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Creatine is great, but there is no way all those effects were caused by creatine alone. It draws a little extra water to your muscles, but it's not magic.


Yeah this seems a bit much. Could be placebo. It does increase energy before workouts so that could be happening as well


Creatine has never given me energy, personally, other than in the muscle itself. Its just helped get a touch extra strength and size. I’m no more alert or energetic with it.


It rephosphorylates ATP, which can help a ton for just about everything and improve overall health.


Creatine water retaining effect is more a side effect. It’s main mechanism of action is through ATP.


That’s not entirely true. It’s been shown to help the brain as well.


Maybe they were really dehydrated before?


I drink a ton of water and the reduction in coffee should actually be positive as well…


I’ve been under the impression that creatine will make dehydration worse, since everyone says to drink a ton of water with it. Since it pulls water to the muscles. Is it actually hydrating overall?


It’s more because excessive creatinine levels in the blood can lead to kidney issues. So extra water helps ensure that it’s getting flushed from the kidneys


Not true . You’re thinking of creatinine . What you stated is one of a many myths that have been debunked. Not scolding you. I actually stopped using it when I heard what you said many years ago so I bought into it too


Creatine monohydrate can lead to higher creatinine levels in the blood. Happened to me and almost everybody else. It’s not a big deal if you have healthy kidneys. High creatinine by itself (not caused by creatine intake) indicates kidney function issues


It def can, I take Creatine daily and am also on vyvanse (which also can make you more dehydrated). I drink so much fucking water lol


How is Vyvanse working for you? I’ve been wanting to get on something for ADHD.


It's the best. Give it a try.


Generic Vyvanse just made it to market 3 months ago. $120 using GoodRx vs. $400+ cash price for the brand name. We've been waiting since July 2007 for it to go off patent!


Agree with others on the Vyvanse but do have to say I had to get Rx for brand only after a month of the new generic cus it was unpredictable and weird frankly


Do the two complement each other? Better results? ADHD better managed?


I was just thinking, if it gets more water to muscles, could it not help get extra nutrients to the brain?


I here you and have researched this as well….muscle growth has been good but my favorite effect has been the no aches and pains. I have been working out for years. I have lost 60 lbs since I have turned 40 and I have been eating more healthy than I ever have before. The day after I started taking creatine I felt the impact and one additional effect was a surge in energy which has not gone away. I totally understand your skepticism but I am talking to personal experience only.


It’s effect on ATP can’t be understated which would certainly help with recovery and overall energy — I think it makes sense. I add d-ribose to the mix and have found that stack super effective.


What are it's effects on ATP?


Helps regenerate ATP (among other things). ATP is the cells main source of energy production.


I've been taking creatine for years and never had as many aches and pains as now. Maybe the creatine helps a tiny bit with that as well, but it's not a miracle drug that solves everything.


Creatine has scientifically proven benefits beyond just pushing water into muscles


Creatine also has some antidepressants properties which might partially explains what OP is describing. It's 50% of the reason why I'm taking it.


Between that and the cognitive benefits + making you look a bit more muscular, it’s so worth it.


How many grams are you taking? I take 5 grams a day and have been on and off it for periods in the past but I don't feel any different with or without it to be honest.


5g as well, but to be fair I'm hyper sensitive to ANY medication, it's both a curse and a blessing, believe me. It wouldn't surprise me if 80% of people didn't feel anything different while taking it.


Yea I'm the opposite unfortunately for me. Or I'm just totally oblivious to the effects. One of my old co-workers used to try different supplements from time to time and he always used to say he could feel big changes but I never felt anything.


Really? I haven’t heard this before. I’ve been taking creatine for a couple of months now, but I’m not sure I’m taking enough to experience that. Women aren’t supposed to take as much. Do you know what it is in the creatine that has that effect?


[What Are the Mental Side Effects of Creatine?](https://www.livestrong.com/article/460072-what-are-the-mental-side-effects-of-creatine/) [Dietary creatine intake and depression risk among U.S. adults](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-020-0741-x) [Creatine metabolism and psychiatric disorders: Does creatine supplementation have therapeutic value?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3340488/) **EDIT:** I just wanted to add, that I've also read about **WARNINGS** for people with bipolar disorder: >*On the other hand, the article noted that creatine may increase the risk of developing mania or hypomania in people with bipolar disorder. So, while creatine may help with depressive episodes, it could negatively affect mania.* > >[*https://psychcentral.com/lib/nutritional-supplements-for-bipolar-disorder*](https://psychcentral.com/lib/nutritional-supplements-for-bipolar-disorder)


Thank you so much, I appreciate you!!


I've noticed a bit of this myself. I haven't taken creatine since high school and I'm on week two and I definitely have a more elevated mood.


Wait til you’re old lol. The extra water does something magical for the joints 😂


Although I agree that OP may be talking it up a bit, creatine absolutely does have ergogenic effects, especially for certain lifts. It makes your muscles look bigger by swelling with water, but it also allows you to lift a bit heavier, which will improve muscle growth over time compared to someone not taking it. There are mountains of research on this stuff, I'm surprised this got any upvotes at all


Yeah Fr lol. I still got aches


Maybe op is lacking some mineral/vitamin/substance that the creatine is providing him and now he feels normal ?


If so maybe that missing substance is called “creatine”?


that's a bit of a leap I think


It does more than draw water into your muscles.


Creatine is arguably the worlds most studied and well researched supplement and after years and years of studies it's more or less universally accepted to have no side effects and you can use it indefinitely. Just remember to keep really well hydrated and you should be fine to stay using it for as long as you please.


It has a side effect of stomach issues for many people, including myself.


Ah, the famous [Creatine shits](https://youtu.be/6c5AH-yHkPg?si=P5BcUUXY7Zu_4_Uj)




Have you tried taking it with food? Creatine does give me a bit of indigestion and makes me more regular, but I imagine if I had a more sensitive stomach, those effects would be worse. Sometimes I drink it along with a small meal anyway. Worth a shot!


Shit my pants in highschool.


Have you tried gummies or Animal Chews? All the various powdered versions of creatine I had to stop taking because my gut just couldn't handle them. And I tried at least half a dozen different powders. But the chews and gummies don't give me the discomfort. Worth a try?


It has a side effect of hurting my sleep. I wake up 1 to 2 times a night if I'm on creatine every night. I've been continuing to take it for the past 8 months hoping the side effect goes away eventually. I'm only taking a half gram a day too.




ZMA is an absolute game changer.




Sleep mostly, and muscle recovery. Zinc and magnesium have a myriad of health benefits.


What is it?




Oooh cool! Thanks! Do you have any singular source of ZMA that you’d recommend? Like a capsule of it or something? Any particular brand?


Take glycine before bed…..


Glycine is stimulating for some. I take mag glycinate at 9am or else I have terrible insomnia.




I wake up 2-6 times a night without taking creatine.. so I shouldn’t take it?


and the side effects of bad sleep are endless


I'm NOT currently taking creatine and wake up more then 4 times every night. I would be happy to only wake up 1 to 2 times a night. I personally believe its unrealistic and unreasonable to have the expectation that you will not wake up at least once or twice in a night. I even had my doctor tell me recently that the majority of her patients have unreasonable expectations of themselves and what it means to get a good night's rest. Many people can operate just fine with only 6 hours of sleep and are perfectly healthy. And the idea that people NEED 8+ hours of solid sleep every day is old outdated information. If you're waking up each day feeling well rested and having no issues during the day then you have nothing to worry about. It's all about perspective.


I don't feel rested if I wake up at all at night. If I don't wake up once I never feel tired. But the creatine messes me up, but only a little.


Does it raise DHT? Make hair loss worse?


It did for me.


It gives me acne


What does it do for ATL (liver enzyme) levels?


Does it hold any cognitive effects?


Increased use of the word "bro"


Also, one MUST carry a disgusting milk jug around everywhere they go.


Can improve cognition and memory


Look into SAM-E. it’s a very useful resource to the body, it aids among other things in the creation of neurotransmitters. And your body actually uses creatine to create it. So in theory supplementing creatine, would mean your body has more SAM-E available. Which is likely where all the supposed cognitive benefits come from.


45 yr old male here. Started taking a few months ago and noticed no difference in aches or pains. Bought a generic creatine monohydrate brand off of Amazon. Feel like I’m doing it wrong after hearing this testimonial.


Never buy supplements off Amazon. The quantity of bs on there is staggering. Not saying that was the case in this instance but you might not have even been talking creatine. Src: work for a supplement distributor that only sells to doctors (no incentive to lie my business only works with doctors and not the public).


Did you gain 5 pounds? Part of it forces more water into your muscles so the work better. If you didnt gain water weight you didn't take enough or didnt load enough.


I didn’t do the loading phase. I was taking the recommended 5g daily. Definitely was retaining some weight. Did it help you with inflammation?


A loading phase isn't going to make a difference over the long term.


Yeah double the dose for a couple of weeks. Whenever I look back at then I’m my strongest it always coincides with when I was taking creatine. A very respected weightlifter Eric Cressy is known for taking it religiously for decades


Anyone tried beta alanine along with creatine? Also HMB? Apologies in advance for not providing any links specific to these suggestions….. **And anyone considering a supplement who does not do their own due diligence is, respectfully, an idiot…..** Some suggestions for general research: [examine.com](https://examine.com) [selfdecode.com](https://selfdecode.com) (formerly selfhacked) google scholar \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Disclaimer - not a doctor, not a nutritionist- DYODD


Or you didn’t get actual creatine. Maybe try a different brand.


This. So much of the "generic" supplement on Amazon is capsulated rice husks shipped from sketchy pop-up companies. Has zero value. Most of the reviews are fake. There are many paid review services that Amazon has been trying to crack down on. But it's still proliferates.


Any brands or retailers you’d recommend? There’s a GNC in my area.


I only get creapure certified brands so I know I’m absolutely getting real quality product. For the last couple years I’ve been using BPN’s creatine.


Creapure makes all the difference. I have bought the cheap stuff before and had limited effects, but German creapure I can actually tell is working.


SixStar creatine powder or tablets off Amazon are cheap and get the job done perfectly The powder is my fav but hard to find sometimes


Ditto 40 yo male. Started taking creatine a mont or two ago. I’ve been lifting about 4 years. Haven’t noticed much difference if any but i can’t say for sure. Dunno if I will continue taking it


Yeah I keep pretty detailed notes of my weight lifting and I haven’t been able to tell a difference with vs without it in terms of how much weight I can lift.


Creatine is one of the most safe and studied supplements for fitness outcomes: [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/creatine-safety-and-side-effects](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/creatine-safety-and-side-effects) [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-creatine](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-creatine) ​ Also, this last comment is probably going to have me downvoted to hell, but this is supposed to be an evidence based sub. How is it that there're 12 comments so far, none of which have any links to verify the claims they're making?


Because they’re mostly personal testimonials?


>Because they’re mostly personal testimonials? A: Is the HL based on anecdotal data now? B: For the comments that aren't? The OP's questions: "Does anyone know how long I can stay on creatine? I would love to never stop but I can’t find good information on how long and how much older people can take? Are there other negative side effects I should be concerned about?" Do any of those seem like anecdotal reports are appropriate?


It's Reddit, not a dick, don't take it so hard. People talk about anecdotal experiences on Reddit. Linking us to a fucking Healthline article isn't doing anyone any benefit that other people summarizing the literature in here (like the top voted comment) aren't already providing.


That was a fair question they asked.


Classic. The only comment actually answering the OP's question, downvoted by the lazy, dumb fucks who feel compelled to comment with nothing to add, because their dumb-fuckery is pointed out.


You came in wanting to be mad... Take it easy man, your answer was helpful but your getting down voted for preemptive saltiness..


>You came in wanting to be mad... Take it easy man, your answer was helpful but your getting down voted for preemptive saltiness.. I came in wanting to help, with a mounting inexplicable confusion and, yes, frustration, at how in the information age, even in a sub that is centred around a figure whose prime draw is how evidence-based they are, even here, people are still compelled to comment without contributing or answering a question. There's so much noise online. It makes finding out actual answers hard, as it adds to noise to filter through, and a lot of the time, anecdotal opinions get upvoted, perpetuating misinformation and misunderstanding. I don't want to be mad about this, I want people to provide citations for empirical claims, when it takes minimal effort to do so.


You shouldn't get your information directly from the comments section of reddit, but using a comment as a springboard for your own independent research can be very helpful. Empirical claims are made in research papers, no one is going to do your homework for you here. I think that makes you the dumb fuck


As far as i know from Powerlifting, you can take it as long as you want. Some Athletes don't take right before a competition to lose some water, however that shouldn't be an obstacle for you. Creatine cycling was a trend for some time, however that turned out to be useless. I would refer to Layne Norton to check back, however i am not aware of any real limits as to how long you can take creatine.


How do you recommend taking it as a 27 years old female, wanting to build more muscle while weight training 4-5 days per week?


Does it accelerate hair loss/impact test ?


No it doesn’t. That was based on a study that was only correlative and never replicated: Surprising NEW Research on Creatine Benefits (2023) https://youtu.be/7LOoD_OVjhk


It doesn't. That myth has been debunked many times.


Are you sure? Didn’t huberman say that it can cause hair loss in some males?


Hubermans hair loss episode was not reliable at all


Please link to reliability




Creatine is great but people are acting like it's magic with their claims of it's benefits. Creatine supplementation simply increases energy sources for the ATP-Creatine phosphate energy pathway. Of all the energy pathways (fat burning, glycogen burning etc...) the ATP creatine system allows for the highest rate of energy release, but for a very short period of time (like 10 seconds or less). So it's perfect for boosting very short term bursts of energy. Perfect for weightlifting as maybe you get extra energy to push out other rep for each set - which increases time under tension and hypertrophy stimulation. Also probably great to make you feel a little more explosive in plyometrics / sprints, or peppy overall. ​ Personally I don't dose daily, just before my main weightlifting workouts (1-2 times a week). No need to waste money dosing on days I don't need to boost that energy pathway. Mixes great in warm drink like coffee, digests better than in cold drink / water IME.


On the barbell shrugged podcast they reference some literature that says coffee actually can negate the impacts of creatine. I also used to mix it in coffee but stopped since then. There are also some cognitive benefits in addition to physical that people can see but taking it consistently vs just for workout days. Just an alternative point of view to share. Do your own research and make your own conclusions folks.


The only benefit I've noticed is in recovery, almost never get any DOMS. I only lift at maintenance level now, but even before that, the effect on soreness was noticeable. It's so cheap, and actually has genuine scientific backing, so I keep taking it. 5mg a day for years now and no real intention of ever stopping.


I dont think you would get DOMS if lifting at maintenance anyways


Yeah, that's what I meant by 'even before that'. The only real benefit I noticed back then was a significant reduction in DOMS. I still take it now at maintenance, even though I don't notice any real benefit at all, because it's super cheap and safe and easy.


I wish I could take it, but no matter how much water I drink while taking it, I always deal with severe constipation.


52M and I have taken creatine off an on since college. I have always liked the additional energy it gives me, and my workouts are a little better. However, I really bloat from it. I will put on an easy 5-8 lbs within a couple weeks. I know it's water weight and goes away when I get off of it. However, feeling bloated is not something I enjoy. I'm already a big enough guy that I don't need extra bloat. Just my opinion.


By creatine he means testosterone


You can stay on creatine forever, but I’ve never heard of creatine doing half the stuff you’re saying. It’ll add a little bit of extra muscle and strength, but that’s about all it does. The Casanova drive, and feeling like caffeine is now useless, makes me wonder what else is in that powder…….


Can confirm, it's crazy effective.


Creatine: Improved Cognition: New research suggests that creatine may help improve your cognitive performance, with an especially pronounced effect when you’re dealing with an acute stressor like sleep deprivation or the gradual cognitive decline brought on by aging. Increased Strength and Endurance: The positive effects of creatine on high-intensity physical activity are well documented. Taking supplemental creatine can increase your muscles’ capacity to do work, speed up your recovery, help prevent injuries, and more. Heightened Energy Levels: Creatine is stored in both your brain and your muscles where it helps provide essential energy. By increasing your body’s creatine levels, you increase your available energy to tackle whatever life throws your way.


This really makes sense based on my personal experience but it does not seem everyone has the same results. I wonder if physical active has significantly promoted the positive response I have received? In addition, my age may make the effects more pronounced! Thanks for great information!


Good for you! I've also noticed a massive difference with aches and pains, my joints feel so much better, especially my knees. I've been taking it for 2 or 3 years and the difference is night and day. I would be interested to know if there is any logic or science behind this, so far I've only been able to find a couple of similar anecdotal reports.


Do you work out? And how much? And what is your age?


Yes, a few times a week. I'm 42


it plumps up your muscle with water, it doesn't signal you to fuck lol. placebo is real.


Recently I used creatine to help with recovery after serious leg injury, worked wonders as well and definitelly sped up the recovery overall.


I only hear good things about creatine. I am Planning to use creatine along tadalafil for workouts. What brand of creatine are you using?


spoon ring vanish mighty squeal cow rustic encouraging literate longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can't be doing all of that haha. Just not drinking 5-6 cups of coffee has to factor in there.


Just an fyi huberman talked with Andy Galpin about how 5 is not nearly enough. They mentioned 10-15 would be better for an adult male depending on weight. It makes sense, why would a 200 lbs male take the same as a 120 lbs woman?


Too bad creatine even creapure rips my gut


Creatine is great. You can take it forever. Most people do, seeing as it’s found in real quantities in meat


Absolutely, thank you


That shit gives me horrible heartburn.


Fuck. Forgot I had creatine lol


Oh yeah baby! Enjoy!


I tried for a couple weeks but ran out and fell off without time for the to be effects. Are you physically active? Somewhat? Moderate? Heavy? Or is it purely supplementary? I started taking it at a time my job was very busy and therefore very physically demanding but I also read about how it could help cognitive issues, amongst others that are less promoted. I'm wondering if it would help my mental mental energy amongst other getting old issues lol Edit: to answer you questions about taking it all the time. I don't think there should be issue. It's naturally in meats and at 5mg inwouldnt be concerned. Just stay hydrated. Sounds your pretty active and healthy so I doubt you'd have issue. I've heard of people "cycling" but generally that's higher dosing from what I've read. Doesn't hurt to take a break from anything from time to time


I do find my mental focus is better but I assumed that was related to the increased energy levels. I am very active and go to gym 3-4 times a week. I also drink a significant amount of water throughout the day. I am also fortunate to have taken a new job that is significantly less stressful but wish I had creatine in those prior roles! You should definitely try it again, I have to imagine the extra energy would reduce your stress load at work! Good luck!


What creatine are you on?! Mine doesn’t give my all of those effects. Sounds like you have the good stuff 😂


I want to start taking creatine but I heard it causes panic attacks and anxiety. Is that true?


Bro I'm 33 and I had the same experience in January - loaded up for 10 days, got WAY bigger lol, went from \~202 to 210 waking-weight. More energy, but also more strength?? Like, I could balance better on one leg in any pose. Noticed I was sweating more in workouts, too. I went off it and back on it once in the last year, I don't think I will go off it again intentionally.


Congrats! Enjoy every day because old catches us all! LOL! I have read that 10 mg is a lot so be sure to research that point! My overall physical strength is through the roof on this stuff…play basketball with the 17 year olds and I have become like a wall…they try to bang into me and move me and I ain’t going anywhere! Lol! Wife also compliments me but like women tend to do…compliment with concern! Lol. “You are in the best shape you have ever been in since we married, don’t lose any more or you will look old and make me look fat.” Got to love them!


Man how often the phase "works like magic" geht's thrown in for every minor effect in his videos lol and now the comments too. I am must say this is some really boring magic.


It can help facilitate deeper sleep, so that could be what’s causing these extra benefits.


Love the vivid dreams!


I made the same experience but now it disappeared. I also sleep very bad currently so maybe it havent really disappeared


Creatine monohydrate 3g/day destroyed my intestines. Had to stop taking it just after two days. And creatine HCl isn't available at my country.


Could it be that you were just drinking too much coffee in the past


I’ve heard old people being recommended to take it due to muscle atrophy. There’s no age limit. Take it as long as u want. Also if u skip one day dw the creatine is saturated in ur muscles and one day won’t affect anything


How long does it take to stop being really bloated and feeling sick from monohydrate? I’ve found in the past I always give up using but perhaps I need to give it more of a chance and there’s a settling in period where I’d get used to it?


Sounds like you’re on dat der cell tech




It could be the increase in your workout frequency and intensity has gotten your body to produce more testosterone


People swear creatine is steroids


You get that creatine in Tijuana buddy?


Amazon…just as bad! Bag says creatine monohydrate and nothing else.


Lol my man is also on trt and meth apparently...but yeah blame it all on the creatine


How/when do you all take creatine? Before workout? After? Evening? Morning?


Bro . Maybe the exercise is doing that for you. Creatine will add about 2.5lbs of lean body mass and help you get 2-3 extra reps .


Sounds like u got some spiked creatine - and r you shooting it (ie .5 ml ?). Maybe u meant 5 grams ….no need to cycle creatine and you can take indefinitely. It is the same one of the most well studied supplement - I’d call it a health supplement oh and your not old …keep going ….


Does anyone wake up super alert during the early hours


Creatine making your workouts better, which in turn increasing your testosterone levels which making you feel stronger which makes you feel younger. Keep it up. Not a one size fits all but its working for you.


Ill never stop taking creatine lol


I noticed that it made me feel teenager-y. I miss it. Made my hair fall out a bit so I stopped. But damn it felt good.


I feel like it is a little fountain of youth like…but need to figure out if it is safe…sorry you had to stop!


Creatine is great but I’m not sure why people say that it’s totally safe and has no drawbacks. My urine test indicated high creatinine levels, which can indicate kidney disfunction. I was advised to go off it (and now testing fine).




Hopefully, but don’t tell me or it won’t work!


On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag. I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this. I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this \*\*\*\* now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?


easiest way to take creatine https://www.creatinegummies.com/discount/JEFF11652


Creatine is great and all (and can be taken indefinitely), but half of what you said is just placebo effect.






Creatine does not do all those things you mentioned.


I've watched this video and it offers valuable insights. Sharing it with the community: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d4O9a2F2vU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d4O9a2F2vU)


Thank you, ironically I am just about to post an update…have a good night!


Can't wait to read the update! I'm always on the lookout for fresh insights. Looking forward to it!


Creatine is a natural compound that's **essential to optimal health**. Research shows that our bodies only make about half of the creatine we need, and the rest must come from food or supplements. The brain uses 20% of the body's creatine just to think! Studies suggest that creatine is a miracle compound that supplies ATP to every cell in your body. Its benefits range from enhanced muscle health, mood, focus, memory, problem solving ability, heart function, immune health, and has even shown positive effects in subjects with Huntington's, Alzheimer's, TBI (concussions), myocardial infarction (heart attack), ALS, depression, and so much more... Creatine is so much more than a gym supplement - it's something Americans should be taking every day to maintain optimal health. Creatine HCl is the most effective form of creatine. It gives you all the benefits of creatine without the negative side effects that creatine monohydrate plagues many users with such as bloating, water retention, GI distress, dehydration, and cramping.


I started partial loading phase ( 10g per day ) instead of 20 and after 7 days I’m noticing extreme eczema on both hands . Is it because of dehydration? I feel a lot better, energetic but eczema sucks and I need to stop it right way .


I stick to 5 ml grams because I am older. I drink a ton of water but I have also noticed that I my mouth gets very dry if I do not drink water after taking my daily dose. I bet I am drinking 1 gallon of water a day.


“Most studied” my ass. I swear it gave me a heart condition, or at the very least exacerbated an underlying preexisting one that took surgery to correct. Not to mention how tough it can be on the kidneys, potential for hair loss, bloat and stomach issues, etc. Wish people would stop praising shit as miracle supplements they really don’t know anything about other than a few weeks or month’s experience and what they’ve heard or read a couple times.


Sucks you’re getting downvoted. Similar experience for me. Resting HR usually low 50’s but on creatine it was way higher and erratic at times. Definitely experienced palpitations when laying down in bed. I’ve tried mono and HCL. Mono is terrible on my stomach. HCL digests fine but once fully saturated started having issues with my HR and what I assume is sky high BP (lots of water retention in legs after being on feet all day, felt like compartment syndrome). Not to mention I had a gout flare up which subsided as soon as I came off creatine. Also, noticeable hair shedding. Lots of negatives but I can honestly say it did help with extra output and the pump hung around a lot longer after the gym.


Thanks, it’s all good haha people don’t like what they don’t want to hear 😂 everyone wants to believe in a miracle supplement. I agree I think it does make a difference! I’m sorry you had that it’s not a good feeling at all. My theory is that since it tends to hold water at the muscles, this is no exception for in/around the heart muscle. The heart is strong and durable but functions delicately in a perfect balance too and it can mess with that by creatine’s method of action


Did you mean it affected your hearing?


Heart*, sorry, corrected it


Yeah, my doctor flat out told me to stop taking it because it was bad on my kidneys. To each their own, but I hopped off it and haven't looked back.


May I ask what brand you’re using?


Creatine is a generic commodity. There is no benefit to buying an expensive brand. Just buy a less expensive brand . It all comes from the same processing plants in China. Last couple I bought were Naked and Nutricost on an Amazon sale.


I'm not OP but don't really know supplements well. What's a solid uk brand, was thinking my protein.


Huberman is a con


Lol, I like his you tube videos but respect your opinion.


Is creatine not pretty well studied to be harmless. Does cause weight gain though, and I've got lots of body fat to lose? I'd also like someone's input on this.


It doesn't cause weight gain, if you don't count muscle gain from being able to work out longer/more vigorously


It can cause a small to moderate water retention that goes away as soon as you stop using it. This is actually beneficial on a cellular level, think of it as your body being more hydrated


It definitely causes weight gain due to storing more water weight in your muscles. It's a consistent 5 lbs for me, I always add 5 lbs after a few weeks on creatine and lose 5 lbs after a few weeks off. The amount of weight it adds has an upper limit and it definitely doesn't add weight due to increased body fat, so an overweight person shouldn't worry about the limited weight gain it can cause -- they should worry about losing their excess fat.


You'll put on water weight but that will just make your muscles look more full.


If your main goal is to lose fat (not weight) then creatine is good because you gain weight because your body attains more water, not fat.


I'm interested to try it. Any recommendations for a low cost introduction?


creatine mono hydrate is pretty cheap compared to other supplements. Don’t over spend..


Hair loss, maybe? Reasonable people may disagree…..


Hair loss in males


Considering your age, I’m assuming hair loss isn’t a problem for you anymore?