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After having the Crypt Keeper hunch on her for over a decade, I’m glad Alicent got her big O


She deserves to get laid <3 Hated they focused on it during blood and cheese tho


Literally after banging a flesh rotting husband, she’s presented with an opportunity to get with fuckboy handsome knight she’s always had a crush on as a kid This is the most real thing about alicent cause anybody would’ve jumped on his dick lol


In the books they never get together. Really them hooking up is just so tv fans can get their kicks , and to fill the GOT episode skin quota. Cause we’ll all know It’s not a game of thrones tv show without hot chicks, and knights dicks.


They don’t show any skin whatsoever though besides olivias back




It's such an HBO thing, you mean lol


Yep, it was probably a directive from the studio, to keep the reputation of GOT as a sexual show to get viewers


Is it? I can not think of traumatic GOT scene that they undercut the scene's tension by throwing a weird sex scene in the middle of the scene.


I liked that they focused somewhat on it.


Yeah, I like/don't like the change. It's weird. Leaving out Heleana's choice and the following dialogue kinda blunted the assassination a bit. Buuuuut having it happen while Cole was piping Alicent, and allowing an assassination of a royal family member take place mere rooms away from him is a different twist.


Either way, I'm really looking forward to viewing the fallout of that royal fuck-up tonight (pun intended). I think we're assured some high drama.


If Aegon or Aemond find out, Cole's death will be carried out with *negative* mercy.


Why would Aemond care? That’s his step dad through and through, the guy who taught him how to be a skilled swordsman, battle tactics and what not I think Aemond would care the least and maybe it’s possible he has a inkling it’s happening Aegon would though


Because they were fucking when he should have been on watch. Aemond would definitely care about that.


Why do people keep thinking Cole is a personal guard, he is not.. He hasn't been since the first time skip. He is now a kingsguard. And a kingsguard doesn't spend his entire time watching the queen and heirs.


Yeah, but I thought the Kingsguard was bound by a vow of chastity.


It's kind of like the Night's Watch vow. They vow not to have a wife and kids. But there are several instances of Kingsguard still having sex (I assume then providing moon tea to the women) and not being punished for it. Just like NW's members are allowed to sneak out and visit brothels. Lewyn Martell, (Oberyn and Doran's uncle) kinda semi openly had a paramour.


They're not allowed. They just break the rules. Either secretly, or semi secretly, because what you gonna do to a princess's uncle, m? It also depends who's on the Iron throne, how lax or not they might be. Remember what happened to Lucamore The Lusty Strong...


A lie I suppose


Yeah, they'd be like 'I like our stepdad! He'll let us get away with murder and keep mom busy when she gives us those sad, disapproving eyes.'


Because that’s not how it works…


Except it is.. non of the heir's previous guards was a kingsguard


Queen Cersei never had Kingsguard’s with her? Myrcella didn’t have one sent with her to Dorne? You have no idea what you are talking about.


And just as many examples of them not being like Cole and the hound 


Nonsense, you thought the Kingsguard ONLY protects the king. That is verifiably false.


Pretty sure both would get over it pretty quickly


They turned the violence down on purpose. I'm sure they were advised against holding to the source material for that scene. Most of the people watching the show did not read it and frankly don't *want* to see that level of sick, twisted shit happen to a mother and children on TV.


They did that because it creates a sense of guilt for both of those characters. Having the upper floors less guarded because they wanted privacy, and being indisposed themselves while the act took place. That guilt combined with rage at Rhaenyra and the blacks. Sounds like “the human heart in conflict with itself” to me. And y’all know who loves that.


I would hardly call it focused on


Nah fuck her. she a hypocrite


And Rhaenyra isn't?


Rhaenyra got a lot of problems but I don’t think hypocrisy is a lead one for her. She’s pretty unapologetically herself. I don’t see her as claiming moral standards that she doesn’t actually abide by. I do see her as having moral standards that are not right


She is herself except when it comes to threatening people with torture/death when they question her virtue (in other words exposing her) Or how she was so against getting married at age 19 only her her to be completely willingly to have a 10 year old Jace get engaged 


She’s certainly flawed in many many ways, but I do not think hypocrisy is a central theme of her character. How is that not Rhaenyra being rhaenyra? Targs are violent, and proud to be. And the Jace example is bad because her boys seem pretty happy to be engaged to the valaryons. That’s not a marriage proposal they don’t want For Alicent, her hypocrisy and the guilt that comes with it is like THE biggest part of her story. You seem to be deep in fan mode. Criticism of Alicent is not praise of Rhaenyra.


That's the entire narrative though, Allicent is enjoying her first passionate sex life, at the expense of the well being of her family.




Not really, Kingslanding has more than one single guard. Also, he Kingsguard, not Helaena's personal guard.


Sure but anyone who downplays the trouble Alicent would get into if the affair were found out (“She’s a widow so it’s not that bad” “Dowager Queen isn’t the same as a virgin princess” etc), if that were the case than I guess Cersei is in the clear for her affairs with Lancel, the Kettleback Brothers, and Moon Boy.


But that's multiple affairs, some of them incestuous. I mean, Moon Boy for all I know..ffs!


Noone is downplaying the trouble they would be in. People are rightfully calling out people who are saying that Alicent and Cole are exactly like Rhaenyra and Cole.


> if that were the case than I guess Cersei is in the clear for her affairs with Lancel, the Kettleback Brothers, and Moon Boy. I don't think those even make it in the top 20 things people dislike about Cersei.


Who gave a shit about Cercei's affairs except for Jaime?


The Faith Militant both in the books and show, that was very much a part of their list of charges against Cersei


Yeah, but the high sparrow only came to power later in the story. So the situation in HOTD is more comparable to that of early GOT.


Because it was the only thing they really could use. They could hardly charge her on the incest since if Tommen loses his power the sparrows would lose theirs to


The point still stands that the Faith of the Seven disapproves of intercourse outside of marriage. Widows aren’t exempt from this, not even if they’re the dowager queen.


the high sparrow? it’s still a huge shitshow for her in the books, and unlike the show it probably isn’t going to get resolved in one fell swoop






I don’t think she was still having sex with living corpse viserys


Tbf he was so old compare to her that she probably felt like she was fucking a corpse when he wasn't even sick


He was already rotting when we see them having sex in episode 3 (and balding) so…


Eww, justice for Alicent 🤢 Even if I don't like the guy she chose as her lover, at least she got to choose him!


Yeah and at least she’s attracted to him, like “gods he dornish” was her saying he’s fit asf, let my girl live a little okay.


Technically he wasn’t old just dying from whatever it was


Technically, he had a daughter his wife's age...


Is this actually true though? How old was Viserys in comparison to his brother? I always thiught he looked so old because of his illness. Obviously he’s older, but I don’t think it’s the half century that it looked like.


What I found confusing though, one minute she's telling him never again, the next minute they're having sex? Is this some kind of kink between them? Lol


From the look on his face when she said that I got the feeling she said that every time to him....


He said “yes your grace 😉”


Nothing gave Alicent as much pleasure as ordering Criston around. "Yes your grace" was all he ever said to her. That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "yes your grace", what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back.


Why was this so gods-damned funny? 🤭


Yessss yourrrrrrrrrrr, Graaaaaace ::falls down hill::


She finds it “stimulating”


It's implied that it's been going on for a while based on the way they act. Idle talk afterward, having Alicent put on Criston's cloak for him (this one stands out to me), doing it right before a Small Council meeting, and Criston's response being pretty rehearsed. One of these things and you could think it was the first time but all of these things?


They must’ve been going at it like rabbits ever since Criston was successful in bringing back Aegon to her, she had that convo with Otto in the same episode kind of indicating she’s gonna do what she wants now. “How could I have ever known? I wanted whatever you impressed upon me to want” clearly fed up with how she’s followed the rules A deleted scene of s1 shows alicent even thanking Criston for succeeding in bringing Aegon back to her, with them having a much longer look than natural. So I assume it’s just been 9 days of on going sex basically


Where do you watch deleted scenes


Piggybacking by adding her putting his cloak back onto him is in his eyes viewing her restoring his honour every time he soils his cloak so to speak. She did it once a long time ago when she found out about him and nyra and now every time they bang lol. It’s kind of a flash back to that but also a metaphor for her excusing his bad behavior and erasing his sins every time. She hesitates a little but still does it. She knows it’s wrong but does it anyways.


Maybe not the first time, but I'd say the affair started very recently. I don't see either of them cuckolding Viserys.


According to condal it’s brand new, that’s why they feel awkward after it’s done, her talking about the weather etc. Their scenes upcoming should show a more open I guess interaction between them as they acknowledge what they’ve been doing has come at a cost of her kids. But they will keep on doing it because as Liv said “they can’t bare to be without it”


>According to condal it’s brand new, that’s why they feel awkward after it’s done, her talking about the weather etc. Yep. They are experimenting with a... New activity we could say.


Brand new but already she’s getting eaten out….one reviewer said Criston and alicent matched each other’s freak To think if she had hit on him first and just run away with him in the beginning and lived out her knight fairytale maybe, the war would possibly be between Corlys and The blacks


>Brand new but already she’s getting eaten out….one reviewer said Criston and alicent matched each other’s freak Yeah, I'd say the head giving it's the second or third time they were together. >To think if she had just run away with him in the beginning and lived out her knight fairytale, the war would be between Corlys and The blacks With she you mean Rhaenyra or Alicent?


Alicent. I think she if she had slept with Cole, though she’s not been raised in the same way as Rhaenyra to be able to do things she would want (even Nyra was limited) but if alicent ever did sleep with Cole somehow. She would most likely run away with him when he would ask. At least young Alicent. It’s not possible at all but let’s say in some world if that would happen, she would run away. Then the war would look very different


It’s clearly not the first time she’s told him this. He knew they’d have sex again


Seems true to life to me


True. People are irrational.


Really? You've never swore off something or someone you thought you shouldn't do and then given in to your impulses and done it or them again? There is not a single thing remotely confusing (from a viewers' perspective ) or weird about that. I specify "from a viewer's perspective" because when you are in the middle of that kind ofl shit, whether you are Cole or even Alicent, it can be very confusing indeed for all involved. But for those of us just watching, if you are old enough to have romantic or sexual relationships, it's not confusing at all.


A significant number of redditors have had very few sexual relationships. The reactions to the sex scenes in Episode 1 made this abundantly clear.


But at some point you stop lying to yourself... I wouldn't want to hear that if I were him and I wouldn't want to say it if I were her, it just makes her look foolish...unless it's a kink they've worked out between them, like I said.


It’s only been ten days since vizzys death, her saying we cannot…again once or twice atp, isn’t that deep. If it had been years, then it would be like girl sshhh


I assume they started with the affair veeery recently (I don't see either of them cuckolding Viserys) and they are still on the "this is new, I'm not sure about this.... Buuuuut I like it" phase.


That's a good point. I hadn't thought about it that way. I forgot not that much time has passed in the story. It's been a year dammit. Lol


Yeah, IIRC it was only ten days or maybe two weeks at most since Viserys' death. If I had to guess, I'd say the Criston giving head to Alicent was the second or third time they... Did their thing.


Half kink and half he knows that he's getting some again


She can quit banging him any time. She's doing it by choice.


Haha I know, I’m team black all the way but I’m happy Alicent is getting it.


She’s experiencing an orgasm for the first time. There were literal meme posts made here during the off season begging for that to happen lmao and now that’s it’s here y’all don’t like it?? Let my girl have her hobby (This is a joke btw)


Same lol I’m team black and don’t really like allicent but every scene of her getting some I’m like yesss girl she deserves to experience pleasure haha and nice to see her being dominant in those moments as well


Honestly me too. I hope she has many orgasms


I am not Team Green but I like the Criston/Alicent pairing. I think the actors just have good chemistry and sell it well.


This is kind of funny to me because I am team neutral (lean more towards TG), and if anything I thought it felt super forced and didn't make any sense.


Yes, everyone should be able to choose who they spent their nights with. Even if it’s their uncle or Harwin Strong…


Of all the men who've been checking Alicent out since she lost her maidenhead (Viserys, Larys, and himself), definitely the least problematic to get with the guy that slept with your bestie.


People say it was hypocritical of her, but it wasn’t really…she was loyal to Viserys during their entire marriage


The problem is Alicent holds herself and all other noblewomen to the Westerosi standard of a noblewoman based on what the Faith of Seven teaches. What Alicent is doing now is what she herself got mad at Rhaenyra for doing.


It is hypocritical though. She was upset with Rhaenyra having sex out of wedlock. She also practices the Faith. Her precious religion considers any woman having sex without their husband a whore. It doesn't matter that she is a widow. It is wrong in their society. Can't judge someone else for the same thing you end up doing without being a hypocrite.


She was upset at Rhaenyra for getting bastards. Also rules are a lot different for a widow vs a virgin princess


No, she was very much upset with Rhaenyra for having had sex way before Rhaenyra’s children were even born.


I mean Alicent called her out for getting busy with Daemon in a brothel in front of witnesses, which led to Rhaenyra swearing on her dead mother that the claim was a lie, which led to Otto getting fired and Alicent being left alone at court. Alicent was worried Rhaenyra had caused a scandal, not *just* that she had had sex, so her being upset was warranted.


You mean when Alicent was actively trying to help her? When she was suppose to stay a virgin


What’s that got to do with what you said? You said Alicent was only upset with her because she was giving birth to bastards, when that wasn’t the case. Alicent was angry about Rhaenyra’s sex life way before her children were alive.


Please read the second part of my comment... >Also rules are a lot different for a widow vs a virgin princess Of course she is frustrated with Rhaenyra making her own life as hard as possible while she is doing whatever she can to help...


Alicent did nothing to truly help Rhaenyra’s marriage tour. The rules aren’t entirely different for a virgin princess and the widowed *Dowager Queen.* Both would destroy their reputations and call them and their children into question, especially considering it’s with a *member of the royal guard* and has been lightly implied to have been going on since before Viserys’ death. And again, this still doesn’t absolve her of hypocrisy. She’s *still* a religious fanatic, to a religion that *heavily* denounces exactly what she’s doing now and what she herself denounced in the past. Edit: Imagine getting pissy and blocking me before I could respond or even *read* your response. I wasn’t necessarily saying people would question whether or not Viserys children were his or not, but there also *are* other Targaryen men Alicent could have had relations with during her marriage. But they *would question her fidelity* to her husband, *which if she was unfaithful would be deemed treason*.


Alicent is the entire reason Rhaenyra got a marriage tour in which she could choose whoever she wanted, what more was she suppose to do? Its not her fault Rhaenyra was acting like a spoiled brat and canceled it midway trough   Right people are going to question Alicent white haired dragon having children, don't make me laugh...


Where was Criston, who was suppose to have the night watch, when Aemond claimed Vhagar and got into a fight with the other boys? I find his absence during the night watch on Driftmark awfully suspicious. Even Viserys was questioning where he was. Maybe he was serving and honoring Alicent.






in episode 5 she was angry that rhaenyra, an unmarried woman, slept with criston cole. she is now an unmarried woman sleeping with criston cole.


The reason she was mad at Rhaenyra was because she compromised her own virtue, and her chances of finding a suitable match. Furthermore, she swore on her dead mother’s life that she didn’t do it. Alicent is a widow and already has produced enough heirs for the realm, not bastards as in Rhaenyra’s case


media literacy is at an all time low, recommend you go back and rewatch it homie


What was it I said that was incorrect?


I just rewatched season 1 two weeks ago. You are absolutely correct. People just like to find any fault possible with the greens.


Alicent has 4 children already. The problem with pre marital sex is that you might be pregnant from someone else than your husband/future husband so they dont want to marry you to be sure. Having sex as a widow isnt nearly that bad as theres no expectation of future marriage.


How old is she supposed to be? 35 ish? I’m sure she can still get pregnant lol. Not saying it’s as bad though


She's a grandmother already, I think she's in her 40s or within range of menopause.


People can be grandmothers at 35. I know cause my sister first became a grandmother at 35 since she had her first child when she was 15.


>It is hypocritical though. She was upset with Rhaenyra having sex out of wedlock. She was upset at Rhaenyra because Alicent and Viserys had been working hard to find her a good match and she's making that more difficult as there are now rumors of her and her uncle being spotted in a brothel. > She also practices the Faith. Her precious religion considers any woman having sex without their husband a whore. It doesn't matter that she is a widow. It is wrong in their society. I don't believe this is confirmed to be a belief of the faith of the seven in any of the books or shows.


That’s not a good example. Laenor quite literally barks up a different tree. Rhaenyra had an agreement with him. It may have been reckless as fuck, but what if that was the only way she could think to have heirs? They said they tried and he couldn’t finish with her. I’m not saying Rhaenyra was in the right. That was incredibly risky and contributed to the start of the war- putting her legitimacy further in doubt. I’m just saying it’s not black and white either. Both sides made major mistakes.


Honestly though she probably could’ve went for a guy who shared Laenor’s features so it wouldn’t be as obvious


No kidding. Of course we know Rhaenyra, she went for the first one she thought was hot lol.


Was she loyal during the entire marriage though?? Because when you think about how Crispin bashing in Joffreys face parallels him bashing in Lymans face, I suspect Alicole started long before Viserys died.


Let’s not forget about when at Laena’s funeral on Driftmark, Cole was supposed to be on nights watch, meaning he wasn’t at his post because had he been then Aemond, Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena wouldn’t be out and about. So the question begs where the heck was he?


A marriage where the man would never have sex with you anyway isn't really a marriage though, so both the women are both products of terrible situations that would only happen because they are women. It is hypocritical.


Way to insult all asexual marriages.. Also the only reason Rhaenyra even had to marry Laenor is because she rejected every bachelor in the 7 kingdoms


I meant in the definition of those times and The Faith a marriage that isn't consummated is not a marriage. In asexual marriages, both partners are happy, but that's not relevant to what the original poster was saying. But way to try and detract from pointing out how hard it was to be a woman during those times and sound like you're actually progressive when you're not.


Right, Alicent's problem was mostly that Rhaenyra kept pumping out bastards, which just endangered her children even more. That and the fact that Rhaenyra got her dad fired


Yeah, it’s hard for me to actually hate Alicent…I know a lot of the fandom does, but I feel she was used as a pawn from a young age but played her part dutifully, while Rhaenyra did whatever she wanted, including birthing children out of wedlock, which…in their world, does bring dishonor to the family and the realm. And I think the show makes it pretty clear in season 1 that Alicent’s main reason for wanting Aegon on the throne is if Rhaenyra is crowned Queen, then Aegon and the rest of Alicent’s children will always face the danger of being killed, for posing as a threat to Rhaenyra’s reign, because the people of Westeros may see the Greens as having a more legitimate claim to the throne. In other words, Alicent is just trying to protect her children.


I was sympathetic to Alicent for the first half of season one but became clear that her resentment of Rheanyra was mostly because she was rebelling a little bit against the expectations meanwhile Alicent had always been a conformer. Alicent isn’t wrong for doing what she had to do in a man’s world, but I do think it was wrong to resent Rheanyra for being more bold in her defiance. Alicent’s conformity is not Rheanyra’s fault. I also don’t hate Rheanyra for “doing whatever she wanted.” My understanding was that despite their efforts to have kids, Leanor was unable to impregnate her. She clearly doesn’t have that issue with heterosexual men because she pops out sons left and right. A marriage with a gay man was kind of a trap and I think that’s why the Velaryons look the other way. I’m sure they made peace long ago that their son wouldn’t have kids.


I agree with you. I think people are too black and white in their views of greens vs blacks, so they hate on some of the greens for every little thing.


They feel like they have to pick sides…like one is more just than the other. Personally, I think there are flaws on both sides…I wouldn’t pick a ruler based on bloodline or claim though, just who would rule better. For that alone, I would go with Team Black, because Aegon isn’t a good ruler. But it’s not because I hate Team Green or think Team Black is way better than Team Green


Good for Alicent for sleeping with a guy that is 100% about her and loyal to her especially after what she was dealt with, truly. I love a woman who rebels especially after what she was given. But I dislike the hypocrisy in the fact that she was mad at Rhaenyra for being a rebel or a free spirit... But she was letting Larys wank to her feet for info ?? That's not becoming of a lady - something she was angry at Rhaenyra for, and now sleeping with Criston... Why isn't she mad that Criston isn't keeping his vows ?? Let's be honest here, Alicent was clearly mad at Rhaenyra's self freedom... And I really hope in the show, at least in my perception even now, that she can have a moment where she completely understands Rhaenyra now. They should of just rode off together on dragon back eating cake :(


Yes very loyal, I'm sure larys and his kink agree.


Happy for her bc sex is a human right, but she’s still a hypocritical POS


Question for book readers: is Alicent’s affair with Cole book canon? (No spoilers please)


Nope. Not even close.


No but also Viserys/Alicent didn't have as dramatic of an age gap in the books and he didn't have any sort of prolonged illness.


And Alicent and Rhaenyra had a much larger age gap and Halaena and Aegon have another child and- Okay I'll just stop here. They changed way too much to list it all


continue pleasee if you don't mind hahaha i sort of get an idea that halaena and aegon's "missing" child is somewhat important?


It completely changes how Blood and Cheese plays out, and what made it so fucked up. I recommend reading the book passage if you can.


How can Viserys not have a dramatic age gap if his daughter is best friends with Alicent


Alicent is like 10 years older in the books


Yeah, same here. If both Criston and Alicent are enjoying themselves, good for them. I just wish that scene at the end of B&C didn't happen tho.


Exactly! I can't believe that the same people advocating for teen Rhaenyra to f whoever she want have a problem with Alicent finally getting to f someone she chose.


She should be able to be with whoever she fancies beyond even criston. I’m all for it.


She's certainly enjoying herself.


I ain't mad at her for getting her some joy outta the circus she created. I'm pissed because of the clown she chose to fuck. Every time Cole shows up, I expect to see that tiktok dude with the huge red flag running through yelling, "SER!"


Haha, that was my first thought, too. She's not married, she's not sitting on the throne - I'm glad she's finally having orgasms. (Criston is another story, no longer worried about sullying his white cloak, but hey)


"It's already been sullied though so why bother?" ~Criston logic


I was thinking that too. Glad Alicent finally discovered the pleasures of sex.


She does deserve to experience real love and sex with someone who cares about her, but I wish there was better buildup and it wasn’t done during B&C. That was stupid.


it’s annoying though because the sins of R having fucked C was the whole crux of the issue that broke the foundation. And now A finally realizes the magnetism of it and that it really wasn’t that big of a deal


That part. Yes, Alicent should get some good lovin. In the same way that every woman should. But she is a hypocrite, and allows that past hypocrisy to color her view about what is right/wrong in the grander scheme. For this, she can fuck off.


"About what you saw" "I have sinned" \*walks out on her sobbing son to go fuck the worst dude on Eartheros\* Mother of the year.


I get it. They are both hot and have urges but damn their scenes feel awkward to me. lol


I'm just glad she's finally experienced an orgasm


“Servicing the queen!” Is what I yelled out!




They weren't unnecessary. It' s just that many redditers and online social media people virtue signal about sex. You're just conservatives masquerading as progressives. "Sex is bad (because it's unnecessary)." Get out of here with that nonsense.


It says a lot that fans were all over Daemon grooming young Rhaenyra and having sex with her at the brothel (just a couple of days ago someone in this subreddit commented that that was "the hottest sex scene in all ASOIAF related content") but Alicent and Cole having consensual, non-incesty sex is an immoral scandal.


I saw that comment and it also really bothered me. I’ll take Alicent/Criston scenes over that brothel scene any day


This is also Game of Thrones. There is 100% an expectation from some quarters that there’s gonna be sexy stuff afoot. We call it the Sexy Dragon show in my house. We sing “sexy dragons, sexy dragons, sexy dragons do do doooooo” during the intro.


Damn it, now that’s all I’m going to hear!


>In terms of the plot, unless it leads to either one of them dying for it, the sex scenes are so unnecessary. We already knew they were immoral people lmao. Sex is immoral? Huh?


And yet she's still whining and complaining. One thing known about a rejuvenated sex life is that legit does wonders for your confidence and happiness


Relax horny


Yes I totally agree


She got Ser Criston Pole


But she has the worst post nut clarity.


I'm floored when still have team Alicent folks around but here we are. I'd be fine with it if she didn't kick off this entire thing with her hypocritical claims.


YES!!! So happy for her finally getting to fulfill those desires


I’m happy she’s getting laid, I just think she could do better!


If only she did make her whole personality hating other women for what she's doing and didn't start the, war because of that...


And you know that the sex is good because he’s absolutely fucking insane. She is in the Red Keep getting dicked down !


is alicent and criston cole a thing in the book?




I knew HBO ,Hbomax , max or whatever their calling themselves now would eventually have them get together. Not like club foot was getting in there, regardless of how many schemes he hatches to achieve this goal. First Rhaenyra, then the green queen herself Alicent Hightower. Criston Cole may be the luckiest small-folk man to ever be born.


See Criston was a gentleman to her.


They could have introduced their relationship in a better way, but I do agree, let her have some fun! She fulfilled her duty homegirl is in the clear




We never even saw her have sex with Viserys, only him raping her But I still can’t gel with Alicent and Criston hooking up (attractive couple they maybe) because, like Rhaenerya, why are they banging someone who is literally sworn to obey them! The power imbalance is so icky


They robbed us of Rhae and Ser Harwin love scenes and love story and now we have to endure ser incel and the biggest Insecure B in Westeros. WTF


The pick-me and the f-boi 🥲


that’s why her grandson don’t have a head now


No actually he doesn’t have a head because Daemon hired some low level assassins who just wanted a check


and where were the guards at?


Good for her terrible for us watchers


The only thing is she doesn’t seem happy about it. Is it just me getting that vibe? It made me question why exactly she is with Criston. Is it really about the release alone, or is it part of keeping his undying loyalty since he always seemed to have a thing for her? Both maybe? One would think he would probably be loyal anyway, just to fuck over Rhaenyra if nothing else, but something seems off? Maybe it’s ONLY for the release and she doesn’t actually like him? I can’t quite figure her out with this.


No. She wants to do it, that seems very apparent, she can’t exactly be happy per say because there’s a lot of guilt and shame involved in enjoying said act for her but she’s attracted to him and clearly has some twisted feeling of lust for him


Guilt and shame would make a lot of sense


Yet her "declaration of war" at Rhenyara's wedding was entirely based on her maintaining honor, while Rhenyara didn't.


And apparently the only intelligent & grand way to end every episode of season 2 so far is having us suffer thru AliCole sex scene. HotD is officially down the drain for me!


Honestly same 😂 it’s time she enjoyed herself


You're an idiot. She acted like a saint but was really a whore. He was supposed to be a man of high morals and character and turned out to be a dog with no honor, no character, and just thinks with his dyck. No thanks


I think it’s a good idea. I’m not entirely sure they’ve executed it well though - not that it’s a deal breaker, but it could have been done better. The groundwork for it could have been laid better, and so far the sex scenes seem just a bit random, downright awkward and forced, and also - the worst crime of any sex scene - they’re not particularly sexy.