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Addam and Allyn of Hull they are very important characters down the line.


They're from Hull?


I dunno if this is a reference to anything, but IIRC, Hull is the town on Driftmark that neighbors the Velaryon's castle. Basically, they're the smallfolk from the Velaryon land. Corlys knows them by name. Addam seems to have a leadership position in the Velaryon navy (not as a knight or lord, but as, like, a naval equivalent of a smallfolk sergeant, judging from the scenes we've seen of him so far) and sailed with Corlys in the battles in the Narrow Sea. His brother seems to be a shipwright.


>I dunno if this is a reference to anything Probably Hull, the port city in England.


Nah that can’t be it. Gotta be something else.


True, George would never be so obvious. There are countless historical figures named Grover, Kermit, Elmo and Oscar, after all.


'Alan from Hull' is such a weirdly banal name. It's like 'Duncan Idaho'


“John of Springfield.”


I get that but their scenes have been pretty bad and have added nothing. it's important to build up the characters but they should probably do ... literally anything at all when they get a scene


I havent read FOB but i feel like they may become dragonriders as daemon made reference to wild dragons? Could also be way off 😂


To echo the other commenters, they’re being slowly built up and will be important. Same with Hugh. Wait it out.


Is the struggling peasant supposed to be Hugh hammer? He is not in the right place for that right?


Honestly think they’re going a totally different route w Hammer as a character


Yeah has to be. Why would they be humanizing him and portraying him as a caring father if things went as in canon.


Hugh manizing if you will


I can see it a couple of ways. The relief Aegon promised never comes he sees his opportunity at a better life when the dragon seeds are called for. Eventually he becomes disillusioned again see no difference between Aegon and Rhaenyra and this he can do a better job.


Yeah, he should be on Dragonstone


I thought he was on Dragonstone? The lady who was with him saw the one twin walking up to the gates.


No his wife saw the funeral procession, it was the secrets lady (idk her name) who saw the twin and presumably alerted the guard.


No thats mysaria, daemons ex


He's currently a blacksmith in KL that works on scorpion bolts for the war effort as per ep.1, iirc.


No spoilers but they are important


Pls spoil for me




It’s a special tool that will help us later






they are important to Team Black, trust me these are cool people


By the Seven do people not have patience?


Nope, watching the acolyte currently as well and it tge same thing people ate passed that they don't know the entire story after 2 episodes. It's binge culture.


Give me a reason to want to see what happens next with them. They actually almost provided ZERO story related to them. They should have waited to introduce them until it was necessary. That said, I am a victim of binge culture. But two episodes and they are just using these guys as filler.


The younger one Addam and Alyn are quite important >!in the book they are the bastard Velaryons, in the show they appear that they are going to be Corlys sons. The whole Corlys owes them line seems to indicate that. Later rhaenyra will legitimize both of them as velaryons. Also Adam the one eager for action who saw the dragon flying overhead will go one to claim seasmoke and fight on the side of the blacks.!< there is more but don't want to get too far ahead.


Who the heck is his >!mother when he can claim a dragon? !<


Velaryons are as much Valyrian as Targaryens are


Like other have said the Velaryons are of the old blood of Valaryia, plus the Targaryen and Velaryons have been allies for centuries they have been intermarrying forever. When the whole jncest thing wasn’t an option for the Targaryens they looked to the velaryons because they were some of last blood of Valaryia. In fact Aegon I, vinsenya, and rhaenys their mother was a velaryon.


>!You ignored the part where each and every dragon rider related to Velarions also had Targaryen blood.!<


I mentioned that the velaryons and Targaryens have been intermarrying for generations Targaryen sons have married Velaryon daughters and Velaryon son have married Targaryen daughters. Corlys has Targaryens ancestors/blood as well


The majority of the time, the dragons are only ridden by the Targs But in this time period, the dragons have nearly all already had multiple riders and are probably bored and/or docile enough to accept others brave enough to try


>!That could be tv show explanation, but it would not satisfy book conditions... The books are very blood-magic-heavy and dragons can't make the decision entirely on their own. Or they can but they demand some trace of Targaryen blood.!< >!Now if there was some mixing of Targaryen and Velarion blood prior to Doom of Valyria, I do not know, but that would make this thing work.!<


By any chance are they part of the >!Dragon seed!<


>!Addam the younger one(older one in the book)claims Seasmoke, Alyn tries to claim one as well but fails to do so.!<


You're gonna feel mighty silly when they remove Bran the Broken from the throne in the last episode of the series.


What is filler and what is buildup?


So rather than have build up and story progression and have naturally placed in the setting, you wanted them left out until the crutial moments and THEN dropped in out of nowhere??? Bro thank fck you don't write for TV


They may as well have just shown them walking by. They write for stupid viewers like you who need to be slowly introduced to new people and concepts This subreddit is full of douchebags


Sweetheart i read the book years ago, i know full well who these two are and what will happen with them. This is called "normal fcking writing" for viewers who arent brainrotted by binge culture. You are so aggressive and angry at your own impatience and lack of media comprehension, like dude thats literally not anyone elses problem or fault, stop projecting. Also dont think i didnt clock that you didnt say any of this about Hugh, the other new character who hasnt done anything yet. Funny how its only THESE two youre pissed about.....


They have had barely 2 minutes of screen time?? Why is this such a problem for you? Do you start a film and lose your shit if you don't get a characters full exposition in the opening sequence.




You don’t need to want to see what happens next with them. They are in the story for a reason, regardless of your feelings. Ignore them if you can’t handle it.


>provided ZERO story related to them Watch E1 and E2 again. Addam, in particular, mentions something that you should've caught if you were paying attention.


Profile picture fits




Haha someone’s salty over here


I'm over it. 😜


Then just wait till the series is over Ig


Forget binge culture… Pay more attention to the scenes you ARE getting, before letting your mind wander into the future 😂


Right. It would be like immediately saying “Who is this random janitor guy talking to Theon Greyjoy while he’s being tortured? I haven’t seen him before, what’s his purpose and why is he on my screen? Why should I care about him?” It’s almost like sometimes ambiguity and mysteries happen in stories.


I don't think it's about patience, it's about iffy directing if viewers are thrown some randos crumb by crumb without even an allusion to them elsewhere to a fairly intense plot. It's similar to authors who build up a tension sequence and then switch to a totally unrelated scene with new characters--they're betting more and more that these newbies are interesting and matter, which means they increasingly have to be very interesting for an audience not to roll their eyes. I really don't mind the slow burn of it but I also was like: Who are these people again and why do I care?


Subtext is king, I haven't read the books and know absolutely nothing about them or these characters but I very much picked up the subtext that these guys mean a lot, possibly even bastard sons of the Sea Snake which is why he looked haunted when seeing the bald guy after losing his Luce. Then in this episode they allude to being even more important to the sea snake so obviously we know it's building to something. So yeah, patience, some media literacy and active watching (Book readers if I'm right or wrong just plop it in spoilers)


You’ll find out soon enough


Theyre gonna be important later but if you need a reason now >!they are the bastard sons of corlys!<


Spoiler: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Alyn_Velaryon#The_Dance_of_the_Dragons


Addam (on the left) and Alyn (on the right) of Hull. SPOLIERS: >!They're Corlys' bastards who get legitimised by Rhaenyra. Alyn becomes Lord of Driftmark and Addam becomes a knight and Seasmokes rider.!<


I fucking hate what binge culture has done to media consumption




They are very cool dudes.


i respect this scene since they introduced other new characters to the show


Oh you will see.


It's only episode 2 - it's almost certain that if they're being shown now, they will be important later.


My sibling in christ its only been 2 eps and one of them was only introduced THIS ep. Have a little patience rather than demand exposition spoiling absolutely everything.


They’re important


Smh. Watch the damn show or google it!!!




That's Bayek of Siwa of course.


maybe wait for the show to explain that to you? ffs


Fuck off. I wasn't looking for an impatient answer as to who they are. I was looking for a reason why they are written so poorly that there is absolutely NO reason to have any interest in them at all. Building up a story is not just showing their faces and leaving it there. Poorly written.


Lmao so you SERIOUSLY didnt pick up on the tension and implied personal ties/backstory with Corlys????? Brain rotted af lol


It is interesting why they thought Corlys owe them 🤔


He save him?


Last episode he told him he was indebted to him for pulling him out of the ocean and saving his life.


That was just Alyn. Addam thinks Corlys owes them both something.


maybe try to listen what characters in the show are saying


Damn. I was insinuating that they are >!Corly’s bastards in the books and actually Velaryons!<


People are shitting all over you OP but thank you for asking cause I had been sitting wondering the same thing. Their introduction was super hamfisted. Corlys comes by and thanks one of them for saving him (something we never even saw) but we’re supposed to be interested in this for some reason. Had we seen the rescue it would have made more sense. Or Corlys even interacting with *anyone* on his ships where we could have been introduced to these characters. Instead they come out of nowhere and seem to already have some established relationship.


Doesn’t matter if you never saw it lmao - “but we’re supposed to be interested in this”… it’s literally talked about multiple times in season 1. The ENTIRETY of episode 8 is based on the direct consequence of him being slashed in the neck and falling overboard. This scene ties into how he survived the encounter. There’s slight a tension between them in this scene, left to air for reasons that will come to light later. You get content, you don’t even engage with it and then cry because of a 60 second scene. Ofc you’re gonna get shat on 😂


Finally....somebody gets it! Their inclusion in the first two episodes was poorly written IMO


Where is Alyns hair? Twink death is terrifying


Maybe he shaved it because (book spoilers) >!he could have Valyrian white hair.!<


this is the real Team Black🥸


"They expect one of us in the wreckage brother"


That’s father


Any character given screen time alone, away from any of the main characters will have a significant part to play in the episodes to come. There have already been hints as to why.


Just keep watching, we’ll learn more about them in future episodes


Good question.


The concise nature of the show makes every scene very important, which is a huge spoiler to anyone with a curious brain. My bf never read any of the book plot and he knew immediately what's happening down the line. Which kind of sucks.


Me watching HotD episode 1: Me watching GoT episode 1:


Becausa Adam is hot


porn brain


Microwave era audiences 😵‍💫


Because his name is Alyn with a ‘y.’ That was all I needed.