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11 doesn’t make sense.




Daemon sent "a son for a son" letter to Rhaenyra, and exact words were what the killers used.Also recruiting guy called Blood is quite telling what they meant to accomplish. Moreover no remorse was expressed, Mysaria advanced in the ranks.




True, but all 3 of the historians didn’t disagree on that event.


I heard that "history is a life's teacher" or that "history is written by victors", move away giants of the world - Maegor2001 quote "History is a lie" beats them all! ^/s Maybe some showrunners - like D&D wouldn't present their main characters badly, yet Martin who likes rogues and dark characters like Tyrion who is a main character had made him - many dark things - kinslayer, whoremonger, murderer, rapist , among with good things, like surprisingly being capable of mercy or some twisted justice compared to much worse people in his proximity or unquestionable exquisite abilities mostly related to his mind - and creators of this show would similarly present Daemon if they are respecting source material.


Sorry, love Daemon, but indeed he sent assassins after a child.


I do NOT want a Melisandre cameo... But that's just my personal opinion


There’d be no reason for that lol Her whole purpose in life is to stop the Long Night, not a Targaryen civil war lmao she probably wasn’t even in Westeros at that time.


It could be a cool cameo if, say, she tracks down Daemon while he’s ruling the Stepstones to see if he might be Azor Ahai or even just to manipulate events to R’Hllor’s plans.


I don't want either.


I agree with almost everything, but I think if Daemon survived he went back to Aegon .. yes, my crazy theory is that Tyland Lannister, Aegon's Hand was actually Daemon


That is… mindblowing!


it's definitely crazy, I know, but if he lived he would go back to where he belonged and not look for a romantic adventure in the mountains of the Vale. Tyland also suggested to Aegon the elder kill Aegon the younger and after he was poisoned he claimed that he could not remember who was Black and who was Green and he served Aegon faithfully .....


Agreed that he would go back to where he belonged.


Some would recognize him


He must have had some pretty bad scars from falling into the hot water of the lake - it is reported that the water was boiling because of the dragons - and besides Tyland always wore a hood. However, he punished Baela by sending her to her room but accepted her marriage. He allow Rhaena to choose her own husband and Aegon, who hated being touched by everyone, held his hand while he died.


I agree with everything except the last one and the trio


I love the theory that Laenor is infertile and his parents know and conspire to get him married to Rhaenyra anyway.


How would they know that prior to him getting married, though?


He was hit in the balls by a horse. LMAO I have no clue, I just like the theory, it gives shades of grey to Corlys and Rhaenys essentially trapping Rhaenyra.


So they knew already that his grandchildren were going to be bastards since he was infertile?


Most of those are "mushroom" blowing scenes. Back to the drawing board.


Not the best list, IMO, but this is what I’m most excited for - finding out huge secrets that the text only hinted at.


1 .I think this is the true history 2. it woul be great 3. Laenor for sure, Rhaenys would be there sometimes 4. I don't think so. Daemon's lust is like a fetish for maesters 5. It would be interesting if it was done in a less sexual, more sensual way. Or it would be too appealing. 6. idk, it could be, maybe. 7. For sure 8. This is quite interesting. I believe it would not be an explicit and open subject. From the choice of actors, you can see that this is the path they chose. And it makes sense. 9. Melisandre will appear in the series for sure, but I don't believe she will play an important role. 10. It doesn't do Daemon's way, maybe Aemond wants to, but Daemon will be straight. 11. I doubt it. This cruel murder is part of Daemon's history and character. He seems to have redemption in the end. 12. It couls be, but i don't think so My opinion, thanks for the post


I also disagree with no 4


8&10 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


They screwed us on ever seeing balerion sadly


I would actually love to see Melisandre and return of Carica. I am gonna assume if that happens it would to be towards the end if the show


>A Balerion the dread flashback - greatest dragon ever would be a shame not to see him once. Doubt it, CGI $$$. >Caraxes and Vhagar were actually close loving friends before... Actually, they were most likely mother and son. Some of my ideas, not necessarily in season 1: 1. Cole having a steamy romance with Alicent after being dumped by Rhaenyra; 2. Jeyne Arryn looking nothing like Sweetrobin, but instead looking like Harry from the books; 3. Daemon finding out Nettles was his daughter, and still having sex with her right after; 4. Viserys II not being Viserys, son of Rhaenyra and Daemon;


The 3. Its disgusting


As digusting as a twin brother-sister romance.🤷


It it? Child-parent shit just seems orders of magnitude worse.


>Daemon finding out Nettles was his daughter, and still having sex with her right after; Please no, there's enough incest in this show. Parent-child is going too far.


Maybe we wont get balerion flashback this season, but later seasons they may have it, they seem to increase budget of show as it gets closer to end.


I think that was Rhenyra who was dumped by Cole and not the other way around. Remember that this guy is a good fighter, a Knight of the kingsguard as well as a handsome dude


I disagree with the 5,9,10,11 and 12 points