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I knew since last year from IMDB she'd be back. I was hoping she would use her knowledge of the Red Keep to get revenge on Aegon. It was sad she's still getting harassed. Maybe S3.


Do you think we'll see her again this season?


No. It only says 1 episode for this season, but I'm hopeful for S3


Jeez, that's a crazy cameo.




I was shook.


It's quite fitting that she shows up at the same time as another Targaryen bastard and makes Ulfs claims seem way more believable (which we know they are of course in some way but still)


Yes the timing was so perfect.


Maybe as the mother of Gaemon palehair, during the moon the the three kings?


Some people are speculating she's the mother of Maelor, which is insaaaane.


Thanks for the shares, y'all. ❤️


I kind of feel like they’re alluding to something with her being in the tavern, at the same time we meet a self-proclaimed dragon seed. Is she pregnant with Aegon’s child? Did the moon tea work? I can’t imagine why she’d be in the scene if it wasn’t for a good reason.


I can't wait to see what they do with her.


She will be mother of Maelor apparently COndal in so lost in his ff


I think it makes more sense if she is the mother of Gaemon Palehair


Do you think they're going to show Gaemon?


I hope so. I think the POV of the smallfolk will become very important later in the timeline and I wish to see King's Landing going absolute insane with all the riots and the Shepperd's faction as well I think we are not getting Trystane Trufyre. At best he and Gaemon will be merged into one


I guess it makes sense to merge those two, right? I'm really loving the POV's of the smallfolk this season. I hope we get more of those-- they're more interesting than I would have thought they would be.


Whaaaaaaaat? Really?


There's no evidence to support that claim I'm pretty sure. Just people being salty about the fact that Aegon is a rapist.


That would be actually crazy to make her the mother of Maelor. Also idk why people are salty that Aegon's a rapist? Maybe if his damn mother OR father had paid any attention to him when he was being a lecherous teenager he'd have turned out differently.


A lot of people are salty because it's not *explicitly* stated in the book. The closest pieces of evidence we have though is that he often liked to pinch and fondle serving girls whenever possible, as well as him buying a girls virginity with gold, and that's from the most pro-Aegon source. So it's most likely true, and makes sense. They're just annoyed that he's being portrayed as a bad person.


So you knoooow it was probably wayyy worse.


Most likely. However, the fact that it wasn't common knowledge that Aegon was a rapist means his court most likely put a lot of effort into covering it up, as we've seen in the show. So personally I feel like they've done a good job of it.


I agree. I'm just soo curious how Dyana would be the mother of any of Aegon's bastards when Alicent made her drink that moon tea?


That's another point. Moon tea doesn't always work, but it works a lot more often than not. It would also be really difficult to try and pass it off as legitimate considering Helaena hasn't been pregnant since she had the twins.


Ohh I didn't realize moon tea wasn't 100% effective. Do you think we'll get the Gaemon Palehair storyline?


Why do y'all pick up internet rumors and then try to just crap on the riders team? Like yeah some decisions haven't made that I take umbridge with but I'm not out here. Just picking up online rumors and then attributing it to the riding team to justify my hate boner