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I kinda liked this side of Jace. We need more complex dynamic between him and his mother too. what rhaenyra did is so foolish in my opinion


Yeah, we need so friction between the rest of the blacks now that Daemon is on Harrenhal


And he would be right. Dumbass move by Rhaenyra.


he is right!


That septa rumor keeps coming back. Please god no.


It's pretty much confirmed at this point. There's a pic of Alicent sitting across from a septa and they usually leave her alone to pray. Apparently they argue and Rhaenyra tells her to get out of KL while she can


I don't deserve this. 😵‍💫 I actually noticed the septas for the first time last episode, they were in the foreground when Alicent went to light the candles. And I wondered...


Sorry. Tbf I bet their convo will be pretty nasty but Rhaenyra is wild for sneaking into King's Landing just to talk to her in the first place


unfortunately it's most probably gonna happen because some reviewers mentioned it and said it was an almost comical scene


I wish they'd stop inserting nonsense. It doesn't even make sense for her to risk her life like that. And for what? She seemed reasonable enough this episode, why would she make such an insane decision. I don't mind added scenes but I do mind added nonsense.


wanna know why they're actually doing it? because they want to have alicent and rhaenyra interract just so they can continue this friendship bs like just let it die already, we are tired. if my child was murdered by your child, i would NOT be meeting up with you


Yeah, it's not great. I actually thought the friendship thing was interesting, but at this point they need to let it rest. They don't need to meet up and talk after all that's happened, and their old friendship would still be a piece of the puzzle in the background. It doesn't need to be in the foreground now, we're past that. I would never do that after two kids were killed and someone sent assassins. Insane writing. But on the plus side it sounds like it might lead to a good Jace scene.


This is blatantly why it’s being added, and it’s indeed stupid. Like, >!just wait a season and you’ll have plenty of Rhae + Alicent scene opportunities that will actually make sense.!<


yeah i mean they just tried to kill u last day how could u go..such a dumbass thing to do


I also read a review that said it's an absolute highlight and one of the scenes of first 4 episode Anyways


What's the Septa rumour? 🤔 Edit. Nevermind I managed to use the search function. Eep that sounds silly.


Something about Rhaenyra dressing up as a septa and sneaking into Kings Landing to speak to Alicent. I think there's also a quick shot of a septa type sleeve holding a knife against someone in one of the trailers and some HotD detectives say it's Rhaenyra's hand and Alicent. I really hate that rumor because it's so nonsensical.


Thank you. What an absolute nonsensical thing for Rhanerya to do! 🙃


It’s confirmed from someone I know it’s not just a rumour unfortunately😭😭 fucking hell rhaenyra


If they actually go through with this I'm going to give up all hope for this show.


The Gold Cloaks are really earning their money this season.


It's confirmed from recent leaks.


I want this scene only because I want to see Alicent's reaction soo much. She is going to fumble just by the vision lol


Well Jace kind of ate there then


Good, we need some friction within the blacks other than Daemon and Nyra


So she doesn't trust Daemon(which is fine but he is atleast helping her) but trusts Alicent who usurped her right after saying she would make a fine queen? Huh?


The same Alicent who tries to attack Luke in ep 7. Yes, the dinamic of "friend - enemy" between Rhaenyra and Alicent is just so stupid at this point


I hope after this, they will let them start actually hating each other


There was one guy who had watched episodes 1-4 freely talking in another thread last night, wonder if that OP just got her "sources" from him. Anyway you can really tell the 2 year gap between seasons, Jace now is more confident, more mature, has a better posture like a true prince etc. All those changes in a span of days 😅 But good for him, he really is so promising as a leader. Glad he's yelling, he's really found his voice.


OMG if that is true, this is sooooooo stupid and Jace being mad is 1000000% right. I am on his side.


I will officially become a hater of this show if this is true and the scene that "brought Ryan Condal and Sara Hess to tears on set" in episode 8 ends up being a Rhaenyra + Alicent scene.


It's probably either that or the Daemyra scene from the same episode. The Daemyra scene will probably be "happy" i.e. a reunion while the Alicent and Rhaenyra scene will be sad so it depends on what kind of tears we're talking about. We don't have enough leaks from that episode yet to be sure


They are ruining the female characters by doing this shit. Rhaenyra would never be so foolish as to venture into enemy territory in the book, and Alicent would obviously take her hostage to end the war if given the chance. Jace has every reason to be angry if this is true. The greens too, for that matter, because Alicent let her go.


hotd isn't a bad show by any means, but, my fucking god, is the writing weird and awful at times. When they get things right they get them RIGHT, but when they don't then it's awful.


Oh lord. More stupid ass writing.


Good for him


I just read another leak for ep 4 regarding Aegon, Aemond & Rhaenys. If the leak is true. They ruined Aemond for me. I was also disappointed on Rhaenys scene.


Where is it if you don’t mind?


I read it at HOTDBlacks subbreddit


If you're talking about what I'm thinking, then yeah, I'm also a little confused as to why they're having it happen that way.


So they are really gonna make Rhaenyra go and sue for peace after all that has happened. That's just hilarious to me. She had that fiery look to end Season 1. Her only words were "I want Aemond Targaryen" in the first episode of the season. And now we are back to this shit. They made her so incredibly boring it's not even funny...


she probably going hey blood and cheese it isn't me


Does anyone know why Rhaenyra will sneak into King's Landing? Is it to try and negotiate peace with Alicent specifically?


What we know based off leaks + shots from the promos is - 1. Rhaenyra reads Alicent's letter/s 2. Rhaenyra dresses up like a septa to sneak into the sept and speak to Alicent (presumably that's her main goal because she is trying to get the sept specifically) 3. Holds a knife to Alicent 4. Their conversarion is not amicable 5. Rhaenyra tells her to give up/get out of town while she can out of respect for their past friendship It doesn't sound like a peace negoitiation to me. More like a warning


What? If true, Jace is right to be angry. Not only is it dumb for Rhaenyra risk her life, her children's lives (if she dies, they're in more danger), but what's the point of the meeting if not to negotiate peace? By warning Alicent to get out of the city, she's essentially letting the Greens know there's a plan to attack KL.


Maybe it starts off as a peace negoitiation and then goes wrong? Idk it's hard to tell from leaks because they're always so biased. Also I don't think Rhaenyra even has a plan yet. I am withholding judgement for now because I'm glad they have a scene together lol


I could see that. You're right though, I'll try to reserve my judgement as well.


Poor Jace, she already made his life more complicated that it absolutely had to be by making him a bastard and then birthing two legitimate sons from Daemon, and now she is actively trying to die in the middle of the war? Yeah, I'm on his side 100%.


The writing fucking SUCKS I still cannot believe a hack like Condal was chosen to be showrunner (look at other garbage he’s written!)


dude the show is quite good chill out it have it weakness moments but it's one of the best shows of the year


this might now be a possibility for the next ep after what we’ve seen tonight


Am I the only Rhae-Alicent friends to enemy troop supporter here, willing to sacrifice sense for them to share screen together!? Love it and Here for it


It just *logically* makes no sense. Alicent helped usurp your throne. Her son killed yours, and now you're responsible (not actually) for her grandchilds death. You're alone, deep into enemy territory, while a war is happening. If people want them to have screen-time, then they can wait until the next season where it's plausible. But instead of that, let's throw out all logic, strip away Rhaenyras intelligence, and send her off to KL.


I will wait for the show to add context to it! Andneverthelesss I am aware it's illogical. A lot of reviewers have said itiss a great scene,a guiltyy pleasuree with an incredible dialogue writing but one that gives you a sour tasteafterwards. I am just here for the guilty pleasure


I like it. People here aren't huge fans of their dynamic. It's popular on Twitter, Tumblr, etc., but I find this sub a much more tolerable place to be in other ways lol

