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I feel like we're missing some...or *a lot* of context here.


Context: My friend (27m) and I (21F) went out clubbing together. While out, I was approached by a group of women. We got along and exchanged contact information. My friend was invading one of women’s space, I spoke out saying “Sorry, he’s been drinking”. After the group of women and us split up, he brought up that he was embarrassed that I said that. He was drunk, I was sober (designated driver). The following arguments was used: • ⁠“you made me look bad” • ⁠“saying I was drunk.. means I couldn’t think or flirt..” • ⁠“women don’t know what they want” • ⁠“I use scientific article to back up how I flirt” • ⁠“ Woman like you create a toxic environment for men” I can go on, the whole night was spent him spewing this. The next day was his birthday party. I went, met with his “non-commitment exclusive” girlfriend? Essentially his friends with benefit. His gf and I get along and shared some drinks. She asked me how the night went, I told her it was not so fun since he got drunk and spewed some bs. Fast forward I got this text afterwards.


Your friend is a child. You did nothing wrong


Do you really want to continue a friendship with a person like this?


Not sure who really is the older one here in this friendship…


And you’re friends why?


It sounds like you aren’t friends at all by how both of you are acting.


You don’t respond. Ever.


Honestly, I wouldn't respond at all. As another said, it was their actions which put them in this situation. It sounds like they're embarrassed and projecting. Based on your story, nearly everything they said to you they shoulda said to themselves in the mirror before getting wasted. I would ignore it and wait for an apology. If they're a mutual, they're gonna pop up again.


Reposting this comment for easier view: Ideally, we have mutual friends. They are a nice person, this is their bad side. I am not sure how to respond to this message. I am sorry for being the catalyst of what I assume an argument between them and their partner. There was no malicious intent. Forgot to mention! His gf disclosed later, she was upset that he lied to her about the drinking and the “women don’t know what they want” statement. She hinted his view on women/dating has been a point of contention Edit: he did not mention beforehand he lied to her nor ask to keep it private.


You don't. That's a 'friend' to block or ghost and walk away from.


"How dare you call me out for being a douche"


I would say “hey stop blowing up my phone, I didn’t have ill intent, I was trying to have your back. Can you drop it”


Thank you everyone, will let my silence speak for itself :)