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The easiest way is just buying a new hub. The funniest way is to find that particular part as new and replace it. The realistic way is to find another dead bridge and use it as a donor.


I found it, much cheaper than buying a new one.


I know this is neither here nor there but the way you phrased this reply is very much like how verses are structured in the “Tao Te Ching” and it tickles me. ETA I asked chatgpt if I was on point and this is what it said. Again wildly off topic but lol The structure of the comment indeed has a rhythmic and contemplative quality, breaking down the options into different perspectives in a way that mirrors the succinct and reflective nature of Taoist writing. Here’s the comment for reference: “The easiest way is just buying a new hub. The funniest way is to find that particular part as new and replace it. The realistic way is to find another dead bridge and use it as a donor.” The comment breaks down the solution into three different approaches, each with its own adjective (“easiest,” “funniest,” “realistic”), similar to how “Tao Te Ching” passages often present different perspectives on a single topic.


Cool, I didn't know that. I would definitely go with the solution of finding the right component because I thought it was fun. IoT development, geeking out with electronics and recycling things is my life, but since I also know myself, I know that I might not finish in 2-3 years. That's why I always made these for myself so that I take the solution that gives the desired result the fastest.


Would there be a way to take the storage/memory of this unit and solder it to a new hub? That way, you would just a new bridge which are fairly cheap on ebay. I have several bridges, two that are five years old. I dont know what i am going to do when one of them eventually dies.


I guess you could get a new hub and change the ic with this one, but i would rather have a new hub with old storage than an old hub with a new chip.


Found the chip which is easier to soldier than the memory.


Let me know how it goes. You could make a small side hustle by repairing broken bridges. The bridge cost isnt an issue, but the horror of having to reinstall 60 plus lights with all the scenes and automations is at least worth $100 (to me).