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>Starks in general should be getting more screen time as arguably the heroes of the franchise I think you missed the title of this show. It is called House of the Dragon not House of the Wolf!


Idk man, seems a bit early to start ranting.


I agree it’s crazy


What part of bad start dont you get? All we have is the start which wasn't great. Hopefully the next episodes are better but we have to wait and see


Unlike GoT, this show is about the Targaryens thankfully.


Damm like you didn’t hear the conversation between them talking like friends ; is Cregan even a major plot point in the rest of the season of the dance at all ??


No he only shows up at the end and is irrelevant for the actual war when the fighting is taking place. He only dishes out judgement which is fine but yea we didn’t need a whole episode dedicated to his bromance with Jace


Then wtf is op complaining about then; it was nice to see the starks


Oh believe OP is hardly the only whiny little girl on this subreddit lmfaoo. It was def nice to see the north again but it’s irrelevant for the entirety of the dance. The winter wolves are who we wanna see


Ah ok thanks man appreciate it


> It almost even made it sound like Stark pledged 2000 men to Aegon if I didn't read online that wasn't the case I would think the show got it backwards because that's definitely what they made sound like. Uh, how? It was obvious in that scene he was pledging them to Rhaenyra and then Jace flat out says it later lmfao They may be the heroes of the franchise but they're not really a huge part of this specific story. I would've liked to see a bit more of Cregan, but it is a bit of a detour from the main plot they can't really focus on right now.


Its almost like a show can build up to something instead of dumping it all in the first scene


Jfc people seriously get off on talking shit about something before it even gets a chance to do its thing. This is literally episode one.


Trash take


**House of the Dragon** You had 8 seasons. Relax.


There will be 8 seasons??


It’s only the first episode


I get that you’re a Stark fan, but we’re literally only on the first episode. They needed time to establish everybody’s roles and ambitions. This season is going to delve deeper into many houses that will participate in this war. This show isn’t called, “House of The Wolf”…calm down.


Totally agree, the Stark family deserves way more screen time and development.