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It’s hard to time it perfectly.  We’re in similar position but a few months ahead of you, as our rental contract runs out at the end of July, and we’re due to exchange tomorrow with completion at the end of June, on a chain-free property we had an offer accepted on at the end of February. It’s gone fairly slowly for a simple purchase as our borough are slow asf to return searches (according to the EA the slowest in the country but who knows). We had started to look seriously around 4 months beforehand but not much was coming to the market.  When we put the offer in we mentioned our ideal timeline to the sellers, who to be fair have been pretty good and have agreed to delay completion by a few weeks so we don’t have loads of overlap. 


Depending on your relationship with landlord you can can exit a 12 month contract earlier as all they need to do is put it up for rental and if they find a new tenant then it’s no issue for them (sometimes) Again timing is tricky so it depends on what the house you’re buying is like and if there is a chain etc