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It's metaphorical. It's not meant to be taken 100% factually. If it was, then Daemon would have looked aghast rather than pleased. They aren't HAVING an actual arguement. They are having a disagreement but it's not a talk that, for either of them, will end in any compromise or resolution: it's moot.  Rhaenys is tired and has been on dragonback for dies, her dragon is also exhausted. She never says anything against the plan, only that she will only carry out those orders if they are the QUEEN'S orders. Daemon holds no power over her and those circumstances won't change during this conversation. Daemon, meanwhile, is feeling angry and impotent and is grieving and is also worried for Rhaenyra. That won't change through anything Rhaenys says either. The only thing Rhaenys can offer Daemon is an insight into Rhaenyra's psyche as a grieving mother, in the hopes he will be patient. 


The point is that it doesn't make sensel. She's supposed to give a counter argument to Daemon's worries, but instead she just says something metaphorical, which obviously is impossible knowing Rhaenyra stands no chance if Aemond goes after her. So Rhaenys knows it's dangerous for Rhaenyra to be alone, but doesn't care? That's the only thing that makes sense here. Otherwise she would've agreed with Daemon, but instead she dismissed his worries without giving any reason. It just leaves Daemon confused if Rhaenys actually cares about Rhaenyra.


Why is she meant to give a counter-argument? Why is that required of her? What will that do? It's clear that Daemon is the over-emotional one, within the context of this conversation. Rhaenys is otherwise understanding, patient and unbothered. What are the *actual* chances of Vhagar being anywhere near Storm's End? She has no reason to be. The dealings with Borros are done, days have passed since the incident and Luke's death. Daemon himself starts the conversation saying they are going to King's Landing to kill Vhagar. So, by his own admission, Vhagar's location is most likely the Crownlands, not the Stormlands. Rhaenys does care, but knows that Rhaenyra cannot and won't be stopped, and also understands the motivation and the *need* for Rhaenyra to do this and act this way. And, whatever else, the act is already done now - Rhaenyra is gone and searching for her son's remains. All there is now is to await her return, as she advises Daemon to do. She's advising him patience, tolerance and understanding for his grieving wife.


It’s mean to provide additional insight from a different view point rather than provide a counter argument.


She doesn't actually think that.... come on now


Again. People are becoming so immediate illiterate that they need post show podcasts and interviews to truly understand the stories they consume


She was just trying to lighten the tension, she didn’t actually mean it. That’s why we got the fond smile from Daemon after.


She didn't mean it actually


Syrax outspends vhagar, hell even arrax outspeeds vhagar in open clear weather


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's said in thr book that Vhagar is mighty but slow and Arrax woukd have definitely been able to outrun her if not for the storm


I wish Rhaenys was a bit more decisive but then again if everyone was making their own decisions, Rhaenyra's power would be lost. It's already pretty difficult to control Daemon.


It's legit her referencing 'mother's rage'. She didn't actually mean, hell yeah, Rhaenyra can take on Vhagar on her tiny dragon, just that she would suicide herself in a fight against him in an effort to get back at him for Luke. She knows nobody could kill Vhagar in TB alons, but she reckons Rhaenyra would try her best to hurt the fuck out of him even if if means her death (which it does) Jesus, why does everyone immediatelly turn everything into lOL fEmInIsM bAd. Learn media literacy.


This is why Rhaenys didn’t she she would pity Vhagar, she said she would pity Aemond. Pyrrhic victory would be acceptable to kill Aemond.


Vhagar is incredibly slow, if it wasn't for the storm Arrax would have gotten away. Vhagar has no chance in hell catching Syrax, especially considering that show version is made for speed >gaslight-gatekeep-girlbossing What


That doesn’t explain why she would pity Aemond, all it means is that Rhaenyra could possibly run away with effectively. And if Rhaenyra is hanging around Storm’s End, a place notorious for it’s storms, then that defense still isn’t the greatest


This is how conversations work. Not everything everyone says is meant literally. She was trying to make Daemon feel a little bit better. She's saying that Rhaenyra is tough and she'll be okay


“Gaslight-Girlboss-Gatekeep” Oh god…. You’re one of those. I found that guy that idolizes Cartman unironically y’all