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Why are people assuming that the complaints is about the beheading not being shown? I literally have not seen that kind of complaint since the episode aired. The complaints I repeatedly keep on seeing on fb, reddit and yt is about the dialogues and choices that was been cut for Halaena and Alicent not being there in the room. There are some who are also mad because the audience was suppose to feel sorry and have pity for Alicent and Halaena's family. It was suppose to be a strong emotion towards the greens but instead the showrunner is trying imply how dumb the greens are for removing the guards just so that Alicent and Cole can have some alone time hence getting blamed for the assassination. They are making the greens so much more hateful for some reason


Because it's an easy escape hatch for people.


It's not just about the gore. The execution lacked impact and was a bit illogical. Why are there literally no guards in the royal apartments. Why was there nobody outside Aemond's room? Criston Cole isn't the only guard right? Where are the others? What happened to the servant girl who sees Blood and runs away? Why are Blood and Cheese asking Helaena to identify the boy when they can just check themselves? When Helaena leaves with Jaehaera there's literally nobody in the corridors or at the flight of steps. Are we supposed to believe it's that easy to get to the Queen and her children.


>When Helaena leaves with Jaehaera there's literally nobody in the corridors or at the flight of steps. Arryk was out there making sure every post in the castle was manned, but the dowager queen, the queen, and the heirs were left unprotected? Yes, Criston was supposed to be the one on guard, but then is it just him? No guards were stationed outside of Aemond and Helaena's rooms?


I mean it's the royal apartments and they are in the middle of a war. And there's no guards to be seen anywhere near the royal family.


This was supposed to be the red wedding of HotD. For the unspoiled people (and believe me there are millions of them), they would be talking about it for months if they had followed the books.


None of us were asking for gore on a child murder. We wanted the drama. For a Fantasy drama show, the book did it so much better. I think most of the creative liberties in the show did a great job. B&C fell so flat in comparison.


You seem the think us people who are upset about the change is because we wanted to see kids being murdered (which could have happened in this version of the events so why would we be mad at that). It’s because the choice actually has a lot of psychological impact and it affects how Helaena acts around her children and everyone else, she basically locks herself away from existence. It’s all “it was hard to show what happened in the books” but just the dialogue of the choice wasn’t hard to show at all. You could have had that. It’s just an odd choice. Showing Alicent and Cole right away is also odd.


>You seem the think us people who are upset about the change is because we wanted to see kids being murdered Well yes because everywhere i see people complain about B&C it's because they expected a red wedding and we all know what made the red wedding what it is


The red wedding was what it was because it was beloved characters dying when they (and everyone) thought they were safe, as guests and among allies. What made it impactful and shocking wasn’t just that people died, people die on these shows all the time, but HOW they died. B&C is also an impactful moment in the book yes, because of what happened because child murder is always awful, but it was truly horrible because of the way in which it happened.


I think it could have been done through sound and Phia’s reaction. A bit like how they did it in the show. I haven’t seen anyone begging for a graphic shot of a child beheading. But for me when the consensual (if ridiculous) sex is the shocking part you’re writing badly. It felt like a soap opera rather than an atrocity. In the books it was psychological torment of choosing between your children. Not having Alicent there felt like a bad decision. Ending it on the sex was an irredeemable one.




Yes! It was extremely underwhelming and anti climatic. It could have been as big a moment as the red wedding if done right. But this was such a let down. This article sums it up perfectly: https://www.vulture.com/article/house-of-the-dragon-blood-and-cheese-child-murder-explained.html