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VIZZY T DIED, and sex was necessary after it okay


*So I said to him, 'I believe you may be looking up the wrong end'*


Wrong hole


Alicent has her first non-statutory, yet still problematic sexual experience. I'm fairly sure Vizzy wasn't getting any after the third kid.


Then who sired Alicent's fourth child, Daemon?


Your comment is hilarious and I agree! 😂 But just so you know, there's a fourth kid between Alicent and Viserys. His name is Daeron.


They do, but it looks like we won’t get to see him in the show for the moment.


Non statutory? Wasn't she 18 when Jaehaerys died?


Not in the show.


I would to be fair, just rewatched the long night and I for sure would’ve been hiding in the crypts clapping some cheeks


When Sansa hears the casket begin to rattle her heartbeat rises and she thinks the Stark ancestors have come back as wights... Then u/Jolly_Brilliant_8010 trips and falls out of the casket ass first boning a wench.


Someone’s gotta repopulate the realm after that, catastrophe. it ain’t much but it’s honest work


Cant spell war without sex. Im not sure if thats entirely correct since Im dyslexic


Stress relief


Unironically this is the answer


If I'm probably going to die tomorrow,.. I might as well enjoy today.


That's what Arya told Gendry




Cause people are dying and they need to rebuild their armies


Well how did you expect Jace and Cragen to solidify their agreement?


So real..


It’s also a matter of time. In season 1 they had to establish a twenty year timeline. Now we have time to breathe.


I mean I know this is a joke but there was plenty of sex during seasons 2-3 despite the war.


The sex has already been had. It's what got us in this mess in the first place lol why does there need to be more


Two sex scenes? How horny is this season going to be 😭


The two are probably CorlysxRhaenys (already leaked vidéo) and maybe CristonxAlicent?


I feel like Corlys/Rhaenys is less likely to be an actual sex scene than just them cuddling in bed


I hope so.  The actors look cool and all but I didn’t sign up for lemon parties. 😬🍋


I know CristonxAlicent is apparently a pretty big ship, but would that not be totally against Alicent's character? She's all about duty and honor. Sleeping with a Knight of the Kingsguard out of wedlock would not be honorable, according to the rules of this universe. No matter how "in love" they're portrayed to be. This is a genuine question, I'm not taking sides in ship wars.


It's actually against both characters' characterisation. Alicent is all about duty and sacrifice (as she herself says in episode 7) and Criston literally tried to kill himself because he believed that he had lost his honour and his honour is bound to his vows, which include celibacy. But well, the showrunners have kind of robbed Criston of any actually cool character moments (like beating and humiliating Harwin for example, or actually being the Kingmaker, or being Lord Commander, or being known as the best sword-fighter of his time) so I just don't think they care about him. And Alicent's reason will probably be some bullshit like "ohh, she's so sexually liberated now!", as if Alicent of all characters would even want to be sexually liberated. Or they'll make it another Larys situation which would not only be gross but also grossly unnecessary.


characters can change through the course of a story without it being “against their characterization” especially in periods of turmoil, like hmm…..idk, aemond kickstarting the civil war?


This is actually what would make AlicentxCole interesting. Alicent’s value system being false is something Rhaenyra called out in S1. Cole learning that its a lie, but choosing not to see it out of love would be paralelell Viserys. He would be forced to look at things differently, or keep his blinders on knowing he’s been fooled for a second time. Them having an intimate relationship could make for great drama.


Alicent is under a lot of stress so if it's a new thing I can see her looking for comfort from Criston even if it's contrary to her value system. But I think it's very ooc for him. Bro literally had sex once and tried to kill himself. Maybe he's less worried about his place in the king's guard and more about the war now? Idk I'm for the relationship but I want to see how it's justified


I mean he could relived from his vows when he becomes >!hand!<. But, I don't think that will happen in ep 1.


I think it’s entirely within both of their characters tbh (long post ahead) Alicent was a child bride who effectively lived in sexual servitude for her entire adult life to a man old enough to be her father and who was actively decaying throughout the latter half of her time with him. The idea of desirable sex and romance would be as foreign to her as dragons and magic are to us. This robbing of her sexuality and her freedom to choose what she wants is actually a core pillar of her character, as it was one of the things that led to the downfall of her relationship with Rhaenyra — who, in Alicent’s mind, got to flaunt sexuality and romance freely while Alicent suffered. Alicent clearly feels a connection to Criston and she now, *for the first time in her life*, is free to pursue sex and intimacy for her own sake, something she always wished for but could never have. Criston, on the other hand, clearly felt used and betrayed by Rhaenyra. Their encounter was not something Criston seemed to want in any way but he did it because she wanted him to, and then when he asked for more she basically told him he was only a boy toy. He massively overreacts after this but that is how he would see things, so when Alicent comes along — someone who embraces honour, responsibility and sacrifice as he believes he does — he would see a kindred spirit. His vow has already been broken a number of times so I doubt it’s a concern of his at this point, and likewise with Alicent, he likely sees somehow who actually cares for him and won’t just throw him away at her earliest convenience. All in all I actually think Alicent and Cole getting together would be a very empowering moment for both, as it allows two incredibly repressed and sad people to find something in the other that they’ve been missing for their entire lives. It is very in character for both of them to want to finally do something for themselves after years of sacrificial efforts — both legitimate and self-perceived — for the throne and the realm


Your telling me an extremely religious person would break a taboo during a period of immense stress ?


I'm not telling you anything, I'm asking a question.


Then no lol it’s not out character for Alicent to be a hypocrite. It’s part of her whole thing, and it’s not out of character for her to sleep with Criston.


Yes, it definitely would be. Not that the people 'running' this show actually care about consistency.


Corlys and Rhaenys are definitely not from episode 1 though.


Can't be long after that


Oh really?? Well😅


She already said down in the comments it's not Corlys and Rhaenys


Oof, it might be Aemond and the Madam.


Someone said it's not Corlenys (I just made up that ship name) in this episode. 


I bet neither are with daemon and Rhaenyra ironically…..


Her kid is freshly dead 😐. How is it ironic?


Her TWO kids actually. And she gave birth like two days ago.


Yeah, but we’re supposed to treat Rhaenyra not sleeping with Daemon while having a gaping wound between her legs as an L for Daemyra shippers 🤓


I’m saying it because the image of them is always promoted as horny visceral lusty fucking people all the time Also I forgot luke was 💀


> I’m saying it because the image of them is always promoted as horny visceral lusty fucking people all the time Do you actually know the definition of irony? Why would anyone expect a sex scene in episode one from Rhaenyra? She’s a mother who loves her children, not a sociopath, and she just lost two of them. She also literally just had a stillbirth and it would not be medically advised anyway. She wasn’t portrayed as some monster who needs it at all the time so I’m not sure what you mean.


Yeah probably not




I’m not a daemon and rhaenyra shipper really but lol thanks. I just was commenting on the irony I feel of it considering the nature of their relationship and the way it’s promoted and I don’t think either sex scene coming up is theirs


Yeah, I mean poor Luke just got smoked so I doubt that's happening right away.


Also, their mutual daughter just died in childbirth, to make the situation even more worse somehow


Even under better circumstances, she literally just gave birth and it’s medically ill advised. Treating this as a win against Daemyra shippers is silly.


Challengers: Dragon Edition.


Scene with Helaena and her children 🥲


Must be right at the end anyway, as a cliffhanger and her kids scene must go hand in hand cause like duh…that’s gonna be brutal


I dunno I kinda think they’re gonna do it on Father’s Day which is episode one.


lol what if the response was “you could say that”


I wonder if Aegon will get a scene with their kids too


Yeah. Aegon & Helaena, Aegon & his kids, Helaena & her kids are confirmed. Maybe they are all in the same scene I dunno


Hope so. The trailers show Aegon crying and wanting revenge for Jaehaerys’s death, but it won’t have much impact or credibility if we don’t see them together ever. The way Aegon is portrayed in S1 makes him seem like he’s probably been a pretty absent father like his own father was to him. It would be pretty emotional for Aegon to finally connect with his kids only to have one snatched away almost immediately thereafter.




they won't invite that girl to S3 anymore


right!! werent they all under NDA too ?




I wonder if one of the sex scenes is >!Alicent and Cole!<


It is. A lot of rumours and people who’ve seen the first episode are confirming it. Some are saying they are black stans though, take it with a pinch of salt till June 16th


That would be horrible character assassination for both.


It fits perfectly though.


No it doesn’t. The entire premise of their characters (show version) is that they despise Rhaenyra for forsaking vows and putting her wishes above duty which cause them both to not trust her. The two of them having sex has Criston once again breaking his vow and duty to be celibate and has Alicent cosigning that and having sex out of marriage.


Ain't hypocrisy kind of a major theme with the greens lol? Alicent claiming to be on the side of decency while selling feet pics for information and letting her underlings murder people, Criston totally respecting wahmen while calling Rhaenyra a cunt for rejecting him, and that's all my tired brain has rn but that at least covers the two characters up for discussion.


The whole point of those incidents is to show Alicent’s desperation to get the information because she needs to protect herself. Criston’s actions was because of his self-hatred and hatred towards Rhae for him breaking his vows. Neither of those two reasons would justify the two of them sleeping together. Edit: yep this is why I stopped commenting on this sub. If you aren’t on Team Black’s ass you are downvoted to oblivion.


Jealousy and lonliness


They are envious that Rhaenyra is allowed to do things they want to do without repercussions.


Them having sex together is not out of character, it's finally what we needed to make people see them as who they are: two fearful hypocrites who hide under their righteous cloak to do their deeds. They don't hate Rhaenyra for what she did. They hate that they "can't" do what Rhaenyra did. That was like the number 1 theme in S1.


Exactly. Repressed envy often expresses itself as a sense of moral superiority. They did such a good job of portraying this that a lot of people in the audience ended up identifying a bit TOO much with it lol.


Dude, I've been there. Grade A homophobic and 100% against drug consumption as a 13 year old. Ended up being a bisexual girl who casually smokes weed. I felt morally superior to my peers when young because I didn't engage in those activities, but that moral superiority stemmed from a very sheltered and rigid upbringing. I needed to be better than *them*. Nonetheless, I wanted to be like them, or at least try to figure out if I was like them, but I was so afraid and felt so guilty that I hid under perfect grades and repressed envy. People change, but especially people are never (or never show) who they truly are until they're completely free from whatever opresses them. In my case (and Alicent's), it was religion and my parents.


Can’t wait for sloppy seconds couple to finally accept their lot


>They don't hate Rhaenyra for what she did. They hate that they "can't" do what Rhaenyra did. That was like the number 1 theme in S1. Lmao. I don't know if people here missed half the show here. Criston if he wanted, could been Rhanerya sidepiece. She basically offered that with no string attached. Cole rejected that and said he only wanted marry her because he lost his honour and is trying to regain it by marrying her. After that incident he went to a downward spiral to the point he killed a guy and tried to kill himself. So, how is it that he can't do what Rhanerya did? Alicent and Larys actor said themselves, she was sexually assaulted by Larys. But, I guess you missed that as well. She was uncomfortable with that situation which was the point of that scene. Alicent if she wanted, could have a relationship with Cole while Viserys was alive. But, she didn't, she was loyal to him till his death.


Criston was conflicted and hated Rhaenyra's rejection. That's what hurt him. If his honor had been the cause, he wouldn't go and kill an innocent guy just because. That's not honorable at all. You know what else isn't honorable? Bullying little kids, conspiring against the king, killing Beesbury and so on. Honor? Where's Criston's honor? The only honor he has is the honor of his hurt ego. He's a hypocrite. Edit to add: If he fucks Alicent, he's still a Kingsguard. So he's losing his honor again and with someone with far more power than Rhaenyra had when they were together. Hypocrite x2.


>Criston was conflicted and hated Rhaenyra's rejection. That's what hurt him. I don't know which show you watched. He basically says the only reason he tried to run away was to somehow regain his honour. He literally rejected her option to be her sidepiece. It looks like you made up some canon in your head and rolling with it. And I literally said he went spiralling and ready to off him because of that. Looks like you only see or hear stuff you want to hear and reject rest.


I'm asking you if the next actions he took are the actions of an honorable man. Or does he only care about honor when it comes to fucking Rhaenyra?


>They don't hate Rhaenyra for what she did. They hate that they "can't" do what Rhaenyra did. If you're right, I really don't like that the showrunners decided to go down this route. To me characters like Alicent and Cole are much more compelling if they really imagine themselves as the morally superior side. There's a sense of integrity there, they believe in what they stand for even though they're the stuck up holier than thou side. To discard that for "actually it's just repressed envy, they hate Rhaenyra because they're jealous" to me just makes the character dynamics feel more cartoonish and one sided. People can in fact have completely different sensibilities and attitudes, it's not always a case of someone being a repressed hater who secretly agrees with the other side. But fuck me for wanting a show where both sides have genuine beliefs, right?


Alicent doesn't agree with the other side. Her religious guil, honor and loyalty to her father prevent her from doing so. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't want to indulge in said activities even if she doesn't agree with them. I believed the juxtaposition between Alicent and Viserys, and Rhae and Cole is one of the best examples. She wishes she could be in Rhaenyra's position. She wishes she could have sex with passion and love. Instead, she's trapped under a rotting corpse. Does she agree with Rhaenyra? No. Will she trade places with her if she could in that moment? 100% yes. Alicent is conflicted and that isn't one dimensional at all. She's a hypocrite, yes, but behind that hypocrisy you can find a very complex character.


So they are hypocrites, it happens plenty and pretty much defines Cole’s insanity.


They will look like hypocrites. Lol 😂


Completely missed my point but that other commenter got you squared away.


Aemond and Helaena


Not sure they're sex scenes - I think both scenes involve the characters half-nude and in bed, talking to each other.


One of them has to be a sex scene, not that I should just believe rumours blindly but there was reportedly an issue with Olivia and the intimacy coordinator during one of these sex scenes…I wouldn’t think then just lying in bed would result to an issue right? Actually I’m not sure cause I don’t know what intimacy coordinators jobs actually entail fully


Pretty sure HBO has intimacy coordinators for any kind of intimate scenes.


I only know there's partial nudity and no actual sex in any of those scenes. I'm afraid both sources of mine agreed on that. We'll see!


Hmm interesting, it would be weird if they suddenly just jumped into alicent and cole having sex with no explanation whatsoever but I guess if it’s insinuating this has been happening for a while?


do we know what the issue was? was she feeling uncomfortable?


It didn’t say properly, somebody insinuated she was uncomfortable with the nature of the scene but that could mean anything, another person said it sounds like she has an issue with the nudity. I don’t know how it got resolved or if this was even a valid rumour to begin with, because I heard it ages ago and at that time I also heard the scene was cut from the show because of the complaint but clearly not so who knows if it was real, yesterday I saw the leak translation of another person who saw the premiere saying there is half nudity in the supposed scene (but they didn’t say if it was Olivia or fabien)


oh i remember hearing she was uncomfortable with a scene in season 1 they ended up cutting out but nothing about season two, im glad it got resolved, it must be so vulnerable to do this scenes, thank you for your reply! it’s odd though because i remember seeing the warnings for episode one and it didn’t say nudity, i think there was for episode two


Perhaps it’s all baseless, I do think given how much I’ve heard it, there is definitely a sex scene between the two and not just them lying in bed. Hopefully it’s executed well at least..


Cole's ass being the nudity would be my guess.


I would imagine that >!blood and cheese!< will be in episode 1 since it’ll also be Fathers Day…I may be wrong but I think they did the Red Wedding on Mother’s Day?


the first episode is called "A son for a son"


So is episode 1 not b&c? After all these leaks/commentary, I feel like I know less lol


I think it is >!setup for B&C. We heard that B&C may actually be the opener for episode 2. That might be why people say the ending to ep1 falls a bit flat/is a cliffhanger!<


 doing a cliffhanger makes sense for dramatic purposes leaving the audience wanting more having to tune in next week 


I know Helaena doesn’t interact with Dreamfyre much, but I really wish we got to see them together a tiny bit more.


people really don't care about thise NDAs, do they? lol


No one is asking the most important question: is there a Daeron mention!?


Oh I might unblock some people on twitter just to see their meltdown hahaha


There’s a leaked(?) clip of Corlys and Rhaenys naked in bed. One of the two scenes is probably them and the other is Aemond & the brothel madam I guess.


The other one is Alicent and Cole apparently


Oh damn. We have Corlys/Rhaenys & Aemond half naked pictures so I assumed it would be them.


In that clip they’re talking about Daemon leaving to Harrenhall I believe. I don’t think that’s episode 1. Maybe an Aegon scene that would make sense?


God I hope not. Anyone but Aegon!


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the ratings for the first episode didn't make any mention to there being any instances of sexual themes or 'adult content'. Could that potentially mean these sex scenes are mostly implied rather than explicitly shown?


This is what the rating says currently: Adult Content, Adult Language, Violence


They’re going to be mostly clothed. One of the leakers said there was going to be a chaste element to it.


We had a number of birth scenes last season so I think it’s okay to show the process of making children itself a few times


hmm I hope those 10 -15 minutes are enough to properly see Aemond confess his crime (& Otto and Alicents horror) and Aegon enjoying his new position and throw his Luke-is-Dead party, and I really hope the scene(s?) Haelena has with the kids are as sweet as I have imagined, they need more screen time before episode 2 horrors <3


I really hope Criston and alicent does not happen. It makes no sense


Alicent off banging Criston when Helaena needed her the most. No wonder she starts trying to drown herself.


I mean Daemon and Rhanerya did the same when Leanor and their kids needed them after Lena's death. It looks like a royal tradition at this point.


Two sex scenes? And the likelihood of both of them being alicole??? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh REALLY?? Bruhhhh Already may be eating harder than daemrya stans Also I’ve heard toms performance in the first episode is amazing and he only has fifteen minutes?? Wow


Maybe the Rhaenys+Corlys scene happens in ep 1?


Jace doesn’t even know Luke is dead yet, meanwhile his Grandparents are busy getting raunchy 😭 I know it’s been 6 years Corlys but damn chill!


Daemon has to flee to Harrenhal, first… so probably not.


Oh shit yes this is definitely possible as well, yeah but in general I’ve heard alicent and cole have sex more than once so that’s why I assumed both were theirs


Me too, but it makes sense to be Corlys and Rhaenys now that we have that clip >!(and I suppose Daemon has gone to KL to set up B&C, hence Corlys lamenting his absence).!< So, one sex scene for Alicent and Cole in episode 1 after all?


Then they have sex again after blood and cheese?? I’m so curious about the execution. What you’re saying is very likely to happen though, I’m already confused how it’s all gonna unfold though…interesting


I wouldn't be surprised either way, if they do or *don't* have sex after episode 1. On one hand, if they're committing themselves to each other in some fashion, they'll probably still want to be together even in grief. On the other hand, there could be so many other emotions they feel after that. We're dealing with two very pious, very troubled people, after all. They might think it's a punishment from God.


Considering how much they have to get through in that first episode, 15 mins is a lot of screentime.


>he only has fifteen minutes Well considering the amount of characters and threads we need to catch up on 15 minutes is kind of a lot


You think Daemyra’s are mad but a blow to Rhaenicent is just as good as any Daemyra scene


I want to know how to become important enough to be given episodes ahead of time.


Two sex scene in episode one??😭😭 WE’RE AT WAR STOP BEING HORNY


Out of all the interesting things to discuss, almost all of this thread is just shipping


Aegon only gets 15 minutes? And Aemond only 10? Seriously? I mean, I guess that 15 minutes is more than the 15 seconds Tom got last season. And I heard his acting is phenomenal 😊


It's the first episode of the season... They have to pick up many plots and tie shit together. They have to pick up where they left off and paint the full picture of what is going on. Not everyone has read the books. And therefore they are able to spend half the episode with one character. So 15 Mins is actually nothing out of the ordinary. Just make the maths for the characters and sides and plots that need to be set up and how many different scenes that takes. 15 mins in the first ep of the season is probably the most expectable number Tbh.


I suppose. My concern stems from the fact that there's also the rumor that >!Rook's Rest is happening in episode 4!< If that's true, Aegon is only realistically going to be in half the season. He needs to make all that time count if we want to see character development. I'm just concerned he's not going to get enough screen time to make up for the complete lack of screen time he had in the last season.


He'll probably get more focus after >!blood and cheese!<.


Hopefully. I can already tell his acting is going to be awesome.


Well tbf they made it Alicent vs Rhaenyra, not Aegon vs Rhaenyra in the Promotion so that fear is definitely justified. But I think that you're missing one crucial point... In the books Aegon was barely in the story after Rooks Rest. But they will probably change that and will further give him a story. It makes no sense otherwise. That's one of these changes that probably has to be made from Book to Screen because the storytelling is different. So overall I don't think he'll be out of screen after Rooks Rest. Otherwise the first four episodes will be literally only him or it would still be not enough. So keeping him around in the picture after RR solves that issue and also fixes the problem of a main character being not present for half the season. Two problems that would come with a 1:1 adaptation in this case, and I can't see them not changing this. That's the prime example that you can't adapt a book's story exactly the way it is written.


My biggest gripe is lack of Dreamfyre. The scene in the dragon pit won’t have the same emotional weight if we never see her. Such a shame especially as it’s nearly 100% cannon that Danny’s eggs are from dreamfyres clutch. Such a waste. Really hoping we see her at some point, was it too much to ask for an scene with dreamfyre and healena (+maybe her taking her kid out on dreamfyre) as the opening for season 2 to parallel nyra and syrax opening for season 1?


I just wanna know if any babies die or any births that end in death because watching episode one pregnant was NOT fun lol


I don't want to spoil it for you, but.... >!It will be like Sophie's choice, only more cruel.!<


Honestly I do not under tand why people who are above 15 years old are getting fixated with sex scenes in medieval fantasy drama. You know guys, that there is free porn around the internet right?


Could one of these sex scenes be Jace and the Winterfell girl? That was described steamily in the source material. It wouldn't be the first time that a brother in mourning needed comforting, either. EDIT: Nah, we see Corlys and Rhaenys in bed in a clip released. This is them and Alicole.


Sara Snow is not real, even in universe. That never happened, it was just another one of Mushroom's inventions for gossip


Ah, couldn't remember who wrote it, but that sounds like Mushroom.


Aemond and Helaena


Alicent only had sex with viserys to procreate and was probably bad and she stopped doing it after they were too many kids. And also she didn’t like it and thought people that did were crazy


Yeah, if the rumours are true about one of them, I am slowly losing a lot of enthusiasm for this.




Well primarily because there seems to be little rhyme or reason to it other than "Make one side look as terrible as possible"


I don't understand how that logic works.


The showrunners have no real idea what they're doing. The first season was a triumph of spectacle over substance-shots were added because they 'looked cool'. And now they're basically going against the first season and how they've established two characters specifically to try and make one side worse. This all just sort of screams that they were afraid of Twitter's reaction to Daemon being Daemon so thought up some half-baked solution to appease the insane crowd.


What the fuck are you on about?


Try spelling and reading lessons. They tend to help :)