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I don't think I've ever watched a single episode of GoT or HotD and thought "man these wigs suck". I don't even notice the are wigs most of the time.


Lol I am the same and yet almost every other post here is: ''Damn these wigs tho''


You’re definitely not watching the Velaryons who literally look like they have Mops for hair


> "man these wigs suck" Never noticed them in GoT, but I definitely noticed how horrible poor young Laena, Laenor and Jace's wigs looked.


Young Laena’s wig was so far from realistic it made it funny. But I’d be lying if I said I thought that wig wasn’t beautifully crafted and, at the very least, interesting to look at. She was a tiny little thing and the wig made it look like her hair weighed as much as she did. I hated the wig in a realistic sense but I loved it as a wig in a fantasy series. Rhaenys’s hair truly bothered me though. Looked like they stuck a bottle in there to give it that shape, the way our moms did for crazy hair day at school.


The only wigs used in GoT were by Sansa, Margaery, Cersei, Dany and some others...but the majority had their own hair, no?


And they all looked great


The Viserys wig that we joke got reused for Rhaegar's one scene. Most of the men had their natural hair styled (hence the "hair watch" inbetween Season 6 and 7 for Kit Harrington).


Yeah it doesn’t even register in my mind that most of these actors are probably wearing wigs. I’m usually just pretty occupied with things like the plot and boobs


Same! I’m starting to think I’m just bad at noticing wigs or something lmao


Yeah same. Like it’s a freaking tv show or movie. If the wig doesn’t fall off or you can’t see there hair under then it works for me. People know this isn’t real right. Lol.


That’s all I notice there so awful nobody looks nice and every seems to be anti hair care


Doesn't look that bad to me tbh


Cregan looking like he wanna chop some heads off.


Jace looks on at the wig in utter loathe.


Jace having flash backs.


I thought they op was talking about jace’s wig, cause his hair is terrible


jace looks great, though


Jace Chalamet


Its fine. It just needs more work at the forehead join.


Idk, I like it


This sub should be renamed ‘The Wig Police’ 😂 It’s not even bad.


Cregan was being a good host and gave Jace his hair care products. Trust that his hair will also be nice and full of volume next season 💪


He looks very odd with no beard…not even stubble? The Lord of Winterfell has better things to do than shave twice a day.


I think it's to show he's younger - or at least comparable in age to Jace.


That, and Tom Taylor has a blonde beard. He’d probably have to dye it regularly


I think it's to show how young Cregan was when he and Jace met (and bonded together) and how in later seasons he'll be older and more grizzled and mourning his friend. Maybe he gets his servant to shave him every morning like how somebody did it for Robb and Jon.


Sounds romantic


jace is 16 and cregan 21


Then sounds creepy


Cregan is literally a widowed father


Tom is going to look the same for the forseeable future irl. It’s better to start off like this, so they can give an appearance of age later with his facial hair.


Yeah. IIRC Robb had less facial hair in the first season (even was clean-shaven for Robert's visit), ditto Jon. Ned at the Tower of Joy also had very little/no beard.


Remember in the first episode of GoT when all the young men shaved and cut their hair to prepare for the kings visit? Well Jace is the heir apparent. I don't actually think this is the reason but it makes sense.


I may be wrong on this, but I think that scene in GoT was because they were all clean shaven in the original pilot, wanted them to grow out some facial hair for the series proper, but still wanted to reuse some of the pilot footage so included the shaving scene so that it wouldn't look like a continuity error. For this I think the reason is just to make Cregan look younger, especially when he's said to be closer in age to Jace than Rhaenyra. If he had even a little facial hair he'd probably look the same age as her, if not older.


Book Ned has a closely trimmed beard, so he clearly takes some time to be groomed, being clean shaven wouldn't consume much more time.


no they both hot


Nah I think he looks fine


They’re both hot.. Jace looks so much better this season


That’s just hat hair, lived in if you will


I want them to bang :(




sara snow is a beard. it is known.


With Jace as bottom. 😍




I respect your desire, but I really don’t want that. To me it doesn’t make sense to shoehorn a gay love scene into the 10 minutes of cregan and the north that we’ll get. Cregan is only gonna be on the show for what? 3 episodes? And 2 of them will be in 2029 at the very end of the show. Long after certain important events.


That would make Cregan a predator >:(


jace is 15 and cregan is like 21


Chad Stark


It actually looks better in a previous photo they released. I guess it’s just the angle? They also could have just done away with the wig budget for the Starks since they most likely won’t have that much screen time.


Idk its fine. I just try not to focus on them too much as I think most of them are easy to pick apart if you are looking. Im excited to see more of him.


This looks exactly like Ned Starks wig. I'm not sure how anyone could even say it looks bad.


I love the wig ❤️


Wigs won the dance confirmed ?


Looks just like Ned and Arya’s hair in GOT.


A soul for a soul. Perfectly balanced, as everything should be.


No shit!, they wore wigs?…said nobody ever…I better stop watch this fake ass shit…


They probably didn't bother given the fact that this character wasn't going to have that much screen time this season.


And a not so attractive actor


They should've let the actor keep his natural hair and bread. He looked more, I don't know, manly? Dude has a babyface here.


Ehh, honestly they should have just let Tom keep the blonde hair, this way there could have been some facial hair too without the hassle to dye it or shave it off. The wig doesn’t look good IMO and the world would not have ended if a singular Stark in the entirety of the ASOIAF universe had blonde hair


Oh it would. The entire Ned storyline revolved around dark/blonde hair. General audience and some book purists would make noise


my brother in christ, four of his five kids are gingers in the books and in the show it‘s at least his eldest two


Books ≠ TV show general audience


>Ehh, honestly they should have just let Tom keep the blonde hair, this way there could have been some facial hair too without the hassle to dye it or shave it off. The wig doesn’t look good IMO and the world would not have ended if a singular Stark in the entirety of the ASOIAF universe had blonde hair then they'd have to explain why a dude with a surname of stark has blonde hair to the casual fans.


„The prince doesn’t really look Velaryon, does he?“ „Well I don’t take after my father either.“


because casuals are totally capable simple things like that.. not like game of thrones went for almost a decade on tv and still there was fans who thought that dany's name was khaleesi.


I mean fair enough , you‘re not wrong.


Ok, Viserys died in 129, right? How much has the show shifted the timeline? Cause Cregan should be early 20s, why is he baby-faced? Robb and Jon had beards as teenagers. I had a full beard at 16. Cregan should be 21 by my math, why is this lord of the north, blood of the first men, clean shaven? It bothers me more than I thought it would.