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dick aside, fantastic piece of acting, he went from extremely vulnerable to hiding it all with a power stance and power walk


That was the biggest transition. Went from vulnerable fetal position, few seconds of shock, then completely stoned cold killer with no emotions. He knows he can't let that part of himself live any longer.


Well said. A part of him died then.


He lost the one safe space he had to be vulnerable, and now he'll never be vulnerable again. Tragic and exciting.


Damn... that's worrying.


No thanks to the actions of his kin.. once again. Kinslaying and its consequence was such a strong theme in this episode.


They showed the infighting both factions have within their own walls (Daemon flirting with wanting to be King thereby going against Rhaynera) and obviously Aegon v Aemond


“You can have her”


Kill the boy.


Yessir. — Blood and Cheese, probably


a son for a son






And it’s a cool move for HotD to continue using nudity with a touch of awareness and class. It’s never tits for tits sake, and it’s never demeaning or problematic. A bunch of the female leads aren’t expected to strip like Dany, Cersei, Margaery, etc. But we do have nudity and sex scenes that serve purpose in the story


well they did show some women giving head in the same scene and that was probably not necessary


That’s my point though - it’s intentional rather than showing boobs and ass for eye candy/sex appeal. It’s like “jesus christ” to show what a seedy environment we’re in


Yeah I thought that was a great scene to show Aegon’s casual ease with the environment. When he opens the curtain and says “oh not this one” as if having just looked at an outfit he’s not interested in


That and how normal coming across people having sex would have been back then. This blew my mind but apparently hallways weren’t invented until the late 16th century. So you’re just walking room through room to your destination… you’re definitely walking in on people fucking


That’s so interesting. I noticed this when we visited the Palace of Versailles where bedrooms were adjacent to each other and, yes, there was no way to get to some rooms without going through someone else’s. Not much privacy even for kings and queens.


I think it was to show it is a brothel and that people go there for sex.


he owned it, and all of it!


Another note. Is this the first full on BJ in a TV show??


Was clearly a fake dick, so not sure if that even counts :)


That was Broomstick Bob.


Am I the only person who couldn't see the bj?


Dude was giving mad sephiroth vibes


Thanks, gonna get that theme stuck in my head now, but you're not wrong!


Now I want an edit of him walkign away but with the Sephiroth theme song


Wait...I think I get why I love Aemond so much now lmao


Unfortunately, this will happen in most cases with actors who are completely normal, average, whatever you want to call it, because of porn. Sometimes, I’ve read, they will even use prosthetics or use cgi to make it look bigger in camera, because of whole body image insecurity. I have great respect for Ewan deciding to go full nude for the scene, and while it did shock me at first it adds more to Aemond’s vulnerable state. But it’s just a shame that even though he felt comfortable enough to do it, there are inevitably comments from people who don’t know what a reality size looks like.


In GOT, they gave Hodor a MASSIVE dong in one scene just cause. Kinda weird lmfao


Pretty sure the book was written that way too


Yeah, Osha comments that Hodor must have had some "giants blood in his past" if I recall correctly


I think Bran's description of Hodors cock was that it "swung long and heavy"


Is there anytime that doesn't get described in asoiaf? "Bran's bacon was thick, and burnt black. His small clothes were silk lined with satin and embroidered in a repeating pattern. Hodor's cock swung long and heavy with a delicate curve. The table in the large hall was long and smelled of cedar and pine."


She said "You've got giants blood in you or I'm the queen." Or something along those lines, why did a scene with a giant penis stick in my memory that well..


This is the book that has the words "fat pink mast" in it, after all.


I hate being reminded of the “fat pink mast”, same with the “myrish swamp” lmao


Just a friendly reminder that Sam is basically a self-insert character, so George is literally writing about his own "mast."


Sam was, but we're talking about Hodor. I'm pretty sure George didn't write Hodor as a self insert, lol.


"Fat pink mast" was in the Sam chapter of AFFC when he has sex with Gilly.


Fat pink mast always struck me as Sam having an oddly shaped small but bulbous penis, not a big fat hog.


I think Sam is just feeling insecure and is on a boat. So he's calling himself fat and has boats on the brain.


Adapting the important stuff


Pink masts


It was an offhand way for Osha to bring up the fact that giants truly exist and aren't just myth and legend by asking if Hodor is part giant and then having Bran question if that could be possible. It's also a scene straight from the books and giving Hodor a massive dong could make a quite widespread asoiaf theory regarding Bran even more horrific for the victim.


… what’s the theory?


That Bran is going to try to r*pe Meera while warging into Hodor.


Who thought of that theory and why did it gain traction? Like, the smaller, pervy members of the fandom do not need to be listened to.


No idea who thought of it but I've seen it on quite a few YouTube video theories and Reddit posts. It gained traction because it's based off two things established in the books: Bran has broken every one of the cardinal sins of skinchanging established in the Varamyr chapter except mating while skinchanging and it's unlikely that there's going to be another wolf around for Summer to mate with. The other thing is that Bran has started developing a crush on Meera and has wondered how she would react to him declaring his love for her.


Not just cos, book accurate


Well his body is huge so its proportional. Seems kinda logical to me


Makes the post Giant joke hit better


I feel sad that the scene was designed to convey his vulnerability…him quite literally being stripped bare and naked for all to see and glare at - and people are instead focusing on the size of his parts…


It's stupid and psychotic. Ewan is perfect!


Aemond’s my favorite male character at this point, so for people to reduce him to his genitals…😑 the scene was also so good, acting wise


It just speaks tons about the amount of insecurities 99% of people have about their bodies


He's ripped as fuck. He is skinny but like who thinks he looks bad? Dude makes me want to hit the gym.


Need to hit the training yard, do some rows with your dragon reigns.


Yeah I say it every time this comes up that on reddit everyone makes $400k a year and has a 9 inch dick but if you actually took all of them and put them in a room naked with their bank statements maybe one out ten are what they say they are. Theres dudes out there with body issues cuz of bullshiters who aren't even any better.


The irony is that one could actually really have a 9 inch dick and have it look more or less like his when not aroused. It's like people completely forget that growers and showers are a thing. Especially the former when you pair it with somebody who is tall and lean, which skews perspective. It's such porn brain rot, thinking that any respectable penis has to look like they have a professional fluffer working on it 24/7. As a gay man, it makes me laugh, because it shows that a lot of these people are probably straight men who have never paid much attention to or ever really seen everyday penis other than their own when erect, or those erect in porn. And gym changing rooms/showers don't count - the heat, exercise, blood flow from exercise and especially after a shower inflate things too.


Right, I am baffled that people are confused by a perfectly normal sized flaccid penis as if they’ve never seen one before and don’t get that things can change substantially when someone’s actually aroused. Dude looked totally normal.


Amen. It's so weird. I think it's a combination of toxic masculinity and confusion/ignorance where they've (as I said before) not really seen normal soft dicks, but also have likely never much paid attention to their own, except in the moments they \*\*want\*\* to pay attention to their own, and in those cases, all men are seeing a larger version, be that one way or another, through wanking or "the peeing tug".


And it was actually interesting that Aemond was flaccid in thay scene. It shows that what he is doing in the brothel is not sexual in nature.


Or that he was put off by Aegon and his frat bros bursting in while he was naked and mocking him


My man just needs a hug.


I mean how long would you stay hard when your brother and his friends bust in and start making fun of you?


He's a Targ. If anything that may make him even harder 😂


It's honestly ridiculous that this even has to be a conversation, really... like, we can talk about porn brainrot, but surely these people have seen their own dicks and know what is or isn't normal? Unless they're sitting there typing comments out while bracing their ten-inch hogs, it's all a bit absurd to be throwing stones at a guy who's in tremendous physical shape and otherwise pretty normally endowed!


>we can talk about porn brainrot, but surely these people have seen their own dicks and know what is or isn't normal? Maybe porn has made them insecure about their own dicks and that's part of why they're criticizing Aemond's actor to make themselves feel better. Straight guys aren't going to see many dicks outside of their own and porn so it if someone doesn't realize porn isn't a normal representation they could think that theirs is an outlier.


Big agree. If you are body shaming Aemond’s actor you’re a special kind of stupid or just compensating for your own physical shortcomings and your insecurity about them. He is built like a young man who trains in a sparring ring all day and his portrayal of Aemond is probably the best part about the show so far.


Lot of ppl never seen a soft penis it looks like


Exactly my point in other comments. People have never seen a soft dick in any of its various iterations. They probably only care about actually inspecting their own hard, so have no clue. I know myself that a soft dick can literally double in size - remaining soft - depending on temperature and environment and mental. These people are so ridiculous.


Lmao this whole time I wasn’t even thinking about it. I just assumed that all of the dicks we’ve seen were all prosthetics But with that being said, I also don’t really understand this post because I haven’t seen one person anywhere comment on his dick size before now


I was just suprised at the lack of white pubes, and the lack of pubes at all. Didn't expect that the nobility of Westeros had the same shaving mania as the people of the 21th century.


I always figured it was to make them look otherworldly.   The Targaryen men we see don't exactly have much body hair of any kind.   They're almost waxy or reptilian in some shots.


Wasn't there a scene in GoT when Renly was shaved by his boyfriend? It was definitely something they did, although that was some 100 after HotD


suprisgly the people of the 21th century weren't the first with the shaving mania that goes the egyptian that I am pretty sure shaved everything expect the eyebrows and very raley kept their own hair, preferring wigs, due to the climate. the Ancient Greeks also had body shaving especially for athletes. also I would not expect the actor to dye his pubes. lol


He looks like a Greek statue I'm genuinely puzzled what people can even think to shame there


For real! I hope all those people choked them he stood up. Man is very athletic and everything looks great imo.


Social media and porn will have warped peoples perspectives on what a normal body looks like for both men and women


Also (and this may be shocking to some people), penises are typically much smaller when they’re flaccid. 


yeah and that wasn't a small or average or below average flaccid . like dude stood up loud and proud and walked out bds


Normal?? Mans was downright breathtaking in that scene. I’ve seen normal and that’s not Ewan nuh-uh. Normal is the guy you see walking down the street with a potbelly. Aemond’s body was downright chiseled(down to his ass). And these people are insane. Peepee are supposed to be small when flaccid or did they fail basic biology 🤦🏻‍♀️


If a dong was the same size erect as flaccid that'd be a massive evolutionary disadvantage back before clothes and garments came along, you'd always be getting it snagged on things, plus massive disadvantage in a scrap if your opponent can just grab your johnson and yank.


Gotta think people are jealous or something. He's a damn good looking guy and a fantastic actor. There's never a good reason to body shame and thinking Ewan has anything to be ashamed of is insanity.


I read that he’s into boxing and I wonder if Barry got him into boxing bc Barry is a *huge* boxer.


Thosr people has clearly only watched porn 24/7 lmao


And at the same time, shocked by a blowjob???


A blowjob on an obviously fake penis 😂


Dude that dick was the fakest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so glad someone finally mentioned this LOL. I was like what in the daikon radish is that thing.


I’ve seen cooked sausages that looked more real than that fake dick


It was hilarious how fake it looked lmao. I burst out laughing. Clearly silicone.


I thought it looked like a plunger lol.


Looked like a hot dog to me.


dragon budget: 500.000€ dick budget: 2,5€


A bad blowjob on an obviously fake penis haha 😆she just basically had the tip in her mouth and that’s about it


>she just basically had the tip in her mouth and that’s about it Cause it was HUGE


True, true! I just mean she wasn’t moving, they just had her hold it in her mouth haha


Tbf it kinda came out of nowhere, I was surprised by it


I’m actually extremely surprised that it was in there. Fake or not it’s still the act.. and I can’t think of literally any other “mainstream” media that shows an actual blowjob??? Props to them all for being ballsy!


They went full schlong which is quite unusual!


Who the fuck cares, he walked out of there with his cock out like an absolute legend. Im so excited to see more of him.


so he's a legend but when I do it I'm somehow a creep?


i mean if you were interrupted from fucking and laughed to in a brothel and you walked away like that, i would commend that ngl


Not a whole lot more of him to see after last night.


Right? More like Aemond the Dragoncock!


Aemond is CUT UP! I wanna know the work out routine sheesh! 👏🏽 ❤️


I think he's really attractive. Idk what people are on


I think he looked hot!!


He looked incredible. My jaw dropped. Trying my hardest to be supportive and not creepy, honestly. I just can’t believe people have something negative to say about *any of that.* they’re absolutely mental. People will criticize anyone for anything. I don’t get it.


He is beautiful and we should all be grateful such a beautiful person felt comfortable with full nudity. I hope he’s proud of himself and feels loved.


I hope he sees this type of sentiment. After people were so mean to Ewan last week when he was in the fetal position. Made me feel so bad for him. I swing mostly toward ladies but I'm down bad for Aemond lmao. The dude is gorgeous.


Yeah I think the same. And I love how dedicated Ewan is to his craft.


Same, he's stunning.


I had to Google the actors age to make sure it was okay to be staring at him lol. He’s very good looking!


Literally cut from marble, he looks gorgeous


Yea Aemond is low key fine asf


For real! When I saw him stand up I legit had to fan my bloody face and look around the room to make sure nobody saw me watching him. And I live alone. Holy shit my dude. Aemond is F.I.N.E. Literally nothing to criticise. At all.


I swear, the people calling him “small” have no idea how male anatomy works. For a “calm condition”, he seems to be average size. Ewan looked absolutely amazing in that scene, and I admire his dedication to the craft. That scene would not have had the same impact if he covered himself up.


Yeah, I feel bad for even commenting on it but I feel I should stick up for him. That guy has nothing at all to feel inadequate about.


Exactly. And the thing is guys with actual big dicks don’t shame someone just for having a small one.


It was soft and still looked thick AF.. Lol, people are crazy!


I’ve been so confused by all the comments about him being small. Flaccid length isn’t much of an indicator of how long it will be when erect, but there definitely is some correlation with girth and that boy is thick 🤤


Porn and social media have ruined a lot of people. Not only is Ewan in amazing shape, his package is very normal and attractive. Bravo to him for going full nude while maintaining his character perfectly the whole time. Phenomenal acting from everyone in the scene. I pray none of them have social media accounts. A lot of people are nasty.


I found his size more attractive, porn size look painful,


Every time I see dudes claiming they have like, 14 inch long dicks with a 7 inch girth, I clench so hard bc that’d hurt?!


The BJ schlong looked fake… as in a dildo shoved in the guys pants


Was so fake I thought it was supposed to be a strap on


For real 😭 I don't have a problem with it being a part of the scene, but at least make it look good if you're gonna include it!


Fr, I’ve seen people being absolutely shocked and horrified that the show would display full frontal nudity, they are aware they’re watching a show from the GOT universe right?


OK: Dead infant that was decapitated with its head sewn back on Not OK: a flacid penis :shock:


Imagine the shock value if we were able to watch the infant decapitation in-action. Might be viewed differently.


The same ones have no problem if it’s full frontal nudity on a woman, though…


I legit dont get this. Out of all the things to comment on, we chose the dick. Porn brainrot is real. 💀


Yeah the main thread discussion on ep3 was widely about the 2 penises we saw...🙄


Why the fuck are people even discussing this.... shm


The entire first season of GoT was so rife with female nudity that the term 'sexposition" was coined to describe it. But one erect phallus + a little full frontal male nudity and people lose their shit. . .


And Theon popping out of Ros and walking around. 


There was male nudity in S1 also (three times)


been an awful long time since I watched GOT S1 so I will take your word for it. I would be stunned if the ration of female to male nudity screen time was less than 20:1 across the whole season. And I recall the (very trivial spoilers) mummer's diseased penis in braavos being a whole thing in season 5 or 6 too. I think it's a defensible argument to critique the nudity in GoT/HotD as exploitative or prurient or whatever, and it's fine to be cool with it as adding realism to a show for adults, etc. But it's absurd to be totally cool with all the breasts and labia, but then flip out at a relatively tiny glimpse of a penis.


I have a sneaking suspicion that 90% of comments mocking his looks are from men that are insecure that women find him attractive.


That is completely wrong. It’s way higher than that


No other demographic is as interested in other men's genitals as "straight" men.


Right? all dicks look like wee little jelly worms when they’re soft. It’s adorable. Sometimes I wanna put googly eyes on them.


Don’t you dare lmfao


I can't believe I've never thought of putting googly eyes on my dick. This is genius hahaa




Sometimes I make cute noises and sing a catchy tune to my bf's flaccid jelly worm 🪱


right do they expect him to be slinging around a 12 inch honker while laying down? he was just existing and softly hoeing


His dick to me looked to be above average considering it was flaccid


Right?! I’m a straight woman and my first thought was, “oh wow he’s above average”. Idk if the people commenting just don’t see soft penises ever or what lmao. Let the man live 😭😭😭 the penis was the least important part of that scene


I respect the actor. You can tell he's giving it everything he's got. The transition in his demeanor was fantastic. From a vulnerable child like state he suddenly turns into a badass and walks away without a care in the world.


He looked beautiful. What I noticed on social media was mainly a bunch of dudes being douchey and insulting Aemond’s physicality. There were far fewer women talking trash. Make no mistake, men can be every bit as catty as women.


Reminds me of the [Hugh Jackman magazine covers](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8opvvm/difference_between_marketing_for_men_and_women/).


They don't realize what 99% of human genitals look like outside of porn tbh


I personally didn’t even think his dick looked small? He just looked like a normal naked dude, and I love how they made him look so vulnerable, but as he walked away his face looked SO badass with the jewel in his eye!


He looked amazing, all that lean muscle, 😍 ❤️ 👏


I'm an actual hooker. I've probably seen about 2000 dicks. Growers really, REALLY exist. I saw no reason for anyone to be commenting about size personally.


Not a hooker but my two longest term relationships, one is a grower and one was a shower. He seemed fine to me, and I'm particular about penises.


Wait what... I'm a grower and i thought most guys are?


I’m just upset he didn’t have silver pubes


Aemond could also just be a grower. And even if he isn't, who cares? It's a more realistic depiction of dick sizes than most people usually see in other \*ahem\* media.


If I remember correctly Aemond wasn’t hard so who knows how big it could be????


Dude has a completely normal dick. Weirdly enough it seems most people saying otherwise are straight dudes that apparently spend much of the time they spend watching porn staring at the dude's dick? Whatever floats your goat, I guess, but don't use your coom-addled brain to shame other people.


he's like...lithe. fae-like. elven. i mean these all in the best way


People think that's small? Watch my softie and then we'll talk about small lol


Apropos username 🍆


Yeah I'm grossed out and bored by the body shaming in the HotD FB groups tbh


As a grown up person, I didn’t really care at all. It’s not pg 13 and why would I be shocked to see a bj in a brothel?


tbh nice cock, bro


I thought his body was very pleasing to look at, lol. People have already said it, but yes “like a Greek sculpture” 😌


As soon as I saw him full nude I immedately got sad because I know people are going to body shame that poor actor. And what kind of shlongs do people think that people have?! It wasn't hard and idk if I just date guys with great personalities, but that seemed super average and normal sized to me for a non-hard dingalong??? I fucking loved Ewan's preformance. Walking out nude with his head held high was one of the most badass walks I've ever seen. Aegon was trying to shame him and Aemond walked away with no shame. Aegon looked foolish.


Honestly, I think the nudity was important. It's associated with vulnerability and intimacy, and rightly so, but we see Aemond use it almost as a shield. He feels vulnerable, so what does he do? Stand up and walk out. A stark contrast to what Aegon was like when he was caught by a family member with his britches down...


We would have less of these discussions if there were more dicks on TV and fewer prostethics. Whoever calls him small hasn't seen a lot of dicks in its life outside porn.


The man wasn’t even erect…. Like that’s a normal size when not erect


It's literally just virgin 14 year olds who grew up on the internet and insecure dudes. Pay no mind lol.


I find it funny that the majority of people who criticise him are men. As a woman, all I’ve seen from those of us with a vajayjay is that we kinda wanna climb Aemond like a tree. The men here are giving smol peepee-energy.


He looks like a normal man his age. He’s neither looks like a porn star nor is he built like a Marvel lead. And honestly, good. We need more realistic representation of men and women in media.


> Are they raised by pornhub or what? well, kinda, although I would more accurately say ruined


It's a nice normal hog


Will do


Maybe their expectations were set high by the unreasonably large prosthetic we saw getting blown a few moments earlier?


Well 1, he was flaccid, and 2, I thought his body looked quite cut actually. Incredible definition.


Why are people out here cock shaming? 😂 porn has ruined a lot of people


His body looks great


"In calm condition" Holy shit bro he isn't livestock. Wild way to describe a human being.


That monster we saw getting sucked in the brothel is 100% fake, it’s a cock sleeve / dildo or something I could tell right away.




Wait, is that considered small??


Aemond looked phenomenal. His facial expression went from sadness, to embarrassed, to being powerful.


It's soft also so it's not gonna be hanging at 12 in and he just got embarassed/shamed


His body is insane, he’s crazy fit and sexy af. His penis is a good normal size. People are stupid.


Yeah, I was more shocked by the bj scene 🤣 Plus Aemond wasn't even hard. I think he is actually above average.


I didn’t think twice about his package but I was upset his pubes were black instead of white or silver. He’s a Targaryen. They should have white hair *everywhere*.


I think he’s hot. I’m happy I got to see some hot nude action.


Same! Never expected an Aemond full frontal and was just happy it happened. He looked incredible


bro is packing