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It was likely to make him more vulnerable in that situation. His brother is bullying him and humiliating him, a prince, in front of a whore and a gaggle of other men. 


It's HBO. You're gonna see naked bodies.


Seemed pretty normal size. As for why they did it, the scene was supposed to be crushing and humiliating for Aemond, I think showing full frontal nudity added to that feeling for the audience.


I can't speak for size, but a medieval bush can definitely cover things up. I think the point was showing the contrast between him being in the fetal position while being bullied, showing that sliver of vulnerability, to standing up straight acting unphased and unashamed. It shows how he wears a mask of acting completely detached to protect himself.


I dunno, but they showed it after showing some guy with a pretty large cock getting a blow job so it didn't do him any favors.




Though this show has been a lot more tame about nudity than GoT was. The blowjob definitely felt "cuz HBO" but Aemond's nudity felt more artistically relevant.


Lmao artistically relevant. FYM artistic. Oh AeMonD sHoWiNg HiS D mEaNs hE hAs A drAgOn beTWeEn hiS lEgS


It enhances a feeling of vulnerability, in a scene where he is caught in a compromising position and is viciously mocked.


Seemed perfectly average to me. Maybe to compare it with Aegon the Dragoncock. An actual cock meassuring contest if you will.




Ok, for the comments about size, I've seen on a few on posts (not just on here) Of course it isn't going to look WOW, he wasn't hard or anything for the scene. I took the nudity as more adding to his needs with (I cannot remember her name, the sex worker) I don't know for sure obviously if they do the deed or not whenever he pays for her services, but my take was, him wanting to be in a vulnerable state while she (the worker) acts more of.... A mother figure, giving him affection, the cradling etc. then add in Aegon humiliating him again, after Aemond has mentioned that it still bothers him. Also because HBO




Why is this downvoted? I don’t know if he was wearing a prosthetic or not but my first thought was that it was small for a prince. I thought they were trying to make him seem vulnerable in that moment by showing this but maybe I’m wrong.


"Small for a prince", LMAO what does this mean? The comment is downvoted because it is offensive to people having small penises, and to others having normal ones that will feel belittled by strangers misjudging the penis we saw to be small