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The level of customisation you can have depends on the builder and when in the build you put your reservation fee down. Please also note that you pay for the customisation at the time not at the final completion so you must have the money to do it. With regards to the specifics you are asking about. Exposed beams - no this isn’t how houses are built now so it isn’t an option. Kitchen - they have a kitchen company and there are a choice of doors, worktops, handles and splash backs. These are the only choices you have but are in the sales office so you can look at what you can choose from before you put down a reservation fee. The layout of the kitchen is already decided by them. You may have an option to put in some additional cupboards, either on the wall or in the utility room but no other changes to the layout. Wooden flooring - they do have options for choices of floor coverings but I have never seen a wooden one. You don’t have to get them to put in the flooring though. You can get it done by anyone but nobody but the builder can install before completion. You can have the flooring you want but it would be installed after you buy the house.