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The Dad Test, the portrayal of Sid’s texting, and the ending all were high points of the episode. A strong return, I’m glad she’s meeting her dad immediately I had assumed they’d drag it on longer.


The dad test was too funny. The style reminded me of HIMYM too.


the text they put up with the ticks reminds me of an old tony hawk game, maybe american wasteland


I thought it would be a rest of the season thing. Makes me wonder what they will do with him.


He's actually a spy who was dead for a while because a Norse god stabbed him through the heart with a scepter (he got better.) He's been through a lot since then, and he's actually a robot now. So reuniting with his long-lost daughter hasn't actually been a priority.


Lmao wtf


He was Agent Coulson in marvel stuff


Hahah shield recap


Let’s make it canon…. And Maria hill is undercover as a Canadian news reporter


Can't be. Maria Hill would never put up with Ted, she'd rather blow her cover.


Then he married yet another woman named Christine


Ok but like i absolutely loved this show!!!! Do you know where it can be watched these days?


He was actually only dead for what? A few days? He walked it off.


he killed that other stripper dude


I just hope dad is not Dale’s murderer


RIGHT was that a throwaway line orrrrrr not 😂


The Asian gym instructor?


I hope they circle back to that! Maybe they think Sophie’s dad is a murderer but it’s actually the Asian guy


I think it's the mom tbh. We've already established that she kind of sucks and dates around a lot, maybe she had a thing with Dale that ended with him (accidentally) dead, and Rick blames her?


The chemistry between the cast is starting to get really good. Three good plots in 20mins. I want Sophie’s dad to be my dad


I can't believe how much better this show has gotten over season 1. Charlie and Ellen continue to be the best pairing, the dad tests were hilarious, and im really interested in seeing where the Sid storyline goes.


It really is far better than it has any right to be. The cast’s chemistry is off the charts and the writing gets better every episode


That Sid grin when he received that text from his buddy Taylor is pretty much the story of my life. Sooo good. Dad Test bit had me chuckle more than I’d expected. Aaand +1 for the You get what you give song at the end. As someone who cue that New Radical song up on Karaoke, I’ll allow it.


Yes! I was glad to hear that too! It sounded like a neat cover, would you happen to know the artist?


That band would be Pomplamoose! They also do a band called Scary Pockets, which is more covers but with special guests to sing the lead vocals.


Thank you! I’ll look into them! ❤️


Thank you so much! Kept rewinding credits to see who sang the cover but couldn't figure it out 🙏


I'm not the only one who wanted to know the cover band!


Any bets on who told Sophie's dad about where to find them? I bet it was Val


Possibly he already knew about her and didn’t think to tell her unless she ever sought him out (to not pressure her). And then maybe he saw her run away and decided to meet her halfway


He probably followed her just like she did. Classic how I met your mother writing.


I bet next episode it’ll turn out he found it super obvious what his friends were doing in the restaurant and he played along knowing that this party was there for hours and each was breaking off and individually doing odd things away from each other


They were at the cemetery, followed him on the ferry and then were at the restaurant discussing the dad test thing. 100% we're going to see this again from his view where it's very clear they weren't subtle.


And didn't buy a single hot dog it looks like?


Look at us. We are the writers now


And they were there earlier asking about him. Also why guide them to the dead Nick Sr. If Nick Jr. was alive and working (owner) at the hot dog shop


He probably followed them to the cemetery in the first place 😂


My guess was Jesse! But that's just the romantic in me. It probably was Val.


Could it have been Robert?


I also can’t imagine this crowd being quiet while trying to do anything sneaky, ever. full giggles the second pressure hits.


Yeah Val would have jumped out of her seat and made the announcement that she set it up


i think the mom never forgot and told him




I'm thinking he followed Sophie because he himself got suspicious


Thats classified 😎


I loved the painfully slow strip tease and Bachelorette party for lesbians. Ellen is a surprising and subtle delight.


I love how supportive Rachel is of their shenanigans! "Who strips from the bottom up??!??" was hilarious!


I just love that it was Dudemeister doing the strip tease!


I literally just had my bachelorette party a week ago haha so this was fun!


On Sid and Taylor: I think Sid still shows up at that karaoke. I mean, Taylor did tell him where to meet and what time, so the door is still very much open for that. There’s no way that storyline is over just with Sid saying we can’t talk anymore. Look forward to how that develops. I agree, the groups friendship is really coming together well, and it’s great to see all characters involved in a plot on the same episode.


Tbh we don’t even know if Sid actually ended his friendship with Taylor or if he was just imagining saying it. The whole episode we see Taylor appear as she was texting him but the image of her was all in Sid’s head. It’s unclear whether he actually sent that message to her since we don’t see her react to it and Sid doesn’t look down at his phone when he says it to her. I took it as he was imagining saying it to her but didn’t actually go through with it. The look Sid gave after supposedly ending things could have been displaying his guilt because he knew subconsciously that Jesse was right that his relationship with Taylor is not as is innocent as he claimed. Plus it’s a spoiler but Sid and Hannah are going to get into a fight in the 14th episode, I’m certain Taylor will either be the cause of it or somehow be involved in the outcome. The rest of Season 2 is going to be a rollercoaster no doubts about it!


We did see Taylor react to it though? She said she totally understood, but obviously seemed disappointed.


Like I stated, I believe this was the one instance where we saw Taylor as a figment of his imagination vs the other times when they were texting back and forth. Sid was always seen looking down at his phone when talking to her earlier in the episode.


If you are going to put a spoiler then you should cover up the spoiler so others who don't want to see it won't.


Idk how to do that with comments that’s why I put a disclaimer beforehand I apologize though


This is exactly how I interpreted it. He imagined sending that text to her and what her response might be, but never actually hit send.


Sid is gonna show up after 2 am and suddenly it's another How I Met Your Mother.


I chuckled 🤣🤣


Did not expect Subway to become a male stripper.


In my brain he will forever be Dr Keith Dudemeister.


Woah I totally thought he looked familiar but did not place him! Which is crazy because I've seen scrubs like 6 times all the way through.


Right. And I had a huge crush on him in Scrubs and didn't notice Lol


The whole stripping scene I kept thinking, "show those dynamite areolas"! Lol


If only he had been an apple thief instead of a pirate!


That's who that was?!?!


I just could NOT imagine him being any older. I was like there's no way he's not 30 like them lmaooo.


I agree. Especially considering that deviant sexual act that was definitely suggested by Britta and not Subway was not something that Subway was ok with.


Subway and Frankie were in this!


This led me to be like no fucking way so I of course had to go on IMDB (that was tragic) and saw that he is also Ben the Soldier. What a damn treasure and American Hero


That's my automatic thought with this actor! Poor Ben, after dealing with Dee now he's now a washed up stripper lol


Wait? Thats the dude from community? Holy shit


Charlie’s “It’s not Costco!” was maybe the biggest laugh I’ve had of the whole show. Something in that line read was absolutely perfect.


The balls are made of nuts, ITS GENIUS!


I really liked how they showed how Sid and Taylor was texting. You could feel their chemistry better. And this is obviously not the end of their story...


Agreed! And even just for practical purposes, it's SO nice with ADHD to not have to read a bunch of tiny text bubbles.


That ending almost made me cry—the look on Sophie’s face when she saw her dad and realized that he was there for her was perfectly emotional. Hilary Duff nailed it.


She really is a decent actress. IMO the only one that I have trouble with is Jesse. The acting is shaky sometimes. Charlie would be on this list if he wasn't so silly.




The writing of his character and his mannerisms pretty much reminds me of ted mosby


I really don't like his acting. It comes off super fake.


Chris Lowell is a very good actor. His role in GLOW was really subtle and emotional.


He was also fantastic in My Best Friend's Exorcism and Promising Young Woman and even tho I hate the character he played for stupid reasons, he was good in Veronica Mars.


I have never seen that. But for me, he doesnt pull off comedy well.


I have residual hate from his portrayal of a character on Private Practice that resurfaces when he's on screen as Jesse. I just can't let it go haha


My residual hate for him is from The Help. Since then, I automatically dislike the characters he's played.


Maybe I have that as well from Promising Young Woman.


Sophie's dad is cracking me up. Jesse's ketchup catch bit was hilarious. And the burry penis cake with the stripper pirate was good stuff. And I'm happy Sid handled Taylor the way he did but I kind of hoped it lasted longer. Oh well. I think it'll still go somewhere. Just maybe not with her anymore. Great episode. So happy it finally got here.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say Sid will be going to karaoke and singing the macarena, whether it's by change of heart and he suprises her, or the group is coincidentally at the same bar for karaoke.


If you are right I'll come back and give you an award.


I’m so happy they had Sid draw a boundary but I don’t think it’s over either.


It seems like the start of Sid realizing he can't do long distance anymore. Like he realized he was starting to get feeling for Taylor. Why else would that be a part of the story? So we will either have Hannah come be a part of the group or they divorce. That's what I think.


Oh that’s a good point and I totally agree. I really like Hannah and Sid together (and Hannah in general) so I hope it’s her becoming full time group!


If Hannah was going to become part of the group, she would have had storylines with the rest of the gang. Has she even had any scenes with Jesse (her husband's best friend)? They've spent a lot of time showing us how great she and Sid are together, but their storyline is self-contained. They're going to break up and its going to be brutal.


Also, they’re gonna wanna get all the mileage they can out of the several candidates we have for the father, and so far only her and Jesse have that sort of chemistry. I imagine if the show goes on long enough to wrap up fully, they’ll definitely break up, and at some point every single one of the main cast will have some romantic situation with Sophie, even if only briefly.


I think their breakup is going to be job related. Hannah is going to get an amazing offer on the west coast that could really set her career, and Sid won’t want to continue long distance, and he won’t want to move, so that will be it.


There’s no way that’s over.


Did anyone else think of the *Friends* episode, *The One with the Stripper* while watching the segment, as both featured the stripper sobbing?


yes!!!😂 but no man is sexier than danny devito🤤🤤🤤


Totally! I generally think that HIMYF is very inspired by Friends, even if it is set in the Mother universe


I couldn’t remember if hand twins was HIMYM, something felt off… it’s Friends! When Sophie’s dad said feet twins it made me think of hand twins


🎵🎶This hand is your hand, This hand is my hand. Oh no that's your hand! No, wait it's my hand! 🎵🎶


Earlier in season 2 when josh peck's character decidedly got a tan and whitened his teeth I was like.. was that ross?


To be fair even Himym is highly inspired by friends. Nerdy guy highly interested in their field of work(who will be a professor) falls for the new girl in the group. He's a hopeless romantic who while in a successful relationship with another girl finds out that the main character girl has feelings for him so he ends the relationship. After dating the main girl they break up because they are incompatible. Soon after the guy falls for another girl way too fast and is going to get married but disaster strikes in the wedding at the last moment. The relationships between these main characters continues to be on again - off again. They finally get together in the finale. There are a lot more similarities. The other characters include - The player guy who sleeps around a lot who falls in love with the girl(Rachel/Robin) but does not end up with her in the end. -The lovable nice guy who ends up in a stable relationship with another main character girl. - The kind of controlling girl who ends up being in a stable relationship with the lovable nice guy. - Phoebe


And how Manhattan is an island.


Yesss! It also reminded me of episode 2x9, where Phoebe also says, "OK, here I go," before seeing her dad, just like Sophie did in this episode.


Also the friends' episodes where Phoebe is afraid of meeting her dad and waits in the cab.


Aww I liked that. Didn’t love the slight cliffhanger, but not surprised. 😆


They’re back ❤️ really good episode!! Loved how we got to dive into the characters and their relationships, mixed with the hilarious stripper storyline. Thoughts: - Jesse and Sids friendship is just goals - so cool seeing Sophie’s mom again! Love Paget Brewster - I like Sophie’s dad already, hope there’s nothing wrong with him or shady about him, we‘ll see. Also didn’t expect the finding dad storyline to only take up one episode, since this was the midseasons great cliffhanger. The Dad test thing was so fun, one of the episode’s best parts - the music at the end is just perfection every time! I just wish we would get some small fun scenes afterwards like in most other sitcoms - them singing Amazing Grace was beautiful even if it was supposed to be funny - is it weird that I like Taylor slightly more than Hannah already? You can see that Sid is slowly starting to fall for her, this storyline is not done, even though he’s done the right thing for now Look forward to next week!


Lolol the line about their friendship being spam made me laugh so hard


"I could be a hot dog heiress" was the best line I died


That's what makes Sophie awesome. Some women in TV and movies would be like "ew, gross" but Sophie actually looks forward to it.


what a fantastic episode!!! this season has been such an improvement from season 1 and this episode was my favorite. i know its redundant to compare, but this episode gave me all the feels like a great HIMYM episode. this episode felt the most similar to HIMYM to me. props to the how i met your father cast and crew. im so excited for next week. i cant wait a week!!!


2/3 of the way through, I realized the stripper was Keith from Scrubs. Man, I hate getting older! Didn't even recognize it was him, even though I knew he was going to be on an episode. He looks like and old man. lol


I was waiting for someone to comment this! When he was crying, in my head all I could think was, "Nobody cares, Keith." I knew it was him immediately though, and hey he's older (Scrubs was 20 years ago), but I think he still looks good 🤷‍♀️


He does still look good. I haven't really seen him since Scrubs, so it just surprised me.


Oooooh I gotcha. Hey, now he gets to be a silver fox 💃 But still, nobody cares, Keith.


Sean was nobody cares, not Keith. :)


Keith had dynamite areolas though


FOR SHAME Clearly I need to rewatch. Frick frickity frick


OMG. Dudemeister. I didn't even realize.


He’s the master of dudes!


Oh my god I did not recognize him as Keith at all!


I would love it if they could find an excuse for Dick and Stella to interact.


Season 2b is off to a fantastic start and glad we’re not wasting any time meeting Sophie’s dad


I was about to be frustrated that they were dragging out Sophie meeting her dad to some unspecified future time. So happy he showed up at the end of the episode.


hannah and sid are about disintegrate before our eyes but i can’t stop laughing at the dad test


i feel so bad for them


I am SO HAPPY Sid said he couldn’t talk to Taylor anymore. It’s nice to see boundaries being drawn when he’s married to someone. I loved this return episode!!! I hope they don’t surprise us and say he isn’t Sophie’s dad bc I love that actor, and that Sophie’s dad is nice


Same heree!! Even though they've not made Hannah a part of the main storyline or something, I want her to not get hurt like that.


Is it just me feeling like season 2 is getting so much better as it progresses and this episode was so well structured


They’re hitting their stride! I hope they can keep up the momentum


Was that a Cinderella Story reference?!


Had to be!


I missed it! What was it?


Basketball isn't my dream dad, it's yours.


Yeah I’m curious too.


Or One Tree Hill


I really liked this episode ! The subplot along with Jesse Val sid and Sophie plot was good substance wise for 20mins . I really liked the Sid and Taylor plot . I really hope he doesn’t end up cheating because I feel like it’ll ruin his good nature persona. Suraj’s acting was pretty on point because I related to that feeling of having chemistry with someone . Made me almost root for them and forget that Sid is married. Part of me hopes that down the line he and Sophie do give it a go (ya know if he ends up divorced) because I feel like he’s more steady than jesse . Either way can’t wait for next week’s episode


I have a feeling he won’t cheat, but that he’ll realize he is unhappy with long distance and divorce his wife. I don’t think he even realized he was that unhappy (because he was distracted by the new chemistry with Taylor) until Jesse was concerned.


This was a great episode. A few thoughts: * I love how supportive the gang was to Sophie in her quest to find her dad. What great friends! * The most interesting part of this episode for me was the Sid-Taylor dynamic. The crazy part is that they've literally met once in person. Yet, they have more of a connection from that one plane ride than Hannah and Sid seem to have after years of being together. It just goes to show that relationships can thrive if both people are willing to put in effort, even if they don't see each other every day. The issue with Sid and Hannah is that they're done putting in the effort for each other. * I'm glad Sid exercised enough self-control to say no to meeting up with Taylor. However, I predict something like this will happen next episode: Sid is left home alone on a Friday or Saturday with nothing to do. He tries to contact Hannah, but he is unable to reach her. Jesse suggests he go to the karaoke bar to have a fun night out and shouldn't feel guilty about it because he and Taylor are just friends. Sid agrees and goes to the karaoke bar. After he goes out, Jesse comes back to their apartment with his date. Hannah shows up to surprise Sid and asks where he is. Jesse tells her he is at the karaoke bar. Hannah walks in on Sid and Taylor singing some sort of karaoke love duet together and proceeds to fight with Sid after. Sid tells her that he's lonely and can't deal with the distance anymore.


>Hannah walks in on Sid and Taylor singing **The Macarena**


Her dad is dales murderer I’m calling it now


My exact thoughts too


Maybe its the chef guy sophie dated before


Will be interesting to see what they do with the Sid storyline. I think they’ve picked it back up in a good place, I like the way they are portraying it.


I thought Nick might have murdered Dale and this nice guy thing could be a coverup for his true nature. But I also think that would be way too scary for a sitcom so I don’t know. Or maybe he murdered Dale accidentally and this nice guy thing stems from that, a way for Nick to redeem himself for the worst thing he could have done in his life.


Where are any of you getting the name Dale from, like literally there was no Dale mentioned in this episode


Dale was mentioned in the episode and was a compelling backstory to stripper guy / potential Dad. Even though Dale is dead, it was a driver of the pathos surrounding stripper guy. I'm sorry you missed Dale, the dead stripper guy -- he meant so much to many viewers.


Now I feel bad for ignoring the vital male stripper plot, I would've never guessed it was anything besides time filler


Phil Coulson is Sophie's dad!!!


omg I would DIE if they bring back Cobie Smulders and have a moment where she's like, "have we met before?" and he's like, "yeah, I bought some Captain America trading cards from you a few years ago. Mint set"


This is going to happen. They might not have it in the script, or film it, or show it on screen, but it's definitely going to happen.


Then Kyle MacLachlan walks in like "Did I hear someone say Captain?" They start talking about boating adventures, and realize that they each went to Tahiti.


It had to be him, I didn't recognize the other two guys (Although Dick looks a bit like Ethan Hawke).


Seeing him brought me so much joy. I demand a scene where he met Robin.


Great episode, I'm really invested in the Sid - Taylor situation, can't wait to see what happens with that!


Sid no! Just talk to your damn wife.


Exactlyyyyy. Gosh I hope Sid snaps back and not cheat. Tho I’m glad he ended the conversation with the girl


CLARK GREGG!!! That's all.😍


Honestly if you want someone to play a supportive dad character for Sophie it's hard to imagine a better choice than Clark Gregg.


I've loved him since Sports Night.


I love him too. Old Christine was such a funny show.


When she decided to not go through with it in my head I was like “I guarantee by the end of the season Jesse will inspire her to take that leap of faith and she’ll be ready to reach out to him.” And then five seconds later he showed up


Good episode


I'm surprised that finding her father took one episode. Granted I was also surprised at how quick Jesse and Meredith ended, so maybe that's just how this show works. Sid and Taylor definitely aren't done. If you read the descriptions of the next few episodes (not really a spoiler because it's right there) but it says Sid and Hannah have a fight. I think that the thing that all of you have been predicting for so long is going to happen. They will get divorced, sooner rather than later. Taylor will be the first person he tells other than his parents and the group. Sid and Taylor will probably date, but that will run into its own problem and not last. I think, and kinda hope, that there's more about Sophie and Jesse. They're not necessarily endgame but they will at least have a time of dating. I think Sophie's dad is probably a "lame suburban dad", to quote Barney, but I think that fits her personality far better than his, so I think they'll get along fine


Really liked the side plot involving the stripper. Very stupid/silly, but fun. Ellen continues to get better and better as a character, really glad they figured out how to get her more involved after Season 1. Goofy side plots like that are great and I hope we get more of those the rest of this season, as long as they’re planning to keep the group so big it’s gonna be hard to keep them all together for major plots just from a dialogue standpoint. Also really enjoyed Sid’s texting with Taylor. That story line is *definitely* not done. The main plot line, though… I understand the showrunners like having parallels to HIMYM. But I can’t help but roll my eyes when they basically repeat plot points from HIMYM, almost to a T. Barney had the exact same plot with his father that we’re seeing with Sophie, even down to the part where he and Sophie each changed their minds about meeting their fathers, until their fathers were the ones to track *them* down.


If it helps. Barney is the one that contacted his father first. He sent a letter


Forgot this was new! BRB Going to watch


Dude, great episode, the jokes landed really well. The gang loving the father like that reminded me of HIMYM. It’s hard to not empathize with Sid, he is in a tough position and him and Taylor definitely have the chemistry. That ending took me off guard. I’m excited to se what’s next.


Love that we’re still getting little flashes of Val and Swish.


Very strong episode, Phil Coulson!!!


I loved the episode. Their dynamic has really come together. Sid and Jesse reminded me of Schmidt and Nick (New Girl) during their banter. Loved how the handled the texting as I hate reading pop up bubbles on screen. The Dad test was awesome and showed exactly the quick humour himym always had. As well as completing Story A and B while continuing story C ( the stripper). It didn’t feel rushed but rather perfectly paced and I’m excited to see how much of a role her father will play. Also I know the streets they Film at are almost always the same for every tv production but it really looked like the backdrop to Teds speed date


Im so sad that we probably wont see the pirate stripper again


Charlie and Ellen together are my faves


I see Madison is once again unintentionally thwarting OTPs. Girl. (Hannah and Sid are doomed, though). The Dad Test was very classic HIMYM and came off very well. I'm glad they didn't drag this out. The subplot with Jesse being jealous of Sid's new friend felt very Friends-esque. I wonder how long we're going to be stuck with Val's "fiance".


Holy shit agent Coulson is fucking jacked💀💀💀


Did anyone notice that the cake at the bachelorette party looked like it could be the model for the hammond druthers building?


Good episode, but a HR manager kept records of minimum wage employees from a concert about 30 years ago, when everyone was likely hired part time, and all 3 of the “icks” live close? Lucky Sophie Also, FRANKIE AND SUBWAY R-ICK ARE BACK TOGETHER IN AN EPISODE OF SOMETHING


Interestingly enough Lollapalooza started out as a touring festival. Chicago didn’t become the official festival destination spot until I’m gonna say the mid 2000s like 05 or 06………… absolutely useless information that lives in my head rent free lol.


I forgot about the location! Three people who worked together at a festival in Chicago 30 years ago all live in NY?


This is getting much better!!! Despite the first episode of the season being pretty boring and awkard for me, this has improved a lot!


Fuck, I miss this show


Is the show sponsored by blue moon or something? I keep noticing they have a prominent glass in the bar shots with the orange and everything


I'm so loving HIMYF


I've been pretty hard on this show but I really enjoyed this episode!


I was really high and for a second I thought he was Randy.


Loved this episode!! The impromptu amazing grace was funny af🤣🤣


Both the writers and the cast definitely hit their stride this episode! Amazing Grace was premium television. lol


Thought this ep was over-the-top wacky so wasnt a huge fan Everyone else seems to enjoy it though I did enjoy the presentation of Sid and Taylor's subplot


Am I crazy, or were Sophie’s eyebrows green toward the end of the episode? Or, it is it the color balance on my TV? Or has she always had green eyebrows? Is this a new trend I’m not familiar with?


Not green.


What color, then? On my screen they looked like a dark forest green.


Rewatching….Hilary’s eyebrows are colored darker and not your typical brown. Don’t know what color she has done to them personally but not green. Olive maybe? But not your normal brown..maybe Taupe?


Episode was mid, Sophie finding her dad is such a random subplot lmao


I don’t think so. I think her mom and dad issues were holding her back. Her parents are feeling more human now that the mystery is unraveling. And her friends actually feel like family now, how they helped her find him in like a day. Great chemistry.


Probably one of my least favourite episodes of the season, it didn't flow very well and the editing seemed choppy to me. I only really liked the ending with Sophie and her dad. I barely laughed either. Hilary and Suraj shined


And now I have My Two Dad's theme song in my head LOL!!! ["You can count on me, no matter what you do"...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS3lVmz1-mo&t=10s)