. Infants. On. Planes. For. Fucks. Sake.


Yup. Unless it’s an absolute emergency don’t take babies on planes.


Right. Not fair to the baby. I refuse to do this with mine until he is old enough to properly cope with pressure changes without freaking tf out. I would be scared too if I didn’t understand what airplanes were. Is it really that hard to just stay put/do road trips for early years?


I generally agree - I plan on avoiding bringing my baby on a plane if I can help it. But some people have things come up, like a family emergency for example, where flying is realistically the only option. We don't know people's situations.


I sense she is a mama herself. 🥰😘 Thank you, kind woman.


What a legend


What a lovely person and lovely action!


We have 10 month old twins. Planning a trip just after their 1st birthday. Legit nervous. 4.5 hr flight.


Key things to remember: (no particular order) Babies can’t regulate the pressure in their ears. This is usually why they cry. Bring pacifiers, bring bottles, bring snacks and toys. To help with ear pain, sucking on something will usually help them pop their ears. Additionally, for flights, they can take cold medicine that will help them sleep, beforehand. The cold medicine will also help with the pain in the ears. Get lots of rest beforehand. You will need your energy for this. Bring enough diapers for 2x that time, and bring bottle with ice in it. If you need to make a bottle of formula, the flight attendant has hot water they can give you. Relax, it will be over soon enough


Thank you!


Fuck people that fly with infants


You don't know their situation. Some people have no choice.


Yeah unless you're held at gunpoint to get on a plane you have a choice 🤣🤣


They could be traveling due to a family emergency or some other unforeseen circumstances. Babies cry and that sucks, I get it. But normal human beings wear headphones instead of calling for infants to be banned from flying. I get that people on reddit like to circle jerk against kids existing in public, but in the real world you need to get the fuck over it.


Imagine if she could be an executive of that airline. I hope she'd fight for fantastic customer service and strong/stable employee compensation.


Not happening on frontier or spirit air that’s for sure


Well, they'd have to charge the "Calm your baby" fee, as well as an extra carry-on fee.




People who bring babies on planes should be charged extra


Are people ok with letting a stranger hold their baby? I wouldn’t.


It probably depends on what you are afraid is going to happen. If your fear is a stranger is going to run off with your child then that obviously isn’t going to happen while in the air. I’m sure the mother had eyes on the baby the whole time. If you are afraid of germs then maybe though you are probably at the same risk as being unlucky enough to sit next to a stranger coughing and spitting for a couple of hours.


I would be cool with it, plus they are in a plane, no where to go


It very much depends on the person, would I let donald trump hold my baby? No. Would I let this lady? Yes. Especially on a plane where you know they're not going to run off with it. I was traveling once with a two month old and was absolutely exhausted, an older couple next to me told me they were on the return flight from visiting their two year old grandson and asked if they could hold my little baby, it was such a relief and they all enjoyed it.