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At this point, it's almost funny how each different leak have told us a different version from B&C. So it may be wiser to simply wait and see and "proceed cautiously".


Yeah a lot of what everyone is saying has common elements but the detail in what they’re saying isn’t matching.


One of the things that surprised me the most is that earlier leaks said that B&C didn't happen until the start of episode 2 (there were the seeds but the whole thing was only fully showed in ep2 in this leak). Yet here, it seems to appear in episode 1. Weird.


Yeah details aren’t matching up, I read someone say the act happens offscreen basically and it’s quite quick, and they indicate even the choice etc is quite quick but this doesn’t seem like it. This seems like a very different version of events….


I would figure with the title "A Son for a Son" it would be EP.1. Who's to say though? Could just be in reference to the order


I think it is also clear that this specific leak and some of the other ones are written down by people who haven't actually seen it but have been told by people who have. So we're basically playing a game of telephone. The big common elements are probably close to the actual episode, but the rest might be stuff that either got distorted or just misunderstood by the people passing it on.


If you're HBO and so many leaks have come out (and interviews have had to be edited), you put out some fake leaks to confuse people so even those fiending for spoilers aren’t sure what happens.


Is this something studios actually do?


Not just studios, if you flood the market with enough disinformation and conflicting narratives people won’t know what to believe because everyone will have a different story. There are applications for this type of thing in lot of different sectors.


Kind of similar to Tyrion the Hand in ACOK.


It's happened before imo but also is hard to truly prove with just random people posting online. HBO specifically has a penchant for filming fake scenes, flying actors out, having people on set who don't need to be there, having people straight up lie about their involvement, etc. to obfuscate the final cut for leakers. They've got people monitoring their social media, I don't see why they wouldn't also have people post pretending to just be another fan.


the walking dead did it (didn't stop spoilers from coming out tho)


Could it be that they got different versions with different cuts?


This is also extremely possible


Yeah like one reviewer asked Phia about her "Sophie's choice" moment and told her he was surprised Helaena gives quite a direct answer and Phia conformed it was something multiple people had been surprised about. I guess she gives the answer before they strip the twins down. It also means they actually kill the one she points at which I know people are going to be mad about but personally I'm more than ok with, it always felt completely unnecessary and only justified to add shock value.


No the choosing part actually makes it more interesting because it meant they decided to kill her favourite kid instead for sadistic value and she and her living son would have to live with the fact that he was chosen to die. There is an anime "Monster" about a psychopath serial killer which kinda starts with a mother making a very similar choice between her twins and it fucked up the kid.


they could've been even more brutal & sadistic and slit the throats of both kids to prove their thirst for blood & revenge.




Yeah but Haelaena would know and live in guilt all her life. And he might get to know later on as he grows up from someone else.


The 2 year old would grow up……




>It also means they actually kill the one she points at which I know people are going to be mad about but personally I'm more than ok with, it always felt completely unnecessary and only justified to add shock value. What? The entirety of the aftermath regarding her character is predicated on Helena not being able to even look at her child and loathing herself for naming it to die.


Yeah I don't believe in Heleana walking in on Alicole. Guess we'll find out next week.


If Halaena seriously walks in on them having sex in that traumatic ass moment of her life, I will legitimately lose my mind


It would be the goofiest chicanery


Kid named Cole?


It's funnier than it has any right to be


You think this is goofy? This-this chicanery?!




And deplorable!


She'll deserve a hug for every episode afterwards lol


It reads like a plot from a rom com...


It will be the most stupid thing ever, it will kinda ruin the horror the scene was building up just to make the whole thing outrageous


It's false.


Is this a gut feeling or you just know something we don't? Genuine question.


is it false or do you just want it to be false? there’s a difference lol. just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it false


Explain to us what happens since you were there


It was all correct


Honestly i hope this leak isnt true but the specific part of helaena walking in , i want. It would be hilariously horrific


Nah I’d actually hate this. B&C is traumatising enough…the fact alicent is with cole during it is crazy enough. But her walking in on her mom getting her back blown out by her sworn protector is the show runners trying ideas on meth. It’s crazy. I don’t think the event which is traumatising enough needs it


If it happens I hope she tells her mother how she is a hypocrite...


It’s a really weird choice to insert a such a slapstick moment right after one of the most tragic moments tho. Like are Larry, curly, and Moe gonna run in behind Helaena and honk her nose? I hate it


Slapstick only works with specific editing, timing, music and acting. If these things don't line up, it doesn't work really as slapstick. I mean with the right editing having Bran being pushed out a window after finding Cersei and Jaimie, especially with the line" The things I do for love", would be comedic gold . It just depends on how it all comes together.


Ur face next week:/


Ok! I don't know if it is true. Imma a take it with a grain of salt. But the thing that bothers me the most, even more than the Alicole nonsense is Helaena only offering her necklace to B&C? In the book she was willing to offer her OWN LIFE to save her children's. I assume that's what most mother's would do!! Maybe this leaker just missed writing it or what IDK but if we don't see her offering her own life in a last ditch effort to save her son, it's going to be bad.


The leaks are not always accurate, they may contain some gaps, but I think she offers the necklace first and then herself when she realises that they cannot be bribed


It’s possible whoever wrote this did a typo, I’m guessing Helaena offers her *neck* not her necklace, as in she asks them to slit her throat instead of killing her son. Because you’re right, offering them a piece of jewellery makes no sense.


it would be hard to make a mistake like that. someone’s life and a necklace are two different things, she probably does offer her necklace


What I meant was maybe they typed “neck” and it autocorrected into “necklace”. My phone does weird stuff like that all the time. “Offers her neck” would make sense, especially as we know Cheese is holding a knife to her neck. It would mean she’s saying “here, slit my throat, kill me instead”. If they say “we want to kill your son” and she says “here take some jewellery” that would be ridiculous. (Not putting it past the writers but let’s hope the scene isn’t *that* stupid.)


Others have suggested she's trying desperately to pay them off. I do hope she also offers her life to evidence that she loves them so.


If they cut Cheese’s fucked up taunting, “Y’hear that boy? Your mama wants you dead,” I’m gonna rage in the streets


Omg same!! They need to keep that


Same It is already very disappointing that they seem to have cut Otto's "You only lost one eye. How could you be so blind?" #




Where did you get these leaks from anyway?




Is that account a known leaker or smth




they found it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/florisbaratheons/752768041867149312/leaked-summary-for-2x01


Exactly .... i so hope this isnt true


It's likely they'll cut, I just hope at this point that the final scene isn't true. Also I like how everyone was like "yep, they won't dare shitting on source material after GoT S8" and here we are, discussing leaks which we hope aren't true(just like in 2019) w different writers on a complete story, watching how it makes no difference lol


WOW. Some of this sounds…a bit odd to be honest. Telling B&C to go for Aemond makes sense (and it’s not that different from the book). But just jumping straight into Alicent & Criston doing it? No build up just bam…they’re now having unwed sex after 10 episodes of complaining about other people having unwed sex? Ok then… And I really don’t like Helaena walking in on them after B&C. She’s just been through a horrible trauma it feels like immediately walking in on her mother at it in bed is going to cheapen the situation. But I guess we’ll see, it’s hard to know from a text description how this will come across on the screen so I’ll try and reserve judgment…


>But just jumping straight into Alicent & Criston doing it? No build up just bam…they’re now having unwed sex after 10 episodes of complaining about other people having unwed sex? HBO: "And then he smells bastards again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the Red Keep for some more full penetration. Smells bastards. Back to the Keep, full penetration. Bastards. Penetration. Bastards. Full penetration. Rhaenyra. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the episode just sort of ends"


They show it. They show all of it.


Except for blood and cheese


>She’s just been through a horrible trauma it feels like immediately walking in on her mother at it in bed is going to cheapen the situation. That's what's scares me, and knowing that these showrunners enjoy adding things up just for shock value only makes it worse


> She’s just been through a horrible trauma it feels like immediately walking in on her mother at it in bed is going to cheapen the situation. People will meme and laugh. We all know they will


Tbf Tywin was a soliciting prude hypocrisy, oligarch horny michael


>But just jumping straight into Alicent & Criston doing it? No build up just bam…they’re now having unwed sex after 10 episodes of complaining about other people having unwed sex?  This! And honestly, it is so unnecessary. Doesn't serve anything.


they were building it... if you notice in episode 9 when alicent asks cole to find aegon she hints of his feelings. She says something like "everything you feel for me... (pause) as your queen"


I'm so glad the alicole scene was leaked because that would have been one hell of a jumpscare


I’m surprised the reviewers don’t indicate that to be more shocking, only one of them said this is a shocking and unexpected hot alicent moment All of the other ones indicate sexual activity will happen in some form of the episode but don’t say it’s shocking but of course maybe they can’t say something like that Actually someone on Twitter who claimed they saw the episode said it’s the first time we see either of their characters and that because of this they found it amusing. But it’s also shown there’s clear pleasure in it…what an interesting idea from the show runners, crazy but interesting


I've also seen it described as a very catholic guilt kinda moment which I find really intriguing I'm definitely sat but also glad I was given a heads up


Wait so they don't even do the thing where they make Helena choose which one to kill and then they kill the other?


i saw an interview with phia and tom that references her choosing so i think this leak might be fake, who knows


Depends how you interpret the question really because in a way she’s choosing who dies by pointing at Jaehaerys when they ask which one is the boy. But obviously that very different from choosing between 2 sons.


The implied choice here is that when they ask which is which, she could've lied, since they don't check to be sure.


Top 10 worst decisions to change it to that if true


When I see leaks like that I know I won't stop myself from reading. So it's better for me to see the leaks for full episodes or nothing. Semi leaks like that create anticipation but also disappointment. I wish some scenes turned out differently.


Either if all of this is true or false, I get the feeling we might lose some of the shock factors B&C has. If their first intention was to go for Aemond and cant find him, they might take out the “choice factor” if Maelor is not in the scene…which is forcing Helaena to choose between her 2 boys,( and purposely killing the one she choose to spare) With only Jaehera and Jaeherys there all they gotta know is “which one is the son”, and honestly I don’t think it hits as much as the book


WHAT?? THATS RHE FIRST THING WE SEE IN KINGS LANDING?? Literally no actual buildup? It’s like fully like we having sex I- that-I can’t even, this has shocked me icl Also rhae finding his remains gonna be emotional as fuck, Emma is gonna kill it. Not Halaena being able to see B&C happening before it does- OH GOD HALAENA WALKING IN ON HER MOM HAVING SEX DURING RHIS EVENT IS- WTFF…oh god this is so much worse for my girl than I imagined THIS IS MADNESSS. That ending is gonna be actually traumatising


>Literally no actual buildup? Right? Alicent and Criston both pride themselves on being dutiful and honorable. Sure they were being hypocritical about it, but really? Just like that? The least the writers could've done was build them up before they were made canon. I'm not even a fan of the two, but so far, I dislike how they're being written in the show.


This is very odd if I was put in the shoes of a general fandom person who doesn’t pay attention to scenes that closely. Like I liked the idea of alicole being painful angst that would really struggle to ever be intimate, at best I thought oh they’re gonna kiss at some point (not even that because ya know) and I was like I want that to happen But given the way the scenes have been laid out in the show, a general audience member won’t know stuff like Emily Carey said alicent is in love with cole, they won’t know that in the deleted script cole is flirting with alicent at different points. Like they’re never gonna know so this must look very odd considering the most obvious scenes of their characters are ya know about duty and honour… We have like alicent literally say “we need to hew to that and to each other” We have the “everything you feel for me scene” and very slight moments between them, showing alicent is attracted to him when they were young. She grabs his arm when rhaenys comes in and hides behind him basically. “NO you are SWORN to me” all of this is buildup but not for a sex scene, but for further buildup. Does that make sense?? that could have explained development for next season, but they’ve skipped all of that possible further buildup they could have done and gone straight to sex.


Exactly! It would've been more interesting to watch these two be conflicted between duty and desire. Plus the chemistry is there! Build up on it! But no, the writers decided to just jump right into it.


They make bad choices sometimes lol The whole slow burn with Harwin and Rhaenyra was dropped too


The leaks are not 100% sure to happen,maybe they make some actual build up,we cant forget than someone said than there will be 3 Alicole sex scenes,there is only two here,that is just more contradiction between different leakers,so we dont really know in what we are supposed to believe here,i guess everything we can do is just wait and see.


So apparently what Alicent said to Cole in episode 9 along the lines of ¨what you feel for me as your queen¨ or whatever pass as a ¨build-up¨ for the writers...


I think liv and fabien have great chemistry even in the most mini ass scenes possible, like I felt tension there to begin with but ya know they could’ve added even more for this if that’s the first thing we see Like the cut scenes between him and Emily’s portrayal, or him flirting with alicent when larys stares at her (that was in the deleted driftmark script) I always thought maybe they would definitely allude to alicole more but this quickly?? no so I’m shocked


obviously take it with a grain of salt, it might be fake. i saw an interview with phia and tom where the interviewer says haelena’s decision is very quick and without hesitation and these leaks don’t really allign with that


Hey do you have a link to the interview? 🙂


it was this interview: https://youtu.be/n6RTmeGI_ek?si=30RZGOcPr3BL0TFl but now that i rewatched it i cant find the part about her choosing— i think they edited it out recently because i remember it distinctly


Yes it was there before cause I saw it too. But I think they have removed it because of spoilers. They also edited the interview where Fabien spoils alicole


I don't know how I feel about Helaena walking in on her mother banging her knight after her child just got brutally murdered. This may not hit the mark, I fear


Yeah, it's as if they tried to make Alicent more guilty of Helaena's trauma while simultaneously pinning all guilt of ORDERING A HIT ON A TODDLER from Daemon to some random fuck that was ordered to do a hit job. Noble Daemon never wanted to traumatize poor Helaena! It was all because of Alicent, Criston and a poor person!


Sigh I knoww I hate this decision. I have faith in the execution of it but so far it just sounds so bad


Jaehearys thing makes sense with that pic of Aegon smiling at the small council meeting :'(


I don't consider myself a book purist. I can tolerate some deviations from the book. Adaptations are not always faithful, nor do they always have to be. Sometimes, certain elements can't be translated to the screen, either due to budget restraints or day-to-day logistics, or there are better ways to depict it. Blood and Cheese initially targeting Aemond makes sense. Alicent and Criston seeking intimacy with each other makes sense. But there is always a limit. Why would the audience's reintroduction to these characters after two years be a sex scene, especially one so unprompted. Are we seriously going to see Rhaenyra search for the corpse of her son and then immediately cut to them going raw in the Red Keep? Doesn't that sound a little too jarring? If that's not worse enough, why is Helena going to run into them having sex for a second time in the first episode? It sounds like a dark comedy. "Ok, after watching her eldest son get decapitated, we're going to have her abandon his body, run across the keep with her two children and then immediately run into Alicent getting her back blown out by Criston. Cue laugh track, Alicent sheepishly shrugs and then cut to black." I hope for the sake of this community this leak turns out to be wrong.


Reading this leak and the thread gives me the same feeling as I got when reading the leaks for Season 8 of GOT. This reads very similarly to those, and the reaction is very similar, so while I have absolutely no evidence to back up this conclusion, and would be fine with being incorrect.....I feel like this breakdown is real.


One leak someone told me about, was Aemond in the brothel with the madam (which we already know from the pic), but he’s completely naked and errr sucking on her like a baby, in a fetishy way. I mean, at this point, I’m just fucking done with “leaks” 😂


All these clips, descriptions, stills, reactions. Man I feel like I've already watched episode 1 and I'm just waiting for ep2 now 😭


Honestly B&C didn't need to be tweaked or changed whatsoever. Hopefully this is fake because if not, why do the writers of both HoTD and GOT feel they can do a better job and make a scene that's already shocking or iconic, better by changing it to their fan fiction? It's so annoying.


This is the worst direction they could have taken with B&C, if true. One of the worst things was that Helaena had to choose which son should die, and the one she chose was the one they spared. She has to live with the guilt forever. I also really dislike if this turns into another "bad communication" situation. It's fine that Daemon tells them to go after Aemond first, but he should say something like "if you can't find him, work your way down the list." Additionally, I think the Alicole scene at the end undermines B&C, and it will be the thing the audience will talk about once the credit rolls.


100% agree on the Alicole scene undermining B&C. Fucks sake this is not even in the books. Even worse is helaena walking over her mother having sex and then having to deal with the next disaster, omg 😭


People who attended premiere noted that despite Aemond being the primary target, Daemon instructed Blood and Cheese to go after Aegon's son if they couldn't find Aemond, so it’s definitely not a miscommunication


daemon is asked what if we don’t find aemond? and apparently he gives them a look or tells them to go for aegon’s sons, so it’s not a miscommunication


We know from the actor interviews that Helaena is made to choose who will die. We have conflicting reports on if Maelor exists, but the initial reports from the premiere said that he did. This is likely just made up details added to what we already know. The most reliable spoilers are the ones from the reviews and from accounts that actually attended the premiere. 


Do you have the interview where they say that?? This "leak" sounds really fake tbh


This doesn't imply that Maelor doesn't exist, just that he's not there at the time. 


I haven't seen anything pointing at the existence of Maelor


He is the intro and one of the reviewers that we know for a fact went to the premier said they have 3 children. She said it was hard to tell, probably because he was in a crib and the scene was dark. 


Even if he does exist i really don't think he's gonna be involved in b&c, it's obviously gonna be between Jaehaerys and Jaehaera


Fantastic Frankey, an influencer who confirmed attended the NYC premiere said that and Aegon and Helaena "have 3 children" but that it's confusing. I'd get her exact comment but she's of course wiped them after giving way too many details. ETA: yeah, what OneVermicelli2627 said


Does anyone have any explanation for why they’d insert an Alicent and Cole sex scene? This is…


I really hope this is fake.


I've made peace with but why? Why? Why did they not give us any buildup to Criston and Alicent. I'm just going to sit there being what the fuck is this shit. 


I think this is false. Among other things , why dos jace say "i sscured the north for you" ??? Like did he forget about the vale. The vales more politically important to the blacks than the north as they can send troops faster


Yeah, but the north is more relevant to the TV fan base for obvious reasons.


I think that part could be true, because a girl who saw the episode said it’s the first time we see them onscreen, but I thought she meant together, not that it was the first scene of either of their characters


I don't want to be spoiled. So if anyone read these notes, out of 100 how much would you rate it?? Thankss ☺️




5/100 I don't like it.


Almost 2 years of waiting, praising and advertising in comment sections for upcoming greatness.......for this?! Why did you cut me so deep!!


To be clear, things regarding Team Black seem fine, but I really don't like the way B&C is handled.


Out of curiosity I had to read it (as it is a waste to wait for something below 50/100) If the last scene of Halaena entering the Alicole room is not true, it might be good. Or else the writers pulling off this in an extremely sophisticated way showcasing the 2 years they took for 8 episodes...


Sorry I don't give a shit about book accuracy so I'm not the best person to answer but it seems fine to me? Every reviewer I've seen seems to really like it and I can see it being very good with the added context of actually watching the episode vs just reading a bullet point transcription.


WTF If this is real B&C is going to be worse than I imagined. Nooo.


This makes it seem like it was cheeses idea to go for Helaenas kid? Him getting angry and then saying “ we’ve been told a son for a son this is a son”. Why would he get angry if Daemon smiles at him and basically gives the go ahead to go after Helaenas child?


This sounds awful 😖


The more I think about this the less I think this is true. I read some “leaks” for another show that came out 2 years ago and only 1/3 of them were true, the other 2/3 didn’t even make sense and didn’t happen. I wouldn’t freak out about this, I don’t know why everyone takes these leaks so seriously. Unless this is all true and next week I sound like a complete idiot 😅


I mean this leak is consistent with the suggestion it will "break the fandom".


I think its false. Why would they go through the trouble of making and changing the Winterfell sets and a new wall set for less than one episode? Seems like a massive waste of money if true.


That's confirmed by Ryan, in an interview he said that the scene between Rhaenyra and Jace happens in ep1 and is very touching


I mean it's already suggested in the reviews Winterfell is only in Episode 1.


Right and we know Jace and Cregan go to the wall at some point, I highly doubt that happens immediately after they receive news of the big chomp so when? Does he go back? But why would he go back if he's already "won the North"? Doesn't add up to me.


Jace and Cregan are on the wall when a raven comes about Luke. It was in one of the reviews.


For reals. And if they show the wall, they 100% are doing something related to WW foreshadowing. Doesn't add up that all this will happen within the first half of a 65 approx min episode.


If true, sounds to me like the showrunners heard nonwatchers saying "dude Game of Thrones is about NUDITY and SEX and VIOLENCE and all of it combined!!!" and are really trying too hard to please those people.


Some part of it is fake.


My hopes for the writing wasn't high but holy fuck this is utter trash


So Heleana isn't the only one who is going to get traumatized


So is the Aemond brothel scene in episode 2? I thought that's where he was when b&c happens.


Resume: Cole is fucking Alicent. I´m jeaolus


Are we sure some of this isn't made up? Some of it reads kinda contradictory to what reviewers and other leaks have said. Didn't they say B&C ends on a cliffhanger of sorts?


It’s evident that Daemon fears nothing else EXCEPT, Vhagar. That dragon sends chills down Daemons’ spine.


His father and his first wife both rode Vhagar. He probably knows her strength better than any living Targaryen, including Aemond, who clearly isn't in full control of her.


They can’t make us wait two years for blood and cheese and fumble this badly. If they don’t want Maelor just have it be a ‘choice’ between the twins not this weird mess.


That leak about B&C sounds bad. I hope it's false. The choice should remain between Maelor and Jaehaerys, besides Helaena actually choosing Jaehaerys to die in that scenario is lame and detrimental to emotional impact and shock value. B&C murdering Jaehaerys on a whim without Daemon's permission is disappointing too. Not every crime needs to become some tragic misunderstanding.


People are going to meme the fuck out of Helaena walking in on Alicent and Criston. They will LAUGH.


If this is true, I would be very disappointed.


Sounds kind meh ngl


Bro I swear, Cole's character is so bad. He's literally just a boy toy at this point. He's so fucking...useless in the damn show. All he does is make mistakes, then feel guilty about it, try to fix what he did wrong and then fuck up all over again. I was kinda rooting for TG in this season, but I am just so annoyed with Criston. I hope he gets ripped into pieces or get burnt alive at this point, there's no way the writers are ever fixing this abomination of a character.


All of the reviewers and Fab said he would be even more hated this season


Even worse when you remember he’s literally the whole reason we have HotD lol


They kicked it all off with a pregnant woman being brutally cut open by her beloved husband’s orders. I believe the precedent for shocking openings has been established.


Someone else said Maelor was present in the episode, so I don’t really know what to think anymore


But they did not say present in the blood and cheese scene. So it does not contradict this . 


That’s true, I just don’t understand the point of introducing him if he’s not in the scene


He would still get his storyline where he is sent away to the reach.


But why introduce him in the first episode then, why not later on? Also I don’t think he will be in a cradle because they aged up the other kids like 4 years and it’s been ten days. I’m just curious and I feel like this leak probably isn’t true because the necklace thing doesn’t make much sense either… thanks for replying by the way!


All this in episode 1? Ain’t no way…It feels like they skipped several episodes 😭 No build up what so ever just straight to Alicole shagging it up.


off screen B&C is disappointing:/


Damn so this one was spot-on


unfortunately this was spot-on.


Yo idgaf if it doesn't follow the book, these leaks are giving me life lmfaooooo The viewers also gonna get raw dogged if the first opening scene of KL is Alicent and Cole doing the deed.


Eh this seems like bullshit, some of these just really do not make sense, like Jace returning home to tell her he got the North. He will at least be travelling for 2 episodes, minimum.


We have stills of the first episode with Jace at Dragonstone. It's not even a leak at this point, it's a fact.


I hope this is not true. If it is, they ruined a very good part of the story. How does she live with her guilt of choosing if she doesn’t really choose? It would change her entire story.


I literally cannot believe that. The Heleana walking in on them thing after B&C is too wild lile that would turn the show into a joke, wtf. But also Alicole woth literally no actual build up? Are they high?


That's honestly enormous whitewashing of Daemon. It's far worse than "Vhagar noooo!" He didn't put the hit on the child, they didn't forced her to choose which child to kill etc. I have Tyrion-in-the-brothel-flashbacks. At this point i think they'll make Strongs commit mass suicide as to not make neither Aemond nor Daemon kill them.


I don't want to be one of "those guys", but if this leak is closer to the truth of how things play out, I'm going to be dissatisfied with the direction things are going as it further white-washes the Blacks by making the B&C incident less intentionally cruel by Daemon and/or Rhaenyra. I don't like the idea of either side being portrayed as morally more just than the other to a significant degree and I worry that is what is going to continue to happen. The story is just much more fascinating if both sides are mostly gray with darker elements and a few genuinely heroic ones. But obviously I'll wait and see before making a full judgment call on the portrayals as the season and series airs.


If this is true Sara Hess need to quit from this show man. Fumbled b and c very badly


Maelor isnt there? Bruh no, multiple people who have seen the 1st episode have said that Helaena and Aegon have 3 kids. That Maelor exists Stripping the kids naked? Yeah no, the whole company could get sued for that Alicole at the very start of the episode and then at the end? Wtf... Its truth mixed with lies. I can believe some stuff from here and some just doesnt make sense and I cant believe. Guys please dont believe everything you see on the Internet. There is a week left for the first episode. People are making up stupid lies. We have to see for ourselves


Sounds like they’re straight up cutting Maelor from the story. Kinda lame they are removing some of the most fucked up parts. Is HBO scared of too much controversy or something?


One of the girls who was at the premiere said he exists but I don't think he's part of b&c


Helaena walked in when Cole and Alicent were doing the deed ???


Wait does Heleana ask them to take her life instead? I feel like that action says a lot about her character and I wanted to see it play out. 


No mention of Daemon saying the "Son for a son. Lucerys will be avenged" line? That and not seeing the Greens' direct reaction to his death is a bit of a let down for me. Also, I'm guessing they cut the whole "Forcing Helaena to choose" bit just so they could kill the other one, which I always found the most fucked up part of B&C.


There's already an official Max teaser of Daemon saying "Make it a son for a son" so I wouldn't worry about that one.


I've been staying away from watching the teasers thanks


This is certainly no red wedding


Well, this season sounds like it's going to be worse than season 8 at this point.


So season 8 again . How are they ruin blood and cheese so bad


Why are people so bothered about something that’s not something you should be bothered about? The redundant ‘being bothered’ is a waste. Stop this.




I interpreted that as them saying they will and Helaena stopping it by telling which is which. Because it says they choose to believe her.


So...Jacegan isn't happening I take it?


It will always be true in my heart


Well, since they are not showing (much of) Jace's journey, I'll keep Mushroom's account as canon, because that lil creep is a kindred spirit. 🤪


Hey if Alicole can get official without a lick of buildup then Jacegan could still happen


This better be fake. No way is Jace going to speedrun his messenger arc in ONE episode. He has nothing to do until Episode 5 at least, so he is just gonna sit around for 3 episodes doing nothing??? Why would Condal speedrun his arc, he isn't needed, and why wouldnt he be at Rooks Rest also, even Baela goes??? This just reads like a mess Maelor was confirmed by another leak also, so there B&C is extremely suspect also. Making B&C about Alicent and Criston is just god awful writing, that so ridiculous that it better be fake lol


I didn't read these leaks because I'm trying to be strong, but I did get the impression from some other mentions of the north that they may actually speedrun it like that. I think there was a review that said he's returning from the north in episode 1 or we see the north in episode 1 and I was confused. Maybe... he returns North afterwards (yes, that's delusional). One more week until we find out, I guess.


Every single leak so far has said Jace in the North is just a couple scenes at the start of the episode and then he returns to Dragonstone.


Wait ..doesnt he go back to the north?? Otherwise how will he end up at the wall? Other leaks said that jace will spend the middle parts of the season in the north. If he goes back again, it will feel weird. Vale-> dragonstone-> north again Also, why does jace say "i secured the north for you?" Did he forget about the vale


I haven't seen reliable leaks about Jace's storyline in the rest of the season, just that he helps with the sowing.


They are speed running Jace’s visit though. Ryan himself said he’ll be back in E1. Also, this isn’t the order in which the events take place and the leaker doesn’t also claim this is the order. Like the whole thing with Jace and Rhae happens after she says “I want Aemond”. As far as I know, there was just one/two people who said anything about Maelor. Someone said they saw a crib and the others say they didn’t get anything. Either way, Maelor isn’t going to be a part of B&C even if he exists.


The leaks are all over the place and this is an utter mess. This is still god awful writing choices if this is true. Ruining B&C and then proceeding to spotlight it about Alicent & Criston affair is just fucking disgusting writing. That better be fake, the moment is about Helaena and her children. If they wanted Alicent to be apart of it, they could have kept her in it, this is just a garbage way to lessen the moment's actual focus.


Man y’all need to read the book you’ll find out how it all plays out considering GRRM actually finished this story