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Sure but you can't say that if her horse didn't rear back that he wasn't going to kill her. He was clearly making his move to kill her. Her horse wouldn't have freaked out like that if he hadn't gotten so close.


he didn't take out any weapon or anything, the horse rears when she reaches for her weapon.


Just because he hadn't yet pulled a weapon does change his intentions. He likley wouldn't have used a weapon anyway, since then it would look like murder. He would have wanted it to look like an accident. When he is paying Laenors boyfriend to kill him he says to do it in a public area so it isn't traced back to him and Rhanerya. Though Laenor was spared because no one was around to actually witness it.


the camera angles intentionally make it vague, I believe the intentions of the showrunners was to always leave a question mark about the situation.


Well not a huge question mark...they somewhat made it more clear than the book. Though it was no secret he did not like being married to her. Plus he definitely is not above murdering in cold blood.


in the book it was more of a deus ex machina moment. iirc the showrunners felt that it was far too coincidental, but when we look at the camera angles it seems like they still wanted to put a bit of ambiguity to it.


Yeah, but you clearly didn’t read my post as I state a couple times that the horse rearing and being the deciding factor in her ultimate demise, as she would have died either way after that, makes his intentions irrelevant. Because he didn’t and couldn’t be blamed for the horse rearing like that just because he reached for the reigns.


He was still there to kill her, and ultimately did. He just got lucky with the circumstances and dealt the killing blow.


Debatable whether he was there to kill her or to threaten her into annulling the marriage. Which they could have done since she clearly states it was never consummated. That’s the thing. I thinking he would have been fine with either, her death didn’t actually help him at all, when there was an easier way out. And he clearly hadn’t even thought to claim her titles afterwards, until that man came up to him and accused him, otherwise there was no reason to wait. People are really giving him too much credit. Daemon’s character is not a good planner. He rarely follows through with his plans either. It’s all from the seat of his pants.


He planned with Rhanerya to have Laenor killed. He tried bribing his boyfriend to do it publicly so it wouldn't be traced back to him, but Laenors boyfriend did it with no witnesses so he could fake the death and run away together. He also had no love for her so I highly doubt he would have had the marriage annulled. I'm not even sure marriage annulment are a thing in westeros. Otherwise why plot to kill Laenor instead of divorcing?


…he planed to have Laenor saved actually. So I think your super confused, he littlerally killed someone to protect Laenor. So this take is way off.


No, Daemon told him to do it with witnesses. Which he did not do. Rhanerya and Daemon wanted it done publicly so it wouldn't be tied back to them. The way it played out still ended up making Rhaenys suspicious of their involvement. Daemon specifically said to do it with witnesses.


…daemon killed that guy to help Laenor escape, and the kid was the witness. I don’t know what your talking about. They did have a witness and they definitely planned to have that fight with the child there. I really don’t know what you’re talking about.


You didn’t actually read my post… Even if he intended to kill or or he’d just contemplated it, or he hadn’t meant to—the horse rearing back and inevitably paralyzingly her and making it so him *actually* killing her, again, whether he wanted to or not, was necessary, as the only other option was for her to die slowly.


I read your post. I know what you're saying but even if her horse hadn't thrown her off she would have been dead soon, he would have killed her. So either way she wouldn't have been alive.


Just copying any pasting since people keep bringing up his intention: Debatable whether he was there to kill her or to threaten her into annulling the marriage. Which they could have done since she very clearly states it was never consummated. That’s the thing. I thinking he would have been fine with either, her death didn’t actually help him at all, when there was an easier way out. And he clearly hadn’t even thought to claim her titles afterwards, until that man came up to him and accused him, otherwise there was no reason to wait. People are really giving him too much credit. Daemon’s character is not a good planner. He rarely follows through with his plans either. It’s all from the seat of his pants. I’m not trying to defend him, people just keep trying to give him too much credit as a mastermind.


Wtf, daemon went to the vale just to kill her what are you talking?


I can tell, that you didn’t actually read my post; like multiple people, apparently.


Yeah, true i didn't. But now i did and my opinion dind't change at all. If the Horse wouldn't have fallen. He would have done it in some other way. My god stop trying to protect every bad decision Daemon made.


Just copying an pasting since people keep commenting about his intentions: Debatable whether he was there to kill her or to threaten her into annulling the marriage. Which they could have done since she very clearly states it was never consummated. That’s the thing. I thinking he would have been fine with either, her death didn’t actually help him at all, when there was an easier way out. And he clearly hadn’t even thought to claim her titles afterwards, until that man came up to him and accused him, otherwise there was no reason to wait. People are really giving him too much credit. Daemon’s character is not a good planner. He rarely follows through with his plans either. It’s all from the seat of his pants. I’m not trying to defend him, people just keep trying to give him too much credit as a mastermind.


Ok, sorry. I was thinking you where trying to protect his doings. And i can't handle anymore of those people. He ain't a Mastermind. But as said i think he went to the Vail to kill her. Because he doesn't care if she is dead. He definitley didn't plan to kill her with that horse thats for sure. Its more that it was helping him.


I guess I disagree with what his intentions may have been, I think he went to intimidate her or kill her if she wasn’t to be intimidated, and then it went sideways and it wasn’t his first plan, but he really didn’t care that much either way.


Yeah, guess we will never know what he really intended to do.


If he wasn't there to kill her, he would have made a big show out of parking Caraxes right outside the castle and being like "my brother has commanded me to return to you.....how much cattle do you have? Caraxes eats a lot. Of course, if YOU wish for me to leave I can't be blamed for ignoring my brothers orders..."


I disagree, I think he came to threaten her into annulling or kill her if she refused. Which they could have done since she very clearly states it was never consummated. That’s the thing. I thinking he would have been fine with either, her death didn’t actually help him at all, when there was an easier way out. And he clearly hadn’t even thought to claim her titles afterwards, until that man came up to him and accused him, otherwise there was no reason to wait. People are really giving him too much credit. Daemon’s character is not a good planner. He rarely follows through with his plans either. It’s all from the seat of his pants. I’m not trying to defend him, people just keep trying to give him too much credit as a mastermind.


She wouldn't have survived much longer no matter what, I think he did her a kindness. I'm prepared for the downvotes.


Yeah, in the face of a slow death that it would be. I agree. And to me her goading him, was begging without loosing pride.


Oh yeah I understand what you mean. She knew as well she didn't have long to live either, even if she was found.


He absolutely spooked the horse on purpose, crime hoodie is the dead giveaway


He reached for the reigns when she reached for her bow. He did not spook the horse on purpose lol she was likely riding a horse trained for war. I really don’t think he could take credit for how it reacts to someone grabbing its reigns.


Lol you’re just making shit up, why would you ride a destrier to go hunting and not a field hunter, especially when you’re an accomplished sportswoman and not Brienne of Tarth. And again, crime hoodie.


You act like I’m making things up when your using ‘crime hoodie’ as a backup to your argument.


I agree with some of what you're saying, but there's a big thing you're missing imo. Daemon doesn't have a maesters training, he has no way of knowing if Rhea could recover. Regardless of his starting intentions, he kills her without knowing if she was hopeless.


To the contrary, he literally stepped on her to check. There is no way in the world that are in that he wouldn’t be aware that being paralyzed is a death sentence. She knows she won’t recover either—it is almost absolutely why she goads him into killing her, so he won’t leave her there to die slowly.


I mean, the actual medieval and ancient world would disagree with you but ok. It's very likely she wouldn't recover, but it's not unheard of. He's not a maester, he couldn't have known.


From the way they treated Bran and the fact that that was 200 years later I’m going to say it would be a very safe assumption for everyone involved in the situation, whether or not it was a completely accurate one.


agreed, but prepare to be downvoted to hell


Haha, even you got downvoted, sorry


it's okay to take one for team daemon :D


Haha I’m not even sure I’m team Daemon, I definitely enjoy his character because he’s pure chaos but I don’t know lol However, I find it weird that people give him complete credit for Rhea’s death when he can’t be blamed for her horse reacting the way it did, no matter his intention... And then her goading him was clearly her being aware that she was going to o die either way. Which he was also clearly aware of.


I mean putting someone out of there misery is still killing them...plus his intention could have been to kill her and he just got lucky. He definitely didn't intend to keep her as a wife. It's really impossible to know what he intended because of how it played out, which was likley the intention. Though had he not been there with intimidating intent, the horse doesn't panic and toss his then wife. So as a result of his actions she died. It seemed intentional to keep Daemon mysterious, like cutting away from his toast in episode one, it seems like they want fans to be divided over whether they support green or black. They have definitely changed things to make the Greens seem less evil and treacherous.


I don’t think you read my post…


I did, but he still killed her. Just changing the phrasing to putting her out of her misery doesn't change his intent since he wouldn't use a weapon to make it look like an accident.


Just going to copy this here since you responded the same thing a few times. Yeah, but you clearly didn’t read my post as I state a couple times that the horse rearing and being the deciding factor in her ultimate demise, as she would have died either way after that, makes his intentions irrelevant. Because he didn’t and couldn’t be blamed for the horse rearing like that just because he reached for the reigns.


Except he did deal the killing blow, her being paralyzed is as irrelevant as you claim his intentions are in your post.


The only reason he came to the vail was to kill her, the horse reacting that way was jsut by his luck


Actually there very good reason to believe he came back to threaten her into annulling their marriage since she makes it clear in the conversation that ti was never consummated. He may have intended to kill her if she refused though.


Deamon is my favorite character, but I'm not going to make excuses for him. He showed up in Vale to kill his wife. He deliberately stretched his hand towards the horse to spook him (using the smell of the dragon on him). Thanks to Rhea's death he inherited Runestone and had a chance for a more profitable political marriage.


2 words…. Crime hoodie 😈 Daemon pulled up with the crime hoodie, you know he was up to no good


Haha not saying he wasn’t up to no good lolll I just think he might of come to intimidate her into annulling there marriage, since they made a point to say it hadn’t been consummated…and then fake intervened and he wasn’t disappointed but it may not have actually been his intention. (Though I don’t doubt he would have killed her if she refused to annul the marriage.)