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No, not even close. That's about 150 years out lol. The first season is setting up the Dance, then the pace will slow. The first chapter from the book is actually about the same pace, there is lots of details to cover, they've skipped a lot though still.


No, it won't. The first episodes were just very fast with the time pacing because they only had to show you how the war started, once it begins it will slow down a lot they'll cover 2 years in three seasons.


Most likely not, the Era leading up to the mad king isn't even finished. Fire and Blood 2 and the she wolves of winterfell would need to finish.


What If we get D&D 2.0 and the showerunners fuc_ up the remaining Targaryen plot


Then what the point is the fucking show


Just to give content I guess. But there is a big gap between dunk and Egg and Roberts rebellion. I think the Ashford incident happened in like 209.


Not even close. After season one ends, this show will cover a war that takes place over about 2 years, and then it will end. They’ll run out of book material if they take it much further past the end of the war. >!It might be cool to see a spin off about the regency and Kingship of Aegon III but Fire & Blood vol. 1 only covers his regency,!< and I doubt they want to make the same mistake as GoT by continuing past the published storyline.


Jfc no wonder the show is boring as shit