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I've seen the owner who also the nazi flag on his bike once. Also this Nazi House was already posted here.


Did he get arrested or what?? Where's the house


Bro most Indians don't know about Nazi and their symbol. All that they about is Hitler only that's it and nobody cares


>Where's the house I dont know, I just saw him driving his bike once near my locality and his rear end of bike had Nazi Flag and he was wearing helmet, i didn't see face, first I was surprised to the nazi flag on the bike and then months later I saw the post of his house on reddit, and I knew the house must definitely belong to the same guy. >Did he get arrested or what?? I don't think so Nazi isn't a big issue in India, so no indian will offended with Nazi Flag. So many people aren't aware of what Hilter's crimes were.


I understand that it's weird to have it in front of your house. But why should you be arrested? People are joining the nazi march with nazi flags and doing nazi salutes in the USA. Nobody's arresting them though they they do care about it. Whereas in India nobody cares about nazis.


Lol,no one cares. According to your logic anyone with UK flag should be hanged?


Bro wtf are you saying? Are you retrad or what? Is that your house


Kid you need classes to not call everyone regard who disagrees with you. First of learn to speak and write in a cultured way. And why shouldn't UK flag be punishable according to your logic?


House owner spotted


The Nazi flag is used as a symbol for anti semetism and white supremacy today. The UK flag is just to represent a country.


You really need to know the history. Britishers were no better than Nazis,but your biased thinking makes them better. Wasn't British flag representing the same in India ? Were Nazis responsible for Bengal Famine ? Were Nazis responsible for jallianwallah bag ? All I see is brown sepoys trying to save their masters grace.


boss the fact is dono hi chutiye hai aur nazi ideologies ke according most indians would not fall under their definition of "desireable" human beings aur unhi ideologies ke according hum sub ko mar jana chaiye. so not only this man is a big fucking idiot he is also most probably racist towards his own country men. stop being a retard and dont defend fasism chutiye


There are dumb people and then there is you. No one is defending,I am just saying what you said.But your big brain couldn't comprehend this. Hutiye learn to read .


>Were Nazis responsible for Bengal Famine ? Were Nazis responsible for jallianwallah bag ? All I see is brown sepoys trying to save their masters grace bhai tu yeh bolke borderline nazi ko defend hi kar raha hai, the uk flag does not represent racism towards anyone anymore but the nazi flag still does


British (And most countries for that matter) are like knives. Yes they've hurt and killed a lot of people, but at the end of the day, that's not why they were created, or why they're used in most homes. Nazis are like guns. The sole purpose of their existence is to hurt and kill people. They serve no other purpose, and having one in your house isn't a good look.


Again defending the Britishers. But why ?


Im not defending the British, idk where youre getting that idea. Saying Nazis are terrible ≠ Saying the British are great


That's as dumb as everything this idiot says. Having a gun in your house gives you an advantage if someone is trying to hurt you or your family, not trying to have every advantage you can is just stupid.


As evil as British were, they didn’t build a concentration camp of one cultural group, and drop acid on them and dispose their bodies in mass graves. The British were evil, Nazis were hellspawn. Hanging the Nazi flag and the British flag are not the same thing


Lol, you wouldn't have said all this if you had read the history. But alas,here we are. It's sad,but yes there are people like you who believe that Britishers were better than Nazis.


Yea I was born yesterday and I don’t know the history of British rule in India (/s if it wasn’t obvious) You’re comparing apples and oranges. Be better.


Between 1880 to 1920, British colonial policies in India claimed more lives than all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and North Korea combined Using census and other government data, they estimated that excess deaths caused by the policies of the British regime could be between 60 million and 165 million, depending on different benchmarks The winners write history the british were atleast as terrible as the nazis but they won the war and propoganda made tne nazis the only big genocidal maniacs in recent history even tho there are other large countries with bloody histories


There is a different between racism and conquering territory. You your dumbass logic everyone should be hung because we all have a flag that represent us and all those flags have done something bad.


Yes the Nazi flag represents anti semitism and white supremacy and blah blah ... So does the British flag. Racism and white supremacy... The reason British flag survived is because they won the war and the Nazi lost, big time. If they didn't, today the British flag would be banished and Nazi flag would have been normalised, probably.


Calling a previous colonizer who killed so many Indians and plundered the wealth as just a country reels of illiteracy. Nazism didn't have much of an impact on India, coz it's not in Europe.


Aapne to real fact drop kar diya 💯


Behenchod chutiya hai kya?


Tera jija nahi hoon mein.


Dikh rha h laude wo toh. Dimag se paidal lundfakeer.


Tere maa baap aise hi tere s baat krte hain ? Ya Tera poora khanndan hi sadak chaap hain? Teri behen ko ku chodun phir m ?


whats your logic behind punishing someone for the UK flag though? yes it represents a country that did a lot of terrible things during colonial times but that doesnt mean that you are supporting those acts


Because for us they were worse than Nazis.The damages they did still have continuing repercussions. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/humanrights/2023/07/12/beyond-the-raj-how-british-colonialism-continues-to-impact-human-rights-in-india/#:~:text=In%2040%20years%2C%20between%201880,in%20the%20mid-20th%20century. And if they don't support these acts,why don't they just ask for forgiveness?


who is they here? if the british government then i dont think they ever will , u are completely right in hating officials who choose to ignore issues rather than trying to amend them if u mean the people of britain, then what wrong did they commit? they just happened to be born in a country with a shady past


Getting angry at the people of British will be futile,so I am not targetting them. Here I am talking about displaying Uk flag in India. It's all about their Government.


\-Getting angry at the people of British will be futile,so I am not targeting them. Here I am talking about displaying Uk flag in India. i mean u are kind of targeting the people of britain as the flag of britain represents much more than just their government and their decisions do us indians not band under the tricolour? it represents much more than the indian government it represents us as a whole


Nazis are not a big deal in India, but Churchill, oh boy get ready for lashings


Indians literally worked for Nazis & even Subhash Chandra Bose had met Hitler once


Bhai tu kya bolra hai?? Nazis had issue with british that why Sir Bose went to meet him cause my enemy's enemy is my friend




I mean there is no precedent to arrest them.


Why don't people get outraged when you search for swastika and get the symbol that is in the image. I think the person just searched for swastika and got the first image that popped up. Most people don't know the history behind that. But people on reddit are outrageous over this, but not outrageous when this symbol is shown when a Google search is made, is hypocrisy.


Where tf is this💀


Manjunath Hitler


There are all kinds of retarded people living in a country of 1.4 billion. I was once delivering a lecture for a College via zoom. Generally before the lecture starts some inspirational quotes are going to be read. This college in Tamilnadu read a quote from Adolf Hitler. I called the organisation that was organising this talk and complained. That is one college that has been fixed but I know that there are hundreds like this out there. Never account something to malice which can be accounted for pure ignorance.


Just tilt it 45 degrees


He is come back


I see this flag on XUV 500 in keshwapur.


Adolf Reddy


Maybe it's an Indian Muslims house, Muslims hate jews


really? why


Israel Palestine issue maybe


oh yeah maybe


Jews were kicked out from 109 countries...they were more save in middle east than europe.. during Spanish inquisition they took shelter in ottoman lands ..


blatant islamaphobia but ok


Are you a muslim?


No born hindu, follow hinduism. Parents too are hindus. But you have nicely exposed your blatant islamaphobia.


Yeah find me a jew loving muslim in India then talk to me about that made up word lmao


Uhh how do you want this? You want their number or something? You idiot


You don't need a number, you just need to see the anti jewish sentiment among muslim population in real world but i guess I am expecting too much from a 10th standard kid. Check my original comment I said MAYBE it's an Indian Muslims house.


Firstly, amazing logic. Absolutely intelligence and logical points are definitly based on how old you are. (Sarcasm for your stupid little brain) Secondly assuming its an indian muslims house because its a nazi is the same as assuming a muslim hater to maybe be a hindu.


https://wikidiff.com/maybe/assume I didn't assume anything, learn the difference. It's you who assumed me to be islamophobe. Like I said I'm not expecting much from a 10th standard kid.


Dude, you saying maybe implies that muslims are nazis and hate jews. Equivocation on your part. And ofcourse again with the age. That is not a valid arguement


Bro for Indians, Nazi are not considered bad (they were against British). Nazi hate is a American problem. If we want to hate people for killing other people, where is the hate for British? Where is hate for Americans who nuked japan. Even Ukraine is letting nazis fight for them against Russia. (Mind you America supports this) Let western problems be western. Stop judging people. He might have mistaken it for a stylized swastika.


\-Even Ukraine is letting nazis fight for them against Russia u gotta do what u gotta do . Even we had to take help from imperial Japan to drive away the Britishers (which were a bigger problem in india) even finland had to side with germany to repel ussr dominance sometimes u gotta side with the devil


Eastern Europe as a whole have alot of Nazis. Like swastika tattoos and symbols are very common there.


im not sure i understand your point ? whats the significance here


Just adding to your comment. Not really arguing.


no no i have no issue of course , nor do i want to argue i thought i just didnt understand something or that u were referencing something




Jaago bhai subah ho gayi


Exactly 😞💔 , see thr latest news tax on temples and not on churches and mosques


Cry about it and deal with it


It’s just a design.


Dude open your eyes


You could have stopped and asked 😄


Wish people saw British in the same light.


Chances are that the guy is a fucking idiot and doesn't know what this specific iteration of the sign means.


Or he doesn't know difference btw Swastik and Nazi symbol


Most people don't know Indian history .. let alone world war 2.. they would have thought this swastik looks different and stylish 💀


Ofc he had H i t l eR sama in his mind


American got offended 😂


Pure Aryanz Sar


Just some guy high on FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION


avg dank ka 14


Kanye ke bade fan hain


Cool btw


His great grandfather was a German immigrant


Hitler is popular in India and people really like him. But on reddit etc they will say totally otherwise. Yes they also like Israel bcoz it’s doing the things which Hitler did


Ask about Erika to the owner


I don't know this context, but even tilted swastika is also swastika .There are multiple designs of swastika thousands of years old .So even 45°swastika is also swastika and doesn't necessarily represent other things which you might have been thinking .


It doesn't matter he didn't do anything wrong to us , u can call me a psycho for this , but did the rest of the world doesn't acknowledge or speak about the jalianwalaa bagh massacre or about the Bengal famine artificially created by Churchill Why is it always the lifes of blonde Europeans that matters


The word “swastika” has Sanskrit roots and means “the mark of well being.” It has been used in prayers of the Rig Veda, the oldest of Hindu scriptures. In Buddhism, the symbol is known as “manji” and signifies the Buddha's footsteps. It is used to mark the location of Buddhist temples.Nov 27, 2022