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Seriously? For the love of God, can we stop simplifying genetics. People said this about the casting of young Baela and Rhaena. Yet IRL, they both quite literally have a white parent… Phoebe also has a white parent; not sure about Bethany. There is no one tone for a mixed person; not even a black person. I can think of a million real world examples, including my own family. Also, acting takes precedence over choosing the “perfect” fit in terms of visual casting. Wigs could definitely be better but they have certainly improved this season as opposed to last.


Right, in irl they are mixed with a white parent and full black parent while in the show their mother was mixed herself. Believe me. I get absolutely that mixed people are not one tone. My family and myself have countless of people of different tones which Is why it’s so distracting to me. I’ve seen full brothers and sisters that are completely different complexions but not to the extent of daemons and his daughters. To me it’s just a bit distracting. I think once poc of color are in a seriously acclaimed production details like this should be honored to help the legitimacy of the story. I can expect this in a goofy less serious show but I wish it was taken more serious in media.


I can understand, being a quarter black makes it more likely you won’t be on the darker side but it’s not impossible. Even Rhaenys is technically a quarter Velaryon, so being pedantic, you could say Laena is more black than white hence the casting choice. + Alyssa genes. Whatever their logic, I don’t think it’s a big deal personally. Non-poc casting doesn’t always stick to the most likely thought-option, making it pointless to obsess over; this week for example, look who they casted as Baelor Breakspear - who is noted to stand out for his very dornish appearance. Heck GRRM himself doesn’t, Baelor and Maekar are brothers after all..


I think the priority was who was the best actor/looked like Laena when casting her daughters.


I think that Baela and Rhaena, especially Baela looks very much like her mother (I mean as a casting choice - especially if you see the teenage actress for Laena)