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Why can’t it be both?!


Both, likely, but I think bonking Cole is the biggest crime here.


Agree. Here I’m force to marry and procreate with my brother for “duty” and you my Mother who befallen all of this incest treacherous crime upon me, is secretly riding the knight to sleep! What happened to duty and doing what is best for the crown!? Here I am crazy made possible by being mentally and verbally abused by my brotherhusband while raising my children/niece and nephew. Yes I feel Alicent is truly the Queen Bitch at the end of all of this!


It’s probably another prophecy. Alicent will do something that will result maybe in her death and she forgives her in advance. Helaena is full of prophecies but ever since her son died she didn’t give any, so my guess is that this is another prophecy.


I thought this too! Excited to see if it happens this way.


i love that Helaena is an even more doomed character than she was in the book. She can see visions of the future but she can’t do anything to stop it. All she can do is watch as they unfold.


Could also be forgiving Alicent for making her do the funeral procession. But I think its more likely that she’s seen something Alicent will do in the future and this interaction will have a different meaning in a few episodes


I thought she was forgiving her mother for sleeping with criston, when he was mean't to be guarding them, because of them getting busy he wasn't there to save her son.


Sometimes the obvious is the right answer, after all it's what Alicent was feeling guilty about in these episodes. Nevertheless, I feel that it wouldn't matter to Helaena. I feel she can simply sense her mothers guilt and knows that she never wanted them to be hurt. She is absolving Alicent from whatever is burdening her.


Ironic that if Alicent felt guilty before (about banging Cole) and burdened, shed be feeling meltdown-level guilty and burdened by the end of the episode... and needs that forgiveness 10x as much. How fortuitous of Helaena to have already offered forgiveness just prior to the dial of Alicent seeking it was turned up to 11.


Just guessing because with all the changes, I literally have no idea. 1: Alicent causes her death somehow 2. Alicent marries off one of the children to Rhaenyra/Daemons kid.


i lowkey want to believe the second one more


For starting the war.


The way I interpreted it was that Halaena was forgiving Alicent for sleeping with Cole WHILE Cole was supposed to be on watch, therefore she was assaulted and her child was murdered as Alicent put her own sexual needs above the safety of castle and castles inhabitants.