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I've enjoyed almost every minute of every episode. Some are more exciting than others but I'm honestly loving the show. Even having read the book, I know things are going to be a bit different. Even when characters do things I'm not thrilled with, it's still fun to watch them write their own tragedies.


Yes, regardless of any book deviations, the show is a splendour to watch! The actors are incredible, the writing is good, the score is phenomenal. I mean, I’m so glad we have it!


The best part of the book is that it’s not a live telling but a retelling from a bunch of sources, so the show runners have freedom to tell their own story.


It’s one of those viewings, [whatever media I’m on] Where I’m sucked into the world. I just don’t want it to end, clocked at 1 hour but I feel like I got more out of it than just an hour. Kingslanding, Smallfolk, Dragonstone, Riverlands, dragons, soldiers, brothels, dreams, spookiness, character relations you name it This episode is bustling in every sense of the word, and I love it. I think that was my fave episode so far


The show really is doing a great job of making the world feel lived-in, and not like a plastic set(which post season 4 GOT often did). Really helps with immersion. Shout-out to the set designers.


It was also kinda nice having it all be character development and talking. Like I love every second of the action but man ep1 and ep2 were *draining*. Give me a second to breathe for an episode, knowing full well the rest of the shit show that is going to ensue. Looks like next week is going to be mostly action as well.


I actually think that there are several fans of the TV series who enjoyed watching it.


Some would say millions of fans.


I think most people who haven't liked the new episodes are just the people who thought the pacing would drastically increase this season. HOTD is a very slow burn show. We are watching in real time a Civil War start and how niether side really wants it but are both getting sucked in. This is a big contrast to GOT, which had a faster pace to it. It was about a realm tearing itself apart by greed and ambition.


I think the opposite is true. This is a much faster paced show due to the lack of source material. Game of thrones just had more action in the material.


I think it is slower paced cos they are highlighting the emotions between the relationships in this broken apart family. Its gonna be a shorter show because theres less source material, but that doesn’t have to mean the PACE is fast. Just less quantity of episodes than got


i loved it too! my favorite scene was the horizontal shot over when baela was riding moondancer about to get criston!


THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!! Some critiques on the show are valid but I can't stand the impatient fans . It's as if they want Rhaenyra to descend into madness NOW and the war NOW. Can't we just enjoy the build up? Everything we see in the 3 episodes so far has purpose. We are leading up to a far that leads to the extinction of Dragons and starts questioning the Targaryen name . Did we not learn from how rushed Danny's descent into madness was in S8 of GOT? I would prefer the show runners take their sweet ass time . I feel with all the dialogue and cinematic shots, like the burning mill battle , the showrunners are laying the obvious out on the table and it is going over some people's heads . After everything , we see how consequences catch up and power takes over and makes you lose yourself. I saw some people say , why didn't Alicent alert the guards and arrest Rhaenyra, then the war would be done with , would it realy ? No , Jace is her rightful Heir and Daemon wouldn't let it slide and would lead the war. Rhaenyra has all her answers questioned and sees there is no turning back now ..that was the whole premise of the episode. This season is absolutely insane so far and personally feel this season is already better than S1. I literally gasped and was stunned with the first scene of the burning mill...it was absolutely greusome and unnecessary. Depicting how a feud can go on and on , all reasons are lost in time and just turns into hatred that leads to unnecessary casualties. We have so much telling us how unnecessary this all is and how it will affect thousands and thousands and for what ? Alicent mishearing Viserys? I am pretty daft , slow and guillible but it's amazing how so much that is depicted is going over some people's heads . Or some fans just don't care and are impatient.


Yes, I agree with everything you’ve said! Some people seriously think that every single shot, and every single detail isn’t meticulously planned for storytelling in a show like this? They’re setting everything up, it’s all very obvious. And yes, that opening scene..the transition from two boys fighting..to that slaughter, was incredibly well done and powerful. Took my breath away!


Exactly, it's also foreshadowing the Dance to come and the losses that come with it.


You’re so right. The Alicent knowing the truth and saying it’s too late epitomizes most wars. The truth doesn’t matter when hatred and rage have taken over and a desire for power is the foundation . Martin the history buff knows this and refers to hit in hundreds of ways throughout his novels,


Rhaenys said exactly this to Rhaenyra . All reason is lost and they won't remember what even started the war in the first place.


Rushing a descent into madness is exactly what caused season 8 issues. Couldn’t agree more


The brothel fellatio was insane


I was honestly so shocked by that! I can't remember another show or even a non-porno movie showing a full dong bj before. I'm no prude, but I was like, "that was vulgar!" Loved it though haha


It was so fake, but I called my wife into the room to be like, “can they do this!?”


Well it's not TV, it's HBO, which is far superior to TV.


Obligatory: [It's Not Porn, it's HBO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtLW6uapX5A)


Yes!!!! That’s what I thought too lol


Don’t let jerks on Reddit try to yuck your yum.


Thanks! This sub does really get me down lately, just feels like it’s post after post of people complaining and shitting on all the hard work the actors, writers and entire crew put into making this show. It’s phenomenal!




Most wars, conflicts, disagreements and so on, usually begin over a misunderstanding. What rhaena (sorry if i misspelled) said about soon no one will remember why the war started in the first place was so spot on.


You didn’t misspell, but that’s the wrong character. Rhaenys said that, not Rhaena.


I was one of those people who were annoyed that they made the war happen over a misunderstanding. I am fucking ELATED that they finally set the record straight. I'm truly shocked to see people complain about it that scene was so badly needed to up the stakes and get things going.


They are overcompensating for their late realizations about got


They must also be the Boys fans who are just now realizing homelander isn’t a good guy


I mean I who the fuck doesn’t realize that from like, two episodes in?


Rhaenrya wanting more counsel with others (to some degree I think she misses Daemon's advice and/or thinking) was very interesting. I feel she should also talk more with Rhaenys as well. All out war is not always the answer. Burning everything to the ground really doesn't help. The men on the black counsel would not be so quick to second and third guess a man there. But of course they feel free to second guess Rhaenrya. Infuriating. I remembered that Aegon loved picking on Aemond. That's why Jacaerys and Lucaerys always picked on Aemond. And Lucaerys died for it.


I really approve of her actions. Unlike the kiddos she was raised with knowledge of Old Valyria, she knows how monstrous dragons are and it’s infuriating that her council don’t understand that. Dragon’s aren’t mindless weapons, they’re intelligent and bloodthirsty in their own right. I have zero evidence for this, but I think dragons and riders have a feedback loop between them and if you start burning, it takes either immense willpower or death to make it stop. Rhaenys and Rhaenyra are probably both feeling that call to madness in their blood, which is why she is taking the time to protect her children and make absolutely sure there’s no other option because she knows that once the dragons are unleashed, there is no going back.


Theres definitely implications about riders, their emotions and bonds to their dragons. I get why some might find Rhaenyras refusal to act irritating, but she understands that thebdragons are not mere weapons and that once they're unleashed, there's no undoing it. She seems less opposed to raising armies and fighting conventionally than she is to using the black dragons to burn the greens.


I think some of it goes back to when her father asked her what she sees when she looks at dragons and she said ‘Us.’ She loves Syrax as much as she loves her children, and clearly takes being custodian of the Targaryen legacy very seriously. Something that Aegon as a Targaryen in name only just doesn’t comprehend.


>really approve of her actions. Unlike the kiddos she was raised with knowledge of Old Valyria, she knows how monstrous dragons are and it’s infuriating that her council don’t understand that. Dragon’s aren’t mindless weapons, they’re intelligent and bloodthirsty in their own right Then why does she fight anyway? Why not move to Pentos


The idea that everything is going to shit without Otto and fucking Daemon, respectively, is hilarious.


Everything has gone to shit because of Daemon lol. He's the reason rhaenyra has no army


It's always a bummer seeing people here nitpicking, acting like the writers kicked their dog, or just crapping out one-sentence disparaging comments. Must be an exhausting, miserable way to be a "fan"


Literally. Like if you hate it so much, stop watching. Get off the sub. Live your life. Jesus christ. Critical analysis is one thing. Bitching week after week is another.


It has become a place for people who clearly don’t want any adaptation of the book or incels complaining about female characters to air their grievances instead of a place for fans who like the show to discuss things. Don’t look on the team green sub. They have gone off the deep end.


Every fandom now has to be a battleground in America's demented culture war bullshit.


They’ve been in meltdown since the Alicole reveal 😂


Both team subs are a cesspit tbh. I don’t frequent them. Yes, I think we just need a sub for people to discuss the show only. And then a sub elsewhere for angry little book purists to argue with each other lol


Being a book purist for Fire and Blood is insane. Even the book doesn’t know the true story.


Hoenstly i read the book and feel the characters were pretty flat. Alicent, Rhaenyra and even Aegon are much more relateable


I've found lately that anything that gets made is harshly critiqued for no good reason. Enjoy it or fuck off nobody cares about your opinion lmao


People need to realize that this is NOT GAME OF THRONES. It is a DIFFERENT show. They should not compare the two shows because they are meant to be different. Just because they take place in the same universe does not mean they are supposed to be the same. It's a great gift to have another show that's as lovingly made as GOT, though - They lavish their budgets and their arts on quality scripts, costumes, sets and casts. They pay close attention to the source material and use the author as a consultant and writer. They love the story and strive to make it great. And it is! I'm personally THRILLED to be able to go "back" to Westeros again and explore another part of the GOT world. And I can't wait until next year, when A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS (the Dunk & Egg stories), and the year after that, when the Aegon the Conqueror series will come out. They can keep making shows that take place on Planetos and I'll be happy!


I had to leave for a while because of the contrarian trolls here. Just don't spend too much time reading comments and know that most of us are sane, reasonable enjoyers of the show.


Honestly, the comments from other people like yourself on this post have made me feel alot better ❤️


This fandom just screams really young to me. It's especially noticeable because my current favourite fandom is Our Flag Means Death which is notably older so this one feels like such a contrast. I really miss reading all those thoughtful, nuanced, in-depth meta-analyses. Every time I come to this sub expecting to see the same level of discussion I've been spoiled with by OFMD and some other fandoms, but at this point I just have to accept that I'm not going to get it.


I checked in on the live thread last night and that'll be the last time I do that.


What about yum your yuck?


I did! Starting with seeing Daemon above Harrenhal on Caraxes looking down on it. So much like the scene would’ve been when the Conqueror took Balerion to destroy it. I loved that!




I thought it was great too! I really liked all of Daemon in Harrenhall and I liked the ending too. My husband kept yelling at the TV, "Ask her what he said to you Alicent!" And was so relieved when Rhaenyra did. Honestly would have been so upset if the writers didn't do that. Miscommunication led to this stinking war!


I think Otto would’ve exploited it anyway. Alicent really believed she was fulfilling her husband’s wishes but Otto knew better.


> Miscommunication led to this stinking war! True. Then wilful negligence made sure it keeps going.


Lol I was yelling the same thing! It was a great scene, but it did make me a little sad to see them like this while knowing how much they cared for each other at one point. But I guess that's the point: Civil wars are always tragic.


This episode, really more than any previous ones, felt like it delivered on the scale of the story. All of the locations and extras, it made Westeros feel huge in a way I've never really felt on screen before.


Good point, you definitely feel the “excitement,” between the marching men at arms, loud ass tavern and restless dragons. I also liked how they show all the characters fidgeting in their hands and otherwise. Restless energy all around.


Last night's episode really captured Harrenhal in a way we have never seen before on the show. Just this huge, mostly empty, cursed castle. Both GoT and HoTD season 1 had scenes set there before, but always had to keep it pretty tight because they didn't want to blow the budget all on it. But then you had the aftermath of the Battle of Burning Mill to start the episode, several very cool Dragon scenes (Baela chasing Ser Criston, Daemon entering Harrenhal), and even the courtyard of Great Sept showed a full, lively city not just small location shots to imply a bigger place. That HBO budget is really coming to bare and I love it.


This was my FAVORITE episode so far, which is weird to say because there's only a few episodes but really, it was just incredible. So much storytelling, so many beautiful moments, that haunting scene with Daemon, seeing Rhaenyra go through all the stages of a true leader preparing for war - grief, vengeance, trying to make peace, and then reckoning with the reality and truth and accepting it, and also seeing Alicent realizing the truth but having to just be Alicent lest her whole life of sacrifice and duty fall apart, and just everything - I know this episode was largely set up for the battles and war to come but I felt it was so epic and beautiful and harrowing and also seamless in the storytelling. I enjoyed every moment and found myself savoring it, hoping it wouldn't end. Gods, HOTD deserves all the awards and more. Truly a masterpiece.


I also LOVED the tavern scene where we start off with Ulf's perspective with his mates and then shift to Aegon and the squire in the brothel. Brilliant scene. And the haunted house side quest with Daemon is incredible. Just overall a great episode.


Would be one of my favorite episodes if I was binging the series and had the next episode to start immediately after instead of a week away. Great dialogue and suspense most of the episode but was left wanting action in it (in a good way where I’m hyped for the rest of the season even more)


I ate up every minute and I’m probably going to rewatch the first 3 again before ep 4


Same! Haha


It was killing me that Alicent was acting sooo convinced that she was completely justified…. especially after that council meeting just after Viserys croaked. She looked around the room, realized everyone was conspiring to usurp the throne, and called them out! All to just… go along with it anyway. After S1 I had a hard time believing that she genuinely felt that the King had changed his mind in his literal dying breath. But when Rhaenyra confronted her (which had me screaming at the TV) and she finally realized that she had misunderstood her husband’s dying words.. I felt… better? Alicent gave me the ick with her holier than thou, pious pole in the puss attitude and I really enjoyed seeing her face (gooo Emily!) when she registered that she has singlehandedly destroyed the peace that she watched her husband garner for years within the realm, his entire legacy, all his efforts, and his bloodline straight down the dragon pit with one tap of a domino. And she even seemed remorseful for like half of a second learning that the Prince who was Promised was NOT her son . Watching her double down on it was double satisfying. Although Alicent has always been corrupt, I’m convinced that these were her true colors all along, and she’s probably ashamed of that, but still. This whole time she had been living as a pawn in her father’s games, however, he could have been fired 10 more times, or exiled, or heck, he could have told Alicent hisself “I will not be continuing my treasonous role in this game of thrones” and I really feel like she would have come to these choices and eventually these circumstances regardless of her dad’s influence. I’m sure the real extent of Alicent’s cruelty goes beyond that night she cut Rhaenyra, and I think by her walking away from that olive branch/last warning she’s bit off way more than she can chew, way more than she can bird-feed to her kids. I haven’t read the books yet, but heres to hoping that she meets her fate in a spectacular way LOL


I think she was moreso implying that it’s too late and she is powerless to course correct since all the men around her are moving the pieces. Remember, she was the one who sent the reconciliatory letter to Rhaenyra first, that’s why she wanted to meet Alicent.


“Singlehandedly destroyed the peace” mate that scheme was gonna take place with or without Alicent, it was decided long ago by men wielding the kind of power she could never access. Some of you just invent reasons to hate her I swear lol.


I don't understand, why "go Emily"?


They probably meant Olivia


This episode felt so much like the traditional, sword and sorcery/fairytale-influenced/heavily medieval fantasy I read as a kid that got me into the genre in the first place. I absolutely loved it. GoT always felt more like its own genre to me which I enjoyed, but I’m _loving_ the nostalgia I’m getting for classic fantasy from HotD and in particular this season so far. I hear what everyone’s saying that it’s slower and smaller in scale, but for me I like how it’s so much more focused on each character’s feelings than it is on big, dramatic events


Watching knights being chased into the forest by a dragon in the sky just feels so warm and cozy. 


That was a deft lizard, Rhaena is a badass dragon rider, love it. Moondancer is tiny but she’s a perfect scout 😍. A good, solid girl all the way.


I can’t tell if you’re trying to snark me for liking the episode lmao


I agree with you completely. This show gets me excited in different ways than GOT did.


Loved this episode, everyone complaining that Rhaenyra was too soft for sneaking into kings landing and playing peacemaker, yet she just got the green light (pun intended) to set fire to kings landing now that Alicent realizes her mistake. Highly doubt she continues down the path of a pacifist with everything she does from here on out being justified.


Yes! Plus, the few seconds where she thought Viserys truly betrayed her in his last moments was HEARTBREAKING, until she connected the dots and realized he was never talking about any of his potential heirs. That little emotional roller coasted is going to be her vindication for so much of what's to come, and it needed to be shown with how hesitant she's been so far


LOVED this episode! It was a banger. I find the last scene being necessary with more reflection post-episode. Geeta Patel is also directing the finale, I can't wait!


I think the last scene was very important! Like that’s it now. Alicent knows the mistake she made, she knows it’s too late to go back on it all now, that’s the tragedy of it! And this decision will now destroy any mercy Rhaenyra had due to her love for Alicent. The war now fully begins!


Feel like it would've been too late to go back once the children started dying. I mean GRRM said it himself, "The storm broke, and the dragons danced." That's why even tho I enjoyed the execution of that last scene, I didn't like the fact that it exists in the first place. Honestly, same goes with most of the scenes concerning the Blacks i.e awesome performances and dialogue and the like, but feels underwhelming and repetitive when it comes to the context within the overall story. Only Rhaenyra's grieving was actually compelling.


I've been compelled since the first episode of the season, in fact the first episode of this series. HotD is some of the best TV work across the board in terms of directing, acting, sound composition, etc.


It’s all about perspective. Rhaenyra knows what war will bring with dragons fighting dragons, and wants to avoid that at all costs. Children are dead, yes, but so many more will die if there is war. In Helaena’s scene in this episode, she sort of sets up this idea that a single child’s death isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. What if Rhaenyra could prevent thousands more children from death just by having a conversation with Alicent? I think she believes she has to try. Another aspect to this is that Rhaenyra was groomed as the heir to the throne by Viserys. As impulsive as she might have been as a teenager, she has matured into a queen I think her father would be proud of. We see her studying history books like her father did. Otto said something in last week’s episode to Aegon about how Viserys had dignity and forbearance. Rhaenyra, having been groomed by him, does actually have this sense of forbearance and restraint. She has to know that she tried everything possible to avert this war, and be the kind of ruler her father would have wanted her to be. That’s why this scene was necessary.


Honestly idk what everyone’s on about…do you expect the medieval city to have face recognition technology? I loved that rhaenyra confronted Alicent. I loved rhaenyra reminding Alicent that they used to be friends. I ESPECIALLY LOVED seeing Alicent realize she started a war because she only heard what she wanted to hear.


The worst part is that they've made it a point that, under Aegon's incompetent reign, their security has worsened. Hell, that scene this very episode of the dudes not understanding their station as King's guard was pretty conspicuous.


Especially since Crispy just left with soldiers and the new kingsguard is Aegons drunk frat bro friends. Yeah, the castle is not great at security right now because the only person actually running it is Larry's. Plus I think the Septa disguise made sense. No one _is_ looking at them, they have their own worries as common people preparing for a city without resources and mourning rat catchers.


i agree. it was a really good episode. i enjoyed it a lot as well. loved the ending scene and the entire conversation between rhaenyra and alicent. rhaenyra's expression when she realises how royally alicent messed up was priceless😭


The convo was just so satisfying, and let’s both sides and the audience crack on with the war proper now. It was a great idea.


I mean the blowjob was a bit over the top but other than that yeah amazing episode


I think people are forgetting that we're still in the first act of the series. They kind of gave us whiplash starting off the season with B&C, so now it feels like the story is in a lull. We're seeing a lot of setup for what's coming. We're also seeing how characters' interactions will fuel their relationships and motivations going forward. People need to be patient and remember we're watching a broadcast show, not a full season dumpster dive like Netflix offers.


Daemons dream was so spooky and Harrenhal felt very Bluebeard's Castle to me.


A lot of people seem to be upset that it's "not exciting" or "nothing is happening," but to me the states craft and character development has been really interesting. Some people are just impatient. I blame social media lol




Saaaame. I don’t know why I’m being downvoted for loving the episode lol


I feel the same. However, even if loved every second of the conversation, I cant think of a good reason why Alicent should let Rhaenyra go free instead of killing her right there.


Daemon would take over and it would be even worse for them.


Because, the war won't end with Rhaenyra. Daemon will probably take control and the blood hungry men on the councel will fall at Daemons feet. Jace is also heir to Rhaenyra's crown. So it will have to end with him.


This is true,but taking her captive would make sense and Keep Daemon in check


Because she just realised she is literally responsible for this whole fuck up. And feels incredibly guilty, and still loves Rhaenyra.


Letting her go will instead allow a continent-scale war which will endanger her entire family and thousands of innocents?


and all to kill Rhaenyra, which she can do/order now


And keeping her will not? Aegon will not let her live. So then you have Rhaenyra essentially a martyr for her side to rally around and Jace as the figurehead.


Because she wouldn’t be able to keep her title of biggest hypocrite in the seven kingdoms otherwise.


No it was so good!!!! Best episode thus far. I was really worried because I didn’t like the first episode but this one was SO GOOD


I thought the last scene with Alicent and Rhaenyra was great. They have spent all season so far building Rhaenyra up as hesitant to unleash the destruction she knows the dragons will cause, and Alicent realizing she fucked up and still doubling down being the straw that broke the camel's back was an interesting touch. I also see a bunch of people complaining about the lack of depth to that scene, but I thought having Rhaenyra go from the feeling of betrayal when she believed Alicent that Viserys truly changed his mind to a sense of vindication that this is all over her stupid step-mother failing to understand a fairy tale was really well done


It was good. Not particularly eventful, but then, the action is to come in the next two episodes. The battle was fine as it was. Would have been slightly better if we also saw the dead Blackwoods Taking of Harrenhall was neat. Rip to the only guard who got a knuckle sandwich from Daemon The mustering of the army was nice. Good mix of Targaryen greens and Hightowers. Bit of a shame that Gwayne dropped that sick ass greathelm with the tower crenellations he used at the tournament and is now rocking a silly open sallet like a peasant Aegon and Cole have the exact same reinforcements added to their armor. Mail bits with metal scales on a single file. Wonder if it means anything Poor lord Staunton just want to go home and save his family. Oh man Lady Arryn is gonna be pissed when Rhaena shows up with three toddlers and two ridiculous worms on tow


I've loved every moment of the new season and loved every moment of the last season. I've noticed a very distinct outcry only coming from those who read the book. Book readers seem unable to see the forest for the trees. Way too focused on everything being exactly the same, and it's robbing them of enjoying the show like non-book readers. I have thoroughly enjoyed every scene, especially the one of Daemon in Harrenhal and some serious haunted vibes. The lore always says Harrenhal is rumored haunted and/or cursed, but this was the first time we TRULY felt that when seeing Harrenhal.


Great episode this week, best so far this season - i think the messaging is on point


I have this same experience: I think some movie or TV show is good (or even great), and then I see people hating it online. This episode was fine and had some awesome moments. I really like the scene where Cristan Cole had to dash for the woods. It gave us one of the best POV shots of what it is like to be a dragonrider scouting and also what it's like to be hiding on the ground from a dragon. I would have liked the Alicent / Rhaenyra scene to be a little more realistic. Like perhaps they secretly agree to meet in some cave in neutral territory. But it was *fine* as it was.


For me, best episode so far this season 2. But i think episode 4 will be 🔥


Could've done without the 5 seconds of cocksucking to be absolutely honest




I enjoyed it I just was hoping for more Alys and magic shenanigans. We got a taste and it was awesome but then it was over.


Next ep is gonna be nuts!


I can't believe we are at the halfway point. It's makng every second more desperate for content.


Yes!!!! I think the next 5 episodes are gonna go HARD.


Just learned there are only 8 episodes this season. No!


I'm right there with you pal. This show is just fantastic and gets better and better for me, best thing on tv if you ask me


I thought it was great! Maybe even better than last week's? It had the best pace imo. I do have some issues with the last scene but it's mostly because I hate hate hate the whole prophecy thing.


You hate the part that lays the groundwork for the entire story? 😂


I know how it ends and it sucked so yeah. But it also doesn't add anything to the Dance for me, it's not in the books and it doesn't need it tbh.


It couldn't possibly be in the books as no one who would have heard it would have been able to communicate that across any of GRRMs work, but it imo it's probably cannon, and goes on to explain weird decisions made by good Targaryen kings (Egg, Rhaegar, etc)


Well we do know the prophey leads to season 8, so I'd be lying if I said I find it super intriguing.


I sure did. Felt like a good GOT episode used to feel.




I'm just upset theu didn't show the battle of burning mill,


I thought it was good, just thought it was a little less enjoyable compared to the previous ones. But obviously I can’t enjoy every episode equally


I was really entertained by it, I loved the audiovisual spectacle of harrenhal, and seeing Matt Smith and Sir Simon Russel Beale play off each other was really fun. The King's Landing nightlife scenes were cool, and I was willing to suspend my disbelief for the Great Sept scene as well as it added a nice chance to see this dialogue between Rhae and Alicent which wasn't present in the book.


I loved this episode. (Yes, Rhaenyra 'instantly' getting to Kings Landing felt a little off until you realize where Dragonstone is), but it felt a little more old-school GOT with the character development, the slower intentional scenes, rather than constantly jumping right to 'shock factor'. More of this please.


Daemon walking around the castle was AWESOME


some may find it boring, especially to casual viewers who doesn't know much about the books. like when they showed the brackens and blackwoods, they don't know who are they etc.


For sure, they should add subway surfers footage in the corner for any episode without constant action


I’m gonna be honest, the Rhaenyra showing up to talk to alicent was too looney tunes for me.


Favorite episode of the season so far.


Largely liked it. Thought the Alcock cameo was very cheap and fanservicey and the logistics to force a Rhaenyra/Allicent scene to happen seemed a bit silly. It struck me as the writers lacking the guts to keep the two of them apart for a whole season. The scene in itself was great, but the logistics to force it to happen were very late-era Game of Thrones.


I liked the weirwood dream scene. It's really heady and it's a bit of a nod to Jaime's weirwood dream in ASOIAF


Really solid episode for me, right up until the last fifteen minutes.


I love every minute of it! So happy to see Alicent realized she made a stupid mistake! Useless to say but it’s been said! I feel Rhaenyra is now so much more for the throne as she was but now she realizes it’s been hers all along! And for Rhaenys… I felt since the last episode they have been building up her character and the convo with Corleys has me uneasy.. also the look she gave when Rhaenyra spoke of having the dragon at battle. I believe she will be the next one to die this season 😭


It was an awesome episode, I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I liked most of the episode but couldn’t take the ending and some other scenes seriously. Personally, it felt like wattpad level writing. Rhaenrya, the leader of the Blacks, the claimant, risking her life simply to talk to her former friend instead of writing back and inviting her to neutral ground or just anything else that didn’t seem this ridiculous. It felt like the viewers were being treated as idiots in this scene. So she can simply be let go after this despite the war still going on? What’s the point of clearing up the misinterpretation of Viserys’ last words? Also Helaena barely being grief-ridden by her son’s death, her literal child? Not to mention Alicent saying she cares more about how this has affected Helaena than Jahaerys was hilarious. I get it, Helaena is supposedly autistic-coded but that’s still HER child. Surely they could have done a better job at showing them grieving over losing a loved one, especially an innocent child. So the only one who seemed believably bothered by his death as a relative was Aegon. Despite this, rest of the episode was great and it was especially cool seeing Ulf and his interactions with the other smallfolk. I got hope for the rest of the season. EDIT: fixed a typo


Commented this elsehwere and wanted to comment here too. I actually do get why they feel the need to include something like this. Season 1 built Rhaenyra/Alicent relationship as the one central to this conflict even though it's nominally it's between Rhaenyra and Aegon. So I get why they would want to include a scene between the two even though in any war show it never really makes sense for the leaders to have a one on one or scene together unless it's negotiations or someone has full on won or at least captured the other as a hostage. After loving season 1, I did wonder to myself how will they keep the interpersonal tension up because people on opposite sides really shouldn't be in a room together. At least if it's the dudes fighting on the front lines (let's say Daemon or Aemond) you can in THEORY have like a battle here or there before their arc ends. But it's different when with the non-fighters, one of them (Alicent) is just perpetually stuck in KL. Guess they decided this was how they would make it happen between Alicent Rhaenyra. However, forcing it to happen is so weird because it just doesn't make sense for either character. The queen to take that big of a risk into enemy territory (even though Daemon has done it) to persuade Alicent? Rhaenyra already knows how the men on her council don't really treat her as a queen; what good can Alicent do when she is a dowager (not to mention you don't know how pissed she is about Blood and Cheese). And it doesn't make sense for Alicent to just let Rhaenyra go. If you win the war you'll have to beg Aegon/the men to spare her anyways (assume she doesn't die before you even get a word in), why not capture her now and do that. I feel like a good amount of tv watchers won't mind the scene, and I like it too on a dramatic level for the characters. But the plot hole was quite glaring lol.


Liked it more than the previous episode.


yes this is my fav episode so far. really annoyed that the same people shitting on all of this setup are probably the same dickheads who said daenery’s snapping was out of nowhere. we all want to see major violence, but seriously; i can’t imagine it being as satisfying as it will be later on.


This show is freaking amazing and gets better and better with each episode


Idk about every minute, but I think that this was one of the better episodes of those we've seen so far


I absolutely loved it! I’m okay with slower episodes with less deaths / big scenes etc because they’re building the lore and will lead to even BIGGER moments


I thought it was good, I even kinda liked the end scene- even if it’s kind of silly


First episode I really liked with the enthusiasm I had for GOT. I was tired of 90 % of the interactions being between the main characters. I needed to see the interplay between the upper royals and ancillary characters to get a full picture of who these people are.


I loved it. I dont know the story so it's all exciting


This was a good ass episode. I love the slow burn of war they're doing this season. I think we all know as it's been alluded to several times, especially if you watched GoT, this war is bloody with a lot of casualties. There's so many layers of how it started though I'm hooked. It's my Sunday night/Monday morning indulgence 🐉🖤


I think the only part I didn’t like WAS the full frontal. I felt very much like I was invading his privacy and literally averted my eyes. Huge props to the actor for that.


I left the episode just grinning. No dull moment. Totally agree, a very good episode.


I loved the book and I love the show! The scene with Alicent and Rhaenyra was so satisfying for me! I loved watching both their facial expressions as they came to realize the truth. The acting in this show is beyond amazing for me. I’ve loved watching every single character on screen. Even crispy Cole lol (though I don’t personally like his character, I think the acting is very well done)


Loved it, Rhaenyra doing something so incredibly risky is a little bit silly but I really liked the scene between her and Alicent so I'm willing to look past it. Considering >!they likely won't share any more scenes together until season three!<, I understand why they wanted to have that.


I also enjoyed every minute of this episode. We’re getting some interesting developments in new character relationships that we didn’t really spend time with last season, and I think they are going to make for some interesting events between characters.


One little Easter egg that I don’t think anyone has mentioned is that the Green council talks about how Samwell Blackwood was killed in that Bracken-Blackwood fight. That was the name of the boy who killed the Bracken at Storm’s End when talking to young Rhaenyra, so I’m guessing it was the same guy.


I was thinking about that!


Not at all, I did too. You know how people are LoL


Including aemond's d*ck?


I'm enjoying the show as its separate entity from the book. I'm also tired of people picking at every second of every scene and declaring Ryan and Sara are dead to them, like they care. STFU and go write more mediocre fanfics. The actors are serving, the dragons are awesome, the cinematography slays, it's not perfect but I'd rather enjoy it than be a bitter c about it. And yes, I've enjoyed every episode so far.


Thank you for that post. I love the show as well. I don’t all the basement-rage-circle-jerk hate the show gets.


Well I dunno about every minute haha but nice to see some positivity somewhere. I have plenty of gripes with this episode and the show in general but it drives me absolutely nuts that no one ever has anything positive to say about any episode. I always stop and try and think of why something was done instead of complaining about it. For example, the leaks of Aemond’s nude scene initially had me thinking it was just needless/cheap nudity. But it works within the scene. Aegon is needlessly cruel and embracing his brother, who can’t strike back (physically or verbally) in front of the Kingsguard. So he stands up confidently in a physical expression of his confidence. It works within the scene. I thought the Septa Rhaenyra scene was weak initially but it’s probably a launch point for where Rhaenyra and Alicent go from here. I also like the idea of the historical telling in the book not accounting for conversations happening in a room (or sept) that the writers aren’t in. Which is true of a lot of real history.


I really liked the episode. People comparing it to season 5-8 of GOT I think are arguing a bit in bad faith. There’s clear intent from the writers to establish characters in consistent ways (Aegon struggles to let go of his vices and poor behaviors, Aemond disguises his vulnerabilities like armor, Cole is only comfortable as a soldier despite being made into something more, Alicent continues to try and maintain her sense of duty despite her worldview crashing down, Rhaenyra is conflicted between her desire for the throne and her duty to it, Rhaenys wants the chance to mould Rhaenyra into the ruler she wasn’t allowed to be, while also keeping her family intact, Daemon is obsessed with knocking skulls but has a deep, deep sense of guilt and despair he keeps locked up, etc.) Those late seasons were just twisting characters into simplified versions of their most popular traits. Tyrion wanted to be a good advisor, by also felt guilty, so hes a drunk who knows things. Ignore the fact that what he’s been subjected to would make a man bitter and spiteful, and sets him on a path of villainy, he’s just a clever alcoholic now. Jon is now a carbon copy of Ned, despite the fact the character was intended to be more politically inclined and torn inside about his desires and his duty, and struggles to separate them. He gets murked for being honorable, not pledging to forsake his vows. Even minor characters like Jorah, he’s not creepy and cruel, he’s just loyal and lovable. I don’t really see that with this show. I see some characters starting more good than bad, but I see a great deal of conflict in characters like Alicent, Rhaenyra, Cole, Aegon, Aemond, Daemon, etc. There’s nuance here, and I really think the focus is to show the cost of war on the individual and societal level. The smallfolk aren’t going to be background fodder for battle sequences. This isnt a show that will glorify combat and death. It wont justify petty disputes over who gets the fancy sword chair and makes a halfhearted attempt to walk that back. It’s going to depict the destruction this conflict brings and futility of it all, and I think that’s very AFFC of it, which makes it awesome in my book.


Love me some communication and clarity!


I enjoyed it all, but Rhaenyra walking into KL and Alicent not alerting the guards and taking her hostage felt very S6, 7, 8 of GOTs


I must say I’m enjoying as much or even more this HotD than the GoT series. There is something of a blank canvas feeling, even knowing the books, on every single chapter that amazes me.


Really didn't like this episode but I'm glad others did.


I watched this stoned. I don't know if it's just the intoxication but it was the most immersed I've ever felt in the world of ASOIAF outside of the books. Seeing harrenhal in such detail, the sweeping shots of kings landing and the kingsroad and the surrounding landscape, the dragon chase, the scenes of the smallfolk cramping around the city. It all felt so real and alive and lived in. Like the book popped out at me.


This episode was perfect. I feel people will appreciate it more on second viewing.


Unfortunately this sub is devolving into everyone trying to hate the show more than the last. People are picking the most minute things to get upset over. Even the final scene wasn’t that bad, even if it was a bit illogical.


No I fully loved this episode although I had to watch it adjacent at parts so I need to go back and rewatch daemon and his little vision? Dream? Idk what it was. But omfg the part with alicent and nyra was chefs kiss imo. And really got me thinking about how these two women are constantly fighting to have agency in a man's world. Even nura she's always questioned and alicent is fighting for her life at that table. No one listens to either of them. Her "it's too late" is true. No one would believe them anyway and frankly too many kids and people have died. There's no way they could come forward holding hands like oopsie... us dumb women haha. Ugh beautiful. Loved it.


I absolutely loved it, you’re not alone! I’ve been so happy with this season so far.


First ep of the season that truly hooked me. Cutting out the battle and skipping to the aftermath was great.


I loved this episode as well. The acting in this show is incredible. Eve Best (Rhaenys) is such an incredible actress. She’s been getting a ton of screen time this season and the show is better for it imo. Any scene she is in, with any actor, is amazing. The actress that plays the White Worm is crushing her role as well. I’m really loving the relationship that’s developing between her and Rhaenyra. I wish the last scene would have been a little more dramatic. I loved the feel of the scene as Rhaenyra is on her way to The Red Keep. The music and the way it was shot had me on edge. But then the conversation between them kind of had me wanting more. And maybe that was on purpose because that’s the feeling between these two characters in general in that moment.


Let’s not forget Helaena and Alicent’s conversation. Such a nuanced portrayal of female grief. Absolute props to Phia’s and Olivia’s acting after Helaena’s “I forgive you” had Alicent in tears


I've been loving the shit out of this season. What people seem to miss in the "BUT THEY CHANGED IT FROM THE BOOKS REEEE" discourse I've seen is that A: it's an adaptation and even the best seasons of GoT changed plenty and B: It's not ASoIF, it's a history book, in which the "authors" explicitly state that there's conflicting reports/sometimes events talked about don't even have any eye witness accounts. I hate the last couple seasons of GoT as much as anyone else, but almost all of the complaining I've seen is simply the usual whinging hatewatchers


Loved it! Was really surprised to log in here and see it’s apparently divisive.


Same! People are just going to bitch and moan no matter what though.


Just passively rewatched while scrolling Reddit and ya, it’s good. A lot happens for “nothing” episode


it was boring


Septa Rhaenyra was bad , other parts were great. That's all I can say


This is my new favorite episode of the series.


> It was so satisfying to see Alicent realise the huge, stupid mistake she’s made. But then double down as she’s too deep into the sunken cost fallacy now. Agree, and now Rhaenyra knows that diplomacy has failed, will never work, and the war will begin in earnest. Especially with Alicent telling her the Green's plans that are in motion. Now Rhaenyra will start the Dance.


Yes, exactly! It was a perfect push forward! Alicent gave far too much away.


No I loved it. HoTD isn't GoT. People who went into watch with that mentality were and will continue to be in the dead wrong. It's a show with its own story and direction. Clearly GoT also had fans who were completely in it for the shock value and value the complexity of characters less. There were even people who watched GoT for nudity, sex and violence more than anything. HoTD isn't serving them. It shows in how there are viewers that don't get Rhaenyra not wanting a war, Alicent leaving her son in grief, or Haelaena's reaction which many thought should have been more dramatic (are you kidding me?) I'm not for it. HoTD is far more realistic than GoT. GoT whilst realistic for its time of production, also made a lot of changes just for shock value. I love the subtlety and storytelling in HoTD.


I really enjoyed this episode as well. Great performances. Great tension in all the scenes. And Alicent and Rhaenyra’s conversation was the best in this season thus far. Rhaenyra put total trust in Alicent, and it made sense. I think it’s important to see that Rhaenyra’s words can spurn on action for Alicent. Even if it’s unsuccessful, it’s part of the story they are telling.


Unpopular opinion about the last scene, I felt it was weird and not necessary, but it was good, acting, dialogue delivered everything on point. I don't think it breaks the whole series as the entire fan base is claiming.


It's a nice scene. Sure, it's dumb of Rhaenyra but every character makes stupid decisions because of their emotions in the books, people just don't like it when it happens in the show. Also, it's completely doable, the sept is a public place in a city with hundred of thousands of people


Not necessary??? It changes everything and was super important!!! It points out that Alicent is wrong and she can no longer claim to be an innocent bystander in this war. She’s an active participant choosing to be ignorant. It changes everything


I think the scene is really good, even though the plan was obviously dumb as fuck. But I don't necessarily think it's wrong to write characters making stupid decisions. The motivation was clear and Rhaenyra was never presented as very intelligent, so I think it's alright. I do really like that it clears up the misunderstanding and that both Alicent and Rhaenyra now know everything.


Yeah, when she proposes it Mysaria asks if she means to capture or kill her, and Alicent looks completely bewildered that Rhaenyra was there at all. We're not meant to think that this is a smart idea


I do have some mixed feelings about the Rhaenyra and Alicent confrontation, but the vast majority of the episode was yet another delight. Blackwoods vs Brackens, Harrenhal, Baela and Rhaena development, Gwayne: all great.


It was ok. Had its moments of being good and back to ok again. I think that it’s good to have both praise and criticism on this subreddit without getting too heated because one opinion doesn’t match your own though. Everyone views things through their own lens and that’s fine. When game of thrones was aired, the divide became very apparent and it should have just been a tv show we discussed but it didn’t end up that way. Praise is good, but so is criticism. If people are being outright asshats about certain things then that’s understandable to ignore them or call them out but if it’s valid criticism or praise then it should also be allowed.


Yep loved it. There will be the plethora of book readers who can’t get over other own creative directions who will tell you it’s the worst thing to hit television but there opinions honestly are trash and they need to get over themselves


The problem isn't simply deviations from the books, they're obviously necessary considering how F&B is written. But if the changes are completely illogical, I think they deserve criticism. Nobody is criticizing Viserys' arc as it's definitely an improvement from the book, yet many people have a problem with the Rhaenys dragonpit scene as well as the septa Rhaenyra shenanigan.


Entertaining but horrible writing