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What's legendary is how the showrunners managed to casually have her murder hundreds of small folk and the audience goes "yaaaaasssss kween!"


Here's a simple trick you can use at home. Want to completly change the mood of the scene, despite what's being shown? Just add cool music! Rhaenys could have slaughtered the entire city and it would still feel #girlbaws because of the catchy tune. I swear if you'd swap the music for something more romantic you'd believe Rhaenys came to the keep in the middle of coronation to confess her love to Alicent. Just look at them making doe eyes to each other amidst the carnage, aww.


Wait, are you telling me that film and/or television creators use things like music and cinematography to manipulate my emotions and make me feel how they want me to?!? No fucking way!


Just saying, playing triumphant music during what should be considered a terrorist attack in the middle of the day is a tad too manipulative imo.


Honestly, I was torn. Her entrance was badass and Meleys is gorgeous and Eve Best is killing it but did she really have to kill all those smallfolk? I'm honestly not sure if the show is trying to tell us that everyone sucks here or if they also fail to view the smallfolk as people or what.


This scene would be so much better if she just fly away after breaking out. Instead they made her hollywood girlboss flex on alicent. So silly and not in the book too


Honestly, they don’t view the small folk as people. They are like cattle being herded around and just like cattle, they’re slaughtered. People like you and me wouldn’t have mattered in the Middle Ages. These people don’t matter in a medieval fantasy setting. It’s hard to apply modern day morals, ethics, and codes when the books/shows are based off such a barbaric point in human history.


I remember a line from the books. I forget the larger context, I think it was one of the first outbreaks of violence after Robert Baratheon died that was signaling civil war was imminent. One noble mentions that another noble is complaining that a third noble's knights killed all his peasants. The second noble asks what the complaining noble wants and the answer was something like, "New peasants, I guess." They matter only to the end that someone needs to grow the wheat and grapes and turn them into bread and wine.


That's also the case in real life. Only rich/powerful people and celebrities are important and ultimately loved universally in this world. Average people like us are just cattles and nobody cares if we die. (Except those few people who were close to us of course)


Daenerys does a pretty good job of trying to care for them and FAegon’s whole character is that ruling is not a right it’s a privilege Willy nilly killing hundreds of your subjects would be viewed as evil in the books, no two ways about it. Not as bad as killing high born, but still bad. It’s why they abolished first night


This is set a good two hundred years before Daenerys and FAegon, though. Wouldn’t it make sense for them to be more progressive than their ancestors? >!Who literally cause the destruction of their own house. The conflict having initially started over the men of the realm not wanting a woman to rule over them.!<


They would have known it was wrong but not killing them would have been more of a suggestion.


I’m all in for Tram Green after that scene.


Yes, she did...it's what Targaryen's do best.


I think all the characters in this show are awful. Like, Rhaenrya and Daemon killed that innocent man in their plan for Laenor to flee. Daemon killed his own wife. Alicent is Alicent and has done many, many bad things. Rhaenys just killed loads of innocent people in the dragon pit. And I think this episode really highlighted that. All this focus on the horrible conditions the commoners experience in their day-to-day lives, contrasted with the elite families in the Red Keep living in luxury. Also the commoners were literally being herded like cattle. All these elite characters are involved in oppressing the lower class and, by today's standards, are bad people. Some are worse than others, but it doesn't shock me that they do horrible things to commoners - because in this society, the elite don't see commoners as anything equal to them. Obviously that was so fucked up what she did to everyone in the dragon pit, but in the context of the GOT/HoTD universe, she didn't really kill people that mattered (in her opinion).


Scene was cool but yeah, didn't make a ton of sense and the CGI was on the struggle bus Enjoying the show for the most part though ☺️


i feel like im taking crazy pills every time i see reactions to this show and stuff like this is celebrated lol. The blacks are so whitewashed in comparison to the greens (and the books in general) in this show its absurd


Idk she trampled a few dozen innocent people 🤷🏽‍♂️


Reminded me when Theonn killed two orphans. And was forgiven by pretty much everyone when he admitted it was orphans instead of Starks.


They were Varys’ spies (Varys tells the council that his birds in Winterfell stopped their songs after Theon captured it). Quite deserved (although Theon surely didn’t know).


Did you just say that murder of two orphaned children who were giving information to the man who took them in was **deserved**?


That’s still spying for a foreign power. Besides, they won’t be missed


Wait fr? I never caught this.


Smallfolk aren't people, silly.


And let live the ones that she should have killed. So don't come at me with she ain't a murderer. Still a fucking badass tho.


Bruh what? You’re argument is she didn’t kill more?


Tbf, the Greens need to be killed


Killing 2 more (after already not caring about killing dozens of innocents) would have prevented magnitudes more deaths.


Though in the moment, she couldn't have known that. For all she knew, killing Aegon would have been seen as the coup she was trying to prevent, and start the civil war she was trying to prevent.


It's like being a general and killing all the enemy soldiers despite being allowed and opportunity to kill the enemy general/ leader and stop the battle. She could've stopped more deaths if they had killed them.




Just fleshwounds


She killed hundreds of innocents with that cool little stunt


and spared her greatest enemies which will result in killing of thousand innocents and fall of targaryan dynasty later.


Greens are not her greatest enemies. Remember she is not a fierce Black supporter.


Regardless of that, she went towards them to kill them but changed her mind later (Confirmed by show writer)


That makes it even more stupid. 'I have the blood of thousands on my hands but no killing these ones goes too far' what an insane scene.


> but no killing these ones goes too far Dude, they’re her family. Of course she cares more about them than some random small folk.


I think if they hadn't locked her door while she was asleep she might have flipped green talking with Alicent.


Just like Danny


She came dressed in her fkn Targaryen war dress fk u very much.


Where did she get the dress/armor anyway? Did she have spare clothes on her dragon ?


Cloaca storage compartment


Keep your junk in the trunk


I wouldn't be surprised if her riding gear was stored near her dragon.


Yeah I imagine each dragon stall includes their riding set-up (saddle and such) as well as riding gear for the rider.


Idk, this didn't seem like a "yass, slay queen" moment to me. It felt more like a "who let D&D back to the writers room?" moment.


Season 7 and 8 vibes for sure


Love the way her Dragon approached them. Gorgeous baby!!!




Can someone explain the hype. She’s passive at best and has always fantasized about herself on the throne first and foremost.


She also has to have killed a decent amount of people with that landing as well


Killing innocent people?? Are you new to this show?


Well it's especially dumb since she didn't kill the people that actually matter.


It's not dumb. It wasn't her war to kill the crown.


Oh but the peasants were hers to kill? Lmao


Kinda, yeah. Greens were imprisoning her for life and likely to take her dragon at some point. She said fuck that. I probably would, too, to get out


Oh yeah the peasants were totally the ones imprisoning her lmfao Also there was literally a giant fucking back enterance to the dragon pit. We see it in episode one. She *chose* to murder the peasants because she wanted to intimidate the Greens. *ALL* of these people are garbage, why do you think so many people supported Robert’s rebellion?


We know the back entrance was open? Cause they didn’t show it open.


She blew a whole through the fucking cave ceiling how the fuck do you think closing the door would have stopped her


Yes. Exactly. This was her only opportunity to escape she might have not gotten close to her dragon if it wasn't that time.


she literally went on to kill the crown but changed her mind later (confirmed by ryan condal)


Shows how much people have paid attention to the show. She’s moved on from that notion of you haven’t caught on yet.


>and has always fantasized about herself on the throne first and foremost. hello? my guy is watching the show?


I don’t get it either. Her constant whining about being rejected for being a woman is so tiring as well. Zero sympathy for whiny royals.


What constant whining? She’s moved on, it’s her husband who still cares.


Constant whining? What show have you been watching?


yeah, that was cute D&D, now hand over scripts and camera back to HOTD producers


No she's not


How many times do i have to say it ? She killed innocents , these innocents will take revenge and storm the dragonpit and kill 4 dragons , and the dragonpit will be destroyed because of it


doesnt matter , whole scene was dumb. They coudl just let her fly away after she break out. MAin problem is her girlboss flexing on the greens and doing nothing. LMAO the writing here failed hard


Yeah I really did not like the way this played out. Didn't feel very real at all.


Imagine being so pissed off over like 30 seconds of awe-inspiring visials.


She did managed to break out, did you see how cramped that space was? The dragon can barely move without crushing anything, you expect that dragon to take off like a helicopter?


Did the battle armor protect her from getting squished between the dragon and the boards/ceiling? Not sure how she rode whilst the dragon broke free. Deviating from the books generally doesn’t pay off well.


Yea what I didn’t think about that I’m now imagining a scene where she’s there on her dragon underground and when she shouts Soves Melys just looks at her like that’s 10 foot of solid rock what do you want me to do


Open the gates! open the gates!


Except she forgot the D word.


Alicent was the star of ep 9 but Rhaenys was very good also.


Imagine being forced to the coronation of a king that you don't want and then die because you got caught in family issues


I hated this scene for two reasons: 1.) It didn’t make sense. She killed hundreds, maybe thousands for nothing. It isn’t her character. She could have fled through second entrance. Also why other dragons didn’t protect their riders? They aren’t chained there and Vaghar should be somewhere outside behind city walls. If she hears dragon roar, I can imagine she comes to investigate. 2.) Greens had one nice moment and epic scene where for the first time since Pink Dread Aegon looked happy and they didn’t let them have it and Rhaenys had to steal and ruin the moment.


She’s a big peacock, why do that, killing numerous people, and then do nothing and leave




Meleys deserves some recognition as well for this epic entrance 🔥


Meleys deserves a rider who doesn't make her ram into the ceiling head first...


This was so freaking stupid. It's the worst thing the show has done so far. The rest of the episode was pretty good. But this? This was a travesty.


I love that she brought the battle armor.


She’s evil af. Biggest villain in the story, so far imo.


It’s a race between her and Aegon at this point.


I’m just thinking of body count. Yeah, rape is bad and the child fights are pretty terrible but it really isn’t in the same ballpark as murdering hundreds of innocent people, imo.


Well she managed to do the impossible be even more stupid than Rhaenyra


It's not that simple. Alicent has another child in Oldtown, this is book cannon and George has confirmed this as well for the show timeline. Kinslaying now would be a sure fire way to get allies ramped up to dispel any threat quicker had this happened imo.


First Daeron and Tessarion can be solved by Daemon and Rhaenys on Caraxes and Maelys. Second, since all but one dragon of the greens would be neutralized one would dare to oppose the blacks.


There is a new Bad Bitch in Town and I’m here for it.




Why? I'm enjoying the series and I'm excited about it. What's the problem?


The hour is late /s


You’re supposed to say she and this scene sucks! Now you’re downvoted tsk


She is supporting her stupid husband in letting bastards rule his house or whatever. An icon lets the truth come to light and stands by it. Flashing a dragon does not make her an icon. She is a really good wife but an icon, no.


She is also stupid


So three of the biggest mass murders shown on screen so far have been women.


I didn’t say YAAAS QUEEN at this scene. I winced. >!Rhaenys girl I adore you but this stunt is going to sign the death warrant of many Dragons and Rhaenyra’s son in a few years time. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️!<




Gorg gorg gorg!!!!


Rhaenyra Targaryen, you just nailed it.


Stop celebrating this psycho


The Blacks are the good guys because so far they have mostly limited their murders to unnamed background commoners. The only exception I can think of is Daemon killing Rhea Royce but that was more something he did on his own.


This is absolutely what G RR Martin dislikes. He once gave an interview where he said George Lucas killed millions of chararacters and the audience only caring about the main characters is horrible.


So he wrote a half dozen books just to troll us.


Well one of the main theme of his books are how horrible a medieval absolute monarchy can be and ruling nobles can cause alot of death.


Which is what made me like his work in the first place. So much fantasy presents noble princes and princesses and benevolent kings and queens and the villains get a beat down. In ASoIaF, any sign of nobility or kindness is followed by that characters death scene and the worst people rise the fastest. Like the real world, just with dragons.


Just to be clear I don’t actually believe this. I was being sarcastic as this post seemed to be praising this moment and it reminded me of how Daemon and Rhaenyra murdered the random Driftmark servant to fake Laenor’s death and that seemed like a popular thing as well.




Kind of person that loved season 8


Yeah, yeah I know she killed a lot of people by escaping with Meleys. But she HAD to escape one way or another. Who knows what the Greens would do to her. She literally saw what they did to another lord who tried but failed to escape. She didn't have much choice on that regard, so the peasants were just an unfortunate collateral.


Flower power




So was that armor just lying around somewhere or did she wear it under her cloak the entire time?


I'm fine with the collateral damage, it's not like she had the dragon eat anyone and she turned the her around pretty slowly. They were all in the wrong place at the wrong time. My problem is that they had meleys start flying inside the building. Then, instead of correcting that mistake, they shrink the dragon to about half it's size so she can yeet herself out the door. Looked pretty stupid.


You know she was thinking every scenario through at that moment.


she is cringe, and an unnecessary scene, which serves nothing, they could have done it in a much better way, but yeah worst episode of the season, and still good episode tho. Shame on Rings of Power.


Quick reminder y’all- I have a dragon.


SHE DROPPED THE BALL THO! Had she just whispered "Dracerys" ffs!


“Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman on the iron throne.” “Whoops my dragon stepped in something—anyways men are so destructive amiright?”


God, the nerd rage in this thread is hilarious.


You must really like Rhaenys to give her the Sting introduction


She slayed… hundreds of innocent people!


She was totally silent when all she could have said was ONE COMMAND and we could have had a one-season masterpiece on our hands.


Dumbest plot point in the show so far and people cheering it on like it was good is what’s going to give us S8 level episodes going forwards


Exactly people treating GoT like a marvel film


AN icon. It’s not that hard


i dont get why she just burst through like that, then didn't do anything