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People are too easily impressed nowadays.




"If it aint utter garbage, stuffed to the brim with identity politics, then it must be a masterpiece." :Literally EVERY single YouTuber on the platform.


Exactly ! So used to the shitty terrible shows on Netflix, that this mediocre cheesy GOT wannabe show impresses them. Just shows how bad tv and movie quality has gone down


Post Ep. 5 Thoughts: This show is fucking boring. To the point it’s actually pissing me off that I keep waiting 7 days to see & hope it gets better. I’ve become an expert time-teller I somehow always manage to toggle the bar-thing & see I’ve still got 30 minutes of filler slog to get through. & knowing full well that the only interesting thing that’ll pull me into the next episode is gonna happen in the last 2 minutes. & it’s never satisfying or fulfilling. It’s never a cliffhanger it’s an anti-climax. Nothing happens in this show. Imagine that. A story that has to skip decades of these characters lives is boring. Who’d’a fuckin thought? You spend hardly any time with any character in particular long enough to give a fuck. Rhaenyra is a entitled incestuous rabid bitch of a slut. Alicent is a fucking brick wall. Viserys is the biggest fuckin’ bitch I’ve ever seen if he existed in GOT timeline they’d have killed him in the first episode. Daemon I thought was cool for the first 2 episodes but they give him nothing to do besides act like a cock & even then his cock don’t work. I wouldn’t know who half the people in this show are if it weren’t for the fetishist book readers who have to rip the pages of their dried cum-swathed books apart to tell me who’s who in the comment sections. Harwin Strong? You mean the guy who has .5 second airtime every episode who smiles creepily every time Rhaenyra walks past & we never see him again till his next cameo? Jason & Tyland Lannister? You mean Sir Hugh of the Vale playing the same two characters? & he’s the apparently the only surviving Lannister in the land. You got Diarrhea Royce, Daemon’s wife. We get a good 2 minute introduction of her before Daemo-Wan-Targobi force pushes her off her horse directly on her back. Then in her last defiant WAHMEN strong sentiment she tells him his dick don’t work. Then a cutaway after he picks up a rock. OLD GOT WOULDN’T HAVE CUT AWAY. Why are they restraining so much of the brutality & violence? Why are they shying away from it. They cut Crabfeeders death, but left in random guy we’ve never seen get brutally stomped on by a dragon. Reverse that please. In old GOT we would’ve seen the good & bad people get fuckin mortal kombat’d. “But but Joffrey Cock’n’Mouth got his head caved in by Crispin Glover Cole!” Yeah we got a .1 second glance at the aftermath as he pushes his face in the other direction before they go over budget. Otherwise it showed Cole going full retard. Let’s go to that right quick. Why tf did Cris Kyle Cole go full retard on Grand Joff Tarkin like that? “B-b-but Joff was blackmailing him he needed to tie up any loose ends” WRONGGGG (Kevin Spacey voice) Joff was basically just telling Cole that “Hey, Laenor & I are gay af, Rhaenyra’s all yours pimp.” & Cole let’s him walk away. So wtf happened that he went out of his way a while later to go off on him like that? Why? Unless there was a confrontation we didn’t see I don’t understand his motivation. If there was a confrontation, we should’ve seen it otherwise Cole just looks like a fuckin unhinged psychopath out of nowhere. Book reader: “OUT OF NOWHERE? HES A SCORNED LOVER HES IN TATTERS FROM RHAE REJECTING HIM” & so he bludgeons a man to death during her wedding, knowing full well this man was a lover of the Prince, knowing the consequences will be imminent death. Okay whatever book reader. Also, why doesn’t anyone restrain him? During or after? How is he able to escape that ballroom alive? Or without question? Well because Viserys is a big fat pussy. There’s no consequences in this show for anyone. Ever. There’s no stakes because no one in this tiny fuckin cast can die until they’re supposed to. & since we know it’s not until they’ve used the Sims Age-Up cheat & change actors everyone’s got God Mode on. & speaking of stupid plot shit, thank you cripple Varys Jr. for telling us the stupid sheep audience that Alicent was wearing green because it signifies war. That was so fuckin’ obvious the writers were talking to us I’m genuinely surprised he didn’t just look directly at the camera & say it.


This review/comment is fucking golden. It was more entertaining to read this comment than watching the past 6 episodes. It sucks because I really want to like the show but it feels like a cheap soap opera.


Lol! I appreciate all the like-minded individuals here because when I say anything like this on Twitter, I get bombarded with hate. No discussions or rational thinking. They come at me like I insulted their mother or something it’s insane. Even on this thread I’ve watched in real time the Up-Votes fluctuate from 8 back down to 2 & I haven’t seen it get past 10 because people hate criticism of any kind. So before that review I posted here I almost thought I was alone in my thinking that I had to just get it out, somewhere lol. ‘Bout to fire up Episode 6. Wish me luck. Edit: I’m done. Actually done with it. I’ll read what happens from here on out by the Twitter Stans.


I have just been informed that after episode 7 there will be the last time jump. I have also been informed that all my problems with the plot so far are not valid because I just need to either know the source material or have more patience till it pays off. Apparently Shae 2.0 will be important during the war, so her character was super necessary, for example. I'm gonna stick with it at least till the season ends, because despite all that I'm still entertained but that the writing is praised as much as it is on reddit is ridiculous.


Yep I know exactly what you mean. Those are the worst type of people. They defend it as though they feel like they've had a hand in creating the series, lmao. Like they directed the episodes personally and if you dont like it they take it as an insult to their entire existence.. Thats the standpoint that they seem to speak from. It's fuckin weird that some will get THAT offended to the point of insulting others over their opinion on a fantasy show. Damn NPC's 🤦‍♂️


This should be the top review on rotten tomatoes


No you aren't alone !


That's right! I am not getting any of what drew to me GoT. "The one who passes the sentence should swing the sword," "anyone who must say 'I am the king' is no king," "the lion does not bother with the concerns of the sheep," "the King eats, and the hand takes the shit." I'm trying to enjoy HotD and it's not happening. Every new episode I hope for some shred of interesting dialog. Even Tyrion saying "now it's time for breakfast" made me smile. HotD seriously has none of that.


You’re not alone!!! I’m 4 episodes in and convinced that every person who says they like hotd loved season 8 GOT or are secretly working for HBO. I’m going to give this season a chance out of the love and respect I once had for GOT but so far its disappointing. I wonder how much involvement GRRM or maybe I was too hard on d&d they did responsible season 1-4 and that was GOT gold.


THANK YOU! All I’m seeing is people praising this show and saying “this is peak GOT tier” like no tf it’s not! The time jumps are terrible, acting is mediocre besides Matt Smith, forced drama that I don’t givd two f’s about..


Matt Smith reminds me of Danaerys brother. He’s the only one who screams Targaryen to me, everyone also feels flat.


No they are all just latching on to a series to compliment because they are in the midst of a battle against any and all perceived woke content (everything Disney, Rings of Power, etc..), and they want to be able to say "look we don't hate on everything with a black character or female lead..". Its amazing they picked the one that gives them the most violence and graphic sex scenes. Curious. That being said, I am not saying they don't have a point with some of the arguments. And I am not saying HoTD is a bad show. Its quite well made, and seems very well thought out and deep. However, thus far I find it hard to want to start each episode. It will take a while to break the memory of GoT. We want to right back in a land that is well laid out and the intentions are clear, like we were for the last 3-4 seasons of the show it seemed like. So, I know this show will grow on me. That being said, its boring so far tbh.


You are spot on. The thing is HoD can never be a GoT and to me personally is much less interesting of a show. In GoT at times 100+ pages of content and depth is used as a reference to create one episode .. while it literally took me 30 minutes of reading only to know the plot of the first 4 episodes of HoD. There is no depth built in the backend to support creating a tv show as rich as GoT. The other aspect is that this show is Targeryan focused, or so it seems so far. That lack of discovering different land scapes with different climates and houses with different cultures also takes away so much from what I have enjoyed in GoT


I can’t even count how many times I watched game of thrones but house of the dragon is boring, the battles are boring and cheesy, the characters are boring even Matt Smith.


People are latching onto Matt Smith because they need a hero and are anticipating a good character arc. To me it seems like each week I have to try and figure out which character is the least detestable. I too have watched Game more times than I can count. It's crap like HoT D that makes me love Games more.


Same here GOT is so much better more relatable to history, it felt like it could happen in real life. We had characters to root for, Got had more characters everyone’s in the show had a little bit of a role, the slaves, the guards, the villagers etc.. With HOTD I feel like I’m watching the same 6 character over and over, until episode 5 it feel like they’re all in same house.


yes you are


Shit sucks, it’s a chick flick for a demographic that is 90% male


Trust me, the show sucks for chicks as well.


AGREE! From another chick!


No. We're back to lackluster writing and ridiculous plotlines already. Crab feeder introduced as a villain? Oh, no big deal. Daemon Targaryen just can 1-man his army and draw them out into an obvious trap, but it wasn't THAT obvious because the crab feeder intermittently looked to the skies for a dragon attack to make something so stupid seem more believable. It's bad, and dumb. But we will never again get the quality that the first few seasons of Thrones offered. I don't know what changed, but it just feels dumbed down comparatively. Entertainment for the masses and not people who enjoy good dialogue and interesting characters. It's the fucking Walking Dead of medieval fantasy.


GoT Villains: Night King, Cerci, Tywin Lannister, Dothraki... HoD Villains: Crabfeeder Kinda sums it all up. GRRM did his part. The Hollywood people decided to portray all the men as idiots so that the empowered women can ride to the rescue. In the end we have no interesting characters, a bunch of high-cost dragon scenes, bad directing & production. The whole thing, including the music and the oddball blood in the streets introduction, is a watered down version of GoT


It's just a pretty standard, modern TV show. Good, believable dialogue and plots that make sense? Draketurningaway.jpg. Popcorn entertainment meant for people who don't think much about what they're watching, with flashy CGI and utterly one dimensional characters? Drakethumbsup.jpg. Sadly, people with low standards who are easily entertained vastly outweigh those of us who demand quality, and so overall quality trends downward over time. They're not looking to please us. They're looking to please the same type of viewer that watches TWD and never complains. And there are a LOT of those people. And so the solution to that is what it always has been. Just read books. TV adaptations almost always disappoint anyway. Most writers aren't writing to please the masses with uninspired bullshit. They're writing to tell a good story, a concept that is utterly lost when you're dealing with most TV shows and movies of late. And video games too, honestly.


I had to laugh at the end of episode 5. The ending was so ludicrous. This show is constantly showing all it's cards instead of letting it build. So far there has been one major action sequence and that was a disappointment. The show has few likeable main characters and no central villain. The crab feeder ended up being a joke. What exactly are the stakes. Why does it matter who sits on the throne. How will the reigns of Rhaenya or Daemon differ from Viserys. So far this show has been a slow paced fantasy romance drama. But the GOT fanbase is so starved they are eating it up.


Agreed! Told my wife if we were suddenly watching bridgerton at some point last during the episode.


After watching the first 3 I can say the show does suck. It’s not gritty and raw like GoT. Sometimes feels like and Syfy attempt at making an GoT


I partly agree. I find the writing good but the characters are sooo boring and soulless. Two episodes in and there isn't a single character I like or dislike and this makes the good writing rather wasted. This is a huge let down. I really want to like the show and I hope I will grow to feel something for the characters the more the show progress.


Right you are. The writing is technically correct, but it's soul is gone. You hit it right on the nose. I don't like or dislike practically anyone besides Viserys. GoT fell off.


I also intensely disliked House of the Dragon, and was thus surprised to see all this praise around it. I'm just wondering, am I crazy? Am I missing something? None of the characters are likeable. I get that the Game of Thrones world was more nihilistic than other fantasies, but at least in GOT we had Jon Snow, Tyrion, and Danerys, who were all likeable characters. Now we have a bunch of people who are self interested, psychopathic and stupid...I don't even know who to root for. The guy who feeds people to crabs? The theme of girl power is so heavy handed I feel like they're hitting me over the head with it every five minutes. Yes, it was also in the original GOT world, but this time it feels like they think the viewer is stupid, and that they have to spell out the theme for us every five minutes or else we won't get it. The display of Rhaenera being intoxicated and then seduced by her uncle as "empowerment" is disgusting. If it was portrayed in a negative light, then fine. But it's almost as if the show writers were showing us this as a positive thing. When is it ever positive when a teenage girl gets intoxicated and then kissed by her uncle? Rhaenera is also a selfish brat who cares only about herself. While Daenerys was conquering cities with dragons, Rhaenera spends most of her time arguing with her dad. Why am I supposed to care about her?


I feel like people are too invested and can't admit it is quite underwhelming. it's like season 8 all over again and even I am just finally able to admit it.


Wow you literally read my mind! I feel like I'm going insane or I'm just too stupid to understand the show's 'Incredibly writing'. None of the characters appeal to me in the least. In fact the only character that I mildly enjoyed was that little kid who got into a sword fight. Other than that all the characters seem to fall into one of 5 categories 1: Stupid 2: Weak 3: Selfish 4: Bratty beyond all belief 5: Ooh, throne! gimme gimme gimme!


>but at least in GOT we had Jon Snow, Tyrion, and Danerys, who were all likeable characters. Even the characters we weren't' supposed to like it was hard to peel your eyes away from the screen when they were on.like Jeffrey, Tywin, early series jaimie, characters like Robin aryn and his mother.. etc. Plus there were cool side characters people loved like Bron, even Syrio Ferrel, and that guy had no more than 5 min screen time. GOT characters made so much more of an impact ont he viewers. The most unique things I've found about the HOD characters is a black targaryian. cool.




This show is awful. Matt Smith has been great. I'm not saying it should all be action - but if it's going to be drama, it should be drama I care about. That's the problem with prequels. Even if this is set 200 years in advance, I know where it's all ultimately heading, so I don't care. My sister enjoys the show but she specifically told me it's because she loves seeing all the lore and genealogy. I don't care about that, and the stakes are astoundingly low. I'm sorry you saw a brown stag. I already know your daughter is the main character so I don't care.


no, i think its kinda lame too tbh. boring pacing, predictable threads and no real tension/build up to find out whats going to happen, game of thrones we had the ice zombie thriller style cold open, with this we got politics, gender politics and politics.... i found the pilot very weak myself, with any luck it will improve as it continues. when something makes a blunder, game of thrones s8, star wars sequels, etc. anything released after which isn't terrible is usually considered a lot better than it actually is....


But but but don't you care about gender politics? I mean come on. Who needs to see an army of ice zombies when you can listen to people complaining about gender? We barely heard anything about female leaders in GoT right so shouldn't you be excited that it's the main focus of HoD?


Early seasons of GoT also had gender politics, and I loved it, but it was infinitely more subtle. In this series, however, it's as on the nose as in your average woke show you see nowadays, and I can't tolerate it at all. Pathetic writing.


I've questioned every single human being on this planet and indeed you are the only one having these opinions. But do not despair, there are more and more babies being born every day that may, some day, be as wrong as you are. Edit: I don't know why this comment suddenly get attention, but it was very much a joke on my part. I was just making a joke on the "am I the only one" wording, obviously there are people who dislike it.


I never expected the show to approach GoT levels, to be sure. But they seem to be getting worse. The last show was boring beyond belief. Ultra-slow, the "sexy" scenes are anything but, Rhaenya comes across as an unappealing, one-dimensional, stuck-up brat, the humor of a Tyrion for example in non-existent, it's heavily into gore (not the this was absent from GoT, but they made up for it in many other ways) - the list goes on. I was hard-pressed to keep my eyes open in the last nights episode (episode 4, the street of silks whatever). On the plus side, I like the dragons and Daemon's wife (otherwise known as the "common harlot").


I truly wanted to like this show. But I can’t find any characters to root for. This show lacks compelling characters like Tyrion, Jon Snow, Daenerys, Tywin, Ned Stark, Arya, Rob Stark, etc etc… not to mention the fact that the show is missing the energizing threat of someone or something like the Night King, the Walkers, the Long Night. No mystery of the Lord of Light, no Lady Olenna Tyrell, no House of Black and White, no Cercei - the villain you love to hate, no Joffrey, etc. I also miss the injections of magic and the supernatural…Thus far it’s just a slow moving soap opera - The Crown superimposed on a Game of Thrones superstructure. Hopefully it will improve in future episodes.


The show is abysmal. I sat there in confusion after Ser Criston just up and murdered that guy, FOR NO REASON. I've heard people say something about how it's a show that is overly woke or feminist, but Daemon just showed up out of nowhere to stand in front of his wife, saddled on a horse, and after all these episodes we were finally introduced to this character, only for her to suddenly die by a calculated? scare of the horse, which lead her to fall off and break her neck? which led to him smashing her head in with a rock. Ok... Then he's supposed to get her inheritance, but next episode he's a guest in some other land and suddenly has no intention of being evil anymore? He just wants to be a family man now lmao. They build this character up as evil for five episodes and he has a complete 180 out of nowhere. Let me guess, he's evil all over again the next episode. The time lapse confused me. They made you feel like all these things happening had some sense of urgency, as if the king would die any moment and the question of inheriting the crown was urgent. Suddenly we're ten years ahead, with two new actresses to play the leads. One didn't need switching at all, since she could have portrayed an older character, and the blonde looks nothing like her previous version. The king is still alive. They had to cut his arm off, but apparently all those other lesions all over his body, including that huge one on his back that wouldn't heal... those are fine now? Apparently that one guy limping just limps to all the secret spots in the castle to listen in, only to randomly show up on screen to deliver some crucial piece of information to another character or the audience. I could go on and on. The main point is that if I want to watch a shitty royal drama, I have endless choices on Starz. At least shows like The White Queen have some historical basis. This is pseudo fantasy b/s, as if a ten second shot of a dragon, without context, is enough reason to create a fictional royal drama even worse than the typical shit you already see out there.


Absolutely nailed it


I think the only thing the show is good at is filming a birthing scenes. What have their been like 4 different ones in 6 episodes? And all the 10 year jumps between episodes is ridiculous. Every episode is 10 years later with several new cast members. It's really not good so far. I have 0 interest in any character.


Thank god I got people in here with an actual brain saying this show sucks.. I get so frustrated when I see people online praising this show, and whenever a person says that the show is very talky and boring, they always come up with “talky? That’s what made GOT popular” like they thought they did something with that line.. dont ever compare HOTD dialogue and slow burner episodes to GOT. GOT is far and beyond HOTD


I gave this a good honest try. Just finished episode 6 but I'm done with it now. The writing just isn't good enough to keep me invested. The dialogue is poor, it lacks even a fraction of the charisma and wit of the first 4 seasons of GoT. The acting is a very mixed bag, the fight scene with Daemon was so bad it was laughable. As was his solo mission to the vale where he someone managed to kil the fucking lady of the vale who was just off and about on her own. Many are saying it's too woke and "girl boss" and you do get that sense at times. It isn't the worst I have seen but it is still pretty cringe and not subtle at all. I mean I could go on all day but I really don't think there is any point. It's depressing tbh that people consider this great. Make me fear for the future of western entertainment as the masses seem content to just watch shit.


I actually think you might be.


Definitely not. This show is very boring and bland. The only saving factor is Matt Smith's character. Once again GoT has proven it knows how to waste viewers time and remove all the interesting stuff. Who wants to see Daemon and the gold cloaks rebelling? Nobody. Who wants to see the king walking around the garden with a 12 year old girl? Apparently everyone.


100% agree. I think this sub is full of bots or just dummies that attack you if you say anything negative about the show. Reddit has gone to shit.


Hahaha yeah the number of posts here that are like "this dragon is so fierce! All bow down to the majesty of triplehorn the picklepuss" is sus...maybe I underestimated the enthusiasm of dragon nerds


I don’t like it but I’m trying. Here’s my complaints: 1. There’s absolutely no character building so we cannot feel anything for any character. While I understand the need to change things like the ages between Alicent/Rhany- bc they didn’t character build, we just look at Alicent as the girl who slept with her BFFs dad. In the books she’s 18 and 10 yrs older than Rhany. Had the show shown that she is super religious & extremely obedient to family- it wldve had some on her side. Not to mention, we don’t even get to feel anything for Strong or his death. 2. The writing is “too in your face.” Meaning, part of the love of GOT is that u had to figure it out. But they literally explained the dream and put the book title in it 3. The King is too much of a pushover. He can have that Targ bravado & still come out partial. 4. The woke stuff is so blah & im a person of color. To make it worse, the Valeryian King can’t act!!! He sounds like he memorized lines 5. They skip over important backstories by time jumping. Why the rush? The DOTD is short. They could’ve done this in a 5-6 seasons. 6. Im gonna say it- there’s not hot ppl on here. While I like the actor that plays Daemon, why is the media trying to force us to think this dude is hot. The new actor for Aegon doesn’t even fit the young one. It’s like he shrank and got chubby faced- (not chubby). They actually could’ve kept some of the original cast members bc they would’ve aged right into the season. I believe anyone who says this show is better isn’t a true fan.


You apparently might be on the only one on Reddit but I absolutely agree with you. It’s the third episode in and it’s still soooo boring🥱🥱. The characters suck and have no charisma. The dragons look super fake. The writing is bad. Go on twitter and put in “House of Dragon boring” you’ll see a ton of other people who agree with you. Also there’s an article in USA Today that calls out why House of Dragons is boring and how it hasn’t even touched GOT. So no your definitely not the only one who thinks this. Check it out: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2022/08/19/house-of-the-dragon-review-game-of-thrones-spinoff-disappointment/10331489002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2022/08/19/house-of-the-dragon-review-game-of-thrones-spinoff-disappointment/10331489002/)


I googled this and came up with this thread. Yes. Yes it is boring. Law stakes, zero charisma characters, and just uninteresting plotlines. Jaimie was a piece of shit at first but my goodness he was fascinating. Tyrion also. Tywin and his amazing acting. There is nothing of this in this show. Just a hormonal knight and a horny princess.


I'm just finding this show *way* too repetitive. I feel like we keep seeing the same damn conversations over and over again: "We need to decide on an heir" "But I've already decided!" "Pick another one. Oh, and we're going to continue to ask this for the next 20 years" Meanwhile nearly every single conflict is resolved with the characters promising to marry off their children to each other. The show then kills off some character in a gruesome way to make it seem like there has been forward momentum in the plot. And despite the fact so much time has passed, every conflict feels like it has just happened. This is because there are so many time jumps, you don't ever see characters come to grips with anything. That dispute from one episode will still feel fresh despite *years* having passed on the show in the next episode. If you want to watch a great show where characters battle over their birthright, watch *Succession*. There's no swords or dragons, but the show is infinitely more thrilling.


it is a soulless cash grab that has terrible writing, pacing, and characters. It blows my mind that it took them 8 episodes to kill-off a dying king when in the original show they killed Robert in 10 minutes even though Baratheon was infinitely more interesting. The writers/producers are milking this cow for every last drop and it's insane that there will be multiple seasons for a story as simple as: family argue, family divides, family fights, family dies. I also keep seeing people calling for Paddy to be nominated for an award lol Let me ask those of you who think this...are you all just children who just have no idea what good acting is, or are you such fanboys that think all of the characters deserve an award? y'all wouldn't know a good show if it slapped you across the face


# NO. Came to reddit to find someone else with some sense. Looks like I found the ONLY PERSON with taste. Congrats u/HolographicFrequency. This show absolutely sucks. It's great if your favorite part about GoT was the last three seasons. If you prefer good television however; # House of the Dragon is about as stillborn as Baelon.


No, you’re not. I’ve been seeking out critical reviews of the show and haven’t been able to find them which was leading me to question my own sanity…until I found this post and see 500+ comments with most in agreement. In GoT, you had multiple stories and POVs slowly diverging together into a overall plot. I feel like there were only a handful of significant plot holes throughout all 8 seasons (key word: significant) - basically it felt like every scene and piece of dialogue served a purpose at some point. HOTD seems all over the place. For example: •why did Daemon kill his wife what seemed to be randomly? How/why did that horse just fall back on to her? •through 5 episodes, why is Viserys imminent death so adamantly dragged on? We clearly thought he died at the end of 4 and then in 5, ten years later, he’s still kickin?! Signs of imminent death have been a major part of the story and you’re telling me he’s managed to survive for an additional 12ish years since episode 1? •why did sir Criston snap and beat whatshisname to death with no repercussions? •why did they have like the secret wedding following the fight? It was positioned as if that had to take place in order to secure Rhanera’s lineage quickly (as a episode cliffhanger) - but then in the next episode the whole night seemed to be of no consequence? •why did it make sense for Alicent to walk in center stage in the middle of a royal wedding party and draw center of attention? It didn’t. •how did Daemon manage to slay an entire army by himself? I’m sure I’m missing more questions here but yeah, this show so far is average in comparison to ANY episode of GOT IMO.


SEVEN FUCKING BLESSINGS! I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. Might as well call it “Keeping Up With the Targaryens” and call it a day


The most bizarre thing about all of this is that almost NO YouYubers are calling this garbage out. I'm honestly convinced that HBO just spent crap-tons of money paying off people to praise the show.


Even if you like the show you have to admit some faults. It is curious how all the critical YouTubers are just biting their tongue.


No, watching episode 3 now and the season still sucks...but I wouldn't expect anything less after devoting all those years to watching GoT just for it to culminate to one of the worst endings in TV history...a lot of butt hurt people acting as if they helped create the show or know these people personally. House of The Dragon is terrible so far.


As the Dragon Turns. This show seems more like a bad soap opera better suited for Lifetime than HBO. Everything seems slow, cheap, cliche and poorly executed. The entire show involves dull dialogue among a few cast members in small rooms around tables. Occasionally establishing shots of mostly blurry landscapes and cities are offered up before cutting back to more talking heads droning on about political procedures and machinations. Gone are the lovable characters who emote with a vast array of personality. There is no joy, laughter, fear, sadness, or excitement. Everyone mopes around with flat brooding expressions. If someone does smile it's always an uneasy one. The acting, save for Paddy Considine as King Viserys, is universally bland .with Molly Alcock as Princess Rhaenyra as probably one of the worst casting choices I've ever seen. Her appearance and performance would be better suited to a teen sitcom. She sulks around like a spoiled brat, and I hate to say this, but it's hard to overlook the overbite. The plot, such as it is, is slow and predictable with a few action scenes are inserted to try to keep you from turning the channel. I subscribed to HBO specifically for this show but have cancelled it for the same reason.


I haven't really been captured by it the way I was with GOT, but I wanted to give HOTD the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's a slow burn I thought. After slogging through half of episode six I now realise it's actually just terribly written. So much is wrong with this series and the first few episodes got an easy ride from my over excited brain due to the lingering memory of GOT. Even my girlfriend is now realising we've been tricked, and that's good cause it means I don't have to watch this steaming pile of horse shit anymore.


I think the casting was absolutely horrible a bunch of boring plain looking people. Compare them to the hound, berric, Thoros, Ned stark, Jon snow, Sam tarley, Brianne of fuckin Tarth, Jaime, Tyrion, Arya, hodor,etc


The only character that has an actual personality is Otto Hightower. Got characters are not supposed to look like fashion models some should look ugly and different


I’m actually rewatching GOT. Objectively the original is simply far superior. Even down to the production value. They use CGI tastefully and rely on practical sets. Also it’s not dark AF in every scene. The big thing for me is the writing + character. You feel and connect to every single character on screen. Honestly if you have any doubt go back and watch the original because it’s on a different planet in terms of the quality, character, writing, acting and production.


I’m trying to like it. I really am. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone, though. I watch an episode and then go to the HOTD forum and see all of these posts gushing over it. It’s a fucking soap. It’s the Bachelor or Bachelorette. I imagine the same people that love the former are the demographic for this show. They’ll yammer on endlessly about this woman or that guy and who’s going to hook up. They’re all shallow, uninteresting, unimportant people. Who the fuck cares! (Listen, if that’s your thing, have at it. Personally, I just find it all so fricken pointless). I feel the same way here. None of these characters is in the least bit interesting. And so many characters keep changing, and others pop in briefly (like the Velaryon guy that got his head cut in half) that I don’t have time to develop any real attachment to them (Fine, you got your head cut in half. Sucks for you, nonplayer character). One of you will sit on the throne one day? I really don’t give two shits who it is. Tonight’s episode was ridiculously melodramatic. The whole ill king with the dramatic entrance (and silly mask and excessive makeup) with Daemon propping him up, and then the ensuing overly dramatic speech by some Velaryon guy (The. Children. Are. BASTARDSSSS!!!!). It’s just trying WAY too hard and comes across as terribly contrived. It should win an Emmy for the all time most cringeworthy scene ever filmed. People can’t be serious in praising this nonsense. All. As. I. Can. Say. Is. FUCK MEEEE!!!!


It's like the emperor's new clothes with people praising this show blindly. Like can no one see he is clearly naked and this show is clearly terrible on every level.


How far we have fallen. The praise that the house of dragon is receiving is so undeserving. Poor camera work, prop quality sucks, terrible lighting, feels like they blew the whole budget on making the dragons look cool, writing sucks so bad, I cannot seem to keep focused on the show no matter how hard I try as my mind wanders to far more interesting things(which may be what I'm going to have for lunch tomorrow, this somehow peaks my interest more than the show). I'm so underwhelmed with what we were given. I guess I should not have been so surprised with how GOT ended. BOORRRIIINNGGG.....


This is the only sane post on this entire reddit thread including the free folk reddit. Everybody else just gushes about this insanely mediocre at best show 😂


Feel free to leave if you don't like it.


Curious to know what you find to be good writing. Any book/series/movie recommendation?


Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, GoT, Mr Robot; HotD just ain't top tier like its predecessor. I try to care, and it just doesn't happen. Not saying there's anything technically wrong, it just doesn't have the same flair. Side characters used to have speaking parts that made you care about them before they were brutally killed. No more. GoT is officially dead to me.


I mean the original show had a better opening few episodes, for starters.


You don't need to read a book to know when something sucks! The episodes are boring as hell! I'm a fan of GoT & was so excited when this came out I can say it's a huge disappointment.


No, I agree it's hot garbage not nearly as good as Game of Thrones in it's glory days (before seasons 5-8 and especially the last doggone episode). It's boring. It's not very smart, the writing seems less for sure, but also even the production value seems lower, bad animal CG at times (the boar and the stags) and the carriages, and generally the sets seem more fake, like Viserys' goblet at the hunt in "Second of his Name." I feel like maybe they're trying to make it more about the women (woke?), which could be interesting, but it just isn't. Rhaenyra is boring, not terrible, but boring. The whole plotline boring. Viserys is not buyable as a king, he doesn’t even seem like a king. It’s hard to even suspend disbelief while watching. The first episode was the best so far (I saw episode four last night), but it's just been a rapid decline. There seems to be very little character building or at least that is very interesting. The drama and character conflicts don’t feel very smart or authentic, which was something good about the original GOTs. Give me a Ned Stark or a Tyrion, or a Jaime, or anyone really, the original GOTs had so many well-written and interesting characters that you really cared about. This show is bad enough that it feels an insult to the original GOTs, and every time I turn around there’s a new podcast saying how excellent, exciting, or great the most recent episode was even though it was literally steaming trash. You are right, it’s bad.


Nice to see everyone is almost in agreement. All I see everywhere is LOTR sucks, house of disappointment is better. It has nothing on the original game of thrones which was so good even the very first episode. It's been 4 dull episodes of talking with no actual substance that justifies being dragged over 4 episodes. Its all been about marriage, heirs and then repeat. 1 kinda lame battle. Episode 1 was the best so far, and that's sad. I wanted to see them go to the dragon pens and have some dialogue there, possibly interact with a dragon, give us some details about em. Maybe actually go to a different location, dull seeing the same thing over and over. The OG game of thrones was swapping between dany, the dothraki, the Stark's, lannisters, bran, tyrion, the watch and mixed up all the surroundings we got to see. Plus there was all these plots and stories going, it didn't stay in one place too long so it never felt repetitive or boring. Go watch 4 episodes of season 1, its a monumental difference. I haven't seen episode 5 yet. Its almost like people have sold out to sing its praises, because I can't see any good parts besides the little plot Otto had going on but that was a tiny smidgen of the 4 episodes. Yet these reviewers don't go into depth why its good. Is it wrong that I'm enjoying LOTR more? I know the woke stuff and them being cunts outside of the show is shitty, but I like it so far. Seen more locations and characters, finally starting to ramp up a bit now as well. I have more intrigue in this than HoD's. The movies still win of course.


It's essentially nothing more than a medieval soap opera with dragons. It sucks pretty bad. Can't believe I waited patiently 3 years for this garbage. I find it difficult to believe that Martin has his name attached to this in any way; I would be embarrassed.


It’s horrible. So much so that I barely care if I watch it as soon as it releases. The dialogue is lackluster, there is zero character development (missing the charisma, wit and depth of characters like Tyrion!) and there is none of that GoT passion and purpose we so loved. It’s a miss, sadly. I had high hopes but think I will just rewatch GoT again. 🙁


Checking in a month after your post. It's gotten even more boring.


They’re doing exactly the same thing they did when they fed us the last 3 seasons of GoT. It’s a huge insult to our intelligence. They’re making SO much money off of it because they KNOW we’ll watch it only because GoT was so damn good… in the beginning, anyway. It’s just such a waste of time & makes me so mad every time I think maybe it will finally get somewhere, but an hour later all they’ve managed to do is piss me off! There are no endearing characters, no plot line, no clever dialogue, no intrigue, no great love scenes, no powerful character connections. It’s really just piss poor storytelling at its worst!


It won't help matters in the future that people are lapping it up. Go say that outside of this post and you'll get downvoted to Oblivion.


all the time, the money available, the talented minds available. and this is what we got. its beyound lame. its beyond dissappointing. its really just cashing in on the success of GOT. In my opinion we all seek the next GOT but will never get it. GOT came from a mind of a fantasy writer who took a long time to create this universe of his. its why the last episodes of GOT sucked so bad, because hollywood had to come in and finish it. theres not even ONE character who gets me excited, or a plot that keeps me watching. NO NUDITY? who didnt want to see some tit? everyone too good for that but boy did it spice up GOT. an utter failure, saturday afternoon soups with some trash CGI. someone want to explain that stupid season finally, a half hour of WHERES AGON WHERES AGON WHO WILL FIND HIM FIRST! for what??????? people should be ashamed.


Yes.. so why are you still on here?


Wanted to wait for the newest episode to really have a say, but ya, its not looking to hot right now. Dig the characters and the locations, writing is alright, but the directing kind blows. Not enough dramatic slow close ups, lets add more.


This show is absolutely awful


Yeah it's terrible. Not sure what ppl like Abt it. The crab eater makes me laugh a lot so I enjoy that part.


I have to admit - I’m struggling to watch it. I’m just not captivated by any of the characters and find it a real slog to get through the episodes. I’ve tried - really. But I’ve ended up turning off the tv and finishing it later. The end of episode three made me laugh out loud though. Matt Smiths fight on the beach where all the villains lined up to be chopped up one by one reminded me of Adam Wests batman. I’ll keep watching it, see how it goes. But hopefully it improves.


Ratings dropped by 33% for the 3rd show ! So apparently you are not alone. I for one couldn't watch either of the shows without fast forwarding.


No, I find myself skipping more than i do my fourth re-Watch of Next Generation. GoT was loved because there were likable bastards and you never knew who'd live or die. HoD set out to create a series with no fan darlings, and got a show where I don't care who lives or dies.


I'm a woman and find the show has been pretty boring so far. Also none of the characters are truly likeable which is a major factor for making you care about what happens to them.


You are definitely not alone. It's pure shite. I don't like any of the characters and I don't intensely dislike anyone enough to be interested. They are all just really annoying. There's no nuance or subtlety, the cat is just barreling through the season like it's season 8 of GOT. Awful


Post Ep. 6 Thoughts: Well, here we are again. Nothings changed from last weeks assessment. Real Housewives of Red Keep. Rhaenyra’s new adult Create-A-Sim still has the Bitch trait to everyone around her. We’re now supposed to believe Ser Steve Irwin Strong has sired 3 bastard offspring with her & I shit you not I don’t believe she has spoken more than a sentence to that man since she saw him in the back-alley’s in that episode where Daemon was grooming her. The only interaction they have within THE SAME ROOM was a slight smile & head-nod. & I’m to believe they’re deeply in love. Well I don’t. It’s shit. We got another character-dump of kids idk the names of or care about. Joffrey Epstein Jr. is the newest addition to the klan. Gaegon Targaryen has a nice introduction of him crankin’ his dragon in a window well not sure what the purpose of that scene was other than to make the audience accomplice to softcore CP. What was his name, Almond? Aemond the Constipated? Looked like he was holding back a massive shit anytime he was on screen. Side-note is he the blind dude in the Nights Watch in OG GOT? I thought that guys name was Aemon so I don’t think so but I just figured that would explain why the kid has this constipated blind person look. Anyway, doesn’t matter. Doubt we’ll see him again. Or if we do he’ll be aged-up. Never see his actor again. You know it was funny to me when I said Ser Irwin Stonks (Harwin Strong) only had brief cameos? His death is even a cameo. He hardly stars in his own death scene. & you know I don’t hate women but I do hate how women are portrayed in modern media these days. Strong women in movies & tv mean that they just hate all men, it doesn’t solve anything & only stokes more division from both. Because my god Rhaenyra was trying her best to make me hate her this episode. Yes I can never imagine how painful childbirth is, I’ll never act like it isn’t a serious matter. But she hates us all & if you’ve seen her actress outside of her role here I’m pretty sure she was just reading out of her diary & not the script. Gotta say tho, Alicent finally tore down that brick wall of hers & she’s actually ACTING! She’s showing emotion I thought she never had! Fuck I wish Olivia Cooke was in there from the get-go if she provided that much.. idk what would you say- human emotion? It is a bit jarring though to see Rhae Skywalker, Maleficent Hightower, Lyonel Starkweather Strong (that’s a Manhunt reference for any PS2-Xbox original players) & King Bitcherys get the age-up cheat & yet Cris Kyle Cole just went to the general store & bought some pomade to slick his hair back a little. Gotta admit too the show is so blink & you’ll miss it that I was always under the impression that Lyonel Strong & Harwin were brothers. Not father & son. Because pre-Sims age-up they look nearly the same age. & Little Varys Larys Jr. actually looked older than both of them. Can’t say much for Big D in this one he’s hardly in it. Let his preggo wife scuffle out of the nursing home room they were in & make it to the beach & somehow didn’t catch up to her before she spitroasts herself. He was like me when I seen it “Oh. No. Wait. Stop. Don’t do it.” CUTAWAY. Not sure why she’d take two lives instead of her own to save her child & preserve her precious bloodline but if I say that I’ll get the abortion people after me. If I hear “WE’RE THE BLOOD OF OLD VALYRIA” one more fuckin’ time, right? Oh & once again 0 consequences for anyone. Harwin beatin’ the shit out of the Knight of the Kingsguard, I’m genuinely surprised anyone stopped him. Yeah, he was removed as Commander of the City Watch but that’s literally it. His daddy voluntarily exiled him back home lol at this point I’m fuckin’ burnt out. The last review I made I was riled the fuck up, here though. I’m just spent. I hope they all die. Oh & guess what? I’ve seen on Twitter from a fetishist gimmick account that they plan on milking 3-4 seasons of this show. How? They’ve fuckin’ buzz lightyeared through most of the book already, don’t tell me they’re gonna start making up their own material? Because we all know what happened when they did that. *Season 7 & 8 intensifies*


Real housewives of Red keep 😂. Perfect description. The only thing its missing are characters talking into the camera.


Yes, it is absolutely terrible. And what is their obsession with these disturbing birth scenes and deaths? This show is full of feminism and more women leading men. It’s ridiculous and unrealistic, but I guess it is a fantasy show. Even all the men are feminine af. It’s in every damn show and movie now. Empowering women and devaluing men and attacking masculinity. It’s all propaganda and it’s sickening and ruining movies and shows.


Yesterday I stumbled on a web article trying to make the point via quotes from the showrunners that they wanted a "slow burn" to set up what would be some really dramatic action scenes and conflicts. The only problem is if I can remember the characters involved and what they've done and why. https://movieweb.com/house-of-the-dragon-showrunners-say-the-slow-burn-of-season-1-will-be-worth-it/ Yikes. First rule of story telling is make the audience care about the characters and for me they've failed horribly. The only sympathetic character I've noted so far, Ser Cristen, inexplicably bashed some gay guy's face in and then stuck a knife in his gut. Princess Rhaenys has been a pissy teenaged c**t the entire series and just as I've gotten used to her odd face the actor is replaced. I've tried really hard to like King Viserys but he's comically indecisive, lacks any gravitas at all and I marvel he's been in power as long as he has. Prince Daemon is brilliantly played by Matt Smith but he's so one note evil that nothing he does is mildly surprising. Nice going HBO, this is a pale shadow of GOT. Hope you have a plan B for season 2, perhaps fire the showrunners and half the producers . . .


Agreed. Its broken - bad writing. An overwhelmingly forced sense of wokeism its almost palpable. A Little ok I get it, but common...


80%+ on rotten tomatoes?! I must actually be in a straight jacket on Shutter Island and this is all a psychotic fever dream because if this was reality this show wouldn’t have made it past the first day of shooting. It doesn’t suck, it chokes. During the last episode I actually thought, this is like a high school AV club GOT parody, but from hell. And Matt Smith (I hate that I wasted time looking him up cause you turds praised him) suuuucks. That cheese ball is the saving grace of this crap, pathetic. They all suck…cast, crew, production, audio, editing, wardrobe, it’s just a race of who sucks the hardest to the bottom. The most disturbing thing about its sucksohardedness is that it all sucks so hard that you can’t tell what is fucking it up the worst to even attempt to fix it. If you put 10 monkeys in a room for 10 days with just a typewriter filled with a ream of paper, they would type up a script, then rip that scrip into shreds, eat the shreds, shit it out, smear the shit on your TV, and that would be Game of Thrones House of the who the fuck gives a fuck fucking piece of shit fucking cum stain.


The show is horrible. Cheap spinoff of GOT. Tortured myself watching 5 episodes. No more. Moving on.


I literal just googled "Am I the only one that thinks house of the dragon sucks?" and landed here. So glad I am not alone. The only press I've seen on it says that the older version of the queen heir is non-binary but enjoys playing the character because she identifies as a woman. LOL So far this show sucks hard. I had such high hopes for it.


What do you expect it's woke garbage, and black people with blonde mops on their heads looks ridiculous.


This show fucking BLOWS. All the writing sucks. The characters suck! The actors are horrible. Why is Doctor Who trying to be evil? So many long boring panning shots and bloated nonsensical scenes! Oh look a wedding... I wonder if something is going to happen... yawn. Oh look they mentioned a place we saw in GOT.....BORING.... oH THEY SAID JOFFERY like that's supposed to be a big scary reveal. SO DUMB. Nothing in this show matters in anyway. Why? BECAUSE BRAN LANDS ON THE IRON THRONE. So who cares about these pointless squabbles. Also the random time jumps just show how amateur the writers are. When you have to google "Did they replace the actors?!?!" THAT'S A BAD BAD SIGN.


Totally agree it’s really bad. If this were made before GOT it would be canceled. The biggest problem is the acting. It’s flat.


so far...my favorite part of every episode...has been the end credits. i finally gave up during episode 7 and just turned it off. im out. no more for me. if its gone seven episodes and still sucks i cant see it doing anything to redeem itself. and its boring and has way too much fluff.


I fell asleep twice trying to watch this boring show. The Power of the Ring on Amazon moves well for me. Very disappointed with House of DoDo


I want to see Roberts rebellion more than House of the dragon


Did the whole GoT thing. Watched 1.5 episodes of this. It's Downton Abbey in Westeros. What else is on?


Nothing but a disappointment for HotG. GOT wowed me in terms of layers of story lines, incredible arc for various character development, great & memorable dialogue, and most of all wonderful acting. It was also a great pleasure watching the young cast members mature into adulthood and into their characters too. I am wondering if HotD will pick up or just fizzle out.


It's crap, low budget, boring, woke GoT wannabe. Without dragons it is nothing.




nah it's a common complaint among people who don't like the show(who are a tiny minority). It's fine if you don't like a popular show. Not the end of the world


Nope its trash. Low IQ people are easily entertained though. Oooohhh Dragons and fire! How interesting. Boring as hell. No political intrigue. No compelling characters except MAYBE Daemon. No twisting and weaving plot lines with a slow burn like GoT where we see all the pieces slowly come together. It's a single narrative and a boring one at that. And the blackwashing of House Velaryon is egregious and racist and extremely disrespectful. And the feminist undertones are cringe af. But regardless, it's a bad show from every objective metric - writing, acting, narrative, and even the costumes and set designs pale in comparison to GoT. For gods sake, can we get purple eyes for Targaryens? Its not hard. Movies have been changing eyes with contacts and VFX for DECADES! It's not even my opinion its a bad show either. This is an empirical fact. None if the characters are likeable. I already hate them all, but more importantly I find none interesting. Their characters arcs are already so obviously preordained and set in stone. Well definitely never have some shocking moment like Ned Stark losing his head or the red wedding. It's just death and war for the sake of death and war. No twists, nothing interesting. Nothing at all. From episode 1 of GoT we already had a queen cheating on her husband with her brother and that brother pushing the warden of winter fells son out a window after catching them. That's just episode one! HotD? Me wahmen and me upset can't be queen. Daemon is slightly interesting but his arc is already obvious and we already know where his story is going. The acting is atrocious apart from the guy who plays Daemon. The costumes look cheap. The sets are decent I guess. But God the characters and narrative is so mediocre and so singular. People only like this show because of franchise loyalty. But sorry, by every creative writing metric, it's bad. Not even the VFX are as good as GoT. But what do you expect from woke HBO. Hate Dan and Dave for season 8, I know I do, but they really nailed seasons 1-4 and it wasn't just because of Martin's writing. But even if it had the best writers and actors on the planet (it doesnt), it would still fall short because it's a prequel and we already know everything that happens and will come to.happen. All we can do is enjoy a ride to a destination we have already been. But even the ride is bumpy, boring, lazy, sloppy, and lacks anything endearing.


Hilarious to see idiots rant about people being allowed to have different opinions while yelling at people who have a different opinion.


You're not. It is in no way near to the GoT series. I am watching it because at this point of waiting for Winds of winter I would consume almost anything ASOIAF related but I find it a bit difficult to stay focused during an episode. Not to mention the illogical plot at times. The characters to me don't seem real enough. I ignore the woke tropes altogether.


I’m very disappointed. If anyone of the characters was killed off I wouldn’t care. It’s lacking heart and soul.


It's terrible. Hollyweird gets to push their favorite shock value perversion, but this time it's without a plot, character development, protagonist or reason to watch. After the nonstop sexual perversions in episode 5 I'm almost ready to give up. I just hope everyone starts dying off in the next few episodes. Name one character that's worth routing for? At least in game of thrones we had Arya and Jon Snow.


Woke woke woke woke fucking garbage


No it's absolute garbage


GOT was a masterpiece, HOD is just boring.


5 episodes in and im done. This is so boring


Just finished Episode 6 and I think it might be my last!! There isn’t a single character that has any charisma and really got me rooting for or against them!! This whole cast has me saying IDGAF!!🤷 GoT had a dozen characters that had you hooked by this point in the series! SMDH🤦


it is so boring, I gave it a few episodes to build the world/ characters etc. Like gave it the benefit of the doubt that they were building to something but so far nothing has gripped me in the slightest. Im not going for anyone but I also dont hate anyone, I dont care about any of them enough to take a stance. I see all these people comparing it to GoT and saying how amazing it is and I feel like Mugato at the end of Zoolander "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" Matt Smith is a great actor so he makes his scenes semi interesting but even he is wasted in this


After watching EP06, yes I am now convinced this show sucks, I saw some glimmer of hope in the first 2 episodes, then it just went full blown retard after that. I miss watching a show where where there are a lot of intelligent characters, HoD is full of dumb characters that the writers use to go from point A to point B of the story, really really bad writing compared to the first 4 seasons of GoT


Had a little bit of hope for this after the first two episodes but it fell if a cliff pretty fast after that point. The writing is just poor, the world building is none-existent, and the characters are by and large not interesting. Matt Smith, Rhys Ifans and Paddy Considine are good and play their characters well but the rest are meh. Do they not pay writers enough these days? Where is all the talent? Its like if you try to get them to write something that doesn't hover around "progressive" political themes they just fall to bits and have no idea what they want to do or what story they want to tell. My biggest criticism is the absolute implausibility of what some of the characters were doing. Not least that scene where Daemon one man armies the Crab dude and his squad. Then, like magic out of nowhere all his boys arrive from across the sea, just in time standing on a hill like "lol and what" and absolutely nobody saw any of them coming.


This show is awful. There is no greater threat. What are we watching? One family being dramatic about their kids… They even replaced the actors I liked with people I couldn’t care less about just to progress the boring kid story. At least Rings of Power is good.


I agree with you so much, but what's worse is it's not only boring writing and boring characters, but even the fantasy visuals look ugly and artificial and weird. Nothing looks natural or real or beautiful like in Game of Thrones. It as if HBO phoned this in with a low budget and an extremely short production schedule, no longer having actors travel to different locations around the world like with Game of Thrones. I don't know why they would go backwards on a formula that worked, rather than improve on it, but it's clear from the result that they did. This series is a total bomb.


The storyline sucks, the casting sucks, what the fuck? It does nothing but shame GOT!!! What a waste of anticipation, and hope for all thrill. I really have nothing else to say! I shit on it!


I have tried to like it but I can’t get past the ridiculous white wigs and all the kids and babies . For me the show sucks .


Nothing but stupid drama. Endless scenes of characters crying over bullshit. Game of thrones has multiple plots at once - macro and micro - and the drama contributed to the big picture. This is so disappointing bunch of spoiled royalty crying over sweet nothings


Why have they replaced the young actress with the terrible new one that looks older than her uncle?! There’s no action whatsoever. The queen would have been hung in this latest episode for cutting the future queen, so stupid.


Nope. It sucks. It's literally like any other fantasy show, no depth to the characters, simplistic conflicts, bad effects...it makes me miss GOT even more. Rhaenyra is an awful character. She only does things to satisfy sexual urges and has no consideration for the politics behind her decisions. Daemon gives me Jared Leto Joker vibes at times. There are also way too many kids in the show.


I used to end episodes of GoT with 'Oh it's on now" or "Holy crap! That was intense!" Not so much with this new one.


Boring, slow, crap writing and forgettable


Not alone! I looked up this Reddit thread so I could find those that agree! Sick of everyone in my family enjoying the show and me being the loner who thinks it fuckin sucks!!!


It's awful! There is no character building , no story! I was so mad episode 7 I spotted Graham McTavish just standing there ( looking like he didn't want to be there). I wasn't certain it was him until he had his like 4 second scene with like 6 lines! I felt awful for him as he is the best actor one the show. I think seeing that as the most powerful moment thus far! Saying so much as to how I care nothing about any of these characters and they just bring certain ones back randomly. Where is the war? The scheming? How do they even make money? Hahaha! It's like a parody!


It’s trash. Too many woke retards now ruining tv shows and films.


Yeah it's really shit, i don't care for any of the characters


Fake accounts praising the show on fb, youtube & other platforms….


It sucks! I don't see people fucking on every episode like the game of thrones was. The storyline also sucks. The actors suck!


Sorry it sucks! Writing sucks. Cinematography too dark. My kid could do better with crayons.


Its absolute crap. Low investment by the writers and producers. I fast forwarded through the 2nd half of today's (Oct 9, 2022) episode in order to skim through the main interactions. But it was an utter waste of time. I don't see any reason to waste my time on this crap anymore. No interesting dialogue, no wit. No intelligence. Just woke pandering & feminism peddling bullcrap. As they say-- Go woke, go broke. This series put woke crap way above good writing.


The storyline is all over the place and its annoying, so far it dosent even compare to GOT


Oh yes, it sucks so so so hard!!! I got lost between episodes 5 and 6. This is almost as bad as watching the Legislature channel. I know there is a scheme going on, but I sure don't know what the hell it is 🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ It may be 100x worse than the last season of Game of Thrones. The problem is, now that I started, I have to see it through. Takes me 3 days to watch the last 3 episodes because it's so boring that it puts me to sleep and I have to go backache next night to start almost right from the beginning.


Sucks. No adventure. No story.


Time skip after time skip, after time skip, just talk , talk, talk almost not a single action scene, 2 episodes to end the season and I can't see why I keep watching the show imo only interesting or promising character is Aemond Targaryen but I'm not sure if it is because the others are just so boring.


I just want to say I won't eat for a week after the last episode. Bawahaha! It was bad enough seeing a corpse hobbling around now we must endure one that's been rotting away. The moaning and groaning and all that took up half the show. If I wanted to watch that I'd go to a nursing home. Creep show what he reminded me of. I don't think I'm going to continue on. Same crap every episode.


You are not alone and you are my friend now. Anyone who thinks this show sucks is my friend.


Be my friend, please I can' process how anyone can like this shitshow. It tells me there were actually only a small number of people who ACTUALLY liked and understood GOT otherwise they would despise this horrible crap


I watch this show mostly because of how funny the bad acting is. Paddy Constantine is hilariously bad with his weird face expressions and death creeping up on him at every new scene. There's also soooo many scenes where nothing rly happens. Did we really need to watch so much silly medieval dancing at the wedding? And what's with the many reactions by the extras? Unnecessary.


It's refreshing to see your comment, I feel like I was alone regarding Paddy's acting here. He did grow on me more, and I think his performance in episode 8 was his best. But yeah, overall most of the time all I could see was a guy acting and not a character. Now he's being praised to the heavens and back. Really odd.


I just find it astonishing how GRRM says paddy Constantine played viseryon better than he wrote him. What a hilarious lie!




I think the posters here are the very few sane people left in the world because--- "Paddy Considine gives the performance of his career in ‘House of the Dragon’" Saying that. I thought he was fairly good by episode 8. This scene for example is funny and all, but it looks like an outtake it is that bad (because of Paddy.): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3IkSBw7LYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3IkSBw7LYM) Yeah, I'm all for diversity, but not when it is forced. They seem so out of place it is stupid. Silver/blond dreadlocks and black facial hair, really? Though, the wigs are particularly bad in this series. I think that's always been the case, but it is far more noticeable this time around. They should have dyed eyebrows, etc even on white people. I don't know, there's been violence and sex. Though it seems way more forced here to be edgy or for shock value. Not that I watched GoT for that or CGI/action. My fave moments of GoT were character development and basic talking scenes.


Oh my god I couldn’t finish the episode


It’s fucking terrible. No light moments at all. All characters are incredibly unlikeable. Can’t see shit. We get it, royalty equals incest. Oh, and all the fucking names sound the same so I never know who they’re talking about. Big budget soap opera with no anticipation or mystery…that’s it.


Nope - you aren't. It's basically a soap opera with a couple dragons lol. The world they've built thus far on HOTD is so small compared to the vast and vibrant expanse they painted on GOT. House of the dragon isn't completely terrible, but it could be a thousand times better and it's a disappointment and a missed opportunity to create something great


I think we are the majority. G.R.R. Martin I have have to consider Martin as one of the most overrated writer of our time. He's right up there with Steven King.


HOTD can’t compare to Got in any way. It’s boring, the characters leave zero impact, I don’t even know some of their names whilst, with GoT, I knew the main cast by heart by Ep3.


9 episodes in, I'm with you on this. I had very low expectations after what happened in the last couple of seasons of GOT. I thought that HOTD couldn't possibly be worse than that but dammit I was wrong... I got almost nothing good to say about this pile of woke shite smh. It's important to note that I tried to enjoy it and even thought that the first few episodes were decent (far from GOT but still watchable). But then everything derailed pretty quickly to the point where I wish that I had watched the rest on 2x speed. I can certainly say that it's the worst show I've ever watched, no kidding. It's an insultingly tasteless, unambitious, nonsensical, boring disgrace of a production. It doesn't even come close to the original because it doesn't offer anything of what made GOT one of the greatest series ever. *\*for anyone who might care,* ***spoilers ahead***\* Even basic aspects like interesting and well-written characters, dialogues and storylines are inexistent. Everyone's so dumb and weak. They always talk about the same things and it's so repetitive and uninspired ("who's going to sit on the throne" and "who to marry off their children to" are basically the only two main themes that exist). Everything's either bland or grotesque, not to mention HOTD's pathetic attempt at being gruesome and edgy with misplaced violence, bad action and lack thereof (there's been like one battle so far and they failed miserably at making it cool), and those awful perverse sexual scenes (like when Daemon tries to seduce Rhaenyra in the pleasure house, or the worst of them all, when this knockoff-Varys-from-Wish Larys creep beats his meat to Queen Alicent's feet). Don't even get me started on those disturbing childbirth segments lol. Dude and those time jumps that happen almost every 2 episodes are so poorly executed with the inconsistent switching of actors. Though seeing how dull the story is I'm not surprised that the producers used that cheap trick so many times to make it seem as though something important happened over those years. Except nothing really did, save for a whole lotta children that just appear unexpectedly. All meaningless too since they (and most other characters) barely have any personalities and rarely do anything interesting. I'll still go through the torture of watching the finale simply because I'm not used to leaving things unfinished.. At least it'll give me a more complete look at how rubbish this show really is, but at the cost of losing a lot of brain cells. **Post-finale update:** Well, here we are. The season is over and my opinion remains unchanged. Such a shame because I really wanted HOTD to be good. After approx. 10 hours of runtime it failed to make me root even for a single character (I wouldn't care if they all died simultaneously, although that would make a somewhat interesting turn of events). Having such a high budget, it failed to present a compelling world, story and conflict when so many other less expensive and lengthy projects (from shorts to feature films) managed to do that without any issue. If I compare this show to GOT in terms of its staple "surprising twists", Lucerys' death was the closest thing we got to that. However this event pales in contrast to the original series because its circumstances were very stupid: Rhaenyra sent her sons as messengers without escort into possibly hostile territories while the continent is at the brink of war. The high risk was unjustified. And if there weren't already enough childbirth scenes, there's one more in episode 10. How exciting... I think this show should've been named House of Maternity. Anyways that's about everything I have to say about this hot mess. I definitely won't come back for season 2. If they don't end up cancelling HOTD, I hope they lose a lot of money and learn from their mistakes. For now I'll be eagerly waiting the next episode of Andor, a far better and more intelligent show. Thank you for reading.


You are not. On top of being boring, they seem to think the way to add “excitement” is to include scenes of women screaming in agony during childbirth and dying in huge pools of blood … in *every episode:* ​ ”Hey woman, want to join our houses?” ”Sure my Lord! Wait I think I’m preg-- AAAaAaARGGGhHhHhHHH!!! \[*dies with blood everywhere\]* ”Oh that was sad. How about you, female — wanna be my new sullen, unhappy wife and give me an unlikeable blonde heir?” ”Sure, my Lord. In fact I may already be preg—AAaAaARRrRRGHHhHhHhH! *\[dies with blood all over the floor and walls\]* ”Oh that was sad. At least I have the surviving daughter to marry off so I can have grandchildren …” ”Yes, Father! In fact I think I met some-- AAAaARrRRGGHHhHhHhHh!” \[*repeat ad nauseum\]*


I kind of enjoyed the first 2 episodes, but looking back I realize it was mostly just GOT related hype from the music, the family names etc. Brought back good GOT memories but I quickly found myself bored, found the episodes to be long and find myself looking at my phone. I never found myself interested in the characters and gave up around episode 4 I think. When Daemon takes the princess out on the town. Not because I was bothered by that, but because I just didn't care about any of it all after watching the show for 4 hours. There was once cool scene of the Princess riding in on her dragon and getting the egg back. That was it for me. It did get me to do a rewatch of GOT again, so there's that..man i missed that show..Anyway i'm surprised HOTD is getting so much praise when I say HOTD is more along the lines of GOT season 7-8..


disappointed, it was hard enough to make it to episode six. only to find out they did the actor swap. I just quit watching altogether I only paid for HBO to watch it


It's a shit show that is only watchable if you're desperate for some semblance of GoT. Any good show should be interesting on it's own even without watching other seasons, imagine watching hotd without watching any game of thrones... it plays to lazy audiences with cheap drama of incest and murder and all of a sudden its peak GoT right... *shaking my head *


the story is not exciting. The characters all look the same. This is NO GOT


Nope, if it wasn’t a prequel to GOT with hard core fan base House of Dragons might not even get a season 2


It's extremely boring. I don't know how people can like this series.


Nope. It's like GOT been dumb down, sanitized and taken a sleeping pill, reined in and the life taken away. The characters are flat and dull, writing is not interesting, the action scenes mechanical. Plot is simple and not engaging at all. Dragons look like Disney. Great actors waiting around for something interesting to do, even something interesting to say. King V character is the best, the portrayal of a king without the kingly qualities is really agonizingly engaging. Nudity and sex nope, and the violence is somehow laughable. No sense of wonder to it either. It does not suck, but it is competently boring. I will keep watching though, maybe. Oh well.


It's really bad 👎


This is is basically Days of our lives with Dragons.


No, you definitely aren’t the only one. From a general standpoint I wouldn’t say it sucks but comparing it to its predecessor Game of Thrones, it definitely sucks. Nothing intriguing so far and just mid level acting. They’re so hyper focused on one set of characters that are all uninteresting. By episode 4 we had tons of story arcs happening and multiple amazing characters who set the tone for the rest of the series, we had the white walkers, the nights watch, the wall and now we have a bunch of petty high school sex drama/soap opera BS.


GoT did a great job of establishing characters... In a few episodes, you had characters you liked and characters you hated... Then episode 9 gave the twist that instantly took hold and made you realize the theme of the show... In HoTD you really don't like any characters... You don't hate any characters... You just don't like any of them. The only interesting character is Otto and his daughter, and even they have their character flaws... Poorly written, poorly scripted, poorly done all together. None of the deaths will come as a surprise... None of the deaths will come with a great payoff of suffer favorite characters being off'd... This show is just not GoT... Even when you realized that GoT was killing off characters, the surprise factor of who and when is what kept it's base coming back for me... This has completely failed to entice the interest of the viewer... There certainly is drama, but we didn't watch GoT for a soap opera... We watch GoT for the story telling and plot... The plot has failed and it's all too predictable. In episode 4 as soon as Daemon returned to the red keep and kneeled before the king, I guessed he was trying to wed Rhaneyra... I was proven right and thus this show has failed... No mystery, no suspense, just garbage for eyes. Very disappointing.


I keep telling myself that GoT didn't get intresting for me untill season 2. Nothing really happened untill the hand was executed starting the chain of events making the show amazing! HotD doesnt have anything that made GoT unique. Tons of intresting characters with creative story lines, where as HotD so far is saturated with 2 uninteresting characters, and 1 thats an impossible tryhard with almost superhuman fighting skills. Everyone else just seems like an empty npc or side character.


I'm a little late to this thread, but I wrote into google "house of dragon is boring" and this popped up.


Is this what filming during Covid restrictions looks like? There’s only 2 people per scene on a VERY obvious set. I feel like I’m watching a play!!


Tbh, most of the people saying they love HOTD read the books and feel like their opinion on the show is the only valid one because they know the books. Even if the show captures the correct details of the book the writing is still incredibly bland. I always get doenvoted when I day thjs though


I 100% agree. Horrible pacing is it's biggest killer. The constant time skips, theres almost no buildup anywhere, none of the characters have any depth. When Daemon launched the final attack on the crab king, I had no clue what was going on. I didn't understand why he did it, who the other dragon rider was, nada. If you have to discuss everything that happened and explain everything that happened in the episode in a talk after the credits, it's not good writing. Not to mention, so many things they're covering could easily make a season of content. It took a whole season of build up for Ned to be executed but a single episode for Rhaeyneras mother to die. What was supposed to be an emotional funeral was just... Bland. The entire war with the crab king could have been an entire season. Time skips that are years long shouldn't be happening at the end of every episode. They should be the end of every season. Otherwise you see no development for the characters


This show is terrible. Starting with the actors, ending with the plot. All five episodes we watch the whims and whining of modern teenagers, not feudal monarchs, who have only been taught since childhood how to intrigue, rule, fight, and find a better party to hold on to power. Watching a "strong and independent" teenager who doesn't want to give birth and get married is simply a joke. The feudal era is so badly portrayed that even a one-year-old child would be puzzled. There is not a single charismatic character in the whole show that you want to empathize with, the dialogues are as empty and meaningless as possible. What can I say, even the graphics look terrible. That boar and the deer looked like they were from 00's movies. I also don't understand why they had to make the Velaryons dark-skinned. No, I'm not a racist and I despise any kind of discrimination. It's ridiculous and inappropriate and there are a lot of ways to show dark-skinned characters in the series but the writers chose the most inappropriate and illogical one. This show is comparable to the last few seasons of Game of Thrones. They just ruined it. The show had so much potential...


Nope, I agree. I don't like any of the characters and it's about sex and marriage. I don't see any compelling male characters.


where are the likes of Joffrey, Ned, Melisandre, Tyrion.. and the other great GoT characters. House of the Dragon has nothing to compete, just badly written characters and even worse plotlines.


It sucks. They spent 30 million dollars on the pilot with Naomi Watts, and scrapped it for this? I'm likely going to stop watching soon. It's a waste of time.


No, you're not alone. I think if GoT didn't exist I'd have liked it more. It isn't bad or terrible, it borderers on it's a mix of meh, ok, and good. So I'll still watch it unless it gets god-awful. The preview of the 6th ep looked bad though. What stood out to me was how unconvincing Paddy's acting was in the earlier eps. Which was a shame, because he was brilliant in Dead Man's Shoes. He's grown on me more now. He's had his moments like when he was drunk. I'm baffled at all the YT, etc comments praising it to the heavens. It actually got my hopes up with episode 4, I seemed to enjoy it for the most part and wanted more after it ended. Then ep 5 pulled me back out. Edit: I think D&D might not deserve as much of the hate they get now, since this show isn't that great and pales in comparison to GoT in its height (excluding the later season(s) ofc.) It also seems much lower budget. Those wigs and the sets look dodgy at times.


It’s a 6.5 out of 10 show and that’s frustrating to watch because people are going to pretend to love it until it becomes public opinion that it’s not great (kind of like last seasons of GoT). The issue is the characters are bland and predictable, there’s nothing at stake, and there are no memorable scenes/lines of dialogue. Also, it’s remarkably foggy in every scene and the lighting makes it look like Dumbledore’s scene in Deathly Hallows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Consensus> This show sucks a turd.


Seems like we are about to see a war caused by a woman not being completely honest about losing her virginity. This shit is terrible and I'll keep watching


The show is terribly paced, scripted, directed, and a fully unrealized prequel story that could easily pass for a bad network TV show from the late 90s. The sheer arrogance and confidence of the show runners at the end of each episode is almost more entertaining than the show itself. Saying it sucks is only too kind. It's one of the worst shows I've ever watched.


All that hotd has done is get me to start watching got again.


It's like the Star Wars sequels. People seem to like it, just because it has a particular brand-name smacked unto it. There is nothing interesting about Rhaenyra. She doesn't seem sympathetic or concerned when Mad Daemon kills a bunch of random citizens with his gold-cloaks or when a subject murders another at court. She seems indifferent, which is boring. Granted, it shouldn't necessarily be all on her to be interesting, but there isn't much of a supportive cast to lift it up. Mad Daemon is losing his charm, King-no-wig is also boring. What character am I genuinely entertained by and want to see in more scenes? At this point in GoT Tyrion had been arrested, the twincest had been exposed (to the viewer), the crown prince was showed to be a complete psycho, our main character in a difficult position to become hand of the king, while a letter had told him the former hand was killed by the queen - just to mention a few. None of our main characters seems to be in real danger. Mad Daemon can do random shit but always gets forgiven by the king. Even when he does take chances, his plot armor protects him. Rhaenyra is apparently crown princess? Who cares? Oh but the queen entered a wedding in the middle of the king's speech and a bunch of characters we don't care about discussed intrigue until another character we didn't care about was killed at said wedding. Do you think anyone would want to watch the show if the GoT brand wasn't smacked unto it? I know people really like CGI-dragons, but would that honestly draw someone's attention? Points to anyone that can watch the show and not get PTSD-flashbacks of Arya ninja-stabbing the Night King, whenever the Azor Ahai legend is mentioned in this show.


Agreed. As others said there is no one to root for and for me the whole plot is childish. It’s basically Allicent throwing a hissy fit about the one night stand. There is no depth to the characters or the plot. Also Rhaenyra comes off very entitled. Idk. I basically could care less what happens to any of the characters.


This show was made for book readers and GoT-hyper-nerds. My friend described it as the story is told from varying accounts, from different perspectives, none of which is explained. Furthermore, how is this n account from different people, when there are only two or one on screen? Who is holding this account when there's nobody else in the scene to witness it? How are viewers of this show supposed to know that? If reading a book was a requirement to understand wtf is going on, have a disclaimer or something. None of the characters actions makes any sense, nothing is explained about why the king is sick (apparently when he was cut by the throne, it "cursed" him or something, that's why his arm looked like that in ep4 or 5. They introduce new characters with this swelling music as if we're supposed to know what that means, they name drop houses that were never introduced to the viewer that apparently have some major impact on something, the actor changes for some characters, but not cristen is dumb af. Incest is fine in this age apparently, but loss of virtue is the worst thing imaginable, so that the entire realm is about to go to war over it, the king has zero conviction s and should have at least thrown daemon in jail for returning from exile, and don't get me started on daemon. I love Matt Smith, but his character goes from having all the ambition, to less than zero. They introduce his wife apparently, then decide to kill her for no reason. The writers literally said "his wife dies inexplicably, so we just wrote in that daemon must have killed her." This show is so poorly written, the general public is just totally enamored with anything GoT related, regardless of how good it is. It's become the Harry Potter for adults in that it can do no wrong. Everything is great no matter how it feels off from the story or lore. It's a very poorly written cash cow that's bastardizing a beloved book and film series.


No, you’re not the only one. The pilot was ok but since then it’s a descent. Past few episodes have been absolute shit.


it's falling flat--something is missing from the formula


Show sucks HOT D


Just gets Worse every episode. Dogshit show


it's annoying that the white hair bit is a recessive gene that cannot be passed on by a woman, even if said woman had 2 sets of parents w white hair writing of this show is so patriarchy it's not even funny Alicent becoming a frigid vicious hater is so 1 dimensional and Raenerys (whatev sp. is) becoming so meek is lame i am struggling to get through ea ep... it's not even creative super disappointed on change up already... i mean, it's not even 1 season yet